Yeah i think you are on to something with a PM Lucario style cancel ability. I would probably make sure you can never chain it back. Like always cancelling into things with longer recovery. Otherwise you could just always end at a jab or tilt or something quick. Im interested in other cancel ideas too as long as there is counterplay.
After you get your hands on the December playtester build, perhaps we can start discussing some of the other designs and you can give me some input. One thing I've tried to do is tie everyone's kit together nicely. Orcane is the best example of that so far. All his special attacks revolve around the puddle (either placing it or consuming it). Then his strong attacks (smash attacks) can consume a puddle. There ends up being an important decision each time you place or consume a puddle and it gives him a unique feel as a character.
Glad to know you are still enjoying it! Wrastor nerfs are incoming but he is still quite strong. I want to get some more player feedback before hitting his combo tools. (His current may indeed by the culprit as you cannot DI away if he uses it wisely).
I think I respawn the player too fast. Just increased it slightly. Thanks. I would probably have missed that. It is indeed a "game feel" thing so I think your friend is right.
Hopefully your friends enjoy the next build even more. Feel free to drop it and let me know which characters are performing well and how the matchups are looking in your eyes!
Thanks for the tips. Only really useful for playtesters since players waiting for a build won't be able to try them out. But soon they will too! Also Zetterburn's recovery is getting a boost but not because of ledges. I enabled a wall jump and you can do it during the special fall state. Just get back to the wall if you are looking to recover. That will be in the december build.
Your Orcane tips are good too. Playing with a puddle is the safest bet but sometimes you just gotta go crazy aggro and use it and just go for it.
Also its funny to see Wrastor at the bottom of your list. Most people with the September build would put him at the top
Wrastor is still unannounced, however playtesters did get a secret glimpse at him already. He is the Air Based Character which you might be able to tell by the amount of aerials in Diamond's tips. Everyone will get to see him in action very soon though! The second trailer is coming together and we are also working on a Developer Update for later this week!
Thanks guys and keep it coming!
Also still aiming for the week of
Dec 8th for the trailer and the playtester build. (trailer on Monday, Build on Tues/Wed) I will let you know if that date changes but I keep referring to a "future build" and I want you playtesters and those who recently applied to be in the know!