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Rivals of Aether - Official Thread


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2008
Bellevue, WA
Yo, anyone know why I'd get an error for just simply trying to select a character on my new laptop with Win 8.1?

Specifically this:

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shColorReplaceBlendExt

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_cs_drawplayerbg_scr
stack frame is
gml_Script_cs_drawplayerbg_scr (line 0)
Merry Christmas everyone!

On my phone but I finally set up the game on a windows 8 computer. I got that error and Xbox 360 controllers would not work no matter what.

I managed to fix the issue by getting old direct x dlls installed by using this link:

Fixed all me issues. Hopefully it works for you. I'll reply to everyone else tomorrow or so. Xmas with the family!



Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2014
Puerto Rico
Got the game playin on the new laptop. Now that it plays much smoother and faster J have to say Wrastor is my favorite. His jet stream is amazing. I luff you Wrastor <3
Edit 1: I thought about Side Special for Nhab all day. How about a Flare Blitz-like Side Special for Nhab?
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 17, 2014
Terrytown, Louisiana
Here's my last bit of feedback for a while. Until I get more people to play the game, that is.

Fire Capitol
The camera is weird since it stays so static unless a character is offstage. There should be a little more emphasis on leaning towards the more populated side not just to improve the feel, but to also make focusing on the offstage game easier when it comes. It just doesn't move fast enough to keep up to the action off the edge of the stage. I mean, I was offscreen standing on Kragg's pillar when when he respawned.

Zetterburn's sweetspots
I understand they are supposed to be strong, but are extremely early kills supposed to be part of his design? I find myself getting kills around 40-60% with him. Also, are they random or do they need proper spacing? I can't seem to tell.

Can there be an alternate mode to where hitboxes are only shown? It would make them easier for players to discern especially if there are any overlapping boxes.

Protip: Jumping can extend Orcane's puddle shot distance by up to 22 pixels!
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2014
Puerto Rico
Here's my last bit of feedback for a while. Until I get more people to play the game, that is.

Fire Capitol
The camera is weird since it stays so static unless a character is offstage. There should be a little more emphasis on leaning towards the more populated side not just to improve the feel, but to also make focusing on the offstage game easier when it comes. It just doesn't move fast enough to keep up to the action off the edge of the stage. I mean, I was offscreen standing on Kragg's pillar when when he respawned.

Zetterburn's sweetspots
I understand they are supposed to be strong, but are extremely early kills supposed to be part of his design? I find myself getting kills around 40-60% with him. Also, are they random or do they need proper spacing? I can't seem to tell.

Can there be an alternate mode to where hitboxes are only shown? It would make them easier for players to discern especially if there are any overlapping boxes.

Protip: Jumping can extend Orcane's puddle shot distance by up to 22 pixels!
Totally agree on the camera. It is really wonky in the Capitol. It should be panned out mode, kinda like Wario Ware but not like that because it looks real zoomed out in Wario Ware. It's really stage when it moves back and forth when Rivals are transitioning


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Merry Christmas everyone!

On my phone but I finally set up the game on a windows 8 computer. I got that error and Xbox 360 controllers would not work no matter what.

I managed to fix the issue by getting old direct x dlls installed by using this link:

Fixed all me issues. Hopefully it works for you. I'll reply to everyone else tomorrow or so. Xmas with the family!

You know what's hilarious, I ended up fixing this myself by accident.

In order to get PS3 controllers working as Xinput controllers I had to install that version of DirectX lol. But everything is working fine now. Testing with OBS, I'm also able to record footage at maximum quality without any noticeable input delay now.

I did however encounter a 7% - Death a cpu Zetta did to me with 1 UpTilt and 2 sweepspotted UpAirs o_0. Damn thing is learning, I was even DIing away.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 17, 2014
Terrytown, Louisiana
Totally agree on the camera. It is really wonky in the Capitol. It should be panned out mode, kinda like Wario Ware but not like that because it looks real zoomed out in Wario Ware. It's really stage when it moves back and forth when Rivals are transitioning
It might be a good idea to keep it somewhat still, but there should be some movement to at least keep the focus on the fighters when they're fighting close to one side.


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2012
Phoenix, AZ

I found some really cool tech while playing with Burnsy. If you have Strong Charge turned off Wraster can SH and smash and land laglessly. It seems doing a smash gives him a bit of a vertical boost that lets him end the moves animation before touching the ground.
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Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Here's another cool tech/engine quirk I found while me and Zman played.

As several of you are already aware, crouching will instantly cancel your run. This tech goes a bit further by using a "near half circle" input (think like a moonwalk input. A regular half circle works too, its just a bit extra) to cancel a full run into a crouch and then instantly dash in the other direction.

This was never possible in Melee and later smash games -- attempting to dash in the other direction while in a full run would result in a laggy turnaround animation that experienced players opted to avoid in some way; usually by wavedashing first or by converting it into a RAR in Brawl/PM.

The slow turnaround exists if you change directions during a run in Rivals as well, as you can see between 0:09 and 0:11 in the video. However, by using the "quick crouch" input before changing directions, this animation never happens. This option can artificially increase the length of everyone's dashdance, since you are no longer forced to change directions before your dash ends and your run begins.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Sorry for being late on this but
i hope you all have a great Christmas


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2014
Ok, finally got around to play this game. First things first, this game is AMAZINGLY GREAT. Exactly as fun as it was hyped to be, and I'm loving it. MY ONE issue is that I cant hit my up arrow to jump, which I normally do in Smash Flash 2, which has lead to many deaths on my part. Still love this game, and cant wait till the next patch (Also, REALLY hoping you make an electric character that wields swords)


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Ok, finally got around to play this game. First things first, this game is AMAZINGLY GREAT. Exactly as fun as it was hyped to be, and I'm loving it. MY ONE issue is that I cant hit my up arrow to jump, which I normally do in Smash Flash 2, which has lead to many deaths on my part. Still love this game, and cant wait till the next patch (Also, REALLY hoping you make an electric character that wields swords)
Actually, you can change that in your options in the character select screen. Near where it shows the chracter you picked there should be an "options" button that your cursor can click, and inside there should be an option called "tap jump" that is defaulted to "off". If you turn that on, you should be able to tap up to jump fine.


Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2014
merry xmas! im sorry if i havent been responding lately but i really havent found any glitches or bug besides the ones metioned. but i have found something interesting with orcane. the thing is i dont know if this should be a tech or its a bug but if you throw a puddle with one already out right before it evaporates you can use his down b to use that puddle before its gone.


Fire Lion
Dec 23, 2012
Fire Capitol
merry xmas! im sorry if i havent been responding lately but i really havent found any glitches or bug besides the ones metioned. but i have found something interesting with orcane. the thing is i dont know if this should be a tech or its a bug but if you throw a puddle with one already out right before it evaporates you can use his down b to use that puddle before its gone.
That's not a glitch at all. And it's heavily spammable if you're on a stage with a lot of moving room like Air Armada. It's something he has that can catch people off-guard but the distance you have to be away to do it in a match makes it almost useless IMO for anything other than getting an opponent off of you.


Have 3 diff posts to put in one lol.

This one is for @ akf09 akf09

Just my opinion, but every time I think of ice as an element I don't think of a penguin. I think more of a polar bear. Like the pokemon beartic: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/328/2/0/beartic_by_super_tuler-d4h7n1i.png

(But less fat and more graceful and less fluff between the legs)


New thoughts on RoA

New tier list IMO:

1. Wrastor (+3)
2. Orcane (-1)
3. Kragg (-1)
4. Zetterburn (-1)

The ( +/- ) indicate where the move's were on my tier list.

Reasons why Wrastor is at the top summarized:

1. At the KY Smash Championship regional tournament, the man who placed first in melee, taking home $435 in his pocket, tested this game. He played Wrastor. Hanky Panky was his name. He's easily a top 5 Melee Peach player in the world. Within 20 minutes of playing RoA I could hardly touch him and his combo's lasted forever, but were amazingly spaced and difficult to get out of. In 4 stock matches, he 1-0'd my Orcane, and 2-0'd my Kragg and Zetterburn.

2. Wrastors hitboxes and range make him a fantastic character, and his speed coupled with his reasonable recovery make up for his light weight. I personally think that nothing needs to be done to alter this character at all. Perhaps make his knockback a bit bigger so that players can DI out of attacks a little easier, but otherwise I feel like he needs no major change.

3. A big key to playing Wrastor effectively as figured out by me and him at the tournament was to disable Strong Hold. This would not mess up his momentum from stopping in place to do a smash attack and would allow combo finisher's to flow a lot more nicely. He moved up to the top of my list because of it and I love playing him now after HP showcased him off to people at the tournament.

4. One Idea I had for Wrastor: Add a bit of delay to his side B and make it so that immediately after you press side B, you can angle the control stick sideways or upwards and have the tornado top go directly vertical instead of horizontal. This way he could have more options for combo'ing characters instead of the same few moves over and over again.

5. up B and Nair need segmented hitboxes or decreasing knockback the longer they last. That needs to be added in soon, and I'm sure Dan already knows that people want this.

Zetterburn at the bottom:

1. His recovery is the biggest flaw about him. Recovering low and walljumping to do another up B is how I mix up a player on how I recover, but that quickly becomes predictable. His combo game is solid (a bit worse than Wrastor IMO), but his recovery game is god awful.

2. Kragg rock and Orcane Puddle make it ridiculously effortless to gimp Zetterburn. All it takes is pressing B and throwing a Rock at the right timing, or spamming puddles with proper timing and Zetterburn can't do anything about it. It looks absolutely pathetic when another player catches on to the ability to do that. Wrastor can just go out and F-smash Zetterburn's recovery, which makes it sad. I honestly think that Zetterburn needs some invincibility frames added. Either that or puddle will need to be made to not have any effect on Zetterburn up B. Kragg rock should be made to break upon impact or should be given less knockback or something, but it's absolutely ridiculous to me.

Character tier list in terms of ease of picking up and playing immediately:

1. Zetterburn (PM wolf style makes it pretty simple to pick up and start to learn cool combo's)
2. Wrastor (Aerials, dtilt, ftilt, etc link together easily and knockback is low enough to make combo's easy)
3. Kragg (Learning to use specials effectively takes a bit longer than the above two)
4. Orcane (Coolest character design, puddle mechanic is amazing but takes a while to learn options)
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2014
Puerto Rico
That's not a glitch at all. And it's heavily spammable if you're on a stage with a lot of moving room like Air Armada. It's something he has that can catch people off-guard but the distance you have to be away to do it in a match makes it almost useless IMO for anything other than getting an opponent off of you.


Have 3 diff posts to put in one lol.

This one is for @ akf09 akf09

Just my opinion, but every time I think of ice as an element I don't think of a penguin. I think more of a polar bear. Like the pokemon beartic: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/328/2/0/beartic_by_super_tuler-d4h7n1i.png

(But less fat and more graceful and less fluff between the legs)


New thoughts on RoA

New tier list IMO:

1. Wrastor (+3)
2. Orcane (-1)
3. Kragg (-1)
4. Zetterburn (-1)

The ( +/- ) indicate where the move's were on my tier list.

Reasons why Wrastor is at the top summarized:

1. At the KY Smash Championship regional tournament, the man who placed first in melee, taking home $435 in his pocket, tested this game. He played Wrastor. Hanky Panky was his name. He's easily a top 5 Melee Peach player in the world. Within 20 minutes of playing RoA I could hardly touch him and his combo's lasted forever, but were amazingly spaced and difficult to get out of. In 4 stock matches, he 1-0'd my Orcane, and 2-0'd my Kragg and Zetterburn.

2. Wrastors hitboxes and range make him a fantastic character, and his speed coupled with his reasonable recovery make up for his light weight. I personally think that nothing needs to be done to alter this character at all. Perhaps make his knockback a bit bigger so that players can DI out of attacks a little easier, but otherwise I feel like he needs no major change.

3. A big key to playing Wrastor effectively as figured out by me and him at the tournament was to disable Strong Hold. This would not mess up his momentum from stopping in place to do a smash attack and would allow combo finisher's to flow a lot more nicely. He moved up to the top of my list because of it and I love playing him now after HP showcased him off to people at the tournament.

4. One Idea I had for Wrastor: Add a bit of delay to his side B and make it so that immediately after you press side B, you can angle the control stick sideways or upwards and have the tornado top go directly vertical instead of horizontal. This way he could have more options for combo'ing characters instead of the same few moves over and over again.

5. up B and Nair need segmented hitboxes or decreasing knockback the longer they last. That needs to be added in soon, and I'm sure Dan already knows that people want this.

Zetterburn at the bottom:

1. His recovery is the biggest flaw about him. Recovering low and walljumping to do another up B is how I mix up a player on how I recover, but that quickly becomes predictable. His combo game is solid (a bit worse than Wrastor IMO), but his recovery game is god awful.

2. Kragg rock and Orcane Puddle make it ridiculously effortless to gimp Zetterburn. All it takes is pressing B and throwing a Rock at the right timing, or spamming puddles with proper timing and Zetterburn can't do anything about it. It looks absolutely pathetic when another player catches on to the ability to do that. Wrastor can just go out and F-smash Zetterburn's recovery, which makes it sad. I honestly think that Zetterburn needs some invincibility frames added. Either that or puddle will need to be made to not have any effect on Zetterburn up B. Kragg rock should be made to break upon impact or should be given less knockback or something, but it's absolutely ridiculous to me.

Character tier list in terms of ease of picking up and playing immediately:

1. Zetterburn (PM wolf style makes it pretty simple to pick up and start to learn cool combo's)
2. Wrastor (Aerials, dtilt, ftilt, etc link together easily and knockback is low enough to make combo's easy)
3. Kragg (Learning to use specials effectively takes a bit longer than the above two)
4. Orcane (Coolest character design, puddle mechanic is amazing but takes a while to learn options)
I agree with the Tier list 100%. Zetta can be sooo easily gimped, especially in Air Armada. Wrastor wasn't my favorite until yesterday when I found the easiest way to do a 0-100% string. Easily repeatable, too. I was originally debating why Kragg was tiered better than Zetta, but now it makes more sense. Kragg has the rock and a somewhat better recovery than Zetta. Zetta can't really spam his projectile like Kragg or Orcane.


Fire Lion
Dec 23, 2012
Fire Capitol
I agree with the Tier list 100%. Zetta can be sooo easily gimped, especially in Air Armada. Wrastor wasn't my favorite until yesterday when I found the easiest way to do a 0-100% string. Easily repeatable, too. I was originally debating why Kragg was tiered better than Zetta, but now it makes more sense. Kragg has the rock and a somewhat better recovery than Zetta. Zetta can't really spam his projectile like Kragg or Orcane.
A zetterburn that knows how to use fire to rack up damage and increase knockback on attacks can make him look like an amazing character. But without it, he's trash IMO.


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2014
Well, now that I've played the game some more where I can actually tap jump, I'll say a bit more about it. Rivals of Aether is fun addicting game. If it keeps at its current pace, I can see it become a professional game, and you would maybe see it at APEX. Second, the game is amazingly made and I havent run into a single glitch yet. One of my few gripes is no ledge to climb to, so your forced to try and get back on stage. While I think this is a little neat, most player probably will try and attack you off stage and agree that it limits how you get on stage, so this will either lead to amazing level design or a problem when try to play serious, as it would be a , who gets knocked off first. Some characters can get back to the stage easily, Wrastor and Kragg, but for other two in the play test, I think it would be really hard for them to get back if your opponent is edge guarding. The stages are beautiful for what they are, but on the fire stage, is that the Ylisse royal crest on a flag? Cause its close to it, not sure if unintended or Easter egg. Finally, the balance of the current charcters, Wrastor and Kragg are a bit more powerful then the other two, as they have amazing recovery, great attacks and good mobility. I see Zett is supposed to be an easy to learn hard to master character. I personally have touched Orcane as I hate water in general, but he seems good. I see him as sorta of a trickster character. You have an amazing game going, keep up the good work, and I can't wait til the next Playtest. (Two things, I hope you make a lightning character soon, second, do I need to opt in again for the next play test, or am I in til the game releases?)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2014
Puerto Rico
A zetterburn that knows how to use fire to rack up damage and increase knockback on attacks can make him look like an amazing character. But without it, he's trash IMO.
Thing is, if you dont have fire on the enemy you're plain bad. All of his specials cause burn, so there really isn't much reason to NOT have fire on the enemy. Plus, not into specials? Use Bair. I have Reverse Aerial'd so much with Zetts so much, unlike with the others, which I rarely reverse aerial. But yeah, without fire he becomes somewhat useless.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2014
Puerto Rico
Well, now that I've played the game some more where I can actually tap jump, I'll say a bit more about it. Rivals of Aether is fun addicting game. If it keeps at its current pace, I can see it become a professional game, and you would maybe see it at APEX. Second, the game is amazingly made and I havent run into a single glitch yet. One of my few gripes is no ledge to climb to, so your forced to try and get back on stage. While I think this is a little neat, most player probably will try and attack you off stage and agree that it limits how you get on stage, so this will either lead to amazing level design or a problem when try to play serious, as it would be a , who gets knocked off first. Some characters can get back to the stage easily, Wrastor and Kragg, but for other two in the play test, I think it would be really hard for them to get back if your opponent is edge guarding. The stages are beautiful for what they are, but on the fire stage, is that the Ylisse royal crest on a flag? Cause its close to it, not sure if unintended or Easter egg. Finally, the balance of the current charcters, Wrastor and Kragg are a bit more powerful then the other two, as they have amazing recovery, great attacks and good mobility. I see Zett is supposed to be an easy to learn hard to master character. I personally have touched Orcane as I hate water in general, but he seems good. I see him as sorta of a trickster character. You have an amazing game going, keep up the good work, and I can't wait til the next Playtest. (Two things, I hope you make a lightning character soon, second, do I need to opt in again for the next play test, or am I in til the game releases?)
I disagree on Kragg being better than Orcane. If you use Orcane correctly he can beat Kragg easily. I have played with various friends of mine and I have to say that Orcane had the #2 Spot in the Tier List for now :). As for ledges, I actually dont want them in for the first time. It makes the game kinda unique in that aspect. I see where you're coming from though. If you're launched out of the stage it's basically turned into "Can You Recover?" and obviously Wrastor wins.
On a side note I have something to add. Spikes frel kinds... Useless IMO. I dont know how other people feel about them in this game. I rarely use them. Only time I use them is to continue combo strings because opponents bounce off the ground. I rarely find myself leaving the stage to spike someone. I don't know, maybe it's just me :p.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
On a side note I have something to add. Spikes frel kinds... Useless IMO. I dont know how other people feel about them in this game. I rarely use them. Only time I use them is to continue combo strings because opponents bounce off the ground. I rarely find myself leaving the stage to spike someone. I don't know, maybe it's just me :p.
Yea, I think that's just you. Spikes feel very useful and rewarding to me, I incorporate them a lot in my play. Even if the opponent meteor cancels it, they are still sent straight downward and depending on how far offstage they are, they are in the absolute worst or the 2nd worst position to recover from, so you are put at a pretty hefty advantage for edgeguarding. Thats why if I have my opponent offstage at 0-40% as Kragg or Zburn, I'll usually opt to try to spike them rather than just go for a fair or something else thats only gonna rack up damage or that they might recover from.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2014
Puerto Rico
Yea, I think that's just you. Spikes feel very useful and rewarding to me, I incorporate them a lot in my play. Even if the opponent meteor cancels it, they are still sent straight downward and depending on how far offstage they are, they are in the absolute worst or the 2nd worst position to recover from, so you are put at a pretty hefty advantage for edgeguarding. Thats why if I have my opponent offstage at 0-40% as Kragg or Zburn, I'll usually opt to try to spike them rather than just go for a fair or something else thats only gonna rack up damage or that they might recover from.
Guess it's my playstyle then xP


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2006
North America (East/Central)
Zetterburn is ridiculously good and can kill super early with simple combos. Get them on fire and do a simple combo into smash and they're dead at like 50%. A lot of zetterburns I see try to keep racking up damage: just dash attack fsmash after theyre on fire :p

I have a good Orcane but I still think my / a good Kragg would bop him. I wish I could meet up with some really good RoA players and test out how this stuff works on a higher level. I got to play against HankyPanky at a tournament last weekend who actually picked up Wrastor pretty quickly and had good games vs him.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Thing is, if you dont have fire on the enemy you're plain bad. All of his specials cause burn, so there really isn't much reason to NOT have fire on the enemy. Plus, not into specials? Use Bair. I have Reverse Aerial'd so much with Zetts so much, unlike with the others, which I rarely reverse aerial. But yeah, without fire he becomes somewhat useless.
I don't know how I feel approaching with Bair. Seems to have a bit too much startup and bad priority. Ending a combo with it though is extremely easy and useful.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2014
Puerto Rico
I don't know how I feel approaching with Bair. Seems to have a bit too much startup and bad priority. Ending a combo with it though is extremely easy and useful.
Startup isn't terrible, priority is lol. But yeah, I mean, it's really easy to set people Ablaze, almost no excuse to not have people constantly set on fire other than 0-death combos.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2012
Eagle, Idaho
@ 4nace 4nace hey dan how difficult would it be to add in online play for a test build? is there a simple way to do it where only 2 people could connect to each other? i feel that this would make testing alot faster and easier as we could play each other. just a thought also will the full game have online play and ranked online play?


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Rats,I want to apply but I don't have a Microsoft account,and I'm too lazy to make one.
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Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
All you need to do is send an email to the address on the first post. That's it.
When I click the here link at the bottom,my computer tells me I need a Micrososft account to use the app.
On the front news page about the game on Smashboards,the same thing happens when I click the email address near the top.I guess I just need to use that email address in sending an email with my other email account?
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Smash Cadet
Jul 7, 2014
Netherlands, Heel
When I click the here link at the bottom,my computer tells me I need a Micrososft account to use the app.
On the front news page about the game on Smashboards,the same thing happens when I click the email address near the top.I guess I just need to use that email address in sending an email with my other email account?
Well I hope that is the way to do it, because I did it that way but I don't have a reply yet. So not 100% but I think that is just the right way to do it.


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Well I hope that is the way to do it, because I did it that way but I don't have a reply yet. So not 100% but I think that is just the right way to do it.
Hmm,how long ago was it?I'm curious to know how long a reply will take.
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