I'd like to see your psychology credentials before I let you decide how to handle mine and everyone else's actions.
Let me guess, 4 credits in a freshman or sophomore college class?
I would also love to see your degrees in political science and economics before you start talking politics.
I don't know what your deal is, but you need to cool your jets with this superior bravado you seem to believe you have. Calling out other peoples errors or making not-so-educated guesses do not indicate intelligence. It makes you look like a ****.
There is this common misconception in geek culture that has people believe that because of their hobby, they are intelligent, or atleast they think so; and then they confuse their game knowledge with their base knowledge (in some cases because it is all one would know). I know im not the smartest dude in the world, but at least I'm smart enough to know that criticizing a stranger on the basis that he/she is ignorant to a certain facet of information doesn't make that person any smarter or dumber, as intelligence is gauged through more things than what is inscribed through text.
As for the topic, are we using "casual" as a synonym for "lesser skilled" players? As no one here is really casual at all.
Secondly, as far as I can see, many of the people who decide to attack others are usually ill informed and refuse to learn or they are just angry, so I really don't care about what they do or whether or not I should respect them, because I can just passive-aggressively support my "I don't give a flying ****" clause, and continue to not respond to the ignorance. However, I do have friends who play competitively and friends who play it like default smash. I do know this, though:
No one from either side likes having their opinions intruded on, especially if it's a long winded hate spell that has no effect on the way you choose to play the game. Period.
There is a time and place for everything, so as long as each players keeps their opinions to their selves and respected peers everyone should be copasthetic, no?