OK, I think I've deciphered something. Or maybe I've discovered absolutely nothing, but here goes. The names of the arrows are "chr_10_page_1.tex" and "chr_10_page_2.tex." I'm assuming that "chr_"stands for "character, "10" is for the CSS Icon ID number, "_page_2" and "_page_1" are the page numbers, and ".tex" is for "texture." This would mean that this is the texture for the tenth CSS icon on the first page. So, what I think this means is this. On the CSS, there are 9 characters per row, save for the last two. Now, because these arrows would be appear to be coded as CSS icon textures, it can be assumed that all character icon textures are named similarly. For example, Mario's CSS Icon texture could be "chr_01_page_1.tex" from a logical standpoint, seeing as I think, if I remember correctly, "01" was his character ID number in the previous games, and he is on page 1. That would mean that "chr_10_page_1.tex" is the texture for the tenth CSS Icon on the 1st page. That would mean that "chr_10_page_2.tex" would be the texture for the tenth CSS Icon on the second page. The TENTH. That could mean we could be getting at least 9 DLC/Connection characters. I know next to nothing about coding, so I don't know how valid this is, so please tell me if this is totally wrong or something. Also, I believe similar arrow textures were found for the SSS, so that could mean we are getting DLC/Connection stages, as well, especially when you consider that awkward gap on the final SSS, which is logically where the arrow would go, if this turns out to be true.