Nonsense. The laws of conservation of matter and energy have nothing to do with this. There is no scientific justification to the notion of reincarnation. If you were to justify it, you would have to stoop down to the level of pure superstition.
But I invite you to try to elaborate on your previous hand waiving about how reincarnation will be a necessary consequence of conservation of matter.
hand waving....
sorry its just a funny image.....
"hey guys reincarnation is real"(while im waving my hands around)
the law of conservation of matter and energy basically states that matter/energy in the universe is constant, matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed blblahahblah
now the model of reincarnation that I am about to propose I am just sort of going to postulate right now and may not be the model that other people believe, but hopefully you can understand my line of thinking.
now this model relies on the fact that a person is independent while simultaneously being interrelated with the rest of the universe, and also relies on the fact that space is not nothingness but is an inverted form of matter/energy or alternate form of information, this is a more complicated discussion but for the time being just assume that space factors into the constant of matter and energy.
these two ideas, being indepedent/interrelated and space being inverted matter/energy
reinforce the final and most important idea that a person is not only a conductor and transformer of energy but also a primal source of energy itself. basically meaning that a person holds an energy in him/her that is not merely the sum of the food/light that he has absorbed.
now this primal/independent energy is of course naturally pure and untainted by foolish human thoughts, but as the stupid humans that we are, we tend to, through our lives, transform this energy some of this energy into thoughts, and these thoughts are very strong, they mold the way we perceive the universe, but most importantly they mold they way we perceive ourselves. and this mold that we forge from our primal energy, this thought form is very powerful. as I'm sure you are familiar with if you remember your dreams, in our dreams we think we are a solid real person, just as solid and real as we are in our waking life, you might be afraid for your life at some point in your dream because of how real your thought form appears to be
thoughts if they exist, which I'm sure you'll agree they do, must also be part of the constant energy in the universe, and since they are a part of the constant they must be accounted for at the time of death.
and the idea of reincarnation is that these thoughts have been assembled together so strongly that they stick together at the time of death, your heat dissipates into the surrounding environment, your body decomposes, but where does this thought form dissipate to?
it is energy as well it must be somewhere, and wherever it is, has it remained cohesive?
in this model the thought forms that we create are so strong that at the time of death they do remain together in a coherent pattern.
and this thought form that has dissipated into the universe still has the same physical cravings and desires as it did when it was contained in a flesh and blood body so it is naturally attracted to the subtle or not so subtle energies produced by two humans having sex and finds a home in the womb of a recently impregnated women, or maybe it is simply attracted to a developing fetus and is able to find lodging in the similar biological structure that created the thought form in the first place, like a key fitting into a lock. and so this baby is basically powered by the same consciousness/primal energy that was lost from its previous human container.
but yea basically comes down to the fact that thoughts are a form of energy, and the ideas we create of ourselves are incredibly powerful, doesn't really have anything to do with an eternal soul necessarily . And also relies on the assumption that developing fetuses can absorb and use these thought form energy patterns ......nay require these thought form energy patterns to develop fully.
there! consciousness/thought form energy accounted for, and the universe remains constant
Hooray *waves hands*
phew that was a fun.....obviously not exactly how it goes down, but the energy has to go somewhere, we have formed a very powerful mental structure throughout our lives that must be accounted for after death for the universal energy to remain constant.