Chances: 98%
Let's put it like this, leaks can be made easily everywhere and could do a lot of things right and wrong, but when files of Street Fighter music on the update, there's something up and 9/10 it's gonna be Ryu not for a Mii Costume
Want: 100%
Let's get something straight here, I wasn't pushing for him because of a data mining, I wanted him in Smash YEARS ago with Megaman, it's not impossible putting 2 company franchises in one game plus it's Capcom USA franchise as well so it doesn't interfere with Megaman and he isn't ruining Megaman's party because evil Capcom is forcing him in, he got in because how much of a fighting game icon he IS. SF2 on SNES is the HIGHEST SELLING FIGHTING GAME OF ALL TIME
Without Street Fighter 2 paving the way for fighting games like Mortal Kombat, Tekken, King of Fighters, Killer Instinct, Guilty Gear and Soul Calibur, Smash Bros itself would never exist and so would this board and trust me, it wouldn't due to how much influence the series had on Smash itself. He's a character that can and will fit right in, he's a character that can bring a moveset that while imitated, CAN'T be duplicated, he is the World Warrior who has crossed over with Marvel, SNK, Tekken, Namco Bandai, Sega and now Nintendo.
One of

best moves were inspired by Ryu and those two would show how much their influence on the industry itself brought. I love Street Fighter and Smash Bros and this would be the best way to bring them close together for maybe even another future crossover but that's for another day.
Prediction: Phoenix Wright 35%
Starman from NES Wrestling x2