Smash Master

Chance: 20%
So yeah, a forgotten relic of what was arguably the best generation of Pokémon (everyone has opinions), and a veteran to boot. Pichu has a lot going for it. Except Sakurai's admitted he's a joke and unloved, so I'm not expecting him to come back unless people really pull for veterans. Pichu's not got too many differences from his big brother other than the fact that he hurts himself when he attacks, which is naturally a thing everyone wants in a fighting game, particularly from something that hits weak and flies far...
What does he have? Well, he's not been completely forgotten. Gen 4 did bring in the two special Pichus for the movies then, but it's since been forgotten again. Really, the only hope is that he's a veteran, and even then too many people are hung up one certain franchises getting too many reps, and Pokémon's definitely had their fill. Besides, there are two other veteran Pokés I'd rather have first...

, how I miss you guys...
Want: 35%So yeah, a forgotten relic of what was arguably the best generation of Pokémon (everyone has opinions), and a veteran to boot. Pichu has a lot going for it. Except Sakurai's admitted he's a joke and unloved, so I'm not expecting him to come back unless people really pull for veterans. Pichu's not got too many differences from his big brother other than the fact that he hurts himself when he attacks, which is naturally a thing everyone wants in a fighting game, particularly from something that hits weak and flies far...
What does he have? Well, he's not been completely forgotten. Gen 4 did bring in the two special Pichus for the movies then, but it's since been forgotten again. Really, the only hope is that he's a veteran, and even then too many people are hung up one certain franchises getting too many reps, and Pokémon's definitely had their fill. Besides, there are two other veteran Pokés I'd rather have first...
is still really cute. And a veteran
Here's an idea - what if they brought back Pichu, but gave him a few costumes to represent multiple generations? The other Pika-clones really aren't too different, so it might work. Consider if we got this as the lineup...
Might take some forcing, especially to get Pachirisu to fit the hitboxes, but that would still be a nice tribute to all of the Pikaclones...
Ryu: 79.7%Here's an idea - what if they brought back Pichu, but gave him a few costumes to represent multiple generations? The other Pika-clones really aren't too different, so it might work. Consider if we got this as the lineup...

Might take some forcing, especially to get Pachirisu to fit the hitboxes, but that would still be a nice tribute to all of the Pikaclones...
Well, we're on the topic of Pokémon, and Squirtle's starting to lag behind again...
(see what I did there? There are 5 of

(see what I did there? There are 5 of
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