Two women involved today, and regardless of who the second one would be, they seem pretty different in personality.
Unlike our last two ladies, though, these two would probably get along.
-♪- (Warning: Music is from Fire Emblem Fates. It's not particularly spoilery, but if you want to go into the games completely blind, steer clear.)
Chance: 3.5%
One of the stars of Fire Emblem's newest...can we call it a trilogy? Hard to say. A songstress with minor power over water who also wields lances in battle, Azura has a combination of abilities no Fire Emblem character has ever used in Smash. Uniqueness wouldn't be an issue here, and depending on what the overall scope of her powers is, moveset potential might not be either.
And here's where the problems start setting in. Fire Emblem Fates has been crazy successful in Japan...and won't be out anywhere else until early next year. The Smash Ballot closes in October. It'd take an absolute landslide of Japanese support to overturn Azura's lack of presence among the rest of the fanbase that isn't also involved in Fire Emblem. There's also a certain Young Lion getting some of the fans since and tired of Fire Emblem "over-representation". It'd take one hell of a convincing argument to sway people who think your home series "doesn't deserve" another character regardless of circumstances.
The fates aren't kind toward you, Azura. Maybe when Smash 5 rolls around, if another Fire Emblem game and its own cast don't overshadow you by then? Or maybe you'd have a shot as DLC for
that game, if you're still well-liked!
Want: Abstain
It doesn't feel right to gauge this one, with how we're waiting at least six months to get Fates over here. Once I have a better grasp of exactly what the extent of her powers is, I'll be able to give a proper rating.
Savvy Stylist
Chance: 1.5%
So this series has actually done reasonably well for itself. Who knew?
A pair of games (three in Japan, actually) based around managing a fashion boutique, the Style Savvy series has become a pretty big deal for fans of that kind of thing. To get a playable character in Smash, though?
That's a stretch, for a number of reasons. For one, while it's been a success overall, Style Savvy is still very much a niche series that, honestly, doesn't appeal to a lot of other people. It'd be a difficult sell to bring in a character from there,
especially as an optional one. For two, there seems to be little desire for a Style Savvy character in Smash at all, and if DLC from here on out is going to be mainly about throwing a bone to the fans, this...doesn't seem to factor into that.
Style Savvy will likely end up having to wait just like Azura. I wouldn't count out a character sneaking into Smash 5 as the obligatory "wait, what the hell" newcomer.
Want: Abstain
Yeah, I can't speak for this one
at all. >_>
Hades Prediction: 6.87%
Will fare a little worse than Medusa, but not by much. Should be a fun day, though. Summon the @
Groose Signal!
Lloyd Irving Prediction: 5.75%
Ryu might or might not have opened the door for him, but we'll see if any support for him remains.
Nominations: Delphox x5