W/E happens don't panic...
that one Zelda villain that acts like Ganon but is not, and even has his own evil-slaying sword that seals him away...
Chance: 5%
Ok, while Vaati ,the wind amge could pass for a fairly interesting character for the lineup, as well as a Zelda newcomer and a new villain...He's not all that requested...Impa, Tetra, Toon Zelda, and Ganon are pretty much leading the charge for Zelda characters, and that's not even counting the assist characters who are arguably even more popular than the previous four...
The games he appears aren't quite as popular as other Zelda titles either...
Vaati's got a steep hill to climb with all the competition for a Zelda Newcomer, as well as his lack of support overall...
At least Vaati may have a shot in Hyrule Warriors now that the Toon zelda games are represented...
Want: 0%
Nope...Not really interested, for Zelda Newcomers give me Midna or Impa, after Ganon I'll take the Skull Kid or Ghirahim for Zelda Villains...My left over wants are pretty much left with Tetra...
And now for Mr. Miles Prower...Miles Prower...Miles Per Hour...Eye C whot U did thar Sega!
Miles Tails Prower
Chance: 25%
I think his chances are better than most third parties given the fact that his series is already present within the game (and him as well with a very minor stage cameo that can be Alfonzo'd out easily)...
Tails is a gaming icon that is pretty much on the same level as Luigi...Tails is probably the second most iconic sidekick behind only Luigi. Tails is a character that has been apart of the Sonic franchise since the beginning and is as much a staple as his titlar buddy...
When it comes to Sega, Bayonetta is hogging a lot of the attention from fans, but I still have my doubts that she just doesn't hold any iconism at least in the same regards as Tails...not to mention Tails doesn't have the whole 'watering down the M rating' issue...Plus he's got a lot of potential for a viable moveset using all of his gadgetry, as well as a Spin Dash similar to Sonic's and an Up B that would work like Duck Hunt's or Villager's
The main thing is...Ballot Support, most people want other third party franchises represented, and as big as the Sonic franchise is most don't really care for a second Sonic rep, those that do may want Knuckles or Shadow more...Also there's whether or not Sakurai is willing to add a second Sonic character, or another Third Party, but the advantage that Tails has over most Third Parties...Sakurai already has the rights to use him since he's already in the game...So Third Party limitations are moot...It's just whether or not he will....
Want: 75%
Tails would be kinda cool, probably one of my more wanted Third Parties, behind the likes of Crash Bandicoot, Shantae, and Banjo & Kazooie... Potential for a viable moveset with his gadgetry as stated, as well as being an icon in his own right to stand amoung the Third Party elite, which includes his buddy...The sonic franchise is the only Recurring Third Party franchise in Smash so far and is liekly going to be regular in Smash from here on out, unless Sega pulls a Konami....Though if that happens and Sega gets in the sh*tter, I'm sure Nintendo will bail them out as they have been on very good terms lately, such is the case with Bayonetta 2...
Either way Tails...would be a cool addition and if revealed just imagine the hype from the community...
Absol: 0.5%
Sorry @ Delzethin ...Absol would be a cool addition but it is THE definition of a long shot...
Sora: 5.6%
I'm expecting some inflated scores because 'ZOMG KEY BLADEZZZ'...but keep in mind Sora is not owned by Square Enix, he is owned by Disney! 4th party developer that isn't really well known for video games...unlikely to contribute anybody for Smash, and is technically competing with Nintendo's Amiibos with their Disney Infinity series...
Concept: DLC Adventure Mode x3
Concept: New Metroid Prime Stage x2
Chance: 5%
Ok, while Vaati ,the wind amge could pass for a fairly interesting character for the lineup, as well as a Zelda newcomer and a new villain...He's not all that requested...Impa, Tetra, Toon Zelda, and Ganon are pretty much leading the charge for Zelda characters, and that's not even counting the assist characters who are arguably even more popular than the previous four...
The games he appears aren't quite as popular as other Zelda titles either...
Vaati's got a steep hill to climb with all the competition for a Zelda Newcomer, as well as his lack of support overall...
At least Vaati may have a shot in Hyrule Warriors now that the Toon zelda games are represented...
Want: 0%
Nope...Not really interested, for Zelda Newcomers give me Midna or Impa, after Ganon I'll take the Skull Kid or Ghirahim for Zelda Villains...My left over wants are pretty much left with Tetra...
And now for Mr. Miles Prower...Miles Prower...Miles Per Hour...Eye C whot U did thar Sega!
Miles Tails Prower
Chance: 25%
I think his chances are better than most third parties given the fact that his series is already present within the game (and him as well with a very minor stage cameo that can be Alfonzo'd out easily)...
Tails is a gaming icon that is pretty much on the same level as Luigi...Tails is probably the second most iconic sidekick behind only Luigi. Tails is a character that has been apart of the Sonic franchise since the beginning and is as much a staple as his titlar buddy...
When it comes to Sega, Bayonetta is hogging a lot of the attention from fans, but I still have my doubts that she just doesn't hold any iconism at least in the same regards as Tails...not to mention Tails doesn't have the whole 'watering down the M rating' issue...Plus he's got a lot of potential for a viable moveset using all of his gadgetry, as well as a Spin Dash similar to Sonic's and an Up B that would work like Duck Hunt's or Villager's
The main thing is...Ballot Support, most people want other third party franchises represented, and as big as the Sonic franchise is most don't really care for a second Sonic rep, those that do may want Knuckles or Shadow more...Also there's whether or not Sakurai is willing to add a second Sonic character, or another Third Party, but the advantage that Tails has over most Third Parties...Sakurai already has the rights to use him since he's already in the game...So Third Party limitations are moot...It's just whether or not he will....
Want: 75%
Tails would be kinda cool, probably one of my more wanted Third Parties, behind the likes of Crash Bandicoot, Shantae, and Banjo & Kazooie... Potential for a viable moveset with his gadgetry as stated, as well as being an icon in his own right to stand amoung the Third Party elite, which includes his buddy...The sonic franchise is the only Recurring Third Party franchise in Smash so far and is liekly going to be regular in Smash from here on out, unless Sega pulls a Konami....Though if that happens and Sega gets in the sh*tter, I'm sure Nintendo will bail them out as they have been on very good terms lately, such is the case with Bayonetta 2...
Either way Tails...would be a cool addition and if revealed just imagine the hype from the community...
Absol: 0.5%
Sorry @ Delzethin ...Absol would be a cool addition but it is THE definition of a long shot...
Sora: 5.6%
I'm expecting some inflated scores because 'ZOMG KEY BLADEZZZ'...but keep in mind Sora is not owned by Square Enix, he is owned by Disney! 4th party developer that isn't really well known for video games...unlikely to contribute anybody for Smash, and is technically competing with Nintendo's Amiibos with their Disney Infinity series...
Concept: DLC Adventure Mode x3
Concept: New Metroid Prime Stage x2
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