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Rate Their Chances - Smash Ultimate Edition! Day 672: Five Most Likely First and Third Parties for Smash 6, and Final Goodbyes


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I've got a very big post planned for when the new day starts, so...look forward to that, I suppose. :p


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I really don't want to be petty, but I saw the result and thought 'damn, I predicted so close to that, how accurate was @PhilosophicAnimal to beat me out', just as a curiosity thing, and as far as I can tell these were out predictions:

I don't go back to couble check this every day it was mostly just me being like 'damn I missed out when I predicted within one percent, that's incredible how close they must have been'.
Did I really? And on the day I forget to nominate someone too.
Well in that case
noms: Tethu X5 or X10 depending on whether I won or not
**** I used want instead of chance, that was my bad, was super tired. Tell ya what, ill give @Yomi's Biggest Fan 10 extra noms today due to my mess up. Organization XIII Organization XIII @DNeon and @PhilosophicAnimal get 5 extra noms for holding me accountable.

Furthermore, sorry for the late day, had a wild night last night.

Concept: Gen 7 Newcomer
84.54% Chance
66.92% Want

Honestly about what I would have guessed the scores look like. Everyone has their own dog in the race for this one, so want scores varied greatly. However, seems people are pretty sold on a Gen 7 Newcomer. Maybe after E3 we might revisit this one.

Today, we rate the Prince of Ylisse. Rate Chrom in chance and want. Also tomorrow we have a double concept day. Predict the chances for Concept Arms Newcomer and Concept Rhythm Heaven Newcomer.

@Xeno VII gets 5 extra noms today, and I am pretty sure I didn't mess up this time :p.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Well, today's the day. It's Chrom time. And as the resident Chrom Guy on Smashboards, I'd be remiss to not give my thoughts today.

I would encourage everyone to read this post, but if you choose not to, that's fine too. I just feel like I have a lot to say.

Chrom's Credentials

To those who say he's irrelevant, he's far from it. He continues to appear in Fire Emblem media to this day, being one of the major characters in Fire Emblem Warriors and consistently getting new versions of himself in Fire Emblem Heroes. The Choose Your Legends polls also consistently show that Chrom is popular among Fire Emblem fans, always ranking within the top ten favorite male characters in a series with over seven hundred characters.

So he's both popular and relevant.

But what about...
Yes, I know. The Sakurai-sized elephant in the room.

Chrom should by all means be a frontrunner. However, Sakurai is his only obstacle, and I'm afraid it's one he's unlikely to clear, especially as more and more Fire Emblem characters can outshine him in his eyes. With that...

Chance: 3.8%
I can't, in good faith, give him more than this. However, due to him having good non-Sakurai credentials, I also can't give him a straight zero, if only because "Sakurai has changed his mind before."

Now, let's get into why I like Chrom to begin with.

First of all, I feel that how a character reacts to and changes because of a situation are great indicators of a good character, more so than just a list of personality traits. This is important to Chrom, as it is where I think his character truly shines.

As a bit of context, I'll first describe Chrom's early life, as it lays the foundation of his character early on. During his childhood, Chrom's father waged war against Ylisse's neighboring country, Plegia. His mother is implied to have died when he was very young, around the time Lissa was born. The war against Plegia only ended with the death of Chrom's warmongering father, and his older sister Emmeryn was made Ylisse's new Exalt. At first the citizens hated her, hurling both harsh words and harsher stones. Emmeryn never faltered, however, and eventually earned back the love of the people, mending the scars of the war their father started. Chrom comments that he would have never repaid their abuse with kindness, but recognizes that Emmeryn is a better person for it. As such, he decided that he'd be as great a leader as he could be.

This eventually led to Chrom forming the Shepherds, a group of soldiers acting as a sort of elite squadron of Ylisse's army, with Chrom serving as their commander. And this is where one aspect of Chrom's personality comes into place: Chrom is a "father to his men". He legitimately cares for each of the Shepherds and notices the areas in which they excel. Despite being royalty, he never lets that get in the way, as all are equal on the battlefield. For example, Vaike says exactly this in his support with Lissa.

I've dealt with a lot of fool ignorance since I joined the Shepherds. People are always askin' who I think I am, a commoner lording it up with princes. I've had it from lowborn and highborn alike. ...But never Chrom. It's like he doesn't care where I'm from, so long as I handle myself in a fight.

Another example of this can be seen in the Summer Scramble DLC, where Chrom has a conversation with Stahl. Chrom takes note of Stahl's performance in battle, mentioning how proud he is of how far he's come. Stahl, overjoyed, ends up working himself to near exhaustion in an attempt to live up to Chrom's praise. Chrom then stresses that he doesn't need to over-exert himself, as it would only lead to Stahl getting killed by the enemy. This reaffirms one of Chrom's biggest drives: to become a better man than his father was. Whereas his father conscripted untrained villagers to fight and die for him once his supply of soldiers was burned through, Chrom recognizes the value of the lives of all of Ylisse's people, including his soldiers. Chrom's father had his people fight for him, while Chrom himself fights alongside his people, knowing their limits and never pushing them too far.

One of Chrom's most informative support conversations, however, is his set of supports with (male) Robin. One facet of Chrom's character that often receives criticism, both in universe and in online discussions, is his incredibly trusting nature. Robin comments on this, stating that Chrom taking him in in his amnesiac state was a foolhardy move, as it could have been a massive security risk. Chrom simply replies that he can't change who he is, and that he saw a person in need and needed to help them. Later, Chrom is confronted by a mugger who flees upon seeing Chrom draw Falchion. Chastised by Robin once more, Chrom promises to take more precautions in the future...only for Robin to see that Chrom is taking two or so soldiers with him on patrol. Not satisfied with Chrom's menial attempt at safety, Robin confronts Chrom once more, leading to this exchange:

Look. I understand enemies could be lying in wait to try and kill me... But there could also be others who need my help! There's a war going on, and people are suffering. I can't ignore them. I won't.
So why not send your men to search for these hapless innocents?!
Because...of you. If I hadn't been there—if Frederick alone had found you—would we have ever met?
...Probably not.
You see? And it's not just you, Robin. It's everyone like you. I know going out there exposes me to danger, and I haven't always been careful. But it's a risk I'm willing to take in order to connect with the people. To forge bonds.
Bonds? Between who?
You and me. Me and the others. The villagers we've met, the world we've seen... Such bonds are the true strength of this army. Without them, we're lost. Others may disagree, but that's one benefit of leadership: I make the final call.

Chrom views the strength of his army, and his country, as a measurement of the bonds he's created with the Shepherds. While this may at first seem like a cliché power of friendship moment, it fully illustrates the dramatic difference between Chrom and his father. His father used his people and his troops as lifeless pawns, simply means to ends, and himself as their ruler. Chrom views his people as his equals, and himself as their leader. One other thing to note is that Chrom instinctively trusted Robin despite the amnesiac being clad in Plegian robes, with Plegia being the country Ylisse has been at odds with for over a decade. Once again highlighting the difference between himself and his father, Chrom thought nothing of this. After all, a person is a person, borders be damned.

However, Chrom's devotion to his friends and family do end up coming at a great cost. During chapter five, King Gangrel of Plegia stages a kidnapping of Lady Maribelle, the daughter of the duke of Themis in an attempt to accuse Maribelle of illegally crossing over into Plegia. Emmeryn, Chrom, and the Shepherds offer parley in an attempt to reason with Gangrel, but Gangrel wishes to put Maribelle to death...unless Emmeryn were to hand over the Fire Emblem, Ylisse's national treasure, to him. Upon refusing, Gangrel threatens to pry it from Emmeryn's "cold, dead hands" and sends a single brigand to take the Emblem. Chrom instinctively kills the brigand with nary a second thought. It is in this moment that Chrom commits an act of war on Plegian soil, setting the stage for the rest of the game's events. Chrom didn't need to kill the brigand. Gangrel's threat was simply words, and a single brigand could be easily disarmed without killing him. He hadn't even attempted to strike at Emmeryn yet. But Chrom's love for his sister and his own impulsive nature singlehandedly led to a brutal campaign against Plegia. War had been declared, and it might have been avoided if Chrom had thought the situation through. Chrom is a flawed character, and because of his flaws, he must live with the fact that his actions had drastic consequences.

Eventually, Ylisse's campaign against Plegia comes to a head when Emmeryn is taken hostage by Gangrel's men to be publicly executed. In a race against time, Chrom, Robin, and the Shepherds book it to Plegia to save her. Once the battlefield is cleared, Chrom prepares to save his sister, only for an ambush to occur. Risen are summoned and shoot down the Ylissean Pegasus Knights with their arrows, eliminating Emmeryn's escape route from atop the spire. Gangrel gives Chrom an ultimatum: give up the Fire Emblem or have the Risen shoot down Emmeryn. Giving one last speech beforehand, Emmeryn spares Chrom of the sadistic choice and walks off the spire, committing suicide and preventing Chrom from giving up the Fire Emblem.

The next chapter ends with the Shepherds escaping a skirmish against Plegian forces, and upon entering the barracks once more, Robin takes it upon himself to reignite Chrom. Chrom sees himself as a failure for not preventing Emmeryn's death. He uses the word "powerless." He had no physical way of reaching her. For one time in his life, Chrom was forced to sit there and watch an atrocity transpire that he couldn't prevent. He watched as his older sister, his longtime guardian, fall to her death to spare him from a choice that would endanger Ylisse's people. Robin seeks to provide another viewpoint.

I was powerless once too, remember? And yes, alone, I don't think either one of us is half the person your sister was. But together...maybe we can be something more. If you fall, I'll be there to pull you back up. When you fight for your sister's ideals, I'll be by your side. You don't have to become your sister, you know. You can still be true to yourself. You just have to give people hope in whatever way you can.
And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals? Robin, what if I drag you down with me?
If you aren't worthy, you'll keep at it until you are. And if we both fall down, well, that's what friends are for, isn't it?

It's in this moment that the bond between Chrom and Robin is fully cemented, in my opinion. Chrom proclaims that he won't falter again, so long as he has the support of his tactician and his troops. And in Chrom's fated battle against Gangrel, Chrom prevails and Gangrel is slain. As the newly-crowned Exalt of Ylisse, Chrom married and had a daughter, Lucina, and vowed to bring Ylisse into an era of unparalleled peace.

Sadly, however, peace doesn't last long, as the Valmese from across the ocean have
launched warships toward Regna Ferox, Ylisse's closest political ally. Reluctantly, Chrom decides to aid Ferox in the war against Valm, as they are a threat to Ylisse as well.

The Valmese arc in Awakening is controversial, to say the least. Many fans say it was simply a filler segment. However, I disagree, as Chrom's conversations with Walhart do quite a bit to show how Chrom has grown as a leader and how he juxtaposes Walhart in his style of ruling.

During their confrontation in chapter twenty, Chrom's first reaction to facing Walhart is asking the Conqueror if he'd surrender, to which Walhart scoffs. The rest of their pre-battle conversation is as follows:

It did not have to be this way... You believed in mankind's strength... So did my sister. You believe that we are masters of our destinies... So do I. You could have joined with us.


ME, JOIN YOU?! Does a pegasus join with the flea on its back? A dragon, with a cow it eats?! You forget your place, BOY. I am the Conqueror! I will unite the world!

No! ...I will. And not by forcing all the people to choose the sword or the knee. Peace will only come by stoking people's hearts...not their fear.

You think that's what you've done? What your sister did before you? No, she shouted some nonsense and leapt off a rock! Such weakness!

Wrong. Not weakness—strength. That one act lives on, and WILL live on, longer than all your conquests...

And longer than you will... Come then, flea, and die for your peace!

Emm, I tried...

The weight of Emmeryn's legacy is clearly weighing on Chrom. His every action as Exalt was done with his sister in mind, as if to ask, "What would Emmeryn do?" In chapter six, he had told Robin that he would never be able to show compassion to those who did him harm, as Emmeryn did when her people turned against her. Here, however, he does just that. Walhart the Conqueror, a man who terrorized and subjugated an entire continent, fought Chrom's army with his own for the entirety of a brutal campaign, and threatened to take over Ylisse and Regna Ferox as well, was now facing off against Chrom directly. Chrom's first, instinctive reaction, however, is to ask if Walhart will stand down. And then when Chrom cannot reason with him, he reluctantly fights him, having unsuccessfully tried to use Emmeryn's own method of peace.

Until now I haven't touched too much on Chrom and Robin's relationship, despite it being a crucial component of Chrom's character. Throughout the game, Robin has acted as emotional support for Chrom. Chrom is prone to doubting himself, and Robin is always there to provide reassurance, as he did in the wake of Emmeryn's death. Likewise, Chrom places his full trust in Robin, both as commander and tactician, and two best friends. However, a revelation is uncovered. In the bad future that Lucina comes from, Robin is the one who took Chrom's life, impaling him with a hardened bolt of magic through the chest. Upon having this confirmed for her, Lucina draws her sword and prepares to kill Robin then and there, to save both her father and her future. Regardless of Robin letting her or not, Chrom comes in at the last minute to stop her, having heard every word, and reestablishes that nothing can shake his faith in Robin.

Robin and I have held fast through good times and ill... We swore to be two halves of a greater whole. You underestimate the strength of those ties, the bonds we share. I believe in them more than some foretold "destiny."

That is easier to say when you haven't seen it yourself...

Lucina, aren't our ties stronger here now than they were in your future? You said so yourself. In this flow of time we are bound tighter than ever, you and I. Not just as father and daughter... But as friends. We can change things—we already have...and we will again.

Chrom is convinced that because things had already changed as a result of their actions, that the bad future is preventable, and his death at Robin's hand is far from guaranteed. In spite of his trust in others not always working out, such as when the Hierophant betrayed the royal family early on, Chrom clings to his ideals. To him, they are worth fighting for, especially when his best friend depends on them. That being said, despite being trusting, Chrom is far from naïve and stupid. He recognizes that Plegia's invitation for parley will likely not end entirely hospitably. He doesn't go to Plegia without him and his men being armed. This is a big part of Chrom's character that often gets mixed up by those online. Idealism is not the same as naivety or stupidity. Chrom holds true to his core beliefs and recognizes the danger associated with them, but should he feel the need to, he will take precautions.

So in short, Chrom is a man who struggled to fight against the legacy of his warmonger father while trying to more closely emulate the ruling style of his older sister Emmeryn. He is a father to his men, and is capable and strong, if a bit reckless. Chrom acts almost solely on instinct and will defend those he cares about to the ends of the earth, and will help someone in need no matter the danger it may pose to himself. Chrom is also plagued with self-doubt, which only worsens after Emmeryn's death, until Robin's friendship breaks him of it, and the two become two halves of a greater whole.

He's also a total dork who stared slack-jawed at (his future wife) Sumia when she saved him from being turned into a pincushion, has an awesome design and color scheme, has a great voice, has an awesome sword when fully upgraded to the Exalted Falchion, and can use lances, but those are more superficial reasons why I like him, to say the least.

So if you read all of that, congratulations on making it this far.

Now as far as moveset is concerned, here's my take on Chrom.

Introduction: Setting the Exalt Apart

It's no secret at this point that Sakurai reached a bit of a snag when it came to adding Chrom to the roster. Sakurai had, indeed, initially planned on adding him into the game, and even devised a moveset for him. However, at the end of the day he wasn't satisfied. Nothing made Chrom stand out. In Sakurai's own words, he didn't "dance" the way Robin did. But...what if it didn't need to be that way? What if Chrom could be made to be unique, without forcing him into a role that doesn't canonically suit him? What if he actually could dance? If I could design him for Smash, Chrom would fill the niche of a weapon-switching rush down character.

Playstyle Description: Promoting from Great Lord to Smash Lord

In Fire Emblem Awakening, Chrom is of the Lord class. However, if he is at least level ten and has a Master Seal, he can promote to the Great Lord class, which over all has much higher stats. While the standard Lord class can only wield swords, a Great Lord can utilize both swords and lances. Chrom would follow suit in Smash, using both his Exalted Falchion and a Blessed Lance. Each weapon would have different uses in combat.

Smash Feasibility: Technically Possible?

Some may question whether or not this approach would constitute Chrom being technically feasible, and often times point to Zelda/Sheik's and Samus/Zero Suit Samus's separation, as well as Pokémon Trainer's removal. Simply put, this wouldn't apply to Chrom.

Yes, Chrom would have access to different moves when using the Exalted Falchion or Blessed Lance, but his model, voice clips, certain animations, and personal stats like weight and jump height would remain the same. A few altered damage outputs, hit box sizes, and attack animations changing isn't comparable to swapping out entire characters like Pokémon Trainer.

The only model switching out would be his weapon, and similar things already happen with the likes of Robin, Bowser Jr., and Pac-Man without any issues at all, while Ryu also has many additional attacks in his moveset without causing problems. From this, I think it's entirely possible that this playstyle idea is feasible from a technical standpoint.

Moveset Canonicity: Is It a Stretch?

Some may understandably question whether or not this type of moveset is representative of Chrom as a character, instead of unique for the sake of being unique. Some may wonder whether or not it is forced onto him. I believe this type of moveset is not at all forced, and instead completely within the scope of his canonical character.

First, let's go over the usage of lances in his moveset. Some may feel that using weapons that aren't usable in Chrom's default Lord class would lose his moveset authenticity. In a way, I understand this claim. It's for this reason that this moveset doesn't utilize Bow or Axe or Tome attacks, despite Chrom having access to the Archer, Cavalier, and Dread Fighter class lines.

Chrom using lances from his Great Lord class, though, is a different and much more suitable case, as the Great Lord class is the standard promotion for Lords, as opposed to a reclassing option. Additionally, some may not see Chrom using the Exalted Falchion when all promotional material shows Chrom using the normal Falchion. Sakurai has been on record saying that he likes having the Fire Emblem characters have the ultimate version of their weapons, as noted with Ragnell, the Binding Blade, and Omega Yato. Likewise, then, the Exalted Falchion and lance access wouldn't be a stretch for Chrom to use.

Furthermore, having Chrom have a weapon switching mechanic is also true to Awakening. In the game, Chrom is the only character with full access to the Convoy at all times, allowing him to seamlessly alter his inventory at a moment's notice. As well, different weapon types are a cornerstone of the Fire Emblem series' identity as a strategy and tactics franchise. Showcasing this in Smash Bros. through Chrom's weapon choice dictating his playstyle would be yet another added bonus and make Chrom more than just another ordinary swordsman.

The Moveset: "We're Not Done Yet!"


Down Special: With this, Chrom would switch between the Exalted Falchion and the Blessed Lance using his Down Special, Convoy. In general, the Falchion provides more power while the Blessed Lance provides more reach.

Up Special: His Up Special would be Sol. Chrom can't get Sol as a skill in Awakening through normal means, but this was creative license, since Aether is just Sol+Luna and I didn't want more inevitable Ike comparisons. Plus he gets it in Heroes. Here, Chrom would leap up, and at the apex can do one of two things. He can hit left or right, making him do a somersault maneuver (like the Mii Swordfighter's Airborn Assault special) while crash toward the ground, like in the Two Falchions cutscene, or he can plummet straight down by pressing down, sending his sword into the ground (from yet another Awakening cutscene). The former does more damage with the Falchion, while the latter does more damage with the Blessed Lance.

Side Special: Chrom's Side Special would be Luna. Chrom will take out a Spear and aim. Think of the Cracker Launcher in Brawl. You can aim the move and walk at the same time, but releasing the button tosses the spear. This does more damage if the Blessed Lance is equipped beforehand.

Neutral Special: Chrom's Neutral Special is Rightful King. One big part of Awakening's final act is having Chrom be blessed by Naga's flames and having the Falchion exalted. This would be incorporated into Chrom's moveset by him holding his weapon skyward. He is surrounded by white flames from Naga that build as the move is charged. However, the flames don't cause knockback, only damage, so foes can walk right up to Chrom and hit him out of it if he's not careful. That being said, if Chrom completes this move, the area around him gets doused with Naga's holy fire, causing major damage. Additionally, if Chrom is equipped with the Exalted Falchion and hits the opponent with a fully charged move, he gets a bit of health healed. The sweet spot is right above Chrom, where he's holding his blade.

Finally his Final Smash is the Shepherds' Assault. Here, Frederick arrives on the stage and rides a horse around the stage, striking foes with a Silver Axe for heavy damage. All the while, Chrom can still move about and attack with increased defenses, all thanks to a guard boost from Frederick.


Jab: (Sword) A three strike move in which Chrom holds the Falchion in two hands. Strike from left, strike from right, overhead strike.
Jab: (Lance) A two strike move involving two pokes and a lunge.

Dash Attack: (Both) Chrom performs a shoulder bash.

Side Tilt: (Sword) Chrom does a wide sideways slash. Similar to and slightly slower than Marth's, but more powerful.
Side Tilt: (Lance) Chrom juts out the Blessed Lance and twirls it for a three hit attack.

Up Tilt: (Sword) Chrom performs an upwards slice in a way similar to Little Mac's upward angled side smash. It has two points of damage, making it a swift, two hit attack. The animation is taken from Awakening.
Up Tilt: (Lance) Chrom twirls the Blessed Lance above him like a helicopter.

Down Tilt: (Sword) Chrom ducks down and does a chopping motion with the Falchion.
Down Tilt: (Lance) Chrom pokes the Blessed Lance forward, almost like a billiard cue.


Neutral Air: (Sword) Chrom takes on the pose of his Awakening box art and lunges his sword forward.
Neutral Air: (Lance) Chrom extends his lance at a downward angle similar to Corrin's Dragon Lunge.

Forward Air: (Sword) Chrom performs a quick midair somersault with his blade extended. May meteor smash if it hits at the beginning.
Forward Air: (Lance) Chrom extends his Blessed Lance forward.

Back Air: (Both) Chrom flips around and swiftly kicks the foes twice.

Up Air: (Sword) Chrom swings his Falchion twice above him in an arc.
Up Air: (Lance) Chrom twirls the lance tall-ways above him.

Down Air: (Sword) Chrom slams the Falchion down beneath him, causing him to fall toward the stage before reaching the point of impact on the ground.
Down Air: (Lance) Chrom holds the lance facing downward as a burst of light emits from the blade.


Up Smash: (Both) Chrom bashes the Fire Emblem skyward as it erupts with heavenly light.

Side Smash: (Sword) Chrom leaps forward and slams his sword from overhead onto the ground. This is Chrom's best kill move and is taken from his critical hit animation.
Side Smash: (Lance) Chrom thrusts the Blessed Lance forward. If it connects, another hit occurs as the blade erupts with Naga's holy light.

Down Smash: (Sword) Chrom slams his sword in front of him while taking a knee, planting it firmly into the ground. Like a few other down smashes, this only hits one side.
Down Smash: (Lance) Chrom ducks down and swings the lance across the floor, hitting both sides in a more traditional down smash.


Pummel: Chrom sheathes his blade and punches the opponent.

Forward Throw: Chrom tosses the foe forward.
Back Throw: Chrom throws the foe over his shoulder in a judo-styled maneuver.
Up Throw: Chrom lobs the opponent skyward.
Down Throw: Chrom slams his enemy downward and impales them with either the Exalted Falchion or the Blessed Lance.



Down Taunt: Chrom twirls his Falchion or Lance before planting it into the ground, taken directly from his victory animations in Awakening, all while saying "Well fought."

Up Taunt: Chrom lifts his current weapon skyward while saying "I will not falter."

Side Taunt: Chrom takes his trademark pose from his official art and shouts "Anything can change!"

Entrance Animation: Chrom appears from a Warp spell and draws his weapon.

Victory Poses:

Victory Pose 1: Chrom takes Falchion out of the ground and announces "For the Halidom of Ylisse!"
Victory Pose 2: Frederick rides in on horseback as Chrom's cape billows in the wind. Chrom states "It appears our training has paid off."
Victory Pose 3: Chrom does two wide slashes with the Exalted Falchion before sheathing it. During this, he says "Our bonds are stronger than any destiny."

Special Victory Quotes (Victory Pose 3) :

VS. Lucina: "You're skilled, but there are still a few things I can teach you."
VS. Robin: "You tactics can only get you so far, friend."
VS. Marth: "It's been an honor, great Hero King."

So with all of that said, I know Chrom's chance score will be low today, and rightfully so. But maybe after reading this, I can convince some people to give him an increase in want.

Want: 100%

So that's what I have to say about Chrom, the Exalted Prince of Ylisse, my favorite Fire Emblem character, my most wanted character for Smash Bros. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this.

Predicting a 74.5% for an ARMS character, and a 53.7% for a Rhythm Heaven character.

Nominating Celica (my third favorite Fire Emblem character, haha) x5

Deleted member

This is gonna be a short one.


Chance: 1%

Want: 30%
I like Chrom, but he's not one of my priorities.

Decidueye x5
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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC

Chance: 10%

Want: 30%

I'll just say what Sakurai also said about Chrom. He doesn't bring anything new for a Fire Emblem character and we already have 2 reps from Awakening. He's basically a meme at this point. And Robin's Final Smash would have to change too.


Rhythm Heaven Character: 45.78%

ARMS character: 59.78%


Lucas x5


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML

Chance: 50%

It could go either way, he gets his chance another day, or he does not. Honestly, if they rework Lucina, his chances skyrocket, as far as I am concerned, because he could be a clone of her. Or, the reverse is also true, if they added him, they could rework her to be a clone of him. Either way, I believe most people would agree that Lucina should play like her father hypothetically would, and not Marth, just because she cosplayed as him once. Together, they are the face of Awakening, arguably the most important Fire Emblem game. Oh, and Mii costume for the win. If anything, he, ore than any other Nintendo character, was fairly represented in Smash 4. That might indicate that they are willing to upgrade his status. If not, well, at least he will still be part of Robin's Final Smash?

Want: 100%

Second best blue-haired lord, or just lord in general. His only equal is Lucina. Surprise, surprise. And I do not just want him because of the implication it has for Lucina. Even if she were to remain completely untouched, I would still want my husband (he literally forced me to marry him, I did not have a choice, he is still a good guy though, I promise) to make it into Smash.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC

Chance - 5%
Sakurai has practically called him boring and uninspiring to work with as a character if we take the Palutena's Guidances at face value and how he got shafted in the trailer in favour of his more interesting Awakening friend/lover/other (yay fluid relationships). With new material from the franchise to work with, I don't think he stands a chance in all honesty.

Want - 20%
Sorry fellas, but I am on the side that FE is oversaturated. This doesn't mean anything for how Sakurai makes his decisions or how it should be, but if we didn't get another character from there for this game I wouldn't care. Especially one that doesn't stand out from other classes in the series that could be added in. Awakening has Robin and Lucina, which I feel is appropriate if they both return.


ARMS character: 45.4%
Rhythm Heaven: 43.7%

Noms: Black Shadow x5

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AKA nirvanafan
Oct 14, 2016
Gen 7 Pokemon

Chances: 90%
Having a rep from the latest generation of Pokemon seems like a no brainer especially with multiple pokemon having a lot of potential and popularity.

Want: 75%
Do not play Pokemon games but character like Mimikyu in particular seems like good characters with lots of potential as fighters.


Chances: 5%
Awakening has come and gone as has Chrom's chances of making it in.

Want: 10%
Chrom is great but keeping Robin as the Awakening rep is better and I would rather see 1 rep per game trying to get as many Fire Emblem games represented as possible.

Nomination: Tiki X10 (Not sure if that is allowed since I did 2 days at once but if not sorry and just do X5)
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Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC

Chance: 1% - Was passed up on with Smash 4 due to being too generic, and although Sakurai has changed his mind in the past, I highly doubt he'll change to the point of being more in favor of Chrom. Not to mention that Sakurai has stated that Fire Emblem has too many characters, so I think its more likely we'll see Fire Emblem get a cut or two before adding a previously passed-up character. The best thing Chrom has going for him is if he's made into an Alt of Marth or Lucina, but I doubt even that will happen.

Want: 0% - Not a fan of adding more Fire Emblem characters.

Nominations: Midna x5
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Deleted member

That other blue-haired swordsman

Chance: 0%
His only chance was before the Smash 4 roster was decided back to 2012, and we know what happened.
Not to mention Sakurai is aware there's too much playable FE characters and that he knows adding more will generate new tidal waves of salt.

Want: 0%
Yes, there was a time I had a blast by playing to my first Fire Emblem game with Awakening back to 2013, and I also was kinda favorable to Chrom's and/or Robin's addition back to the mid-2013 days.
But then :4myfriends: happened and my mind changed.
And :4robinm:/:4robinf: have ultimately been officially revealed with Chrom being relegated has their Final Smash and with :4lucina: as a :4marth: clone.
At first I felt sorry for his supporters with how rude his de-confirmation has been, tho I was more in favor of Robin due to their much wider move-pool.
Then FE got 2 new characters (:4feroy: and :4corrin:/:4corrinf:).
Which bring the final result to 6 FE characters (:4marth::4feroy::4myfriends::4robinm::4lucina::4corrin:).
No matter how diverse they can be despite being all swordsmen, the fact there were 2 characters from the same series as DLCs kinda left a bitter taste in my mouth.
This is a reason among others about why I'm currently losing and losing interest to get more into the Fire Emblem series.

But getting back to Chrom, as I stated earlier, he wouldn't have much to bring to the table, no matter how his supporters can suggest against it, and Sakurai has been clear on the matter.
And to conclude, while I normally loathe the "I hate this character because he/she prevented the inclusion of one I like" and "I don't want this character in because *insert dumb reason here*" kinds of mentality, the more time passes, the more I can't help but express disdain to him.

Final Destination (Ver. 2) x5

ARMS character: 56.2%
Rhythm Heaven character: 42.4%

Indefinite Minimum

Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2015

Chance: 30%
If they don't include an FE rep from the new game he's got a decent shot. Especially because of the trailer from last time.

Want: 100%
He's my favorite Fire Emblem character. I want to have his children.

Dark Matter Blade x3
Dragonite x2
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a smart guy

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
St. Louis

Chance: 1% Sorry bud, you're just not unique, and you got turned into a Final Smash.
Want: 10% No more Fire Emblem characters.

ARMS character 60.1%
Rhythm Heaven character: 60.1%

Nominations: Chibi-Robo x5


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Oh boy, Opposum's favorite time of the year!

Chance: 3%

I think Opo's post puts it best. Chrom is by no means a 0% chance, but he's still very unlikely.

Want: 60%

Here's the thing with me and Chrom... Despite me preferring :4lucina: as a character ever so slightly, I would have greatly preferred he made it in than Lucina. If only because... Well, at least we'd potentially have an Ike clone instead of a Marth clone. I don't care if Chrom can't learn Aether, Robin can''t learn Nosferatu, but that didn't stop him. I guess what I mean to say is, I'd rather have Chrom come in as an Ike clone than have :4feroy: or :4lucina: come back, so we can at least have a DIFFERENT clone. I'd still rather just not have a clone in general, though. And Lyn.

Nominate Geno x5.

Arms prediction 65%
Rythym Heaven prediction 30%
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Dr. Jojo Phantasma

The Chessmaster
Mar 8, 2018
Chance: 1%

He's had his chance for SSB4, but unfortunately for him he won't get another chance for another day. If we get any FE newcomer, it will be either one of my my girls Celica, or Lyn.

Want: 0%
Chrom is alright as a character, but he is nowhere near my top 30 preferred FE characters.

x5 to Celica


Smash Lord
May 7, 2015

Chance- 10%
Sakurai though Chrom was basic af, And not much has changed regarding him. Despite IS constantly trying to push him in everything as some means to apologize for Sakurai's rejection. Maybe as an alt to Lucina tho?
Want- 0%
I didn't want Chrom then and I don't want him now. We got the better pick in Robin, and we got Lucina as a bonus. The book on Awakening has been closed and lets keep it that way.

Nominations- Anna x5


Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL

Chance: 1%

Sakurai has already given his 2 cents on him. And if we're going to have another new FE dude in there, I doubt it'll be another Awaking rep.

Want: 1%

I'll admit, I'm biased. After that Corrin reveal from 2 years ago I just became tired of FE and any tiny bits of interest I had for this franchise dissapeared. And I honestly hope to see the amount of characters from this series decrease rather than increase. I'll give him that one percent for the fact that there are atleast worse options for characters out there.

Predictions: Arms rep 54.8% Rythym Heaven rep 53.5%

Nominations: Hades x4 Pacman x1
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Chrom’s day to be in Smash is over. Robin got chosen over Chrom. And with FE newcomers being likely selected out of relevancy in the future, Chrom is out of the question, even in the case that he returned with a significant role in a new Fire Emblem game giving him leeway of consideration. More likely than anything, someone from the Switch FE game or Echoes game will be chosen.


Smash Master
Nov 18, 2014
Charleston, South Carolina
Switch FC

Chance: 1%. I don't see it happening. He was considered for Smash 4 but scrapped in favor of Robin, and Lucina being added to the game further fills the "slot" of a "Fire Emblem Awakening character." Add to that the fact that we've already got six Emblem reps and Chrom doesn't offer a lot of immediate moveset potential... not looking good for Chrom, I reckon.

Want: 0%. Never played Awakening, and not much has made me interested in him as an outsider.

ARMS Prediction: 60%. Pretty dang likely, but still kinda uncertain.

Rhythm Heaven Prediction: 35%. The series has gotten some representation through trophies and Smash Run, but unfortunately Rhythm Heaven has been pretty much entirely stagnant since Megamix. And iirc, the team that works on the games was put on that Sushi Strikers game for 3DS / Switch.

Nominations: Snip & Clip x3, Blue Bowser x2

Deleted member


Chance: 1%

Sakurai made his stance on both his uniqueness (or lack thereof) and the amount of Fire Emblem characters on the roster clear.

Want: 50%

Prediction: ARMS - 67.98%; RH - 54.78%

Nomination: Shulk x10


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014

Chance- 0%
-Passed over in the last game because he had no unique moveset potential.
-Is now from a relatively dated FE game (FE16 or whatever will be out soon). IF we get a new FE character, Chrom's not it.
-Robin will likely return and retain him as an assist for his Final Smash.

Want- 0%
Who would want this.

Nom - Banjo-Kazooie x5
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Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013

Oh boy, here we go.

Chance - 1%

Originally, I was going to type out multiple paragraphs on how Fire Emblem is in an incredibly bizarre spot when it comes to Smash characters, but who is going to want to read that?
Regardless, Chrom is in a terrible spot for multiple REALLY BIG reasons.

Reason #1: Robin's Final Smash

I do not see Robin being cut in Smash 5, due to the popularity he has, both in and out of the Fire Emblem community, and the unique moveset he has compared to pretty much not only every Fire Emblem character, but nearly every Smash character, period. Chrom is an integral part of Robin's Final Smash, and considering the context of Fire Emblem Awakening, I feel like making a new Final Smash for Robin without Chrom would feel really out of place, just because so much about Robin's character and Fire Emblem Awakening's plot is about the bonds he has with his army, and most importantly, Chrom.

Reason #2: Lack of Relevancy and Overrepresentation of Fire Emblem Awakening

Awakening is not the hot thing in the Fire Emblem series anymore; that would be Shadows of Valentia and Heroes, for the most part. Even though Intelligent Systems loves putting Awakening and Fates into everything Fire Emblem-related these days, Awakening is already represented by two characters; a third would easily be overkill when entire games (FE2/FE15, FE4/FE5, FE7, FE8) in the Fire Emblem series have nothing in terms of Smash.

Reason #3: Not the Most Popular Fella

However, the aforementioned Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game has brought a significant amount of relevancy to characters who have no reason to be relevant, and of course, Chrom is one of the people who has benefitted from this. However, there are numerous characters who have benefitted significantly more from Fire Emblem Heroes. And in order to prove this, I turn to the Choose Your Legends popularity polls.

In case you don't know, the Choose Your Legends polls are essentially popularity polls consisting of every character in the Fire Emblem series. The Top 2 winners of the Men's bracket and the Top 2 winners of the Women's bracket get special versions of themselves within the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

For the sake of these polls, I'm going to ignore the Smash characters in them, because a lot of their popularity comes from Smash.
While his popularity was a bit better earlier on, being only outclassed by Hector, his popularity has only dropped since, being outclassed by male characters like Hector, Ephraim, Almond, and Heroes-darling Reinhardt. Of course, this isn't even factoring the women's side of the bracket either. In the first poll, he was outclassed by Lyn, Tharja, and Camilla, and in the second, he had been outclassed by Celica, Veronica, Camilla, Eirika, Azura, Loki, Nino, and Micaiah.

He's still a popular character for sure. But one of the most popular Fire Emblem characters? Not even remotely the case anymore.

Reason #4: "ew yuck Fire Emblem" "ew yuck anime swords"

People are tired of Fire Emblem characters, and I'm sure Sakurai and Buddies are more than aware of this. Hell, even when developing Corrin for Smash 4 DLC, Sakurai had stated that he was aware that there were too many Fire Emblem characters. Because of all of the backlash that Corrin brought to Smash, I get a feeling that Smash 5 will not be getting a new Fire Emblem character, and if it does, it'll be someone more popular, more relevant, or with a unique (aka non-sword) moveset. Chrom doesn't really fit into any of these spots.

Want - 0%

I'm a huge fan of Fire Emblem, and I have been for years. I've played through numerous games in the series, am a very active player of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game, and I would easily classify it as one of the video game franchises I've spent the most time into.

I do not want Chrom in Smash. I feel like he would offer nothing new to the table. I'd rather have Lyn or Celica or Hector or Ephraim or pretty much anyone else. We already have Robin, and he does a phenomenal job at representing Fire Emblem Awakening. We really don't need another.

I said earlier that I wouldn't type out multiple paragraphs because no one would read them. Whoops.

Nominations: Banjo-Kazooie x5


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015

Chance: 0.1%

Giving 0% to any character is very extreme because anything is possible in the end... but Chrom it's probably the more similar we have to a character that was completely and absolutely rejected... not because he have hard-to-work proportions (Ridley), not because it feels weird to see him fighting (Villager), not because he lack recency/relevance (Geno)... In fact, he has pretty much all the credentials to be a feasible fighter... but...

He lacks unique appeal, Chrom looks like a fusion (at least design-wise) of Ike and Marth; and his fight style it makes me feel the same. Seeing a character been rejected because him feels redundant isn't something we see everyday... and I can perfectly understand Sakurai's idea about this subject.

Chrom at least it's still a relevant character even nowadays (Fire Emblem Warriors), so, maybe he ended up being a clone? Who knows....

Want: 0%

Nothing against the character in Fire Emblem, he's a nice guy... but, I just don't see his appeal as a unique character in Smash Bros, and there are better option IMO, both older and newer characters.


Prediction Time!

ARMS Character: 67.7%
RH Character: 56.6%


Micaiah (Fire Emblem) x4
Celica (Fire Emblem) x1
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2017

Sakurai basically outright deconfirmed this character from ever happening, btu just MAYBE...

Want:50% No prefrence either way


Rhythm Heaven-45%

Nomination:Concept:Mother Newcomer x5
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Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 0.05% - Unless something truly unexpected happens, I don't see how he would be chosen. His time has passed, and was already turned down for not being interesting enough.

Want - 10% - I played Awakening, though I lost interest and never finished the final chapter. I found Stahl a more interesting character than Chrom. Y'know, the character who's personality is being abnormally average in every way? Yeah, that speaks for how interesting I found him.


ARMS Character - 13.24% - Hard to say if they are too new...

Rhythm Heaven Character - 62.53% - Should do decently-ish.


Anna X5

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
Wow, you guys are pessimistic and unrealistic.
Chance: 100%
He's guaranteed to be in the game...as a part of Robin's FS

Oh, we're rating Chrom as an individual? Then 0 an attack prop stays an attack prop. Right Toad?

Want: 0%
I love FE but I there are plenty of other characters from FE who would be better if we even get more FE characters.

noms: Tethu X5
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Smash Champion
Feb 12, 2015
Pepperoni Secret
Switch FC
Oh no, my poor sweet prince...


Chance: 3%
Even in a weird situation where Robin and Lucina were both banned from Smash, I could hardly see Chrom making it in. Sakurai has expressed his opinion that he would be too generic as a fighter, and there are so many other choices available... I just don’t see it happening.

Want: 95%

Yeah, I’m that guy. Chrom is my favorite lord in the series, and I’ve played almost all FE games.
I’d prefer Hector or Celica... But I like Chrom too much to say I’d be even the least bit disappointed. He’s a great character, and I hate seeing everyone tear him down for being “generic” and “boring”. I would love to see Chrom in Smash, with a unique, awesome moveset, just to prove all the haters wrong. As it stands, though, I’ll settle for him showing up to kick ass in Robin’s Final Smash.

ARMS character: 64%

Henry Fleming x5

I don’t know if this is against the rules, but... Is there any way you could change “Codename: S.T.E.A.M rep” on the noms list to Henry Fleming? I’m 99% sure I’m the only person who has been voting for it, and since someone else has voted for Lincoln already, I think Henry is the only possible option for a playable character. If it’s too much trouble or breaks the rules, that’s cool too.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Ylisse

Bad meme, I know. Leave me alone :grrr:

Chance: 3%

Really don't see why Chrom would be added in now that his "window of opportunity" has long passed. Sure IS treats him as the face of modern FE similar to how Marth is vintage FE but he's not relevant outside spinoffs. Robin represents Awakening just fine and any future FE character will hail from the newer games (with the exception of Lyn MAYBE).

Want: 1%

To avoid offending fans of this character, I avoided giving out a 0% want score. Chrom does nothing for me despite me liking his character from FE13 and especially not at a time where the FE roster is bloated as all hell.



ARMS Character: 77%
Rhythm Heaven Character: 29%


ARMS Character: 82%
Rhythm Heaven Character: 53%


Andy X 5
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Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2014

Chance: 5%
Oof. They did him dirty and I don't think he'll recover. Will probably remain Robin's Final Smash.

Want: 30%
I actually like Chrom quite a bit, but Robin and Lucina represent Awakening well enough.


Arms Newcomer: 60%

RH Newcomer: 40%

Would personally reverse those two but that's not what predictions are for.

You know what, since Nick got to 100 I'll go with Elma instead this time.

Nominate: Elma x5


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Blue-Haired anime Swordsman #57

Chance: 1%
Want: 1%


See what everyone else has said. Yes he was important, then they decided on his daughter instead of him, and her incusion as a full character instead of the alternate costume she should have been made loads of waves. Add on griping about Fire Emblem favoritism, and you've got nothing.

And Robin is way cooler to represent Awakening.

EDIT - Note I'm not griping about "all swordmen are the same." I don't have that problem. My biggest issue is that FE is a bit bloated at this point, and Chrom is best known outside the FE community as 'the dude who got beat by Captain Falcon in his reveal, and that everyone then started to complain about.'

Prediction for ARMS: 67.5%
Prediction for Rhythm Heaven: 49.5%

Nomination: Skyrim representation x5
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Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
You know, all of the fire emblem characters that either haven't already been playable or aren't from the upcoming FE switch kinda meld together to me at this point. Chrom, Anna, Celica, I just don't see them adding new who isn't from the upcoming game. So I'm just going to make a multipurpose chance review and paste it for other days.

Chance: .5%
So here we have (Character). (Character) may be relevant in mainstream Fire Emblem, but there's over a dozen games to consider. Considering the huge amount of Fire Emblem characters already in the roster, adding (Character) wouldn't really be justifiable. There's already so many characters to draw people into newer Fire Emblem, and even if (Character) had a totally unique play style it wouldn't contribute much. In terms of older Fire Emblem, it wouldn't do Nintendo much good to send people swarming to download ROMs so that they could play (Character)'s game. We also already have Roy, the protagonist of the game that IS has shown the most interest in remaking. A FE switch character has a good shot, but I can't really see anyone else making it. It's not impossible, but at this point (Character) should just stick to hoping for FEH seasonal costumes.

Want: 70%
I'm a huge fan of Fire Emblem, but there's other characters I'd prefer to see. I wouldn't be upset with Chrom though.

Predicting LEGS at 56%, Rhythm Heaven at 45%
Nominating Skyrim Representation x2
Snip/Clip x3


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009

Chances: 0.01%

A lot of things are going against him right now: Already have 2 Awakening Reps (Robin and Lucina), being apart of Robin's Final Smash, and another swordsman. Unless he throws in some Lance attacks, I don't see him being in and would be a "waste of space" to me. (My apologies if I sound like I'm bashing, but I'm being realistic here)

Want: 0%

I think Fire Emblem has enough reps and should consider a break for now before adding more. Chrom has too much against him and there's no way he's gonna even make the roster. Plus I dislike him in his game :p

Prediction for

Arms: 52.3%
Rhythm Heaven: 47.5%

Nominations: Zeraora x5
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Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2010
Princeton, NJ
User was warned for this post

Chance: 0%
Sakurai already said why he didn't put Chrom in, and that hasn't changed. Couple that with his "too many Fire Emblems" comment and his chances (aside from being an Ike skin) are non-existent.

Want: -100%
In an extremely short period of time, I went from being indifferent to Fire Emblem to legitimately hating it. The disproportionate amount of Direct time it got, the horrible weeaboos it introduced to the greater Nintendo fanbase, and (obviously) the massive oversaturation of Smash Bros. characters. This series can go **** itself and its 10-year-old sister.

edit: I apologize for implying anyone here was a weeaboo, I didn't mean to do that. I don't apologize for calling this game out on letting you marry and impregnate your 10-year-old sister.

Arms prediction: 70%

Rhythm Heaven prediction: 70%

Travis Touchdown x1
Funky Kong x4
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC

3% - I don't see much reason why they'd add him, they already have Robin and Lucina to represent Awakening, I think it's more a question of holding on to both of them rather than adding more Awakening characters. Even in the scenario that Sakurai would seriously consider him it's not like his likeness to Marth and Ike has changed at all, if anything it's only gotten worse for him as Roy just went in and sort of filled that in-between role.

Want: 20% - Out of the three main characters of Awakening he was the least interesting to me, he was still a fine character, but I think a lot of that had to do with his chemistry with other characters and not necessarily his own values, if you completely isolate him from the rest of the cast he's not anything special. On top of that I think FE is more than represented well enough in general, Awakening in particular, and if we then do end up getting a FE newcomer as is likely there are also candidates with more potential. I wouldn't be angry at his inclusion, but it would puzzle me.

Nominations: Skull Kid x5
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
In an extremely short period of time, I went from being indifferent to Fire Emblem to legitimately hating it. The disproportionate amount of Direct time it got, the horrible weeaboos it introduced to the greater Nintendo fanbase, and (obviously) the massive oversaturation of Smash Bros. characters. This series can go **** itself and its 10-year-old sister.
What are you exactly talking about the "Direct time"?

This and the last year in fact feel that it didn't have mentions to Fire Emblem at all in the General Directs; limited only to the Fire Emblem Warriors teaser that it wasn't even the complete teaser; and the Lyn annocement at mid-late 2017 (that wasn't exactly long anyway)... pretty much every other new (Shadows of Valentia and Heroes) were relegated to their own directs.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018

Chance: 1%

Like Ridley, Sakurai has outright stated why Chrom will not be in Smash, and nothing has changed since then. Chrom getting into Smash Brothers seemed to be a joke in Smash for Wii U. Between Robin's reveal trailer and the Palutena's Guidance, it is very clear that Sakurai finds nothing interesting about Chrom to warrant his inclusion.

Want: 10%

I actually liked Chrom in Awakening. As far as main Fire Emblem lords go, he's one of my favourites. But I simply don't want any more Fire Emblem characters in Super Smash Brothers.

He can replace Corrin though, I'd be fine with that.:p

Prediction for ARMS: 62%
Prediction for Rhythm Heaven: 32%

Nominating Bomberman x5


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012

Chance: 5%
He's popular, but I don't think Sakurai will see the value in making him playable.

Want: 40%
Fire Emblem: Awakening changed my perspective of games and introduced me to many different genres. He would be a little similar to Marth and Ike, but Chrom is such an awesome character personality-wise that I can't just give him zero.

Predictions for Rhythm Heaven rep:
Chance - 31%
Want - 43%

Dillon x5



Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2014
Chance: 0%
With FE characters, the chance to be added is much like with Pokemon. When a new game comes out, the main characters have their shot. That is their one and only shot barring remakes or special cases (that I'll talk about when Lyn's day comes). Chrom was passed over when Awakening was new in favour of the other two main characters, largely imo because of the three of them he is the least exciting. Right now, there's been 2 other main FE games released since Awakening, with a new one coming this year. Chrom is not even that popular in the fanbase, so I think his time has come and gone and it wouldn't make sense to add him over newer, more unique, and/or more popular characters.

Want: 0%
Yeah, he is my second least favourite lord only above Corrin. He is a messy mish mash of Marth, Ike, and Ephraim, while failing to capture what made those characters so great. He is arrogant (blindly believing his pov is the only legit one), hypocritical (scolds the villains for putting selfish reasons above the greater good and does just that in the final battle), and ignorant (refuses to acknowledge his country's past mistakes). He doesn't grow, he doesn't do anything original, and he is imo pretty uninspired.

Arms: 77%
Rhythm Heaven: 35%

Nominations: Pyra/Mythra (without Rex), Elma, Neku, Mipha, Impa


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Chrom: 0.1% in case they replace lucina with chrom, which they won't do.

Want: 0% Why...?

Rhythm Heaven character prediction: 48.5%

Noms Snip & Clip x5

Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
Lucina's Padre

Chance- 7%
Yeah, too many FE characters, and yeah, :4robinm: was picked over him, and yeah, there are more possible FE characters to add than there are non-FE characters in Smash Bros 4; add all that up and it seems Chrom will never get that chance he was talking about back in 2014.

I do believe he did somewhat decent on the ballot, despite already being deconfirmed, hence the DLC mii outfit. If a majority of the newcomers are in fact based on fanservice/ballot picks, then he may have a very slim opportunity. However, even then he still has to go against a landslide of other ballot picks and characters from his own series.

Between Awakening and this new Smash Bros, there have been 2 new 3DS games, a phone game, and 2 games on Switch (well, one of them isn't out yet, but is supposed to come out this year) added to the FE series, all of which bring plenty of other candidates. Unless Sakurai looks back at the fan demand from all those years ago and has a change of heart, I really don't think Chrom's gonna make it.

Want- 0.5%
Never touched a Fire Emblem ever, not my kind of game. The only FE characters I'm really rooting to return are :4marth: , :4roy: and :4myfriends: . He's kinda like the underdog of FE characters, so I'd be happy for his fans but I'd still be a little irked about potentially having 7 Fire Emblem characters in the game.

ARMS character- 52.06%
Rhythm Heaven character- 49.17%

Doomguy X 2
Banjo & Kazooie X 2
Hat Kid (A Hat in Time) X 1
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Deleted member

Just a quick question TCT~Phantom TCT~Phantom , but will there be special days of RTC where we rate our level of satisfaction of confirmed veterans and newcomers like in the previous editions?
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