Rayman has quite a bit going for him. His debut was on PlayStation, PC and even the damn Atari Jaguar, but not the Super Nintendo (altough planned). Despite the fact, he has had games on EVERY Nintendo system after that, from Rayman 2 on N64 to Legends on Wii U and Switch, which gives him a pretty strong push. He may not be on Icon levels of


, but he certainly wouldnt be the most "obscure " 3rd party weve had. As others have mentioned, Ubisoft has historically been supportive to Nintendo, and made the infamous Mario Rabbids game.
But when it comes to Smash Bros, Rayman has had an odd history with the most recent installment. 3 Rayman trophies in the game, with models supplied by Ubisoft. While this in it of itself is odd, what I find more odd is that Ubisoft is credited NOWHERE in the game as far as I know for these characters copyrights. Shortly after the trophies were revealed, a Nintendo Canada representative said that Rayman was actually playable... which obviously wasnt true, but this still raises my eyebrows. Maybe Rayman was planned initially, or what I think happened; a Snake/Sonic in Melee situation occurred. 2013/14 rolls around, Smash 4 hype and development, going smoothly, and the Ubisoft approached Nintendo to pitch Rayman for the new Smash Bros like Hideo & Yuji did in the Melee days. Obviously, it was far too late in development to include a brand new character, so they made up for it with trophies. All this may help his inclusions this time around.
That's now all history with a little bit of conspiracy, though. I think Rayman is the most "realizable" 3rd party newcomer, with two roadblocks standing against him; Roadblock #1 is the fact that he is a western character, which Sakurai avoids like the plague with the exception of

. This may change in this game, though, as sooner or later Smash Bros is gonna run out of iconic Japanese 3rd parties to use. It also makes more sense from a business point to include more western characters for a worldwide appeal, since the game industry is more worldwide than ever nowadays.
Potential Roadblock #2; Ubisoft themselves. It's clear that the actual developers at Ubisoft love the character and series with all their hearts, but I'm not quite sure the higher ups do. We haven't seen a brand new Rayman since 2013, and it seems the only factor that keeps getting Rayman new games is the creator Micheal Ancel himself (who even stated that he wants to make Rayman 4 after Beyond Good & Evil 2). It's also possible that rabbids may get in instead, but I think there are enough people at Ubisoft that understand Raymans importance to their company to overcome this potential issue.