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Rate Their Chances - Smash Ultimate Edition! Day 672: Five Most Likely First and Third Parties for Smash 6, and Final Goodbyes


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC

Chance: 15%
Vergeben says there's a Square Enix rep, which is the only reason this is higher than zero. Disney brings this way the hell down. I really do think that Cloud and the whole deal with Square was like, "we want Geno because it's what the fans want" "ok but put in cloud first." It's a weird world where Geno is actually likely, but I truly think Geno is the most likely Square rep.

Want: 50%
I love Kingdom Hearts, and back when I played Olimar in Brawl I used to pretend his alt colors were the drive forms from Kingdom Hearts. Sora would be an awesome choice, and I would love it. The thing is... Sora getting in would just make me sad that Geno isn't getting in. That, and I'd much rather have Nintendo characters than third parties.

Sans prediction: 3.14159%

Nominating Rhythm girl x5


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
Chance: 15%: Nintendo won't deal with Disney. Look at Wreck-It-Ralph 2.
Want: 50%: I do play him in SSF2. But I wouldn't be mad if he didn't make it in.
Hollow Knight x 2, Boss: Perfect Chaos x3
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Another Offender to the Fashion Police

Chance: 50%
Want: 0%

Sora's got a huge fanbase, definitely, and he'd be popular with the younger crowd. Plus, with KH3 on the way, it's perfectly in line for promotional DLC. As such, I'll vote him my second most likely DLC character after Steve.

Still, there's the huge debate about rights here. Is he Squeenix? Is he Disney? Both? I'm sure it's more complicated than just one company having 100% say in what happens to him. Face it, if someone offered Square billions to make official Sora r34, I'm sure Disney wouldn't just sit back and say "well, it's his character!" Likewise, Disney hasn't shoved him into an official movie yet because they can. I'm sure rights are shared between the two.

But again, which company would say "no, I don't want a bunch of free advertising for my character in Smash."? Well, Square's making sure that Cloud came with the bare minimum of content, ostensibly so they could sell the rest as DLC. And Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite was killed since Disney wouldn't let the X-men come in since they didn't own the film rights, and then also didn't let their characters get hurt in any promos...which makes it tough to show off a fighting game when one side can't get touched. So most companies would probably be cool with it and give great prices to get their IP in Smash - but Disney and Square both seem really stingy about it.

I think that's his biggest problem. He's got two stingy companies controlling him who are gonna want to take more than they give. Still, his fanbase does have the pull, it's just a matter of whether Nintendo wants to play ball with that many restrictions.


Disney has a lot of great stuff - I am a huge Marvel fan after all - however I know they are a really controlling company. I don't want to see the Mouse take over Smash just so some weirdo who goes to Cloud's hairstylist can swing a giant key at people. And I absolutely do not want to see standard Mickey party members show up, even if it's just for a Final Smash. I'm not a fan of bringing in fourth parties (and in this case, 'fourth-party' is the correct term since this requires Square AND Disney on top of Nintendo and Sora LTD).

Also, I'll reiterate my normal complaints about my dislike of JRPGs, my dislike of WTF-level fashion disasters, and my dislike of generic anime hair gel.

Nom: More DLC x5

And in re: to all of the spoilers - I'm trying to avoid WoL spoilers, but I don't mind seeing the music. Unfortunately, it looks like the Nintendojas are striking down all of the OST on YouTube. But from what I hear, setting music on stages is gonna be a lot more scrolling through a whole list instead of just assigning certain songs to stages.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Chance: 25%
Want: 80%

Well taking what HMK said about Sora. Disney owns him, but they typically get Nomura's blessing to use him on anything. So even if the Smash team doesn't need to go to Nomura, they may still have to out of respect. The big hurdle is the presence of Disney content in Kingdom Hearts. Even if you don't include it, there's still Mickey's head being used as a keychain for Sora's keyblade, which I'm sure has its own copyright.

There's enough original worlds in Kingdom Hearts that could be used such as Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, Radiant Garden, & Twilight Town (though that stage is more appropriate for Roxas). The only Disney world that you could maybe get away with is Hercules's world Olympus Coliseum. I know Yoko Shimomura composes for Kingdom Hearts so it comes down to the contract on how the music is handled.

Spirits could get away with just the KH original characters, but there would be a gap of no major Disney characters like Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pete, and Maleficent.

It's all very weird. Sora and Kingdom Hearts could be the big exception to non-video game originated content. It's a wait and see for what route they would take assuming Sora is in.

Want depends on what Sora we could get. I don't want KH1 Sora. He's all grown up. Use his current look. You could maybe get away with KH2 Sora since KH3 begins with Sora still in his KH2 clothes.

Concept: Boss Rush x5

mfw Marx is confirmed a boss rendering Kracko obsolete

mfw there's no boss rush mode found in the datamine


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
Want depends on what Sora we could get. I don't want KH1 Sora. He's all grown up. Use his current look. You could maybe get away with KH2 Sora since KH3 begins with Sora still in his KH2 clothes.
View attachment 179724View attachment 179726View attachment 179725
I never thought about his alt outfits- but seeing what they did with Bayo/Cloud, it's possible we could get all three. (Or maybe just KH1 and 3 outfits) As alt skins. Or even crazier- He could have his KH1/KH2/KH3 outfits, and the other 5 skins are his drive forms.

Considering the 29 character IDs found, if Sora got in and took 8 IDs, that'd make the number seem a lot less crazy.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018

Chance: 40 - square is a pain in the ass to deal with and Disney is a huge question mark. It's tough to figure out if it's going to be possible or not for him to get in based on those 2 companies together

Want: 60 - Never played any games in the Kingdom Hearts series, but I think he would provide the biggest splash and would be the one of the biggest realistic names they could get for DLC.

Gen 8 Pokemon x5


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Chance: 15% - Considering what we know about Square right now, I find it hard to believe that they would gun for a character that they would get no direct profit from DLC and Amiibo wise. Nintendo certainly does not seem like they would gun for him either.
Want: 40% - I like Sora, as well as the whole KH series, but I am not too hasty to have him considering the lack of KH on the Switch and the fact that I feel other Square reps(Namely Geno) are more deserving of the spot.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
The blast zone
Thank y'all for putting datamine stuff in spoiler tags.


Chance: 0%
If they were to try and bring Sora in, Nintendo would have to pay money out the *** to SE to even get him in. SE is ridiculously stingy about its properties, look at Cloud. Aside from that, Sora has never appeared on a Nintendo console, and there's Disney to looks out for. I don't ever see this one happening.
Want: 20%
Honestly, I really don't care for Sora. I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game (though I do want to someday), but I wouldn't mind him.

Lora x5


Smash Lord
May 7, 2015

Chance- 10%
Want- 30%

I'll get this out of the way. Personally wouldn't care if Sora's in. I think we got the definitive Spiky haired swordsman from Square already and we don't really need another. He's not scratching a niche that's being left out. Finally If Square is getting another character I'd like someone who is nothing like Cloud. Kinda like how Ryu is nothing like Megaman, or how Simon is nothing like Snake.

Hell there are other Disney characters I'd rather see in Smash. Wreck it Ralph is a pipe dream of mine. Though I completely understand how unlikely it is.

Now, I can talk about how Disney is this overprotective company and how they refused to let Marvel character get beat up in the lead up of MvC Inifinite and the licensing nightmare that would come from it, Between Disney owning rights to the character, The Mickey Mouse Keychain etc. Instead let's talk about Sora's other parent.

Square in their second Smash game brought nothing new. According to Datamine spoilers.
They brought no new songs,
no PNGs for Spirits,
no Assist Trophies.
And I heard that they removed the Geno and Chocobo Mii Costumes (If someone has proof of the contrary let me know)
Edit: He is playable in World of Light.

Cloud was also apparently the last character to be re-added into Ultimate because Square was being stingy. Now combine that with Disney's stinginess and we're looking at a character that even in the narrowest of margins, would come with virtually nothing. No music, no dual audio (Though admitddly this is a Nintendo issue), and no other content from Kingdom Hearts. And quite honestly IMO, if that's how Square wants to act, then they don't really deserve another rep.

Nominations- More DLC/ Season 2 x5
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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Gijinka Mickey Mouse

Chance: 10%
He has mainstream appeal going for him, which sets him apart from his fellow Square Enix competitors, and also has a solid following within the Smash community. However, that's about all Sora has going for him, and he has a lot going against him to offset that. For one, he arguably wouldn't even count as a SE rep; if anything, he's a Disney character, legally speaking. Look at any piece of Kingdom Hearts merch, particularly merch of Sora, and you'll find Disney listed as the copyright holder, but no mention of Square Enix anywhere. The fact of the matter is that Disney owns the character wholesale. Nintendo would likely only go to Nomura for permission out of courtesy, and beyond that point, it's out of SE's hands completely. They probably wouldn't even get royalties from it! Sora's not exactly an attractive pick for Nintendo from a business standpoint, either, considering he'd serve only to promote an upcoming major release coming out on every console but their own, and there aren't exactly any current KH games on Nintendo platforms for fans to support; the closest thing to it would be Dream Drop Distance on 3DS, a seven-year-old game which has since been remastered on a competitor's console. For Nintendo, the benefits of adding Sora as DLC begin and end with Ultimate. Add to that the fact that they'd have to split DLC/amiibo profits with Disney, of all people, and I don't think they'd be terribly interested in taking a chance on Sora even if he has his fans. Square might want to push him since Kingdom Hearts is hip and current with KH3 on the horizon, but even then, Nintendo probably won't budge just because they don't wanna get Disney involved. Besides, considering how difficult Square Enix is reportedly being about Cloud's inclusion, I doubt Nintendo would want to go for a character with as much legal red tape as Sora.

Want: 0%
The idea of Disney ever getting involved with Smash makes me incredibly uneasy for the future of the franchise. I feel it'd open the floodgates for ridiculous **** like LEGO Darth Vader in the future, as well as more corporate meddling, which is never good. Even if the likes of Mickey and Goofy don't show up alongside Sora, what'll he be then? A mostly bland swordsman with terrible fashion sense who cuts in front of Geno for the sake of $$$. Hard pass on this one.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 0.5% - Sora is wildly requested as a character. Sadly, the reality of dual-ownership of companies makes this harder than it should. Square is already notoriously stingy when it comes to their own content. Disney is also known to be a pain. The amount of work that it would require to put him in sounds near nightmarish. I feel like Sakurai would really have to want to try and put him in and not be dissuaded by all the red tape if he were to get in, assuming Nintendo would be willing to work that far. I just can't see it.

Want - 10% - Sora's going to really strain what Nintendo is capable of doing. I don't think Sora's worth it.


Arle Nadja X5


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC

Chance: 1%

Square Enix is being stingy, and Disney is even stingier. Disney would ask for a ton of money to let Nintendo use Sora and I don't think Nintendo wants to fork over too much money for a character that would cost us fans $6 to purchase. Plus, Nintendo isn't on great terms with Disney. There are other Square Enix characters that would be easier to get in the game than Sora.

Want: 0%

I've played Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 and Dream Drop Distance, but Sora is a Disney character, and even if all the Disney accesories are removed from Sora (such as the Mickey Mouse symbols), he's still a Disney character because he's owned by Disney, even if he originates in a videogame. Disney characters do not need to be in Smash. Not now, not ever.

Nominations: Arle Nadja x5


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015

Chance 15%

His main advantage compared with other SE Choices is his mainsteam appeal, and is actually a character with a big-ish support for Smash Bros... Sora's problems is leaving in Copyright hell; people need to deal with Disney to put him into the game... freaking Disney; the biggest enternaiment company in the universe; dealing with them it's probably like trying to make a bet with the devil; you can't win without lose a lot.

Want: 50%

I personally don't care a lot :p



Sans: 3.1416


Reimu Hakurei x5


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
Chance: 10%-I'm going to keep him in mind as one of the possible Square characters, since Kingdom Hearts is still developed by S-E even if the original characters belong to Disney. That said, Nintendo may not want to go over with them to negotiate him when it'd be easier to get a different character. However, he is one of the few popular characters that didn't get spirit'd, and there's also that video that HMK made explaining the whole situation regarding Sora and how it'd be possible to negotiate him.
Want: 30%-I've never played Kingdom Hearts in my life. My brother loves it though. And granted, I don't have any negative opinions from what I've seen from gameplay and story standpoints. And no, just because he belongs to Disney, doesn't mean he didn't originate in a video game, nor that there's no way to simply not mention it, considering all the original stuff from the games.
Nominations: All-guests Passx5


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2018

Chance: 15%
I'm not really confident that Sora will be our Square Enix Rep that Vergeben mentioned for many reasons. One, Square Enix may have owned the Kingdom Hearts series, but Sora himself is owned by Disney, so it would be a lot harder for Nintendo to get him in the game, especially since these two companies are rather stingy with their properties. Second, he has too much competition from his fellow Square characters, such as Geno, a DQ character and probably a FF character like Noctis or Terra. And finally, KH3 hasn't come to the Switch yet, so that might or might not hinder his chances to be in Smash.

Want: 50%
I don't really care if Sora got in Smash or not. I've played Kingdom Hearts ever since Chain Memories in GBA and I loved it. But, there are other 3rd party characters that I want first before Sora. That being said, I wouldn't mind if Sora made it in somehow and he really fits in Smash really well.

3rd Party Character from an unrepped company x5


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
People seem under the impression that Sora and Kingdom Hearts are at least partially owned by Square Enix, but they’re fully a Disney property. So Square Enix’s stinginess doesn’t affect him (if anything, it helps, as he’d be the only Square Enix rep that Nintendo wouldn’t have to deal with Square Enix for)

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
People seem under the impression that Sora and Kingdom Hearts are at least partially owned by Square Enix, but they’re fully a Disney property. So Square Enix’s stinginess doesn’t affect him (if anything, it helps, as he’d be the only Square Enix rep that Nintendo wouldn’t have to deal with Square Enix for)
Actually, that's not entirely accurate. Disney actually asks a SE rep before adding Sora to certain products. SE is basically incharge of how Sora and Kingdom Hearts content(bar Disney characters specifically) are represented most of the time. Rarely does Disney just "do it". They respect SE a lot in this regard. So no, it's hardly that simple. Disney is just who they license to. SE is who they listen to when figuring out a character. However, they didn't hound Sakurai or watch his for Cloud and at most controlled the costume options. For the most part, Sakurai had free reign. Sora may or may not be so lucky.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Actually, that's not entirely accurate. Disney actually asks a SE rep before adding Sora to certain products. SE is basically incharge of how Sora and Kingdom Hearts content(bar Disney characters specifically) are represented most of the time. Rarely does Disney just "do it". They respect SE a lot in this regard. So no, it's hardly that simple. Disney is just who they license to. SE is who they listen to when figuring out a character. However, they didn't hound Sakurai or watch his for Cloud and at most controlled the costume options. For the most part, Sakurai had free reign. Sora may or may not be so lucky.
Actually, that’s not true. They don’t ask any Square Enix rep, nor do they ask Square Enix, they specifically ask Tetsuya Nomura (Sora’s creator), out of respect and to ensure proper representation.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013

20% Chance

Honestly the timing and size of Kingdom Hearts 3 helps him sooo much. Like holy ****, the timing works even if you want to dip more into the whole "when was DLC selected" timeframe, KH3 was in the public mind for more than enough time.

Disney/Square, that is a whole puzzle. Disney has historically been a mixed bag to work with. They are the largest entertainment company on the face of the earth. Nintendo won't be dealing with relatively small Japanese companies. This is a Western juggernaut. Disney has been hard to deal with in the past. Look at how MvCI turned out. Removing the X Men? That was them. Choosing characters to best fit the MCU? That was them. We can easily infer that Disney would be hard to work with.

One other detail that would also be a thorn in Sora's side is Nintendo World theme parks. Disney is known as a theme park juggernaut. They make a large part of their income off of their theme parks. Part of what makes them so impressive is the theming and scope. Now Nintendo is partnering with a large rival in theme parks, Universal, and making theme parks which could reasonably rival Disney's in theming? That is tough to swallow.

And yet I still feel that Sora has a solid shot. Mainly because of how massive Kingdom Hearts is. If Sakurai was willing to play ball with Square to keep Cloud in, he would at least try to play ball with Disney. It also helps he has worked with Nomura on Cloud before.

100% Want

I love Kingdom Hearts. I find the games to be some of the most fun games I have played. Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ is the best action RPG of all time. It has the best combat system of all time. KH 1 and BBS final mixes are also good games, albeit with some noticable flaws. The rest are solid except 358/2 that one has its problems.

I love the soundtrack. I want to hear Darkness of the Unknown and Destati in smash. I want to be able to hear Rage Awakened in smash. I want to hear Another Side another Story in smash.

Thrall x 5

Day over, Rate Sans for Day 199, and Predict Shantae for Day 201. As for Day 200? I got a surprise for you all. No it is not Goku or Shrek.


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
Chance: 50%:I honestly dunno about this one. We do have only one other competitor if spirits reconfirm in Hollow Knight who could make DLC do to being released March 2017, same time as BOTW. But if spirits don't deconfirm then he has Shantae to deal with. I really don't know on this one guys.
Want: 90%: I would LOVE Undertake representation, but not my most wanted indie. That would be Hollow Knight then shovel Knight/Specter Knight.
Nominations: Hollow Knight x5
Shantae prediction: 20.33%


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2018
I'm sorry just... Is this actually a question? Actually? If Undertale were to get any rep, it'd be the protagonist, Frisk. And is if and only if.

Memes are cool... That's it... That's... That's it.... Aaaaaaaa!

Nominations-Amatarasu 5x

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Actually, that’s not true. They don’t ask any Square Enix rep, nor do they ask Square Enix, they specifically ask Tetsuya Nomura (Sora’s creator), out of respect and to ensure proper representation.
And he literally works at Square-Enix. He's an employee there. He's a "Square-Enix representation" by all means.

Square-Enix generally is the one who makes the games. Disney does not. They rarely will be involved with how representation goes. It still falls on Square-Enix to go to when it comes to making sure the character is done right. They're involved either by proxy of the main employee who works on Sora or they'll be more involved because they actually care. It's no coincidence that we have so little SE content in both Smash games. It's because the way the character works still has them involved. Of course, the company is also weird since a lot of parts of an IP are owned by different people, which is why licensing SE content is far more difficult than people give credit for. It's a pain to get the license for, but each content creator is also being properly paid for their work for their involvement. And they should be. It just happens to work out less for the crossover makers, since they can't afford it.


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
No. Sans is the FACE of undertale. Frisk wouldn't get in. Plus less mindset potential.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Chance: 1%

A Piranha Plant got in. I ain't ruling out anything at this point.

In all seriousness, though, he's not happening. Undertale's a fledgling franchise, and an indie franchise at that, no way would it be considered Smash material. If Nintendo wasn't comfortable putting the Inklings in Smash 4 when they were popular first-party choices since day 1, the odds of Sans being chosen at this point are astronomically slim, even if Undertale is popular in Japan. (Like everything is, apparently.)

Want: 1%
The only good thing to come out of his inclusion would be Undertale music in Smash. But I can already do that with mods, and without putting in Sans in the process.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore

Chance: 15%. Undertale is suprisingly huge in Japan, which might catch Sakurai's eye. However, there are many things weighed against him in his judgement hall. They already denied Shovel Knight, so Indies in general don't have that great a shot. Even if we do somehow get an Udertale rep they could go for Frisk/Chara instead (The actual protagonist). Also the Undertale fanbase may have came too late, I'm pretty sure Undertale released mere days after the ballot closed.

Want: 40%. Undertale's Soundtrack in Smash? Yes please.

Noms: Grovyle x5


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2013
New Jersey
Skeleton-T (I don't think I've done this joke)

Chance: 1%. I highly doubt Sans will be present in this game as a DLC Fighter, and there's two major reasons for it. Firstly, how would he fight without spoiling massive chunks of his boss fight? That scenario is infamous, but it's still something Toby Fox probably wouldn't want Smash Bros. to spoil. Second, he's not the main character, Frisk is. And even if for some inane reason Frisk won't happen, there's still Papyrus, who could do a lot more with much more minimal spoilers. Western indies have gotten in as Assist Trophies, but Sans missed that boat too. I don't think Sans is somebody Nintendo would pick.

Want: 25%. I don't have it out for the character at all! But, does a game about promoting pacifism and denouncing violence really need to be in a game about violence? But hey, Megalovania in Smash, it's worth it. Though, to be honest, ASGORE in Smash would be just as good.

Nominations: Arle Nadja x 5

Shantae's chance varies heavily depending on whether the individual takes her spirit as a sign of disconfirmation or not. Among the people who do, I see her having 2% chance. Among those who don't, she'll have an 85% chance. Overall it should come around as 49% chance.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
*Insert joke about how Sans has been in Smash since Smash 64*

Chance: 2%
Undertale was a breakout hit that got a Switch port so there is always a chance. That said I just can't see an indie character becoming a playable character (I'm even starting to doubt Steve's chances following recent events).

Want: Abstain
I never got around to finishing Undertale and Sans doesn't seem as obnoxious as Papyrus so I won't comment. That said I would love some Undertale music in Smash.

Shantae chance prediction: 14.63%

Nominations: Kat & Ana x5

I have no idea what we're rating tomorrow so I'm just gonna do a crazy guess... Dr. Eggman?


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
hey buddy, do we have to calculate the chance ratings ourselves, or what?


Chance: 0.01% -> 0.01%
This should have gone up, since we're well past both Undertale's original release date and its Switch debut. Undertale's built up a gigantic presence in Japan since then, while both going three years without leaving the public consciousness and, to top it all off, revealing its own sequel a mere day before the November Direct. Deltarune is going to guarantee that Undertale doesn't fade into obscurity anytime soon.

This would work wonderfully for Sans (and any Undertale representation for that matter) had the decision not been given to Nintendo.

Sans's big bet is that he pervades popular awareness to the point that he becomes the officially-recognized icon of Undertale, much like how Pikachu represents Pokemon by himself. Keyword: officially. It doesn't matter how many bad photoshops and Fortnite dances get showcased with Sans if Undertale's store page still only slices him as one of the game's numerous quirky characters. The most that Sans going for him in that regard is that he got to spearhead Undertale's reveal trailer back in the February Direct along with his brother, and I'm more willing to bet that that was just a casual decision on Toby Fox's part than some request from Nintendo.

Otherwise, there's just no reason that Nintendo would pick Sans themselves. Why would they? Not only is he only popular because of internet culture, but he's hardly evocative of the game that they're trying to rope into Smash--he's a host onto himself, a meme with a meaning already long divorced from Undertale. As a boss character, he's absolute anathema to their core belief of creating simple challenges that prioritize fun over thought-provoking storyline. Nothing about trying to reach San's boss fight can be considered "simple fun", let alone the things that characterize him.

"But that's just meme Sans, not the real Sans!" Yeah, and the real Sans is a pun-cracking lazybones that would replace his roster slot with a markered name tag at the first opportunity. If that's not the Sans that shows up in Smash, then that's really just not Sans.

Oh yeah, and Toby Fox wouldn't let Sans be playable. Why does no one else think that counts for anything when Smash always respects creator consent?

Want: 20% -> 1%
As much I like Undertale, I don't want to see Sans playable in Smash, nor do most people who've actually played the game. As far as Undertale reps in general go, I still find Papyrus to be the best choice, for reasons and movesets I've already given.

Shantae: 18%

Papyrus x5
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Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL
funny meme skeleton haha
Chance: 0.1%
He might be the most popular Undertale character but he and his fight can still be considered spoilers. He also has competition from characters from his own game like Papyrus and the human, who aren't really spoilers and would probably be easier to balance. Tho Undertale in Smash isn't that likely to begin with.

Want: 85%
I'm a madman who wants to see the world burn. Also Undertale has a pretty dope ost I'd love to listen to in Smash.

Shantae: 21.26% (should actually be lower but the Shantae thread will probably invade again)

CGI DLC trailers x5


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2018

Chance: 0.1%
I gotta admit, Undertale is very popular in Japan, but I doubt that would get Sans or any Undertale character to be in Smash. Also, with Shovel Knight being confirmed as an Assist Trophy and Shantae as a Spirit, I highly doubt any indie characters would be playable at this point.

Want: 1%
As much as I loved Undertale, I really don't want Sans in Smash. The only representation from this series that I'd like to see is the music and that's it. Even if we're getting one, it's most likely they'll pick Frisk over Sans anyway.

Nero Claudius (Fate) x5


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
*insert whatever unfunny joke nobody made yet*

I don’t think he’s happening. He could happen, and would theoretically have a great chance: an indie breakout sensation (now a franchise), and one I have no doubt will have ease at replicating its success. Sans has certainly become iconic, although as a meme, and that might hurt him. Toby Fox also appears to be a big fan of Smash (but so is Shantae’s creator, and that didn’t help her).

But in the end, I don’t expect anything Undertale to ever make it in Smash, and that’s because of Toby Fox. Now, arguably, it should be the main character and not Sans who should represent the game, but due to middling moveset potential and personal (spoilery) reasons, Toby Fox is against it. Then again, Sans is also pretty spoilery, and doesn’t really have huge moveset potential either.

Ultimately I think Undertale is unrepresentable in Smash (In that respect Deltarune fares much better). So whatever we got I wouldn’t mind (because I love Undertale), but I think it would be poorly implemented at the end of the day, and for that I’ll give 50% Want.

Nominations: Mach RiderX5

Nominations coming real soon.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
When I say real soon I mean it

150 - 101

Arle Nadja x150
Rhythm Girl x110

100 - 51

Concept: All DLC will be third-party x95
Boss: Kracko x85
Kat & Ana x80
Grovyle x75
Nero Claudius (Fate) x75
Concept: Stages outside Fighter Pass x70
Concept: More DLC x70
Concept: CGI trailers for newcomers (barring Piranha Plant) x67
Concept: Gen 8 Pokemon x65
Mach Rider x65
Lora (Xenoblade) x60
Concept: No fan favorite/highly requested characters x60
Reaper (Overwatch) x60
Concept: Third-party character from unrepped Company x55
Professor Hector x54

50 - 25

Impa x42
Hollow Knight x35
Reimu Hakurei x35
9-Volt x34
Papyrus x30
Concept: All DLC will be first-party x25
Concept: Assist Trophy becomes Fighter x25
Thrall (Warcraft) x25

Under 25

Creeper x19
Hector (Fire Emblem) x15
Boss: Perfect Chaos x15
Frisk x10
Concept: Dragalia Lost rep x10
Concept: Shin Megami Tensei rep x10
Andy (Advance Wars) x10
Ninten x10
Decidueye x10
Pyra & Mythra (sans Rex) x10
Concept: Bethesda rep x10
Blacephalon x5
Zhao Yun (Dynasty Warriors) x5
Concept: Boss Rush x5
Lizalfos x4
Toon Zelda x3

Rhythm Girl taps past 100 noms.

Third-party from unrepped company and Professor Hector both pass 50 nominations.

Thrall gets to 25 noms.

A new concept: Boss Rush, with 5 noms.

Kotor Kotor Do you mean Boss Rush as a mode in base game or as a mode added through DLC?

aarchak aarchak At the risk of being off-topic, I thought it was very important to mention that Kingdom Hearts has had several exclusive titles on Nintendo consoles.
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Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
When I say real soon I mean it

150 - 101

Arle Nadja x150
Rhythm Girl x110

100 - 51

Concept: All DLC will be third-party x95
Boss: Kracko x85
Kat & Ana x80
Grovyle x75
Nero Claudius (Fate) x75
Concept: Stages outside Fighter Pass x70
Concept: More DLC x70
Concept: CGI trailers for newcomers (barring Piranha Plant) x67
Concept: Gen 8 Pokemon x65
Mach Rider x65
Lora (Xenoblade) x60
Concept: No fan favorite/highly requested characters x60
Reaper (Overwatch) x60
Concept: Third-party character from unrepped Company x55
Professor Hector x54

50 - 25

Impa x42
Hollow Knight x35
Reimu Hakurei x35
9-Volt x34
Papyrus x30
Concept: All DLC will be first-party x25
Concept: Assist Trophy becomes Fighter x25
Thrall (Warcraft) x25

Under 25

Creeper x19
Hector (Fire Emblem) x15
Boss: Perfect Chaos x15
Frisk x10
Concept: Dragalia Lost rep x10
Concept: Shin Megami Tensei rep x10
Andy (Advance Wars) x10
Ninten x10
Decidueye x10
Pyra & Mythra (sans Rex) x10
Concept: Bethesda rep x10
Blacephalon x5
Zhao Yun (Dynasty Warriors) x5
Lizalfos x4
Toon Zelda x3

Rhythm Girl taps past 100 noms.

Third-party from unrepped company and Professor Hector both pass 50 nominations.

Thrall gets to 25 noms.

Kotor Kotor Do you mean Boss Rush as a mode in base game or as a mode added through DLC?

aarchak aarchak At the risk of being off-topic, I thought it was very important to mention that Kingdom Hearts has had several exclusive titles on Nintendo consoles.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC

Chance: 0%
Was this day a joke or something? We're not getting an Undertale rep anytime soon, and it's not going to be Sans if we do. Sans in not going to be in Smash Ultimate. Period.

Want: 40%
His moveset potential alone makes me want him, playing as a character who throws bones around and shoots lasers, maybe even has a stamina mechanic? Plus, I always enjoy comedic characters.

Predicting 19.4% for Shantae

Predicting the secret day is a meme

Nominating Rhythm Girl x5


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Chance: 0%
With Shovel Knight being an AT instead of a playable character, I highly doubt that we are getting any indie characters.

Want: 0%
I'm not interested in him.

Nominate: Kat & Ana x5


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2013

Chance: 0.666%
I'd be...VERY surprised...

Want: 25%?
Undertale is one of my favorite games ever, and Sans is one of my favorite characters, but...he seems like such an odd choice to represent the whole series? If he got in then I'd feel like..."oh no, he's not making the right impression. Undertale has much more to offer!" He could be an assist trophy, but yeah, I would much rather our Fallen Human! That's someone I want 100%! I have a moveset in mind that would represent more of the Fight/Act/Item/Mercy system, the friends you make(including Sans), and Undertale as a whole, but this isn't the place for that!

Monokuma x5


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015

Chance and Want: Abstain

Meme character; I actually found him quite endearing and funny; he has a interesting pool of moves to use; but eh; he always felt too random as a Smash Choice to me; this character is a complete wild card to me.



Shantae: 13.4%


Reimu Hakurei x5
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Spoopy Meme

Chance: 5%
Want: 0%

You know, I'm not really a fan of adding a character just because they're a meme. If that's whay you want, just put Waluigi in instead.

I'll admit, I've never played Undertale. Something about the standard "I'm not a fan of the indie I'm-too-poor-to-make-graphics-so-here's-something-out-of-the-80s style (and the "Oh, you plebians who can't enjoy games with ****y graphics; I'm better than you" attitude it gives the fans). He's also another character whose entire schtick would be "oh, I can't hurt anyone!", like a more meme-y Isabelle. And that same ridiculous smile that's on every cartoon character nowadays.

But the biggest thing - Humor. Does. Not. Translate. Into. Fighting. Games.

People love Sans since he's got a certain sense of humor and he talks in an accursed typeface. But unless his attacks involve him writing something in comic sans and the other characters cringe themselves into a KO, that won't translate. You know where we got some humor? Paly's guidance. You know what one of the most divisive things in the game is? Paly's guidance. Humor is not necessarily universal, and I can't really see them favoring a series enough to give them a stage with an entire codex - and even then, it'd probably be a Sans/Papyrus guidance, which as Viridi has shown, does not imply the character must be playable.

Sidenote: her new voice is terrible, and the newer guidances in general are not as good as the older ones. They even removed them fangirling over Link.

The only saving grace is its popularity in general. Otherwise, keep the meme skelly as a spirit at best.

Nom: more DLC x5
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