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Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
:4pacman:Pac-Man: 80%
Great design choice.
I'm not a fan of him being slow.
I always considered him similar to G&W. Not surprised there. But I'm not a G&W player.
Large hitboxes? That sounds interesting. I love the quirky retro sounds in his moveset.
Like Mega Man, it's good for it's references. I don't think they'll be very highly ranked characters, but they'll be enjoyed by many. Hopefully bring in some people that wouldn't be all that interested in a game like this, I bet Brawl did that too.
They were the best picks for 3rd parties, and I rate them similarly. I wanted others, but these belong here.
I don't think I'll play him much.
I like his dash attack.
His side special is very creative.
The Hydrant is interesting too.
As well as the trampoline.
If I had more of a connection, this would be higher, because I have nothing against this.
Anything I hadn't liked before is gone. He's all good.
But he was revealed in a way I'll never forgive Sakurai for ;)
:4pacman:65% Great design choice.
I'm not a fan of him being slow.
I always considered him similar to G&W. Not surprised there. But I'm not a G&W player.
Large hitboxes? That sounds interesting. I love the quirky retro sounds in his moveset.
Like Mega Man, it's good for it's references. I don't think they'll be very highly ranked characters, but they'll be enjoyed by many. Hopefully bring in some people that wouldn't be all that interested in a game like this, I bet Brawl did that too.
They were the best picks for 3rd parties, and I rate them similarly. I wanted others, but these belong here.
I don't think I'll play him much.
I like his dash attack.
His side special is very creative.
The Hydrant is interesting too.
As well as the trampoline.
If I had more of a connection, this would be higher, because I have nothing against this.
Anything I hadn't liked before is gone. He's all good.
But he was revealed in a way I'll never forgive Sakurai for ;)
That's a nice Copy Ability you've got there, Kirby :4pacman:


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
:4mii:: 45%
Do they look fun to play as? Yep. They sure do. I could see them being one of my favorite characters to play as, gunner in particular.
BUT THESE AREN'T MIIS. Sakurai said it himself. Miis are big, they are central to many games and are certainly a nintendo all star. There inclusion into smash is definitely warranted. BUT THESE AREN'T MIIS. Miis should have drawn from Wii Sports, Wii Play, Streetpass Plaza, etc. If they did this, Miis would represent themselves. But they don't, this is not a playable mii, this is a character creator feature. The evidently large amount of dev time put into them doesn't help either.

:4palutena:: 23%
Ehhh... Kid Icarus has 3 games. It does not deserve more than 1 character. At all. Her moveset isn't anything special either. The only reason she is tolerable is because of her high fan demand. Her inclusion is one part fan demand, 2 parts Sakurai bias. One of only 2 inclusions I would call bad, the other being Rosalina.

:4pacman:: 98%
Best newcomer so far. There is no contest. His design choice is perfect, great moves. He is the most famous video game character ever. He transcends being an all star. His inclusion means we have Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man, and Megaman all in the same game. The only reason he doesn't get a 100% is the fact that Pac-Maze is 3ds exclusive.

a Link to the Forums

Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
Australia, Victoria
Calling it now, Villager will be taken down by :4pacman::4pacman::4pacman::4pacman::4pacman:


In terms of her trailer, this is by far the worst trailer of them all. I loved that they brought back one of the animators from the Kid Icarus anime for her trailer, but it was underwhelming since once you saw that Smash symbol and saw Palutena, you knew what was coming. There was no build-up at all. It is all, "Hey! Palutena is getting confirmed!" That alone removed a lot of interest or intrigue. She was honestly a poor choice to end the Digital Event on.
But Brawler, Palutena is a goddess. :smirk:

But seriously now, that's like saying you've won a bronze medal in the Olympics. Certainly not a bad effort.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
Marraphy's Newcomer Satisfaction Ratings

:4villager:: 90%
I was really really excited for him/her when they were first revealed. Since then, my interest in villager has sort of dwindled because there's more interesting newcomers that have appeared, but I still like the villager! Their moveset is really cool and quirky, and true to the animal crossing series. It just seems a little ordinary compared to the rest, is all!

:4megaman:: 70%
2 Things, 1: I'm not a big megaman fan, but 2: I'm really glad he got in regardless, since a lot of people are happy. When he was first revealed, I probably would've given him closer to a 100. However... when they showed off the Mii Gunner, I feel like the gunner's moveset was everything Megaman's moveset WANTED to do but couldn't. In the beginning, Megaman was the first fighter in smash bros to ever have a fully projectile-based moveset, and it was awesome. But I just feel like the Mii Gunner really... stole his thunder. the Gunner boasts much cooler projectiles, and I'm kind of considering making a Rockman Mii... lmao. Megaman is still cool in his own right, and his moveset is a good spacing moveset! I just.. idk. The thunder has been stolen, imo

:4wiifit:: 100%
LOVED when I first saw her/him. I forgot to mention this for the villager, but I'm glad there's male and female alts, btw. That's an automatic plus. The WFT was a zany, yet sensical addition who I think is executed well. I don't think there's anything I'd change about them.

:rosalina:: 100%
Rosalina was a newcomer that I didn't know I wanted until I saw her reveal trailer. No joke. I love Rosalina; she's my main in Mario Kart and I draw sketches of her from time to time too, definitely my favorite character in the Mario franchise. I just never ever expected that she'd have a chance to be in smash bros, so I never rallied for her. She's amazing looking, and I can't wait to play her. Her playstyle probably isn't one that I'll main, but it definitely looks really enjoyable. 100% satisfied.

:4littlemac:: 80%
Hotawhat. Little Mac is a newcomer I and I think many others kind of expected. He was one of the most likely "retro" characters after Pit, and Punch Out on the Wii helped his chances, too. Plus, the gematsu leak. Little Mac plays pretty much how I expected him to play, but he's a lot more powerful than I imagined. To be honest, he's sort of forgettable (to me) as a newcomer, and I'm not very interested in his playstyle, but I think he definitely lives up to his potential.

:4greninja:: 80%
To be honest, I wanted Sylveon for the gen 6 rep.... and I hated Greninja's design when he was first revealed in X/Y. = __ = It.. looks fun though? Greninja's moveset actually does look fun to play, and I'm a sucker for water-themed characters. Plus, Smash's version of Greninja actually improved some parts of its design! So... I'm kind of satisfied... and kind of not at the same time. Overall, I feel pretty positive about Greninja.

:4mii:: 50%
They were one of the most likeliest newcomers imo, and while their movesets don't look bad, they're nothing for me to get excited about. Mii Gunner looks cool though.

:4palutena:: 90%
So Palutena was my most wanted newcomer. I LOVE her as a character and I love her design, so even though her trailer was just like "well, here she is," I was still very happy when I saw it. (Plus, it was animated by my favorite anime studio, SHAFT!)

I admit, I thought her model looked kind of eh when I first saw it, but nowadays I'm used to it.

I also thought that all of her special moves being random powers taken from Uprising seemed... kind of dumb, when she was revealed. I expected her to have original powers, ones that really suited her status as a goddess. Again, now I'm a little more accepting of them (her default specials, at least), and it's really her normals that make her stand out from the rest of the bunch (plus, I guess technically she did create all these powers in the first place). I think Warp is a move befitting of a goddess and it matches her roll. Reflect is a great move and she is the only character who can summon a giant barrier onto the stage, so I like that one too. Auto-Reticle WAS used by her in her boss fight, I think, and it's a nice move. And although Counter is unoriginal, it is also a good move to have when you're in danger and it gives her even more defensive power.

Tbh, I was always a little bit worried if I'd like her playstyle since I knew she'd likely be a heavier character. But even though she's heavy, she's still fast on the ground. In addition to that, she seems like a mixture of Pit and Zelda, and plays VERY defensively, which I think is awesome and I think I'm going to like her playstyle! Her U-Smash can just RECK anyone trying to approach her from the air, if Auto-Reticle didn't already deter them. Add to that her incredible reach on her jab, tilts, and smashes, plus Reflect and Counter... she's the tankiest tank to ever grace smash bros.

So, am I satisfied with her? Well, like I mentioned there were a lot of things I weren't satisfied with at first, but... maybe I'm just being really hard on a character I had high expectations for? There are a lot of details about her that I'm picky about, but truthfully overall I'm just glad to see her in Smash. In light of that, I'm giving her a 90.

:4pacman:: 100%

Pacman wasn't a newcomer I ever really asked for, and while I'm pretty indifferent about him, I do think they executed him very well. I don't think I'm gonna use him all that often, but that's not to say I'm not satisfied with how he turned out. He looks very very unique and fun.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2014
Fine Mar, I'll do one too

:4villager: - Reveal: 80%, Now: 85%
This guy man.. I'm not a fan of the Killager meme, it always seemed kind of stupid to me, but I like his moveset and how it uses items from Animal Crossing, it's p baller. He's grown on me that's for sure.

:4megaman: - Reveal: 55%, Now: 70%
I don't play Mega Man nor have I ever, but I've watched a friend play it and I know who he is though. I had no strong feelings with him one way or the other when he was revealed. I see all these other people go super hype over this guy and I can't help but feel for them -- I got Meta Knight in Brawl so I'm happy for the other people who really wanted Mega Man and got him.

:4wiifit: - Reveal: 0%, Now: -10,000%
During reveal: I don't like it
I bet I'm one of the only people on this entire site who just HATES her, oh well.

:rosalina: - Reveal: 70%, Now: 70%
Once I saw the star thingy that she shoots herself with, I knew it was coming. Honestly, I saw this coming like a mile away, she's everyone's waifu for some reason???? Whatever, she's been in like a bajillion Mario games since Galaxy so if you DIDN'T see this coming, get your eyes checked. I never asked for her, but I'm glad shes here and how they handled her.

:4littlemac: - Reveal: 80%, Now: 70%
Everyone saw him coming too, get your eyes checked if you didn't, again. The hype was real during his reveal, but, now he's just, a punchy guy who sucks in the air. Kind of boring if you ask me. The hype has since died, but I'll still give him a shot.

:4greninja: - Reveal: 100%, Now: 70%
Similar to Little Mac's situation, I was super hyped for Greninja bc I was still on the Pokemon XY kick for a while so to see an XY Pokemon playable so shortly after XY was released surprised me. Now, he just reminds me of Shiek, oops.

:4mii: - Reveal: 50%, Now: 51%
Not much to say here really. I was always against the ideas of adding Miis into Smash Bros, but the stars aligned and I got into Persona 4 and then Miis were announced and I made Persona 3 and 4 Miis. Still not happy about them, but if I ever do play them at least I'll have some Miis I like.

:4palutena:- Reveal: 70%, Now 90%
I don't have anything against Palutena, but I don't have anything FOR her either. I like her way more than Pit so there's that, but that's about it. 70% bc SHAFT did the reveal trailer like god dang. It's 90% now bc her moves all look really cool, especially her Up Smash and Auto Reticule Neutral B. 9/10, I still don't like Kid Icarus that much. How did you manage to write 5 paragraphs about her, Mar?

:4pacman: - Reveal: 0%, Now 99%
Wow holy crap, ok so. E3 2014 happens, almost 11pm, reports of Pac-Man start coming in and soon after a reveal trailer pops up. I was super against Pac-Man the moment I heard Namco was helping make this game. Jump to present day, just yesterday/early this morning when Zipzo was posting stuff; he said he's floaty and has disjointed hitboxes. The angels came down from the heavens at that very moment, I suddenly like Pac-Man. He kind of sounds like G&W who is one of my favorite characters so I suddenly liked him I guess. There's always that chance I won't like him though, so 99%.
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Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Mii fighters - 40%
Probably the only below 50 character for me, mainly for one reason they took a lot of development time, I'm pretty sure an create-a-character class could've been handled fine by just one not three, thankfully this is their only negative fault for me, while they can incorporate other human/semi human into the game quite nicely, the three classes (probably the reason for a lot of development) can make them pretty distinctive making a character how you want,
Even if they are dull or based off other characters moveset/specials
Palutena - 50%
Palutena I'm mixed about as a whole. While an shoein character (anyone remember the leak?) Her trailer wasn't surprising, it was only good for the battle between link and pit, though she has two sour qualities, one her moveset is more quantity over quality, she felt like they tried to give her everything they could instead of focusing on specifics and the second her personality has kind of taken a downfall really, from what I have heard (never played KI:U) she was an cheerful and a over full emotion person from what I've heard of word of mouth, yet her design and emotions just look so dull
I guess at this point I don't care about her, might change when I actually play as her but for prerelease she's not anywhere for satisfaction
Pacman - 95%
Before he was confirmed I was neutral, leaning towards negative than positive. But when I saw his trailer I joined the fever, disjointed hit boxs, floaty, and a game & watch moveset packaged with an namco love letter, sure there's an few nit picks and what not, but seeing him in and watching his playstyle puts an smile on my face.
Plus just listen to sappy pacack makes ya happy some people can get their wishes granted in this age.
[Collapse=satisfaction chart]
In order-
Amazing inclusions:
Not liked/groaned over
:4mii: -40%
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Smash Ace
May 18, 2013
:4mii: Mii Fighter Satisfaction: 40%

I knew Miis were going to happen. I just didn't expect there to be three of them. Interesting idea and I will have some fun with Mii Fighters for awhile, but I wish they would of spent development time on something else.

:4palutena: Palutena Satisfaction: 90%

I really like Kid Icarus: Uprising and it's wide cast of characters. I'm glad she got in as she had a large fanbase. What I don't like is that she has 12 special moves. That seems like a waste. Just give her some light based attacks would of been fine.

:4pacman: Pac-Man Satisfaction: 100%

Pac-Man was another character I knew was going to be. I was not surprised by his inclusion. I WAS surprised that they used his amazing classic/Pac-Man World model instead of the stupid ghostly adventures one. His moveset looks fun and I am going to try and main him. The one thing I don't like about him is how they revealed him. Who's idea was it to reveal him in a media only event late at night instead of at then end of a Smash Tournament with at least 20,000 hyped up fans.


Smash Cadet
Jun 16, 2014
Palutena for the longest time was my most wanted new commer and i'm happy with the way she turned out
insted of chosing moves that she use in her boss fight in KIU she uses the powers that she gives too Pit
its a nice way of referenceing KIU gameplay mechanics and it makes sense.

Originally i wasn't very fond of the idea of pac-man being in smash but luckley my worries where replaced with joy when i saw his
reveal trailer its the good old retro pac-man look that i grow up with i love his moveset very similar too G&W who is also one of
my favorite characters too play as in smash Pac-man will be my go to for fun character.

Sakurai is a miracle worker Before E3 2014 i hated having Miis as characters they ended up being much better then i could ever imagen but i probably won't use them that much mainly becuse i'm not into creating my own fighters for a fighting game
still i can appreciate the amount of effort put into them am also happy that my major concern with Miis was addressed
they can't be use online with random poeple which is good so i don't see any hitler Miis in online for glory.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
:4palutena: 100% I'm very happy the way Palutena looks in game. She was oe of my most wanted newcomers because I do really believe she is a good choice for Smash.

:4pacman: 90% I predicted Pac-Man from the start as well as the other two of these, but Pac-Man wasn't exactly what I wanted, unlike the others. He still looks really good and interesting in game and I can't wait to play him.

:4mii: 100,000,000% I hated, HATED the idea of the Mii. I spoke out against them being in Smash even though I knew they'd be in. However, once I saw the trailer, my thoughts took a 360. They look super fun to use, super creative and the best part..... YOU GET TO PLAY AS REGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWWWW YEAH!!!


Smash Ace
Feb 29, 2012
New Donk City
Switch FC
SW 7540 0069 7907
Mii Fighters: 90%. I've been a supporter for Miis since the Brawl days. I didn't expect them to get completely original movesets, let alone three, but that plus the additional customization is pretty true to the Mii concept, I guess. Brawler looks awesome, the others kind of meh, but I imagine everyone'll have their preference, so I can't count that against them. This is probably the closest we'll get to Kirby being able to change his entire moveset à la Super Star, though, so that's something.

Palutena: 40%. I can't deny her deserving a spot and have no qualms about her inclusion, but I really don't like the way she looks like she plays, and her moveset seems purely random to me (admittedly, that could be due to inexperience with the Kid Icarus series). Probably my least-anticipated newcomer, truth be told.

Pac-Man: 100%. This guy was done a hundred percent more right than I would have imagined. Everything looks fantastic (comments about his slowness notwithstanding - I think constant aerial speed mimics his arcade movements pretty faithfully), and the nods to his heritage and other Namco games in his taunt are all nice touches. I can't wait to pick this guy up, and I'm pleased to see that he's available from the get-go. My only qualm is that his alternate costumes don't seem to be very interesting, but that doesn't really impact my opinion that much (as cool as the Pac-Land hat or a Ms. Pac-Man alt would've been).
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Smash Cadet
Sep 7, 2014
Mii Fighters - 70%

Miis seemed like an inevitable feature for Smash, so it's only natural that they became part of the Smash roster eventually. I'm impressed with the sheer amount of customization we're getting with them, plus the three different styles of Brawler, Gunner, and Swordfighter.

Palutena - 80%

While I've never been that into Kid Icarus, Palutena is a good rep for several reasons. She adds to much-needed female roster, plus she seems to have a good variety of movesets.

Pac-Man - 80%

While Mega Man was a shoe-in for Smash 4, I was less optimistic about Pac-Man's chances. His announcement completed a trinity of classic third-party characters with Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man. His moveset seems to be full of classic references as well. Would be 90%, but sources say he is a slow character.


Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
Oh, E3 2014. I had a few predictions about what what happen, but really I only had one thing on my mind at the time: Gematsu. Real or fake, it seemed likely that we'd finally get some answers as to the legitimacy of the leaks, and after these three reveals, it sure felt like the real deal. As someone none too thrilled with the second Gematsu leak in particular, that left me pretty frustrated with SSB4 and disenfranchised me somewhat from speculation. Now, thankfully, it's been proven that Gematsu was at best outdated information, but we've also gotten a massive leak revealing the grand majority of the final roster. How do these three fare under these very different circumstances?

Mii Fighters - 100%
Back when these guys were first revealed I recall being one of the few RTC regulars who was actually happy with their inclusion. Even if I wasn't that thrilled by the base idea of Miis being on the roster, I thought the three archetypes they showed looked really fun to play with and appreciated that they were receiving proper exceptions like being banned from With Anyone play online. Curiously, my opinion of them has only improved over time, with them now being one of only three characters I'm giving a 100% satisfaction to. What changed? The ESRB leak, of course. Although we don't have all the details of the final game quite yet, it brought two very important revelations: the Mii Fighters may not actually take up a roster spot (and certainly not three) as some feared, and even if they do, the roster is absolutely massive! Clearly, even with three customizable Mii archetypes to choose from, their inclusion hasn't hampered the size of the playable character list in any significant fashion. Maybe some still insist on seeing them as taking development resources from their dream characters, but personally, I just think they're an awesome bonus that only adds to the game. Also, if my experience from the Soul Calibur series is anything to go by, create-a-character modes are the kind of dumb fun that would fit Smash perfectly. I'm looking forward to smashing with friends as ourselves or any number of other silly creations (those ideas from the initial reveal like Ice-T are on the right track) and expect they'll keep the game entertaining for quite a while even if the possibly 50+ character roster somehow gets stale. The Mii Fighters may have a lot of detractors still, but for me at least, they're one of the best additions SSB4 has.

Palutena - 25%
To date, Palutena remains the only officially revealed character whose inclusion I dislike to any significant degree. It's not that I dislike Palutena as a character, really, but rather I strongly dislike the idea that Kid Icarus: Uprising content is seemingly overflowing into Smash despite having not earned that special treatment beyond happening to be made by the same director. I know Uprising has its fans, justifiably so, but it wasn't a big success sales wise (just over a million in sales, and not even in the top 12 highest selling first-party 3DS games) and it seems unfair that the game is now apparently getting three Smash reps (!) just because of Sakurai. Not only that, but Palutena in particular is getting special treatment by getting 12 fully unique moves to customize with, an honor no other character is apparently getting beyond the Miis (where that's pretty much a necessity). Oh, and KI's getting new stages and at least one new assist trophy, Pit got a rework, Dark Pit is quite possibly in when characters like Lucas and Wolf aren't, and so on. Heck, I actually liked Uprising and I still think it's all patently ridiculous. Worse off, though, is that, from the reveal at least, Palutena just didn't look fun to play as. Zipzo's impressions of her from this weekend's events are promising, but hers is literally the only SSB4 newcomer trailer that didn't make me want to at least try the character because of her lack of a clear play style and bizarre, disjointed set of specials. Is she a terrible addition? Not really: she's the best choice for a second KI rep and I'd probably be happier with her if she was the only KI newcomer. However, her reveal did little to sell me on the character being in Smash, something I really didn't expect given she should be Sakurai's pet project, and the information that's come out since they has only further ingrained that apathy towards her inclusion. Hopefully she proves her worth in the final game, but for now I can't say I'm a fan.

Pac-Man - 80%
Our second third-party newcomer has little in common with Mega Man character-wise, but curiously they have a lot in common as to how satisfied I am with them. Both pull on their retro appearances? Check. Both use extremely creative movesets that hearken to their respective series? Check. Both have absurdly cool final smashes? Check. I have no significant attachment to either character? Sadly, check. I think they both absolutely deserve their inclusion in Smash and I'm definitely very pleased with how each was implemented, yet neither one strikes me as a character I especially want to play as. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised as I have similar feelings for Sonic and Snake, and though I absolutely love having them all on the roster and even playing against them, I'm just not a fan of playing as them. Maybe they're somehow too unique? I'm not sure, but what's important is that Pac-Man in Smash is a proven awesome thing, just like the other three third-parties before him, and even if I'm not hyped to play as him, I'll definitely be very happy he's on the roster.

Post-E3 2014 was a strange time personally: the newcomers didn't interest me enough to overcome my frustration with Gematsu, and though the overabundance of footage coming out of the event between the Invitational and Treehouse Live was a ton of fun, the hype didn't last long. Thankfully, looking back with a fresh perspective leaves me with one brilliant inclusion, yet another fantastic third-party, and one character who had an underwhelming reveal yet has tons of potential to impress once I actually have the game in my hands. Maybe not a perfect set of reveals, but two out of three ain't bad.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2014
My bedroom
Mii Fighter Satisfaction: 100% - Mostly doing this to balance out a lot of the obvious negative feedback which... Okay, I can kind of understand why some people would dislike it, but I honestly found a lot of the hate overblown. Some people go "Why play as any character when you can create your own character?!" and I'm like "are you kidding?" You can't make Mario's moveset, or Link's, or Little Mac's, or many of the other characters'! Some people think this is reserved for actual video game characters, not player avatars. Honestly, I feel that Super Smash Bros., first and foremost, is about a celebration of all things Nintendo, and Miis are a part of Nintendo's history, so I don't see anything wrong with making them playable. Plus, this is a good way to have characters who otherwise never have a chance (or have no business being) in Smash Bros. and have it be okay, since like I said, Miis are a part of Nintendo's history. Plus I think it's hilarious to watch Miis fight, while also being surprisingly competent fighters as well! Plus, ultra-customization! To me, I see no downside here, other then personal preference I guess. If you don't like them, I guess I can't do anything about that, but for the people who think they have no business here, I'd say think again.

Palutena Satisfaction: 80% - I was never that crazy about Palutena being playable. Still am not, even though she looks cool. It's great that Kid Icarus gets another representative, and Palutena makes the most sense, but I'm sorry, I just haven't connected with her as a playable character. I'm especially annoyed by the huger variety in her customizable moves, taking away what was supposed to be something special to the Mii Fighters. Not that other playable characters don't have highly varied customizable moves, like Mega Man, but it almost feels like that's a key trait of Palutena, and it bothers me since, as I said, that's supposed to be the key trait of the highly customizable Mii Fighters. Ah well, I still like her and I definitely don't begrudge her for being in the game. I'm satisfied, but not to the degree I am with other characters.

Pac-Man Satisfaction: 100% - Here's another overly-hated choice, Pac-Man. I'll be honest, I was on Team Anti-Pac-Man when things started out, mostly because I was of the opinion that people only ever think of Pac-Man in terms of the arcade "circle-with-a-piece-missing" Pac-Man, and while I was well-aware that plenty of Pac-Man game shave came since then, I feel like are they even going to acknowledge those games? Besides, what else could Pac-Man possible have to warrant a moveset. It was only until after I went into more creative choices for Super Smash Bros. did I jum pon-board Team Pro-Pac-Man, and his reveal was one of my favorite reveal trailers for any character! I just think he looks fun to play as, and he IS a logical choice! I get the feeling most people associate him with Ridley, and by that extension, Goku, Shrek, Batman, etc. as characters made by idiotic fans who don't know what they're talking about and not only are not going to be in the game but have no business being anywhere near Super Smash Bros. While Ridley is a whole other discussion, I really have to ask... What's wrong with Pac-Man being in Super Smash Bros. again? He's a video game icon, he's been on Nintendo platforms, he has a unique moveset, and Shigeru Miyamoto even considers Pac-Man his favorite video game character (he even suggested Pac-Man for Brawl)! Not that you have to like him, but just as I explained why I initially didn't like the idea, I'd like to know where this unsatisfaction comes from...


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
:4palutena:: 90%

I wasn't exactly as pleased with her moveset as I was with others, but I was satisfied more than enough nonetheless. I'm really happy for her supporters above all else.

And though I still haven't played Kid Icarus: Uprising I've come to really appreciate the content that's come from it nonetheless, Palutena herself included of course Maybe this month I'll finally be able to give the game a shot and be able to fully appreciate it. :p


I had always hoped for this after Brawl, to see this legendary icon duke it out with Mario and many other icons of the gaming world. However....my support of Pac-man had been kind of weird, off/on since I had joined this site. I realized I had never thought much about what he could do, what would make his moveset work, what would make him an interested character that could really earn him a spot on the roster aside from being a video game icon. For a while I took on a mindset that he couldn't be very interesting and my support in him declined, not to the point where I was against him, but so much that I had no interest in him. But I began to see some actual movesets for him that I found myself liking, ones that I thought could work. As E3 approached that old mindset began to vanish and I found myself hoping for Pac-man to be revealed. The hopes of me, and many others, were indeed delivered in the end.

:4mii:: 25%

I suppose I'll do one more rant on these characters as my dislike of them has grown stronger overtime, though most of you should know the drill by now: I do not like their inclusion and I hate the way they were handled.

First off, I do not hate the Miis in general. I LOVE the Miis in their own games, and in Mario games as well. It can be really fun to play as yourself, or a fictional character or some famous person, historical or a modern-day celebrity. But for me, that appeal is completely lost in a franchise like Super Smash Bros., a Nintendo crossover, and a fighter.

As a fighter, Smash Bros. has a lot more of in-depth gameplay aspects to it than many of the other games that the Miis have appeared in. And as a Nintendo crossover....well yes, the Miis are Nintendo characters....that can be designed to look like real people. Or fictional characters for that matter. Had they been available for online use they would've been plaguing it. You wouldn't see as much of a variety of actual Nintendo characters, you'd just be seeing several copies of one character designed to look like whoever. And back to the point of gameplay, they were given three sets of bland and generic abilities in their movesets, taking little to nothing from their own line of games. Their movesets don't make them stand out above the other characters on the roster, I mean it's not like they should've and could've been mindblowingly amazing characters that couldn't be compared to anyone else, but they could've at least be done so that they weren't so....boring. And generic. No telling if Sakurai had actually attempted to make them unique, but whether he did or not, they ultimately didn't end up that way Thus, they're left with solely the appeal of getting to play as yourself, and again, I personally just don't get that same kind of appeal in Smash. But thankfully, Sakurai did seem to have acknowledged the plague they could've started in Online With Anyone, seeing as how they can't be used in Online With Anyone, only with friends and in offline modes. So for that reason, I do think they were still handled a little better than I thought they would've been. And it's the primary reason I'm not rating them any lower that I have.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Palutena: 90%
I do like how her moveset incorporates the powers from Uprising, and overall I think her moveset will be pretty fun to play around with.

Pac-Man: 85%
I was very impressed with how he turned out. I do like how the character's history has been used for him and his moveset as it makes him a very fun character to look at. The notes from the demos have also given me a good impression of him, so he's also probably going to be a character I'll try out.

Mii Fighters: 5%
Their implementation is better then I thought it would be, but I still don't really like how they turned out. I don't like that they ignored some of their games that would've help in making them stand out from the others rather then instead giving them generic movesets. Similarly, the exclusion from "With Anyone" is a double edged sword, it's nice to not have to worry about the faces, but the tradeoff is limiting their uses as characters. So overall, I'm not that enthusiastic about them.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Hmmm I've never been a part of this thread and should have really been rating since the satisfaction thing started, but oh well here's todays:

Mii Fighters -50%

I know why they're in the game and I know why some people are hyped for them. I'm just personally not at all for their inclusion. Sure I'll test them out, and sure a match with some interesting Miis is probably going to be quite entertaining, but they just feel so out of place in Smash after years of seeing Smash as a very specific character game. That and the fact that they are basically three characters and a ton of development time to implement as they have been leave a very negative taste in my mouth. Their move sets are stolen from other characters in a lot of instances, and they just have nothing about them that interests me at all, or makes me want to play them. They are the only characters I have no real desire to try to play as really.

Palutena - 80%

I like Kid Icarus well enough, and she's a fairly unique newcomer with some awesome looking moves even if the bias shows too much for her own good. I was never particularly attached to the prospect of her in Smash, and this was before I was really into character speculation anyway. That said seeing her in the E3 trailer was still a pretty good experience, and she looks interesting enough to play as. She's lower on my list of desired players for the new game though, but I don't have anything against her, so 80 it is.

Pac-Man - 95%

Pac-Man was always someone I considered after hearing the Namco had a hand in development and I've always loved Pac-Man since I was young. I spent an absolute ton of time on the Pac-Man Collection on GBA and to this day I always place on the arcade machine if I see it. I actively wanted him and acknowledged he was a possibility, he just didn't seem too likely after the lack of an E3 2014 reveal. Then I go on IGN here he is announced, desperately search for a video and when I find it I'm just awestruck that he's finally in. Only second in excitement to seeing Mega Man revealed. The fact he's in is enough, and then his move set actually looks pretty great to, being very creative for the character he is and doing things I would have never thought of. The taunts are awesome and he's just so iconic. He's an awesome character in the game and I can't wait to play him, maybe even main him. I took off the 5% for three things, the Wii U version getting the rather plain and boring Pac-Land stage when the 3DS gets the awesome maze, his reveal being rather unceremonious and through a tweet no less, and then some of Zipzo's comments on him playing a little more slowly, but hell I'm still hyped for him as ever!


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
100% for all of thrm

By the way if i may ask

Whats with the finale on this is this closing or are you done with voting?
Essentially. Two more days of satisfaction, two or three days of reflection, and then this three will be archived.
Hey, @ Groose Groose , are you going to be around after the game(s) is(/are) released? I'll miss seeing you around if you go, and I think you'd make a pretty amazing mod if you didn't have this to work on constantly.

(It won't be as active as it's been, but I know that I'll be around for at least the Pac-Man board, and probably more.)
I'm not going anywhere in a hurry! The launch of the game just means that it's time for me to focus on competitive battling rather than roster speculation. I see you've been out for a bit, so I can also let you know that we're also going to make a Social Group for people who have played Rate Their Chances. We'll be expecting you, James!

Also, the existence of Hades the Magnificent proves that I'm not mod material. I leave the moderating to the mature users! :laugh:

:4mii:: 50%
Miis. I've always loved them. Wii Sports Resort is one of my favorite games of all time (it'd make my Top 25), and I've spent many an hour using the Mii Channel. Miis just have this charm to them; Wuhu Island is one of the most awesome locales in all of gaming.

That said, I'm less of a fan of Miis in Smash. Their playstyles seem pretty boring and they took up a ton of work. Still, they will be fun for messing around with and for getting favorites like Professor Layton in the game in an acceptable manner. All in all, I'm pretty indifferent to them.

:4palutena:: 90%
Everyone was hyped for Palutena before her reveal. I was no exception to that general rule. Kid Icarus: Uprising is my favorite game released so far this decade (though it has a very two solid challengers coming up soon in Smash and Layton vs. Wright), and Palutena is pretty darn cool in that game. I was hyped more for Palutena than for practically any other character at the time.

Did she live up the hype? Not quite, but she came pretty close.

:4pacman:: 100%
It's freaking Pac-Man. You know, Pac-Man. The most famous video game character of all time? Yeah. He's in Smash now, fighting the likes of Mario, Sonic, Pikachu, and Mega Man. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?

I've always loved the arcade game, and I used to be into the World titles, too. I'm not the biggest of his fans, but I do know enough about him to get by. I know enough to tell that the incarnation of Pac that's playable in Smash is an amazing representation of one of the industry's longest running characters.

Oh, and his playstyle looks like a lot of fun. A lot of people are turned off by how he sort of resembles Game and Watch, but I'm definitely not repelled by this; Game and Watch is my Melee main, and I absolutely love how he plays.




Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Newcomer Satisfaction
85.18% Villager
85.03% Mega Man
81.04% Little Mac
80.14% Greninja

77.93% Pac-Man
77.70% Palutena

77.58% Rosalina
65.31% Wii Fit Trainer

49.56% Mii Fighter

In today's news, Mii Fighters failed to break 50%. Again. Oh well, at least they came close. More interesting is the fierce battle that raged between Pac-Man and Palutena. In the end, the hungry circle was able to prevail by less than a quarter of a percent. Interestingly enough, the two dueling characters landed very, very close to Rosalina on the chart; Palutena beat out her fellow goddess by just over a tenth of a percent.

Today will conclude Newcomer Satisfaction. Who do we have? Lucina may be a clone, but she's still a very popular newcomer and she definitely has a shot to rank very highly. Robin is our defending champion in terms of satisfaction; right after his reveal he manage an 89%, which would easily net him a victory if he can replicate it today. Finally we have Shulk; he hasn't had a Satisfaction rating yet, but he is pretty darn popular; just where will he place? Is he really feeling it? Please rate Lucina, Robin, and Shulk in satisfaction.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
Seeing the female newcomers at the bottom of the rankings is depressing. Apparently people wanted more female characters, but then this happens? Come on, people.

:4lucina: - 95%
My most-wanted newcomer. -5% for being a clone, but still hyped as hell. And I'm not too sad about her being a clone because I was already worried about how she could be unique. I'm just happy she has her own roster slot.

:4robinf::4robinm:- 100%
My other most-wanted newcomer. I never even considered that I might get both, and Robin turned out even better than I hoped for.

:4shulk:- 55%
I'm not against Shulk by any means, but I can't be excited for him since he is, essentially, Another Sword User, and I have no personal attachment like I do with Lucina (I'm in the middle of Xenoblade Chronicles, though). He looks to be mostly unique despite it (though he seems to have counter just like Ike and Marth), but his gimmick of switching modes really looks more like 5 clone characters in one with their standard B move gone.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2014
:4robinm:- 75%, Overall, I like this character, but my interest has waned in light of recent discoveries. When I found out his tomes had a limit to their usage, I assumed they'd be far more powerful than your typical special attack to make up for the impediment. This struck me as interesting, as it'd make management and ratioining of the tomes and Levin Sword an incredibly important strategy when playing as this character. Turns out, the tomes and Levin Sword last nearly forever and regenerate in a few seconds after running out... so yeah. This guy turned out to be more ordinary than I originally hoped. A magic user is still cool, though.

:4shulk:- 1%, The only aspect of this character I like is the underwear alt. His moveset looks like an average of Link, Marth, and Ike's swordplay. Even his specials consist of slashing movements with the Monado. His ability to change stats is as gimmicky as gimmicks get- for starters having to sit there and mash the B button until you get the Monado Art you want is really inconvenient and impractical. Apart from that most of the stat boosts will be useless in actual battle apart from Buster and Smash. Also, his stage comes with another annoying stage boss, go figure.

Also, I actually played Xenoblade Chronicles and I did not enjoy it. I won't sit here and critique the game, but suffice to say that there are other untapped IPs that I wish were represented in Smash before this one.

:4lucina:& Dark :4pit:- 0%, I hate clones. I've compiled a list of reasons why below:
  1. They're hype ruiners. Every time I speculate on the roster for Smash and all the possible characters (such as the recent rumors of five additional, unrevealed newcomers), I pulse like crazy. But when I find out the newcomers are just a clone, I instantly go flaccid... Could you imagine if the only newcomers apart from the leaked ones were clones?
  2. Unlocking them is anti-climatic. I like unlocking characters, but unlocking clones is just like... :ohwell: It doesn't help that they're usually the last characters unlocked, and that this Smash has a huge starting roster.
  3. They make every character feel less unique. Right now, 11 out of 50 characters on the roster are swordfighters. That's more than 20%. Take out Lucina, Dark Pit, Toon Link, and Mii swordfighter and the ratio drops to 7 out of 46, roughly 15%. Tell me that each sword-fighter wouldn't feel more unique in such a scenario.
  4. They clutter up the roster and make it less pretty to look at.
  5. They breed pessimism. Every time I go on websites like gamefaqs, I have to see dumb comments like, "lol, apparently Dr. Mario was more important than Mewtwo so we had to bring him back. Good going Sakurai." I don't want to see that negativity, even if it is illogical and silly. The community would be so much more positive if we didn't have clones to act as scape goats for all our problems with the roster.
:4bowser:Jr. - 99%, I am extremely excited to have this character join Smash and I think having him in the clown car is a brilliant idea. The -1% is because I don't really care for the Koopalings at all, and having them as alts makes it feel more like you're playing with the clown car than you are with BJ. However, I don't really mind if it makes people who grew up with the NES or Super Nintendo happy.

Duck Hunt :210:- 50%, I could go either way on this one....

Newcomer satisfaction overall:
S Tier
:4wiifit:- 200%
:4greninja:- 150%
:4pacman:- 110%
A+ Tier
:rosalina:- 103%
:4villager:- 102%
:4megaman:- 101%
:4mii:(Gunner)- 100%
:4bowser:Jr.- 99%

B Tier
:4palutena:- 79%
:4robinm:- 75%
:4littlemac:- 70%

C Tier
:4mii:(Brawler)- 55%
Duck Hunt :210:- 50%

F Tier
:4shulk:- 1%
:4lucina:- 0%
:4mii:(Swordfighter)- 0%
Dark :4pit:- 0%
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Lucina: 100%

I always enjoyed Marth's play-style, but I was not vastly interested in Marth or Roy; however, Lucina is my favorite female video-game character. Fun fact: when I first joined Smashboards, I only wanted three things. First, I wanted Mewtwo's return. Not the movie, his return to Smash. Secondly, I wanted a Skyward Sword Zelda costume, perhaps that was too much to ask. Lastly, the prospect that I deemed impossible, Lucina. I could not be more satisfied.

Robin: 100%

I am going to be a pretentious douche and assert, "I told you so." I told everyone that Robin was going to be our Fire Emblem newcomer. However, it seems that the vast majority of "speculators" were too busy sucking on Gematsu's teat to bother predicting in favor of anyone else other than Chrom.

Shulk: 100%

I'm really feeling it. But seriously, the Robin section was reserved for my gloating. Everything I enjoy about Shulk, I also enjoy about Robin. They are not just characters, they are the living embodiment of their games. I always play intricate characters that take some thought to use effectively. Both of these characters offer something diverse through their mechanics inspired by their games. A great, great addition.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
Tucson, AZ
:4lucina:: 70%
I don't mind clones. They don't take away from the roster, but rather they add to it. She seems like a neat character.

:4robinm::4robinf:: 100%
Easily one of the most interesting and exciting newcomers. They look like a lot of fun to play as.

:4shulk:: 85%
Looks like a great character, look forward to trying him out.

Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
Seeing the female newcomers at the bottom of the rankings is depressing. Apparently people wanted more female characters, but then this happens? Come on, people.
Personally, the only female newcomer I really wanted was Dixie, so don't blame me.
Projected Update Schedule
September 5: Villager, Mega Man, and Wii Fit Trainer
September 6: Rosalina, Little Mac and Greninja
September 7: Mii Fighter, Palutena, and Pac-Man
September 8: Lucina, Robin, and Shulk
September 9: Game Direction and Roster Satisfaction
September 10: Remembering Rate Their Chances
September 11: ???
September 12: Most Hyping and Least Hyping Moment
Shouldn't we do a day where we rate the remaining unrevealed newcomers and the final roster satisfaction? Just wondering.
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Damn it... Why did I have to miss yesterday... Ah well.

I'm on a phone, so I'll make it short.

Robin: 100%
He tore down the Gematsu leak to shreds, and the character who I thought was a pipe dream became reality. The day he was shown remains the point when I was EXTREMELY happy about the roster. That he completely upturned the speculation is a bonus.

Lucina: 75%
I'll give her points for being the first female swordfighter on the roster (I've been wanting one for a while). That said, as a clone she is less distinct than Roy. In any case, as a big Fire Emblem fan, getting 4 characters was a pleasant surprise.

Shulk: 90%
Since I haven't played Xenoblade, it's a bit hard to judge him fairly. I believe he is a worthy addition to the roster, but I have yet to see anything in his moveset to truly wow me.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Robin - 100%
He/She was the Fire Emblem character Smash deserved with one of the most unique movesets of the entire roster. He/She was the only character that could have decidedly question the reliability of the Gematsu Leak (by simultaneously being confirmed and deconfirming Chrom) and still generate hype. Robin captures the spirit of Fire Emblem perfectly with the weapon durability mechanic and using magic. That and I really want to throw a Thoron into people's faces.

Lucina - 100%
My most wanted character ever since I heard Smash 4 was announced and someone I thought was likely not going to get in. I was gladly proven wrong. I don't have a problem with clones if they are distinct characters like Lucina, Roy, and even Dark Pit (although I'm a bit iffy on this last one) since they're just bonus characters who didn't take that much development time. Frankly, I'm glad she isn't an alt. costume because there is no satisfaction in having a character you want in not have their own identity in the CSS. Here's to hoping she's here to stay and possibly DLC to declone her?

Shulk - 100%

I really like the buff/debuff thing Shulk has going on and he represents a new Nintendo IP which people gave Brawl a lot of flak for. Underwear alt. is great and the super range he has will feel satisfying to play as. To those who say there are too many sword users, I say "not enough sword users". Seriously, making up about a 1/5 of the roster is not that bad. This British swordsman is alright with me.
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You're outta luck, buddy
Jul 17, 2014
I've never done a "Rate Their Chances" but...

:4robinm::4robinf: Robin - 100%
When they were initially revealed, the hype was so strong. SO strong that I overlooked Lucina, and she's pretty much my favorite Fire Emblem Awakening character (that and I somehow got confused with whether Luci was her own character or an alt, thanks GameFAQs). The whole "magic + sword" deal Robin is providing is definitely something I find interesting, as I do not believe we've had that kind of character in Smash. Robin's Specials look to be very interesting, I adore the whole callback to Fire Emblem's weapon durability mechanic and I'm really happy with how his/her inclusion in Smash Bros. was handled. I legit cannot wait to be able blast people with "Thunder, Elthunder, Arcthunder, aaandd... Thoron!". Electricity being my favorite element is a nice plus.

:4lucina: Lucina - 90%
As mentioned earlier, Lucina is my favorite Awakening character and I didn't think that she would have been a character in Smash Bros., so I'm fortunate that she's included in what I believe to be, the best roster of all Smash and all fighting games in general. I'm a little sad that she's a clone character and as a result, receiving flak from others who see her as a 'useless' addition or "meh-worthy". I personally don't mind that we have clones in the game, because I look at it as, the more the merrier. I can only hope that her FS is at the very least, different from Marth's Critical Hit, but I won't cry over spilt milk about it. I still look forward to unlocking and using her!

:4shulk: Shulk - 100%
My most wanted character for Smash Bros. The hype for him is so damn real for me. I had a feeling that he had a good shot at being included, but at the same time, I was really scared that he'd be in the game as an Assist Trophy, or worse, a trophy-trophy, but luckily enough, he's a full-fledged playable! When he was shown in the "ESRB" photos, man did I skip a heartbeat in seeing that he's in the game. Initially, through the leaked video, I felt underwhelmed with what I was seeing from Monado Boy, but thanks to some members and their analysis of what Shulk was doing, the hype skyrocketed back up. After the official reveal trailer, the hype was absolutely universal. He looks amazing to play as and the Monado Arts kanji-switching is so damn pleasing to my eyes. I'm glad that Sakurai and the team were able to implement a lot from Xenoblade into Smash, from the Monado Arts to his jumping animation. He alone serves as a big reason as to why I cannot wait to get the game in my hands.


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
:4lucina: 65%

I've never had a problem with clones, they are easy to make, add more unique playstyles, and really don't take up slots on the roster. (Despite popular opinion) Lucina is the perfect example of a clone done right, her cloned moveset makes sense, as she's a descendent of Marth and pretends to be him, and she's a unique, fleshed out character that would deserve her own slot. (Dr. Mario on the other hand...) That said, I'm not particularly excited for her, as I've never enjoyed Marth's playstyle in the first place.

Although I'm still confused why she can get her own slot and Alph can't

:4robinm::4robinf: 100%

My biggest hype for Robin was that he/she murdered all predictions of Gematsu being our only new characters, and reviving speculation for Smash 4. I will always love him/her for that. Not to mention an interesting gimick, a fun looking moveset, and overall the most deserving Fire Emblem character to make it into that game. I can't wait to play as this character, will definitely be one of the ones I try first.

Plus, a Fire Emblem character that isn't a blue haired sword wielding lord! Finally!

:4shulk: 90%

Had I been asked 2 weeks ago if I wanted Shulk in Smash Bros, I would have shrugged my shoulders with a nonchalant response of "meh, I don't really care". Then that leak happened. Now, I already thought Shulk was in, after Gematsu and those Monolith Soft tweets, but seeing this leak and actual video made me curious about Shulk and the game he was from. So I went out, bought Xenoblade Chronicles, and OH MY GOD!!! I love his game! I love his character! I can't wait to play as him in Smash! I won't give him a full 100 because A) Part of this might just be hype for his game, not him in Smash, and B) I really don't know enough about his playstyle yet, although what I've seen looks promising.

Also, Reyn and Fiora should have been his Final Smash. Just saying.

Final tally:
:4greninja: 100%
:4pacman: 100%

:4robinm::4robinf: 100%
:4shulk: 90%

:4villager: 75%
:4littlemac: 70%

:4lucina: 65%
:4megaman: 60%
:rosalina: 60%

:4mii: 45%
:4palutena: 30%

:4wiifit: 0%
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Plus, a Fire Emblem character that isn't a blue haired sword wielding lord! Finally!
Robin had to make up for this by wielding two swords and having a blue-haired alt. according to people who played the final build.
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Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Robin - 100%
I said from the very beginning that if you were to look at potential Awakening reps, he was objectively the best choice purely because of his potential as a character and the representation he could provide for the FE series in general. I didn't hold out much hope for him, though, however. A lot of Awakening fans just defaulted to Chrom(because 'lolmostrecentlord') to support. Just a day or two before the direct, I was talking to my friend about how he'd be an awesome addition to the roster because he could use both tomes and swords.. Needless to say after seeing my hopes come true with his trailer made me ecstatic.

Lucina - 70%
I never wanted her that much, honestly. Though around the time the trailer was released, I actually started to warm up to her character. A long time before (and for a while after) Awakening's release, I only viewed her as the rule 63 version of Marth for some weird fans to eat up.. Which, okay, she still kinda is. But her personality and backstory actually grew on me. I don't mind clones, and after seeing her in action after Robin's reveal made me completely open to her, because at that point she was just icing on the cake for a Fire Emblem fan like myself. Without Robin's inclusion, though, I think I wouldn't have been nearly as open to her. That being said, the only thing that turns me off about her is that it kinda kills Roy's chances.. Although I guess there's still chance for him being an alt. costume for Marth/Lucina or whatever. Oh well. (Robin's inclusion also softened the blow for me that Roy is unlikely to return, so I'm not too upset about it at this point)

Shulk - 30%
Yyyyeeeeeaaah. Haven't played much of Xenoblade. Wasn't super intrigued with Shulk's character from what I've seen. I'll give him credit that he isn't completely a stereotypical jrpg leading character. The fact that he's a researcher is kinda unique for a jrpg protagonist. But yeah, wasn't super hyped to see his trailer. I have nothing against him, though. Glad that fans got what they wanted. I just personally feel indifferent towards him. I think his different Monado mode mechanic is really cool, though. I'll definitely try playing through Xenoblade Chronicles completely when it's released on the new 3ds.
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Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Lucina: 79% - I've never really had a problem with clones as I've always seen them as a necessary way to pad out the roster. I thought Lucina was a great character in Awakening and I already know her play style will work for me because Marth was one of my mains in both Melee and Brawl.

Robin: 100% - When speculation began I remember the one thing I wanted the most for this game was an Awakening rep. I was a huge Chrom supporter going in and disregarded both Robin and Lucina not because I didn't like them but because I felt Chrom was the only character from Awakening who really had a chance (yes, that crow tasted awful). I am extremely happy with the way Robin turned out, day one main.

Chance: 88% - I've never played Xenoblade but I've seen a walkthrough for it on Youtube and it won me over very quickly.

Overall rankings
1. Robin - 100%
2. Mii Fighter - 91%
3. Shulk - 88%
4. Rosalina - 86%
5. Pacman - 84%
6. Little Mac - 83%
7. Lucina - 79%
8. Wii Fit Trainer - 70%
9. Palutena - 65%
10. Mega Man - 62%
11. Villager - 51%
12. Freaky tongue creature - 37%
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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
:4robinm::4robinf: 70% Finally, a FE character that doesn't just weild a sword. His tomes are cool and I like that they gave him all 4 element instead of just 3 but I would have like arc fire not to look so much like a pk fire clone. Most of the reason he ranked down for me is that he's an avatar character, one that I played as... yet he/she is not the same Robin that I played as.
:4lucina: 40% She was one of my favorite characters in Awakening but her role in Smash is already taken by Marth and the fact that she is now the second complete clone of Marth to happen makes her ring even lower.
:4shulk: 70%
He had one of the best trailers so far and his gimmick stat switching mechanic seems pretty interesting. I like that he has those sort of surge strikes instead of just generic slashes but personally, I don't really care that much about Shulk's personality from the game. I will however say that his model in Smash 4 does him so much more justice than how he looked in Xenoblade. The -30 comes from lack of personal attachment and the rest of his moveset looking pretty boring.
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