Might as well make this count, I'll try to make it as easy to read and understand as much as possible.
Mewtwo Chance: 2% This character is currently the #1 most requested character in Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. He's a veteran from Melee, has been considered by Sakurai in E3 2013, and honestly doesn't have that much against him. But considering the Ninka_Kiwi leak, it looks like Mewtwo is
not on the leaked CSS at all. And the conclusion that I got from this is..
That he'll probably be a DLC character.. for one reason..
It's for marketing purposes. With the good points he has in his favor, Nintendo is most likely going to use him to sell Nintendo big money. It's a great move from Nintendo honestly, as most people will buy DLC just to download Mewtwo into their Wii U/ 3DSs. And this guy (one of Neo Zero's sources for the Ninka_Kiwi) outright disconfirms that Mewtwo (and Wolf) is not one of the last DLC characters in the roster:
I may as well introduce myself. I'm one of Neo's 2nd hand leakers. Disclaimer, I did not want the title "leaker", I wasn't trying to leak anything. I was just simply having conversations about things i've heard from a "Nintendo rep" (who is 100% legitimate now). But seeing as a ton of stuff is out there now, I don't feel bad, so long as the name of my source has not been disclosed.
Luckily, my friend Chris posted about what we'd learned the day of
Important points:
*Bowser Jr. and The Duck Hunt Dog
*49 characters total
*Not in the post but he also called Dr. Mario, Pitoo, & hinted at Shulk.
*Dr. Mario we thought was a skin, but that may have been a communication error.
If you count the members on the CSS leak, it's 48. If you add the Mii, that's 49. No way this guy was BS-ing. . However,
Neo and others are working out something very big right now so there may be more hidden characters.
His chances overall have been downgraded severally, and it's mostly due to the Ninka_Kiwi leak not showing him as a character slot for the roster.
King K. Rool Chance: 2% He has the same chances as Mewtwo, and that's mostly because he has not been the main villain for the Donkey Kong Country series for two installments. His last, major, notable appearance was Donkey Kong 64. Considering the fact that most of the newcomers that
aren't retros or icons of gaming are being used for marketing purposes to sell the most recent Nintendo games:

(and Dark Pit)
K. Rool doesn't have any
recent DKC games that star him as the main villain, which is why I doubt he's going to be added at all, even with his popularity (in the West mainly) as a character and the potential he has. If we were to get a Donkey Kong character, it would most likely be Dixie Kong with the release of Tropical Freeze. But even now, I'm thinking it is just way too late to consider her for Smash, as she was the main reason I considered a DK character a possibility. Now I think there won't be any DKC newcomers in the roster at all. At most, DLC is K. Rool's best option, but considering Mario Kart 8 DLC has characters that recent games, I highly doubt he's going to be playable, unless the fan-demand matters for DLC.
Ridley Chance: 0.1% At this point I have given up on Ridley, after experiencing constant debates of sizes for Ridley, constant debates about the Pyrosphere and the stage hazard, constant debates of the Ridley tease in the Nintendo Direct, and constant debates about how he can work as a playable character, and the constant jokes of Ridley and the pure straw-grasping at every corner of Sakurai's words throughout the whole year of speculation for Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, I have come to a big conclusion that Ridley has lost his chance at being playable due to this one tease, one tease that forever changes my point
of view of the Space Pirate:
Sure we have some good support arguments with Ridley such as his biggest fan-demand (In the West mostly), his uniqueness as a character being a rough, air-borne fighter, but all that business is shot down by this tease now. It's clear that even Sakurai can tease characters as bosses
as a shadow, and that shadow in the Pyrosphere (in my opinion) is Ridley as a stage hazard. Sure,
you can argue the Alfonzo complex is possible, but him not showing up in the leaked CSS picture makes me think he's not a playable character at all.
With the tease of Ridley Sakurai has made, there's honestly no going back to deconfirming as a playable character, as the amount of rage that will entail will be on Sakurai's back, and for that very reason, it's why I think Ridley is going to be playable..
as a playable stage hazard that exclusive to the Wii U version of Smash Bros. It's pretty much over for Ridley for being a playable character, unless he can get in as DLC, which I think he has a good chance of being one like Mewtwo, I think from this point on, the 'hints' to Ridley being playable is straw-grasping.
Thanks to @
lonekonwolf @
Brawler610 @
Smasher 101
colder_than_ice @
and @
for making this game possible.
Also would like to give shout-outs to @
Glaciacott @
andimidna @
Delzethin @
Xenigma @
BigAxle @
Cheezey Bites @
Smash Daddy @
Brawler610 @
loganhogan @
Spears In Smash Bros. @
Wariofan1 @
Rockaphin @
cephalopod17 @
Aqua Rock X @
colder_than_ice @
Erimir @
lonekonwolf @
Capybara Gaming
ThatWasPeachy @
KingShadow @
False Sense @
SethTheMage @
Leafeon523 @
TCT~Phantom @
Hippopotasauce @
Louie G. @
TumblrFamous @
Arcanir @
Pacack (especially) @
FalKoopa @
Captain Toad @
Plain Yogurt
RankoChan @
Bauske @
Kikwi-Kiwi @
Spinosaurus @
Sabrewulf238 @
ultimatekoopa @
SmashShadow @
Pega-pony Princess @
BKupa666 @
KingBro1 @
The Light Music Club
MargnetMan23 @
legendofrob1 @
NickerBocker @
Sonic Poke
KenithTheGatherer @
Mega Bidoof @
a smart guy
Arcadenik @
chronomantic @
Zwzchow and @
TitanTeaTime for putting in the most effort into playing the game and/or those who have been playing for the longest time. (I hope I didn't forget anyone)
It was fun playing this game with you all, it personally helped me become better at writing better descriptions for the future I will have soon!