Sakurai loves his subterfuge... one might say he's a little bit Riddle-y! Eh? Eh?
Okay fine... Don't laugh!
Barney the giant purple space dragon pirate:
That shadow looks suspicious, and quite small when one compares it with the very small Pikachu he's holding... there are straight up single frame switches between hovering and moving forward, something you don't really see in bosses, but do see in playable characters... but he could be unfinished...
If he is an unfinished boss it seems a bit late as they've clearly got a LONG way to go before Winter... it seems odd to tease something that's THAT unfinished this early... so let's look at it another way, why would his animations be so jerky?
There're three options; Sakurai's a troll and he's playable, he's Jerky so that he looks the same as his playable version, or he's just really really far from finished and they just hope he'll be done in time... that last one sounds kinda rediculous, and extremely unprofessional; inside a very well produced Direct, in a game with a greater focus on Quality, which has really high quality media (barr the Rosalina reveal) for all the significant updates... that just doesn't sound very likely to me... Although there is one explanation that sounds feasible...
Chance: 85%
That's a 10% drop from last time. If he's not playable my already low trust in the game is going to drop even further given how early they showed footage of him... that said I can think of one reason they might have done this: Balance.
Literallly the only reason I can think of for them to have Ridley being implemented this late is that they tried to make him playable and just couldn't work out a way in time. The 3DS version comes out in a few months so if any character's not ready now, or at least close to it, then they're probably getting cut... is that what's happened to Ridley? Maybe... but I don't think it's all that highly likely... Rosaluma seems more difficult to balance, and she got to be the first post-e3 newcomer reveal... And moreover Namco are involved in the game and surely have enough experience to balance Ridley properly...
There are therefore two possibilities... 1. Sakurai is trolling us, or 2. They're worried, and this is a safety-net. They'll probably be able to balance Ridley in time, but incase they don't they've put a tease that Ridley is a boss... and if push comes to shove he'll just be a boss... But Sakurai is the type to work on a game 'till it's print date, and with modern patching technology you don't even need to stop there... Namco have the technology and experience to make Balance Patches ready for day 1, or even a little way in, and they can keep working way up and even past the 3DS release date without making the two games have different Meta-games...
I give a 10% that it won't work out, but I don't think it'll come to that.
Want: 100%
I already thought he'd have a great move set, and was slowly won over by his 'charms' and how much I know it'll mean to his fans... but that was all pretty distant... I liked Ridley, don't get me wrong, but he wasn't one of my favourite villains, or from one of my favourite game series, so my personal connection with him was somewhat limited... my previous ratings did slowly grow to 100%,but it was mostly an academic interest...
This time, however, It's personal. Not because of him,but because of his detractors. The moment that scene showed up in the Direct the internet went crazy, people began ******** and whining, and when I made comments saying that I felt there was something up with the shadow I got some serious flack from the too biggots, and the rest of the Anti-Ridley campaign... I want Ridley for his moveset and how much he'd make people happy, but also as revenge... I want to see YouTube, Miiverse and the other detractors eat their hats... Basically the same reason I now put 0% for Banana Dee (I noticed my spelling mistake yesterday, but now I like it more than his real name

), but much, much, much moreso!
She's totally in.
Chance: 99%
Yeah, she's in.
Want: 100%
She better be in!
K. Rool: 76%
Kritters and Jungle Japes...
Dixie Kong: 46%
Still no Tropical Freeze stage...
Cranky Kong: 4%
Still no Tropical Freeze Stage...