Luigi duels aren't as fun as they might sound. Luigi's god **** nair is like... the one thing that screws up luigi right back. Where you can uptilt other characters up to like 32% and stuff, you can uptilt luigi to like 24% before you eat a nair. Maybe less. Seriously, some characters can break that stuff pretty fast(marth has some options, etc.) and some characters get uptilted to stupid %s(captain falcon), but luigi is the WORST. Basically luigi's combo options go to hell against another luigi. Very annoying if you ask me. Also, the tornado's priority is like complete **** to the rest of another luigi's attack options, as it will completely eat fireballs, aerials, many ground attacks, side-b's... etc. so it becomes a very, very used move very quickly. Speaking of which I've noticed that a tornado in the air is more often able to eat an attack over clanging with one... like, it'll clang with arrows and fireballs on the ground, but just cancel them out and keep going in the air.
Yeah so totally luigi duel and see how gay luigi is on another luigi. =P