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Rate And Discuss Their Chances: Old thread needs to be closed.

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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Trying to find the other memorable post ChronoBound made regarding K. Rool...it was something along the lines of him being the character everyone in Japan is okay with.

EDIT: It seems the post was actually made by Toise, but here's the link to the thread with the aforementioned quote (a thread coincidentally made by SSBF himself).

- K. Rool, Shulk (Xenoblade), and Miis came up regularly

- K. Rool seems to be THE regular series newcomer everyone's okay with
I'm not trying to condone using the observations users have made from a select few boards as solid evidence, but I hope these and my other quotes at least convey that, while K. Rool may not be as popular in the East as he is here, he's very far from UNpopular.

Deleted member

Dig somewhere into the SSB Wii-U Discussion Thread and go back to August, 2011. You will find it there.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Gotta check out any of the old theads. There's goldmines of infomation in them as well as good arguments and predictions.

Not even I have found everything yet. It's quite easy to figure out which posters are the ones to pay attention to though.

Deleted member

@BKupa666: Yeah, I copied and pasted it from Smashboards, which had the topic up on the previous day. The news in regards to Mewtwo, King K. Rool, Mega Man, and Takamaru pleased me, but not the lack of Golden Sun, Kid Icarus, or Super Mario Bros. mention.

@---: Yeah, there's a lot of good stuff to find within the SSB Wii-U and SSB4 Discussion Threads. ChronoBound, Starphoenix, ToiseofChioce, Shortiecanbrawl, Pieman0920, nLiM8d, ---, and Hextupleyoo were all awesome to see (thought ToiseofChoice rarely posted the SSB Wii-U thread and dislikes nearly everyone else in the community, myself included). Despite the bad reputation the thread had and how low it could get, the SSB Wii-U thread was a ton of fun and had some of my best (and worst) memories on the Internet. Miles better than GameFAQS, that's for sure. I am about fed up with that place and all of their dramas.

Speaking of which, the next character debate should be interesting, once I of course lay out the flavor, start the day, and try to introduce a format that makes sense to people.

Day Two has ended! Day Three will be up as soon as possible.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC

Was actually more referring to the old old thread, back when we had posters like Toise, Pieman, and Fatman who used to post constantly. It'll be tough to find any (if any) of the gold on the old thread with all of the derp on it.

Deleted member

Rate And Discuss Their Chances: Ridley and King K. Rool (Day Three)

And so, the second day ended. Tons of confusion arose with understanding how to use the system as the host was trying to unscramble the problem. By the time it started to work out, it was too late. The time has rang for the rise of the third day. King K. Rool stood on a platform, ready to be judged to see what people thought of his odds. As K. Rool was dancing around, declaring his lasting popularity, he threw his crown on the air and much to his shock, fire burnt the beauty of the crown, leaving it covered in charcoal. He saw a fire-breathing dragon standing tall, his menacing attitude grabbing the attention of the audience and replacing the bravery they once had with fear.

It was like a fans worst nightmare. "The Cunning God of Death" had returned to fight Samus once and for all. He was the one who murdered Samus's parents in cold blood. He was Ridley.

Now the fans began to debate whenever or not Ridley would make it in with his sadist attitude and they began to turn in the vote for K. Rool's likelihood.

Day Three has began! King K. Rool is currently in the Voting Phase, meaning that this is the phase where you can vote for how likely he is and give your final thoughts on his likelihood, but debate must cease as Ridely is the discussion topic today. If you wish to further discuss King K. Rool, go to the Roster Social Thread, support topics for King K. Rool, or create a new thread in regards to King K. Rool. You may also use the time to mention how much you want King K. Rool if you haven't already, but predictions in regards to the score he gets today may no longer be made to prevent cheating.

Ridley is in the Discussion Phase. Unlike King K. Rool, you may not vote for him in likelihood as this the time to discuss his chances, but you are free to predict the final result he gets the next day. You may also vote for how much you want to see him in Smash.

Reading the OP for "How To Play" is advised as I provided an example of how a Discussion Phase post can work, which can hopefully make things much less confusing. I will do the same for a Voting Phase today.

Day Three ends at 9:20 PM CST on July 19th, 2012. You have twenty-four hours.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
You don't need to rate how much you want a character as that is optional, but if you are going to discuss a character and have time to do so, make sure you discuss and vote for how likely he/she/it is during the discussion and voting phase for the character up (or if failing that, giving out a vote in likelihood and explaining it during the voting phase, although do be aware that the character during the voting phase is not the main character being discussed, so debates must cease during the voting phase). Also make sure to explain why you gave the likelihood rating you did (explaining how much you want a character is optional and not required, if you want to use the want system, just put in a letter grade). You did that with King K. Rool this phase, so all you have to do tomorrow along with others who did explain their thoughts for King K. Rool's likeliness is use the letter grade system to vote for K. Rool's likelihood from your interpretation of his chances.

Also, we are using the letter grade system for wants and likelihood. Number votes for wants and likelihood will not be counted, no exceptions.
Ok, so If I am understanding this correctly, now that everyone has had a chance to say their fill about K. Rool, it's time to re-vote him with newly opened eyes?

If that's the case, yesterday, I would have voted him a B, but today, after seeing a lot of convincing arguments, I would probably raise that to a B+.

Do I put in 5 more votes because it is a new day?
if so,
Ray 01 (Custom Robo)
Shy Guy
Original Pokemon Trainer
Funky Kong

Sorry, I thought I was clear on the rules when I read the first page, but it seems I am bad at this @.@ I will get the hang of it.

oh you edited that post right above me, good, I am even clearer now

I think I will rate how much I want to see Ridley in the next Smash an S
Samus is the only character from the original 12 to not get a second representative from her series yet, and captain falcon has been a secret character. (although I do hope we get more from F zero) Zamus does not count as a second representative, it is still samus, afterall

I posit that there is no more central villain to the Metroid series than Ridley. This enemy almost appeared in more metroid games than metroids themselves, only absent in Prime 2 and hunters. He has been in the most recent Metroid game, and has seen countless forms, from normal old purple, to metal, to omega (phaazon corruption)

People sometimes think his size/shape would cause him to not fit in the game, however, this is a ridiculous argument. re-sizing characters is incredibly common in games, Ridley has gone from slightly taller than samus to rather large. However, Bowser has gone from Godzilla size to how we see him in smash today. for some trivia, Ridley has actually appeared in every smash game so far (even 64 o_0 )

In the games, Ridley is center to the plot. He killed Samus's parents, is the leader of the space pirates, and is highly intelligent. He may seem large, but he is actually quite skinny, thus rendering him much lighter than he looks, and flight ready. Think of how wolf was hunched over in brawl.

And Ridley has no end to where you could pull his moveset from. From fireballs to wing attacks to aerial maneuvers, Ridley's done it all. Which better character to represent the metroid-verse than the prime (GET IT) antagonist?

also, he's a space pirate dragon. that's really the only argument you need. For more, head over to the


There's always room for more supporters =D

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Ah, Ridley. Personally, I view the odds for Ridley as higher than King K. Rool. Though for now I'll simply wait and observe what others say, then construct an analysis afterwards.

Oh, right, I forgot you said that the letters were premature. I still feel that he is a B, in terms of likelihood. Though you said "-"s and "+"s aren't counted, but at the moment, I am going to predict I'll come up with something like B+ or A-.

Deleted member

Just want to say, putting B- or B+ still counts as a B in my eyes. If there's a B in there, then B would be your choice. The letters in the OP are what you use. That said, I will count your vote as a B.

My vote for King K. Rool is an S. The argument that Dixie Kong might get in before King K. Rool due to being planned for the game while K. Rool has been restricted to small cameos is something to think about, but I still feel that he is one of the most likely newcomers.

Thoughts on Ridley coming up...

@Holder of the Heel: No problem with that. Just make sure that you post your likeliness vote from before for King K. Rool. This goes for everyone who did the same.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
i see then the likelihood is to be posted now?
I give krool 3.7

As for ridley.... not a fan dont care if i see him yet still moveset potential so C......

in want <_< >_>



Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Ok, no plusses or minuses, that's tough. Yeah, still count it as a B. I just can't bump it to an A for some reason, Idk, just my internal thoughts. I do hope he gets in though =D


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
No +'s or -'s? Oh well, I'll give K. Rool an A then.

As for Ridley, since I'm very lazy and don't feel like arguing him, here's a bit from Toise:

Metroid in general:

Funny thing, this series. It's not actually very popular, but everyone -- fans, Nintendo, Sakurai -- thinks it's pretty big. I can't complain. Actually, aside from Ridley not being playable in Brawl, this series has been pretty fortunate to get so much love.

And I don't care what anyone says, two boss appearances is amazing for anyone who didn't make the cut. Beats a trophy/sticker, anyway.

*** Ridley ***

There's three common arguments against Ridley:

1. Ridley SHOULDN'T be smaller than his usual size or it ruins the character.
2. Sakurai said Ridley would be impossible.
3. Ridley's body shape/wing span/etc. makes him too awkward to fit without being comically small.

The first argument is the result of caring too much. Yeah, it'd be cool if Wario used Wario Land moves, if Ganon used a sword, if Mewtwo didn't suck, and if everyone's size was properly to scale. Thing is, people would've taken Tail Whip Mewtwo over no Mewtwo at all.

For the record, "canon" is a word that needs to be completely abolished in any Smash Bros. discussions. If someone brings it up, give them ****.

The second argument? Let's look at the whole quote again:

Nintendo Power: There was a rumor at one point about Ridley being playable. Was that ever a consideration?
Sakurai: I think that would probably be pretty impossible. [Laughs] If we had put our best efforts into it, we may have been able to do it. But he might have been a little slow. Would that be all right? [Laughs]

If you see the world in absolutes, then this basically validates whatever you already believe. If you're not an idiot, then you realize that Sakurai hadn't really thought about Ridley at all.

Is that a good thing? Well, no, being overlooked is the leading cause of non-appearances. But it's a big step over actually being counted out like with Animal Crossing.

Somewhere in the old thread, I wagered some organs on the assumption that if Sakurai merely tries to make Ridley playable, he'll find it's not nearly as bad as it looks. And I'd be very, very surprised if he didn't give it the old college try this time.

Deleted member

Ridley is an interesting case. He is one of the most controversial characters when it comes to speculation. From the many e-dramas that have come from him to the quote from Sakurai regarding him not being in Brawl, Ridley has been one of the biggest battlegrounds in regards to character speculation and this is the game that will settle it all.

It is best to dive into the most controversial subject; this:
Regarding this issue, Sakurai (the creator and director of the Smash Bros. series) himself has commented on it. It is interesting to note, that Ridley was the only character that Sakurai has commented on regarding their absence from the roster. Here is exact text from the interview in which Sakurai commented on why Ridley was not playable in Brawl:

Nintendo Power: There was a rumor at one point about Ridley being playable. Was that ever a consideration?

Sakurai: I think that would probably be pretty impossible. [Laughs] If we had put our best efforts into it, we may have been able to do it. But he might have been a little slow. Would that be all right? [Laughs]
The quote has been interpreted in multiple ways. The detractors will argue that Ridley is too big and can't be made to work. As for the supporters, they claim that Sakurai is not ruling out Ridley because he has not put his best effort into it and thus cannot say for sure that he can't fit.

In this case, the supporters have the advantage because they have been able to get Ridley to size down for Smash. I think this should destroy all arguments that Ridley is too big for Smash and proves that size has nothing to do with any obstacle Ridley faces.

However, while size is not the issue, there is a major obstacle Ridley face; does Sakurai see him as worth the time and effort to get him to fit into Smash Bros?

That's not something I say is a certainty. I think the possibility that Ridley hasn't been given much consideration is a bad thing as it could be a signal that Sakurai may not see him as someone worth the time and consider him too difficult to work with. Getting Ridley to work will probably be difficult to do as you can't just compare a fan-made project to a completely new development on an unique character that will have issues with frame to deal with in order to get it to work. Basically, the obstacle isn't the size, but rather that Sakurai may not think of Ridley very well.

From here, it seems more of a 50/50 situation, but odds are in his favor thanks to the massive fan demand in the West and his incredibly high importance to the series. ChronoBound made a well-detailed essay on why Ridley was worthy of an addition and it deserves attention. Everyone who hasn't read it should take the time to read it before placing down a vote and discussing this.

To conclude this, Ridley has a good shot of making it in. Despite the difficulties that may go to adding him in that is only outmatched by third-parties (which is much worse than Ridley has to go through), he is a highly deserving character that should be all means be in.

Now as for want, I'm pretty neutral on him. Not very interested in him, but this is one of these characters could end up someone I really enjoy. So I'll be nice and give it a B in want, thought it's a low B. I predict that Ridley will get a 4.12 out of 5 after Ridley's voting phase tomorrow.

I will nominate Roy, Krom, Toad, Krystal, and Mach Rider.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
@Venus of the Desert Bloom: ChronoBound and ToiseofChoice are some of the most intellectual members of the Smash 4 speculation community. Would be nice if one of them came to this forum to prove their findings, but I do say that I do trust their source and doubt they are lying
I dont doubt thier findings at all. It would be nice if they/we found a concrete poll or rating system of characters the Japanese want in Smash.

From my findings, I haven't found much support for Ridley, King K. Rool, western 3rd party characters, and most newcomer Zelda characters. In addition, my Japanese students, who range between 1st to 9th grade, are not aware who Ridley, Dark Samus, Ghiraham, King K. Rool, Tom Nook, Little Mac, etc is. Most kids expressed desire to see Inazuma 11 characters, Chrom/Roy, Bowser Jr., Black Shadow, etc.

By the way poll is 投票 touhyou and rating is 格付け kakudzuke. I did a feel searches but didn't find what I wanted. Others are free to try.

Off topic, can we still discuss K. Rool or as the discussion been closed?


Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I realize this is my personal opinion, but I have to disagree with those who look at that Sakurai Ridley quote and take from it that he was overlooked. He is not only joking and being his typical mysterious self, but he potentially revealed that he did think of it before by commenting on the difficulty of it, and mentioning he'd be slow (which no one ever really spoke of before, everyone only mentioned size). Not to mention, Ridley is just TOO big to overlook. :awesome: But I seriously do mean that, he has to be aware of just about every character that has been asked for, and if he has looked at the west (at the very least), how could he have not thus looked at him. Not over, under, but a direct exposure to the characters' demand and potential. The likelihood diminishes further when we remember Ridley appearing throughout Smash Brothers. Knowing Sakurai is the producer, and thus the man in charge of the game, for him to not have considered the possibility in his mind at the bare minimum I'd surmise is impossible.

Deleted member

@Venus of the Desert Bloom: You can always put in the likeliness rating you gave King K. Rool back in Day Two in here and give your final thoughts if need be, but yeah, discussion for K. Rool is basically finished. Today's topic is mainly about discussing Ridley's odds and voting for K. Rool's odds after discussing it.

@gothrax: You're suppose to use a letter grade system for rating likeliness. Read the OP for who they are and apply the appropriate rating.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2012
(I hope I am doing this right)

I will give K. Rool an A, because he's pretty popular and is most likely going to get in.

Nominations :
Waluigi x2
Samurai Goroh x2


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Ridley is predicting I guess, different rules...?

I'm giving Ridley a 4/5. He's popular and doable. Sakurai said he could probably make him work if he tried


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
I'm giving Ridley a mere 1.36, I think what you could do with his movepool, and there will almost indefinably be complaints about how slow he would be, he'll have to be slow and overpowered, like charizard, and also like charizard, he's supposed to be fast. His pure popularity is what means there's a small chance of him getting into the game. Besides, can he walk???

I'd just like to say that I noticed the pokemon for team rocket, lots of people have been saying it should be a anime team rocket, so this would be arbok, weezing and meowth since these have been their main for a long time.

Edit; just realised I double posted... sorry.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I think it should be Giovonni as Rocket Boss

Nidoking, Persian, and ... My 3rd idea for him was armored Mewtwo TBH


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2012
~_-¡......... krool likelihood B

Uhh then when are we suppose to use a decimal ?



Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I have to settle on a 'A' for King K Rool. While he's a very deserving addition, I have yet to see him represented in Nintendo featured games in the same capacity DK and Diddy are. He tends to get a lot less love and is passed over for dixie and funky.

Still, he's a long ways ahead of anyone else.

Predicting a '4.65' for Ridley.

x3 K.K. Slider
x2 Andy


The Depraved Optimist
Jun 23, 2012
San Marcos, Texas
Wait who decides the likelihood? You Smash Bros Fan? Or our Decimals averaged? I mean I'm cool with that. Since this is a game and all. But to be clear, We are using Decimals to predict the likelihood you're giving the character?
This game would be simpler if you gave us only one instruction per day. Like, Today we'll nominate characters, Today you predict their chances with a decimal/ letter / jeezuz why both?
The problem is you have two methods of rating a character. A letter system for likelihood and a decimal system for how much you like the character(Or was it the other way around?).Also you use letters to signify how much you want a character in the nomination section. Personally I think you should stick with the letters, Save Nominations for one day, discussion for one day, and vote/ rank them with letters one day. Then start a new poll with K.Rool not being a nomination choice and rather list him in a section for Most wanted characters. In the original post you say we are currently discussing Ridley and voting K. Rool. This causes more confusion as now we don't know who to discuss ( I mean obviously we discuss Ridley but people are already misinterpreting). If we don't move on people will continue to discuss K. Rool even though he already had his discussion phase yesterday.

Discussion: Ridley is a frequently recurring character in the metroid series and has only appeared on nintendo systems. Being part of a major franchise owned by nintendo boasts him excellent chances for making SSB4

Giving Ridley a B for want.

Voting:Giving K. Rool a 4.1 for likelihood.


Takamaru x5

I've gone back and redone this post 7 times so far, rereading your posts trying to grasp your instructions. If I have followed them wrong again, I apologize and I shall delete my posts so as to get rid of further confusion. Also thanks for adding my song to the songs section, I was just kidding about that bro although it's a good song it's out of place with your anime songs. Surely the people who played this game on the previous forum you posted it on didn't have nearly as many problems as we are having did they? I'd like to see that thread for a better example.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2011
Memphis, TN
Voting likeliness by letter is flawed. Yesterday we predicted the overall score by using a decimal system. An average of votes based on letters will have different outcomes because each letter represents various numbers.

S (4.6-5) + A (3.6-4.5) + B (2.6-3.5) + C (1.6-2.5) + D (0.6-1.5) + F (0-0.5) /6 = ?

The letter average can be B- or C+. The number average can range anywhere from 2.9166667-2.166667

Let's say someone predicts 2.8 & another predicts 2.2. Who wins the prediction vote? Letter B or C? Because the winner will be based on which numbers in the scale u use. It can either the highest number per letter or the lowest.

Letters ranks could be used for our want perspective & decimals could be used for predictions & voting.



Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I already voted for K. Rool yesterday with an A in possibility. But if that doesn't count, then I give K. Rool an 4.2 in possibility.

Anyway, onto the subect of Ridley. Believe it or not (he he), I am somewhat indifferent of Ridley. This is because I've hardly played a Metroid game extensively, so my knowledge is based on word of mouth. But from what I understand, he is a pretty ruthless monster with a notable history with Samus and has been revived multiple times in one way or another.

So I'd give Ridley a B for wanting it, but because my experience is finicky.



Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I already have K. Rool down, but for Ridley, an A with a 4.5 ranking. If Bowser can be resized, then Ridley shouldn't be a problem to rescale (I even did up some size comparisons for Ridley the other day). Size matters not my friend.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Today, we vote for King K. Rool based on his likelihood and we say how much we want (or don't want) Ridley?

Well, my likelihood for King K. Rool is still 3.5 for the reasons I gave yesterday.

How much do I want Ridley? I would say B because I want Ridley but not as much as I want King K. Rool so I wouldn't be too upset (maybe surprised) if he wasn't playable. In fact, I would be laughing if he wasn't playable. :troll:

Oh! We got to nominate characters again? I nominate:

Dixie Kong
Duck Hunt Dog
King Hippo (because I want more heavyweight newcomers besides King K. Rool)
Starfy (because I want more non-human cute characters who aren't from the Kirby or Pokemon series)


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So as for my final say on K. Rool, I still give him an S.

Now, Ridley. For many years his discussion brought controversy pre-Brawl and beyond. That being said, his competition has decreased, while his support has increased. I guess you can say it's his time to shine. Popular, important to the series, workable moveset, ability to be rescaled...

I give him an S in want, definitely.


x5 Muddy Mole


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
I'll give K.Rool a 4.5 for likeliness. He's pretty much the most wanted newcomer and Sakurai seems to have a place in his heart for DKC.

For Ridley, my want is a B. I don't need him, but he's a really good pick for a character.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ridley has constantly been on the lists of most requested characters since SSBM. Additionally, he has been in every Smash game to date: background character in SSB64, opening sequence and trophy in SSBM, and as a boss in SSBB. As such, the next logical step up would be Ridley becoming a playable character. However, Ridley runs into some problems such as:

1. Sakurai saying that Ridley would be extremely hard to include as a playable character.
2. Sakurai seems to care what Ridley fans feel by asking if it would be ok if Ridley was awkard and slow.
3. Not as popular in Japan as in in the West

Despite that, Ridley is a high requested character, constantly remains in the top 5 requested characters, popularity both in America and Japan, a unique move set, and the villain star power for the Metroid series.

I give Ridley an A and a predicted score of 4.5.

As well, I score King K. Rool (for the votes) as a 4.1.

As for nominations, I nominate:

1. Dark Samus
2. Andy x2
3. Little Mac
4. Palutena

EDIT: Here is a Ridley theme from Super metroid for the music section



Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2011
Memphis, TN
Dark Samus x2
Ganondorf (de-cloned)

King K. Rool: B (3.25) for likelihood vote

He is just such a great character & I'm very anxious for a quirky playstyle.

Ridley: S for personal bias & a 2.75 for predictions

Ridley is just plain awesome. To play as this ulimate villain would give me chills. He enjoys the pain & suffering of others; especially Samus's. He would rather wreak havoc with his own claws rather than sending his minons to do all the work, unlike Ganondorf. Ridley will forever be Samus's eternal rival.

As a fighter, he has a lame argument against him. Ridley has always been known as a large fearful beast in Metroid. Unlike Bowser, Ridley's size rarely fluncuates. I can understand how it might seem awkward for Ridley fans if he is scaled down so he can be grabbed by Samus. But size in smash games are hardly accurate compared to their video game counterparts. In fights Ridley relies more on precision rather than body size. He wouldn't be a character that would use his shear size to fight with like Bowser or K. Rool; he would use his tail, claws, & energy attacks. Despite his frame, I see him a lot lighter & nimble compared to larger characters in smash. Metroid is one of Nintendo's most recognizable franchises. Samus looks quite lonely up there by herself.



Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
K. Rool receives a 5 from me (not sure if the score I edited into my earlier post was counted).

Ridley is an easy S as well, but I predict him receiving around a 4 this time, because, like K. Rool, people are way too hung up on trivial "arguments" against him. His importance to his own franchise and even his increasing focus in Smash is pretty undeniable. The fact that Nintendo Power had to call out Sakurai for not including the character also speaks to his popularity, at least outside Japan, where Metroid as a whole is largely ignored.

Yes, Ridley is large, but has his size ever truly been his defining characteristic? The character is known for his ferocity and relentlessness, so some slight shrinkage wouldn't be a problem in the slightest. Sakurai may have felt the effort needed to include Ridley wasn't necessary for Brawl, where there were countless other big names to include, but now that the vast majority of all-stars are accounted for, the pressure to include Ridley will be much higher this time around.

Are you all seriously using "his movepool and slow speed" as reasons to exclude him? Jeez louise...

Nominating Bowser Jr. (x3), Little Mac, Duck Hunt Dog


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
3/5 for Ridley
I think Nintendo will be happy with keeping him in the role of a SSE style boss.

5/5 for K.Rool
If it were up to me, I would have chosen K.Rool over King Dedede for this game because unlike Dedede, K.Rool has a ton of interesting features to his characters. They can do so much with him and as a heavy weight, he would stand out compared to Donkey Kong and Bowser (not have similar recoveries)

Also I am nominating Rayman and Tom Nook.

Edit: (Plus Dragonair because why not)

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I give Ridley an A in want, and 3.9 in probability. The demand for Ridley is arguably equal to or better than King K. Rool's. The Metroid franchise needs more representation, as much as we love Zero Suit Samus, she just isn't a totally new character, nor do we have a villain yet. Ridley fits that bill perfectly, for he is the most reoccurring villain of all of them. He is also much more popular in the SSB series itself, having appeared as multiple things throughout it as others have noted. Definitely one of the most likely of all characters, especially when considering the interview that I have posted about previously (I personally see it as a good sign).

Also realized I put a letter on King K Rool for probability, so I'm going to give a number: 3.3. Basically, a B as I gave him.

And if we are making our third set of nominations, I nominate Ghirahim, Paper Mario, Palutena, then Ghirahim two more times.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007

Want - C
Likelihood - B

He has issues that need more work than other characters. His popularity is not as shared in Japan as it is in the West, but by no means is he obscure. He is a hit or miss character.

King K. Rool:

Want - C
Likelihood - A

Definitely makes sense regardless of his absense in DKCR. Only problem is because Sakurai views K. Rool and his other incarnations as "brothers" instead of alter egos, K. Rool probably won't end up using a blunderbuss or jet pack.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2012
I believe Ridley is a likely contender. I give him an A for want; he's a very prominent Metroid boss who has been present in almost every game, and he fights in a very cool way. The "too big" argument is unconvincing because size is not a defining characteristic of Ridley and the game has already demonstrated that it doesn't care about size or scale (Just play with the Mother characters on Fourside). The "no ground attacks" argument is laughable when he has fought on the ground in every single 3D Metroid. The main problem with Ridley is that he's a regionally popular character, and Sakurai is more likely to look at Japanese popularity than American popularity, and Ridley isn't very popular in Japan.

Nintendo will probably at least see the demand, and Sakurai seems to think Ridley can work (That or he's schizophrenic). Metroid fans are also clamoring for another character, and the only real candidates are Ridley and Dark Samus, with Ridley obviously being the more prominent and popular one. Again, the only real strike against the character is that he's not popular in Japan.

For prediction, I give him a 4.25, because I'm optimistic. The only real obstacle he faces is whether Sakurai wants another Metroid character.

as much as we love Zero Suit Samus,
Speak for yourself.:c

I like Zero-Suit Samus, but her being the only new Metroid character in Brawl was a nasty surprise, especially since she really is just eye-candy outside of Zero Mission (And her transformation was horribly implemented).
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