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Rat-A-Tat Rap Banjo & Kazooie


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2005
Chicago, IL
I think it would be godly to have them in. I am rooting for them, or would if it was realistic that they would get in. I still have the support icon though, just because I want them even if it is ridiculous. If Microsoft never bought Rare they would be in Brawl for sure, which makes me sad. And Rare hasn't even made any good games under MS management as far as I know. Perfect Dark Zero sucked *** and Viva Pinata is... not really my kind of game. I don't even know what else they made. They should be a Nintendo 2nd party still. Its disappointing but I guess theres nothing we can do.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
If Rare is "out of Nintendos reach".......

Then why is Viva Pinata (a game made by rare) coming to the DS? :confused:


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
I love BK but if a Rare character gets into Brawl I would love for it to be Fulgore.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Because Rare was never bought by Microsoft.

EDIT-Rare is 3rd Party if they have games coming to the 360 and DS.
Yes they were bought by Microsoft. The reason why Rare is still allowed to make DS games is because Microsoft has no handheld system to compete with it, so it doesn't hurt their sales.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
So there's a new Banjo and Kazooie game coming out on the XBox 360 and you expect them to make it into Brawl?

I'm not trying to be mean here, I really wouldn't mind if they were in... It's just wow, they really don't have a chance.

Gerudo Warrior

Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
Intellectual property is not owned by Microsoft...

So Rare can just say: "Oh Sakurai San! use our creation ;)"

And Microsoft can't do a **** thing about it (legally) of course doing it against MS's will would be a bad choice for Rare, they are in NO WAY OBLIGATED.
so there is a chance that rare will put them in brawl. Or MS pays Nintendo to promote B&K3. Is there a better way? a better way to promote B&K3


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
But the Wii and Xbox 360 are opposing platforms. It doesn't make sense to put in a character supporting a game for another console.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2007
in the brawl,USA
i dont think banjo is in nor fits in ssbb.
They could fit perfectly, it's just that their chances are very minimal.
they do fit in,c'mon we have:

an italian plumber

an elf that swordfights

a dinosauar,turtle,lizard thing

a rodent

a gorilla

and a monkey who wears a t-shirt and a cap

we also got an angel

a ball

a hedgehog

and a killer agent

who can't fit in

Gerudo Warrior

Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
the bird and bear say merry Christmas.

On topic: I don't know how you could say they would not fit in. It is just haters coming up with a reason.

B&K for Brawl!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Microsft would be stupid to turn down the chance to market their big-exclusive platformer of 2008 in a game that is going to appeal to that market of gamers like no other. The only problem is if Nintendo see's B+K3 as a threat, which judging by past insults and slurs the Nintendo head honcho's have made towards Microsoft over the past years, is'not likely. Nintendo also have had no problem promoting MGS4 with its music and character which is going to be a much MUCH bigger release than B+K3, not to mention that Sony are a bigger rival in Japan.

Another reason why Microsoft wouldnt deny Banjo and Kazooie a place in Brawl would probably because they wouldnt influence the sale of Brawl at all. Unlike Sonic and Snake who are going to raise Brawls profile. Maybe with Master Chief but not with Banjo and Kazooie.

You people seem to think the two companys motives are as simple as forum fanboyism and that Microsoft would reject the chance to put B+K in Brawl on the grounds that Nintendo are their rivals. Its a Win-Win situation for Microsoft and the ball is really in Nintendo's (or Sakurai's) court.

Thats my thoughts on Banjo and Kazooie anyway.

I remember being transformed into a washing machine at some point in the game. I hope that it would be implemented into their moveset somehow.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
As long as Rare develops Nintendo DS games, Banjo and Kazooie certainly have a shot at Brawl. There is absolutely no excuse why Microsoft doesn't have a hand held system (yet). So they have Rare turn to Nintendo to market the games that Microsoft can't market. Besides, if Nintendo bought the full rights to Diddy Kong and all of his companions (Banjo & Conker excluded) then why did Rare create Diddy Kong Racing DS? That doesn't make any sense.. I guess it could be one of those games where Nintendo would have to consult Rare, but still. Also, what about Viva Pinata? At least Rare and Nintendo are talking.

Gerudo Warrior

Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
As long as Rare develops Nintendo DS games, Banjo and Kazooie certainly have a shot at Brawl. There is absolutely no excuse why Microsoft doesn't have a hand held system (yet). So they have Rare turn to Nintendo to market the games that Microsoft can't market. Besides, if Nintendo bought the full rights to Diddy Kong and all of his companions (Banjo & Conker excluded) then why did Rare create Diddy Kong Racing DS? That doesn't make any sense.. I guess it could be one of those games where Nintendo would have to consult Rare, but still. Also, what about Viva Pinata? At least Rare and Nintendo are talking.

10 char


Smash Rookie
Oct 21, 2007
Well, I had forgotten I was registered here until today, so I'll give you my two cents on Banjo-Kazooie. First of all, they are my wanted character, although I realize their chances are far from ideal, I figured it was worth my while to come up with (what I see as) a decent moveset for them. I use move names from the games in a few areas, but I'll try and describe them as best as I can. Obviously, they function as one character, with Kazooie providing support from the backpack.

Weight - *** (slightly above average)
Speed - ** (medium-slow)
Strength - **** (medium-high)
Recovery **** (gliding, good third jump)

(Not really sure what else to add here.)

Special Moves:

Standard - as has been explained already, Egg Firing seems to fit this slot best. Blue eggs would be the most common and have the least effect, while fire eggs would provide more offense with a slight burn effect. Ice eggs would have an equal or slightly lower chance of firing, with a small chance to freeze. Grenade would be the strongest, providing moderate damage and knockback to anyone within the blast radius.

Side - Talon Trot. In the games, using this ability causes Kazooie to to carry Banjo on her back while she does the running, and is considerably faster than normal walking. While you have no offensive options in this mode in the games, Kazooie could peck at enemies once you come within range. She could also utilize the single jump from the games.

Up - I'm pretty much decided on this one, Flip-Flap Jump. This is your high jump in the games and would function perfectly as a third jump. On ground, Banjo would crouch down and leap into a high backflip, with Kazooie spreading open her wings. You could then glide back down for a shot period of time if you didn't land. This would function similarly in Brawl, with a medium-high lag time for the move on the ground, but a much shorter one in the air, although still noticeable. Direct contact is the only real option for damage here, but once you've done the move, you're sent into a glide which you can use for extra recovery. This move would provide a fairly recovery distance, but not much in the way of forward recovery. It is not, however, completely vertical.

Down - the Beak Buster/Bill Drill round out the special moves. This one I'm pretty sure on as well, and it seems to fit fairly well. Think of it as a ground pound, with Kazooie's beak driven straight down into the ground. As in the game, if you hold down the button to charge it, it will become the Bill Drill, a more powerful multi-hit attack (think of Master Hand's drill attack). I'm not sure about the exact mechanics for this one though, I originally imagined not having an effect on ground, only in the air, with a little extra power to compensate. I don't think it would make much a difference it worked as Bowser and Yoshi's ground pounds, but I wanted to differentiate it a bit.

Standard Moves:
(I haven't added any concrete damage values because I fear they would be terribly unbalanced, but consider everything slightly above average, coinciding with the power rating I gave.)

A - standard punches into a Claw Swipe (multiple punches/rakes) combo.

Dash A - rolling somersault, good horizontal distance.

Side Tilt - Beak Bayonet (Kazooie slashes with her beak, good power, poor range)

Down Tilt - low sweeping kick/Kazooie low spear (forward beak thrust)

Up Tilt - Rat-A-Tat-Rap (this move is normally forward, but could be easily adjusted upward)/Banjo claps his paws upward (similar to DK up-smash)

Neutral Air - Pack Wack (Banjo swings his backpack around him, hits on left and right, decent range)

Down Air - swinging downward kicks

Forward Air - Rat-A-Tat Rap (Kazooie pecks forward multiple times, good range)

Up Air - Wing Wack (Kazooie swings her wings rapidly, creating a propeller-like effect with a wide hitbox but very little range)

Side Smash - Breegul Bash (Banjo grabs Kazooie by the neck and swings in front of him, smashing her into the ground. Excellent range.)

Up Smash - Kazooie does a spinning driver attack similar to the Bill Drill upwards, multiple hits

Down Smash - this one I'm not so sure about, I was thinking the Pack Wack, but that's already an aerial. I have another option, but it's a one-direction move that propels you forward slightly, it's called the Beak Barge.


(I intended them to have a powerful grab, since Banjo holds them while Kazooie provides the offense)

Strike - Kazooie pecks/slashes, pretty straightforward.

Up - Banjo tosses them upwards and slightly backwards

Down - Banjo body slams the opponent, low knockback

Front - Banjo tosses them forward and up, Kazooie fires several blue eggs (like Mewtwo)

Back - Banjo hurls the enemy backwards, high knockback (similar to Mario, without the spin)/same as front

Final Smash Ideas:

T-Rex - Humba Wumba appears and transforms Banjo into a T-Rex, becoming much bigger and gaining various biting attacks and possibly the roar.

Sharpshooter - Banjo uses Kazooie as a rifle, as in the shooting portions, shooting rapid-fire golden eggs. (Possibly using the melee attack at close range and/or adjustable aim)

Hex - Humba Wumba appears and transforms each opponent into a random critter.

Flying - Kazooie takes flight, slightly difficult to control, can fire eggs and Beak-Bomb enemies (divebomb attack, very difficult to control, high knockback and damage, ends Final Smash whether it hits or not).

Other Notes:

Not much else to say, I don't know if I mentioned it or not but I picture them to be quite floaty, similar to the games, and for the moves to flow in a similar style, slight lag on most attacks but they compensate with better damage. If there's anything you'd like cleared up, just ask. Feel free to use this in the first post.

Gerudo Warrior

Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
i really like the idea of the clockwork birdy as the side B. Talon trot seems great! i really like the idea. but i don't see how Wonderwing can work. i would depend on the lag at the start if it can be used as a shine like move. but you know best.

EDIT - B&K is Rareware's property.


Smash Rookie
Oct 21, 2007
Yeah, I'm thinking about dropping the Wonderwing altogether. The Final Smash Wonderwing is probably the worst of them, and the move isn't that great. I wanted to incorporate the Talon Trot somehow, and I think it would work fairly well. I wasn't sure how to incorporate the clockwork egg either, it could be the rarest of the standard eggs. If it hits the enemy it explodes like the grenade egg, maybe a bit stronger, if it misses and hits the ground/wall, the clockwork birds pops out and runs in a random direction or a nearby enemy.


Smash Rookie
Oct 21, 2007
Yeah, that's the side special, you had just mentioned the clockwork egg as the side B, but I don't think I mentioned him anywhere. I'll edit that post with a few changes.


Smash Cadet
Dec 22, 2007
B.C. Canada
I am so tired of people reminding me of the circumstances surrounding BK's rights.
I understand it is unrealistic.
Yet we must have hope, there is always a possibility.
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