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Ranking moves in Characters (Round 21: Discussing Down-Special)

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Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
I broke down Lucina's Fsmash in a comparison to Sonic's a number of posts back: Lucina is winning in most of the numbers.

You're underrating the Fsmash. If it ain't S, neither is Sonic's.
Sonic's really is S tier, and it's more to do with Sonic as a whole, and Lucina lacks what makes Sonic's actually good, or, what makes the move "viable" in a game situation. Lucina's Fsmash just isn't safe to throw out; it's meant to be a KO move, and functions as one when it lands, but due to how unsafe the move is/how punishable it is, it really isn't S tier.

Sonic and Little Mac have certain traits that make their Fsmashes a lot better in general, traits that Lucina, and Marth, lack, and thus, suffer compared to Sonic and Mac for example. Little Mac has the obvious; the super armor, and that's not counting the very low cooldown, and it's ability to break shields. Sonic's benefit is how actually easy it is to use his Fsmash, and it's to do with his speed. Sonic can run in and Fsmash with ease (it can also somehow hit behind him on occasion when pivoted, so there's that too). His speed allows him to get into those openings the opponent makes and make good use of his Fsmash.

Both Marth and Lucina lack ways to safely force the openings, or to actually capitalise off of the minor mistakes opponents do like Sonic and Little Mac can, and thus, it's more a game of "I'll swing this and hope this hits". Simply being frame 10 does not mean the smash attack is fantastic.

In a vaccum, Lucina's Fsmash is indeed incredible; it's very powerful, has disjointed range, which is quite long in it's own right, and comes out on frame 10. In a game scenario, though, it's no where near as good. It misses, and you're easting a hard punish. What hurts this even more is that it's unsafe on shield, and that when Lucina is on high percent herself, she cannot afford to use her Fsmash at risk of being punished. Essentially, lets say Lucina is on 110%, and the opponent is on say, 90%. Lucina cannot afford to use her Fsmash here; even though it will KO if it lands, when it whiffs, Lucina loses her stock. Marth suffers from this too, except Marth has moves that KO in this range and are safer (like his Fair, Nair, Ftilt, but that's a different argument). Sonic and Little Mac don't have the fear of being punished for using their Fsmashes, or in Sonic's case, is very hard to punish in general.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
I like that forward smashes that are able to angle ↑ and ↓ are getting more notice / praise. There's meaning to this ability because some moves have equal horizontal range while others have very noticeable differences in comparison. First the characters who can angle Fsmash:

Like for Falcon Mario & Dr. Mario, they have more horizontal range with their down angled forward smash than their up angle. But straight-forward is the longest range for them as well. Then there are other characters like Corrin & Shulk, who have greater range with their up angled forward smash than their down angle. Still, straight-forward is more range for them too.

EDIT: Also, holy ****. . . there's actual differences in an angle window change. ("What are you talking about?") In case you asked this while reading, I'm talking about the amount of frames you have to angle your forward smash. It's different for characters apparently. . .Shulk's window to angle forward smash or not is frame 2-9, whereas Luigi is frame 2-5. Dang. Well, . . .I guess here's some data as I'm editing this:
:4bowserjr::4larry::4roy::4wendy::4iggy::4morton::4lemmy::4ludwig:: Frame 2-6
:4falcon:: Frame 2-12
:4corrin::4corrinf:: Frame 2-9
:4drmario:: Frame 2-6
:4ganondorf:: Frame 2-10
:4kirby:: Frame 2-5
:4littlemac:: Frame 2-5
:4luigi:: Frame 2-5
:4mario:: Frame 2-6
(X/X):4miibrawl:: Frame 2-6
:4rob:: Frame 2-10
:rosalina:: Frame 2-10
:4samus:: Frame 2-4
:4shulk:: Frame 2-9
:4sonic:: Frame 2-13
:4yoshi:: Frame 2-8

ANOTHER EDIT: Oh & once you enter charge hold state for your forward smash, you cannot angled the attack ↑ or ↓ once you release your charge. So hold the joystick while you're charging before releasing.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2015
Las Vegas
Frame data time:
  • Charge: frame 8
    • The attack hits only six frames after releasing the charge; basically almost immediately.
  • Reflective: 10-19; x1.5 damage multiplier, 50% break threshold
    • The reflective frames are definitely not the reason you should be using forward smash, but they can certainly come in handy against opponents who become predictable with their projectile usage.
  • Hitboxes active: 14-15
    • On the faster side for f-smashes but with only two total active frames, giving f-smash very little leeway to hit. Despite the animation being a swing, the hitbox is only active in one specific spot and doesn't take up as much space as other f-smashes. The hitboxes are transcendent, so you can use f-smash to beat out attacks from characters who lack good disjoints.
  • IASA: frame 47
    • 31 frames of cooldown (16-46) puts it on the laggier side, which somewhat balances out the quick start-up. 47 as a first actionable frame is still rather fast, however.
  • Angle: 361° (45° on aerial opponents; on grounded foes, 0° with low knockback, ≈40° as the knockback scales)
  • Damage: 14% at the base, 15% with the tip
    • Not nearly enough shield stun to counteract the cooldown; definitely not safe on shields.
  • Knockback: 50 base, 88 growth
    • Backed up by more-than-solid damage when tippered, this attack is strong, killing Cloud at around 120% from center stage on Smashville (≈92% at the ledge). And that's with optimal DI and without a freshness bonus. Scales really well with rage and the "THWACK!" sound effect it produces is extremely satisfying to hear.
TL;DR: Quick, transcendent, and very powerful, but only has two active frames and doesn't cover much space. Can reflect projectiles, but the window is rather small and the somewhat long cooldown afterwards makes it easy to punish if shielded or whiffed. Great punish move, but not much else. Perfect at B-tier.
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Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
I like that forward smashes that are able to angle ↑ and ↓ are getting more notice / praise. There's meaning to this ability because some moves have equal horizontal range while others have very noticeable differences in comparison. First the characters who can angle Fsmash:

Like for Falcon Mario & Dr. Mario, they have more horizontal range with their down angled forward smash than their up angle. But straight-forward is the longest range for them as well. Then there are other characters like Corrin & Shulk, who have greater range with their up angled forward smash than their down angle. Still, straight-forward is more range for them too.

EDIT: Also, holy ****. . . there's actual differences in an angle window change. ("What are you talking about?") In case you asked this while reading, I'm talking about the amount of frames you have to angle your forward smash. It's different for characters apparently. . .Shulk's window to angle forward smash or not is frame 2-9, whereas Luigi is frame 2-5. Dang. Well, . . .I guess here's some data as I'm editing this:
:4falcon:: Frame 2-12
:4corrin::4corrinf:: Frame 2-9
:4drmario:: Frame 2-6
:4ganondorf:: Frame 2-10
:4kirby:: Frame 2-5
:4littlemac:: Frame 2-5
:4luigi:: Frame 2-5
:4mario:: Frame 2-6
(X/X):4miibrawl:: Frame 2-6
:4rob:: Frame 2-10
:rosalina:: Frame 2-10
:4samus:: Frame 2-4
:4shulk:: Frame 2-9
:4sonic:: Frame 2-13
:4yoshi:: Frame 2-8

ANOTHER EDIT: Oh & once you enter charge hold state for your forward smash, you cannot angled the attack ↑ or ↓ once you release your charge. So hold the joystick while you're charging before releasing.
This is another strange design choice I wonder about. Why isn't it the same for every character? It's not like it affects much, but still, you have some characters with 3 or 4 frames, then CERTAIN characters with over 10 frames to do it. Ridiculous. Every character should just be the same.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Fortunately you can consistently angle Fsmashes by holding up or down on the control stick and flicking the C stick sideways set to smash. It sucks for A and B stickers though.


Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
Fortunately you can consistently angle Fsmashes by holding up or down on the control stick and flicking the C stick sideways set to smash. It sucks for A and B stickers though.
Admittedly, it's still not too hard to do; I use tilt stick, and I can still do an angled forward smash as Rosalina when I need to.

But still, why should some characters have it different from others in a situation like this? It makes no sense.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2015
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Metaknight should move down though. Safety on shield is huge, but that's all it has going for it, and is not unique among forward smashes. 24 frame startup for a move that doesn't even match the kill power and damage of other smashes with 19-22 startup. Plus it's extremely short range and has a sourspot. Metaknight's Fsmash is actually precisely as safe on block as Ganondorf's Usmash, I notice. Ganon's would actually push them further, but my point being that if this quality were really so game changing, wouldn't you have heard about Ganon's Usmash being super great?
The difference in knockback between the sour and strong hits of MK's f smash is pretty negligible (less than a 10% difference); however, the sour hit has much less hitlag so there's a higher chance of them DI'ing wrong. "Extremely short range"--the hitbox is as large as a pre-1.1.5 Sheik's fair, on top of being completely disjointed. 16%, kills at 100% center stage, +1 on shield-drop, pretty good range, the same ending lag as many tilts--that's a fantastic move.

Ganon's up smash is great but not as many people bring it up because it's sitting on a character with much worse mobility, eg. Ganon's PP is much shorter than MK's, so Ganon's PP up smash isn't as useful as MK's PP fsmash.
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Smash Ace
May 29, 2016
Bayo's should be D tier tbh

Piss poor frame data, clanks with everything, has less knockback than her usmash and less utility than her dsmash, and its most triggering aspect is that for certain characters like Mario and Diddy Kong there's a blind spot right in front of her.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I think that :4pacman: should go to low B tier since his F-Smash is relatively strong, lasts for a long time, and goes under the stage. It's not amazing, due to its slow startup and end lag, but it isn't bad enough to place low C-tier.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Nah Fox's is irrefutably A-tier simply due to the ability to cross up, but mostly cover ledges.

It covers EVERY option but roll vs many chars and very favorably.
Now that you mention it, Kirby's fsmash also crosses up. It also has pretty decent range. Frame 13... not bad, tbh. But idk how it compares to other fsmashes that well.


The Free-est
Nov 28, 2005
College Park, MD
Now that you mention it, Kirby's fsmash also crosses up. It also has pretty decent range. Frame 13... not bad, tbh. But idk how it compares to other fsmashes that well.
It doesn't cross up as well. Fox moves way more after the hitbox is gone, and can minimize or negate a punish. However, ledge coverage is the main reason it's so good.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
Now that you mention it, Kirby's fsmash also crosses up. It also has pretty decent range. Frame 13... not bad, tbh. But idk how it compares to other fsmashes that well.
I'm of the opinion that Kirby's FSmash is pretty good. Rather impressive range for his size, lingers for a total of 7 frames, has good power, and isn't awful with a cooldown of 29 frames.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I think that :4pacman: should go to low B tier since his F-Smash is relatively strong, lasts for a long time, and goes under the stage. It's not amazing, due to its slow startup and end lag, but it isn't bad enough to place low C-tier.
It's not relatively strong though. Falcon's Fsmash is 1 frame slower than Pac-Man's but does 3% more, meaning it should KO ~30% earlier although I can't give you hard #s. I'd call Pac's Fsmash weak for its speed, F18 is definitely on the slow side. It's 3 frames slower than Mario's but weaker >_> Thank goodness it got a slight buff, it used to be even worse lol.

It's meaty for sure. I mean, it's not my first go to option to catch spotdodges, but it's nice.

It doesn't reach far under the ledge at all. I don't remember where I put my data, but I think he can only hit about 1/4 of the cast on the ledge with Fsmash. Again, I'm not sure on exact metrics, but I think he can only hit Mewtwo and worse on this list. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tGpChjunYUZ60nOAk6gUSZoA-6UJn8CXzvOIoSh2asc/edit#gid=0) I'd have to go test again, sorrry I don't remember where I put this stuff.

The only thing that really stands out about his Fsmash is the trample/can't rebound property, which is nice but not something you want to resort to a smash attack in order to access. My guess is that the devs anticipated Pac-Man getting into scuffles over launching his hydrant, so they thought he should always at least hit with his sourspot if he goes for a smash attack launch.

Edit: Oh, I guess it is a pretty large disjoint considering Pac-Man's size.

I'd stick it in C personally, low B if we're being generous.
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Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2015
It's not relatively strong though. Falcon's Fsmash is 1 frame slower than Pac-Man's but does 3% more, meaning it should KO ~30% earlier although I can't give you hard #s. I'd call Pac's Fsmash weak for its speed, F18 is definitely on the slow side. It's 3 frames slower than Mario's but weaker >_> Thank goodness it got a slight buff, it used to be even worse lol.

It's meaty for sure. I mean, it's not my first go to option to catch spotdodges, but it's nice.

It doesn't reach far under the ledge at all. I don't remember where I put my data, but I think he can only hit about 1/4 of the cast on the ledge with Fsmash. Again, I'm not sure on exact metrics, but I think he can only hit Mewtwo and worse on this list. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tGpChjunYUZ60nOAk6gUSZoA-6UJn8CXzvOIoSh2asc/edit#gid=0) I'd have to go test again, sorrry I don't remember where I put this stuff.

The only thing that really stands out about his Fsmash is the trample/can't rebound property, which is nice but not something you want to have to resort to a smash attack in order to access. My guess is that the devs anticipated Pac-Man getting into scuffles over launching his hydrant, so they thought he should always at least hit with his sourspot if he goes for a smash attack launch.

Edit: Oh, I guess it is a pretty large disjoint considering Pac-Man's size.

I'd stick it in C personally, low B if we're being generous.
Robin's is two frames faster, ends five frames later, has one more active frame, and is slightly stronger on the strong hit, doing a flat 16% while having 13 less KBG and 30 more BKB. The disjoints also don't seem to be especially different.
If Pac-man's moves up, I'd say Robin's moves with it, but I'd say both stay.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Admittedly, it's still not too hard to do; I use tilt stick, and I can still do an angled forward smash as Rosalina when I need to.

But still, why should some characters have it different from others in a situation like this? It makes no sense.
Idk, I just realized that they apparently have differences in the angles after knowing Shulk's for a long time, but never bothering to wonder other's. I didn't design these characters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In any case, I still feel that Shulk's Fsmash is C-tier at best from rounding out all the positives & negatives. And with the knowledge I've learned about angle windows, Sonic's is realllly easy / good. That's at least one thing it has over the rest.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2015
what if Little mac had S tier to himself? I mean, he has the advantage of having 3 unique Fsmashes all in one, as well as super armor and super low cooldown. He also has ridiculous launching power. Honestly, all the other "S-Tier" Fsmashs pale in comparison to his.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2015
what if Little mac had S tier to himself? I mean, he has the advantage of having 3 unique Fsmashes all in one, as well as super armor and super low cooldown. He also has ridiculous launching power. Honestly, all the other "S-Tier" Fsmashs pale in comparison to his.
I disagree, I think that at least Meta Knight and Sonic are on par with Little Mac.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
what if Little mac had S tier to himself? I mean, he has the advantage of having 3 unique Fsmashes all in one, as well as super armor and super low cooldown. He also has ridiculous launching power. Honestly, all the other "S-Tier" Fsmashs pale in comparison to his.
I second this. His Fsmash (and many ground moves) has crazy good stats.
http://kuroganehammer.com/Smash4/Little Mac
Super armor frame 8-15 makes it beat other great Fsmashes in tiers. It's faster and stronger than Sonic's in every way.

Nathan Richardson

Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2016
Warren MI.
I'm just going to put in here that Charizard's fsmash has two utilities, first it has a 'scooping' effect, some characters fsmashes can't hit opponents dangling from a ledge or are slightly underneath them, zard's fsmash can and rather easily, it also is an excellent interrupt for recoveries that are underneath zard.

Secondly and this is interesting it can hit people who are spot dodging (with good timing), most times that charizard tries to do a smash he can be faked out with a spot dodged and punished. If an opponent spot-dodges an uncharged forward smash? The invincibility frame ends right as the smash hits which makes it perfect for spot-dodge spammers.

Ignore this if we moved on i'm just surprised noone mentioned this...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2015
Dont forget that little mac has 3 different Fsmashes, which all serve a different utility. No other character has that advantage.
Beyond that, he has a stat advantage over every other character, and thats not even including his super armor.
It doesnt feel fair putting him on the same tier as sonic and Metaknight. Theirs simply arent strong enough to be on the same tier imo.

Edit: also, unlike sonic and MK, little mac steps forward quite a bit with his fsmash
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Little Mac definitely deserves honorable mentioning for his angling fsmash moves, but you only have a 4-frame window to do so with uncharged smashes. And while you can just prepare holding ↑ or ↓ during the Charge Hold, you're more vulnerable in taking higher knockback. It's quite a risk but the reward can be well worth it.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2015
Honestly its not hard at all to angle his fsmash with near 100% consistency. Its not really fair to make a big deal out of something that isnt an issue in the first place.

Also little mac's Fsmash has better stats than sonic's in every way.

Oh, and furthermore, little mac is the /only/ character with super armor on his fsmash. One or two others have brief (2-3 frames) of invincibility, like charizard, but thats pretty late in the move.
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Zapp Branniglenn

Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2014
Santa Ana, CA
I think Little Mac is unquestionably the best Fsmash in the game. Furthermore, Sonic and MK just aren't that much better than A tier. The A tiers that belong in A tier, that is. Range is excellent, the damage is wonderful, his hurtbox leans back before the super armor kicks in, blowing through all aerials, there's a windbox that ensures you don't punch through your target most of the time. Good startup, better endlag. The damage of the move alone ensures no block punishes unless they have an extremely long ranged 9 frame attack. And the up and down variations aren't awful. Use down to get more reward at early percents and keep them close. It can also do this, but I'd eat my hat if somebody pulled it off in a real match. Use up to kill earlier than the late hit of Usmash. It does have some have some issues though. Punching past targets when you're as close as possible is frustrating and happens with all three variations. All three variations also stale each other, so using this in neutral early can cause it to fail to take a stock later.

Sheik should move down to D. It's damage and knockback are near to bottom among fsmashes, it's also a multihit smash attack that the victim will optimally DI. Endlag is great, but it's an attack that moves you forward, ensuring a shieldgrab will not fail. Or some other nasty option like Luigi's Super Jump Punch. There's enough time between kicks that you can put down shield and perfect shield the second guaranteed. ZSS has that property as well, but at least her move has respectable knockback.

Edit: Oops. ZSS is actually worse than sheik for knockback. So all she really has over sheik is she doesn't step quite as far with the attack, making the defender have to make an effort on their punish since shieldgrab won't work. Except for between kicks if they react fast enough.

While Marth's has the advantage of being safe on shield at tipper range due to hitlag modifiers, Lucina's doesn't even have that benefit,

Next, I am going to talk about :4pit:/:4darkpit:. Why on earth are they still in C tier? They have the tied fastest Fsmash in the game (Along with :4marth:,:4lucina:and :4samus:, they are all frame 10), but Pit's has the noticeable advantage of being a multihit move, which helps in a lot of situations (bye bye Ryu), as well as technically having the least cooldown, due to the fact that hit 2 hits later. It's also not short on KO power either, and still has the boons of being disjointed and having pretty solid reach.

:4pit:/:4darkpit: should be B tier at the least, though A tier is a possibility.

Finally, I vote that :4luigi:'s Fsmash goes up to A tier. IIRC, this has the lowest cooldown of ALL Fsmashes in the game (perhaps bar :4metaknight:).
Hitlag modifiers do not make attacks safer on shield. That was never the case in Smash 4, and it was the exact opposite case before patch 1.11 and in Brawl. Now, Attacker and Defender always suffer the same amount of shieldlag before shieldstun begins. Unless it's a projectile, in which case hitlag modifiers over 1.0 do make them safer - since the attacker won't suffer shieldlag or shieldstun. And not every Marth/Lucina Fsmash has to be a hail marry. There's the famous jab to Fsmash mixup that can't be fatally punished even when the victim makes the right escape choice. Plus falling Nair 1 to Fsmash is a true combo at kill percents, but that's more optimally a lucina thing since you won't have to space either move.

For Pit, I'm willing to agree on B tier just by being a long range, quick kill option. But it's just under average in kill power. And that's before you factor in that it's a multihit, which gives the victim about 17 more frames to decide on DI than if it were a single hit attack. If it were just the second swing, they'd have 8 frames to DI instead of 25. And 8 is well under what's possible for a human acting intentionally. The time between swings is 11 frames - the exact amount of time it takes for Ryu to swing focus attack, so they could clank, or trade, both results came up when testing. Furthermore, the second swing helps alleviate the endlag, but it's ultimately only 4 endlag less than Lucina, and 1 frame safer on block. Almost precisely as risky as Marth Lucina who have far more reward for the risk.

And Luigi does not have second lowest endlag for Fsmashes. Besides MK, Bowser jr, Diddy Kong, Little Mac (tie), Mr G&W, Olimar, Sheik, Sonic (tie), Villager, and Zelda beat him. It's also not quite average in kill power thanks to a very high launch angle that you must mitigate by angling downward. That angle drops the already short range to less than his jab.

Secondly and this is interesting it can hit people who are spot dodging (with good timing), most times that charizard tries to do a smash he can be faked out with a spot dodged and punished. If an opponent spot-dodges an uncharged forward smash? The invincibility frame ends right as the smash hits which makes it perfect for spot-dodge spammers.
A move being so slow that it hits a panicked spot dodge after its I-frames wear out isn't really a boon. It's the other guy making a fatal mistake. When somebody says something beats spot dodges, they typically mean it has more active frames than the invulnerability frames that a dodge could provide. For Fsmashes, Bowser jr is closest to fitting the bill with 15 multihit frames before the finisher which is another 3. Charizard just has three, which is average for single hit smashes
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The Free-est
Nov 28, 2005
College Park, MD
Hmm, I do understand the reasoning solo-S for mac.

The only real thing sonic has over it is ledge coverage. And MK has less investment. (While mac's is better offensively, since MK doesn't move forward at all, he maintains stage control better.)

Olimar's is clearly S though. This fsmash is as crucial to his neutral as sheik or villager fair or mario grab. It's absurdly safe, rewarding enough, and inherently lends itself to his neutral game. In a vacuum, or within olimar's kit it's still absurd.

Nathan Richardson

Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2016
Warren MI.
A move being so slow that it hits a panicked spot dodge after its I-frames wear out isn't really a boon. It's the other guy making a fatal mistake. When somebody says something beats spot dodges, they typically mean it has more active frames than the invulnerability frames that a dodge could provide. For Fsmashes, Bowser jr is closest to fitting the bill with 15 multihit frames before the finisher which is another 3. Charizard just has three, which is average for single hit smashes
Actually if both the fsmash and the spot dodge were initiated at the same time the spot dodge would wear off before the smash hits while at the same time not leaving enough room to put the shield back up between the time the spot dodge is initiated and the time the invincibility frames wear off. If your opponent is expecting down smash and spot dodges you as soon as you initiate it you miss, with fsmash if your opponent is trying to read you ad does a spot dodge (keep in mind they're putting their shield up once the spot dodge ends) the fsmash hits regardless.
Granted I will agree that it is the opponent making a mistake (misreading which smash you're about to use) however even though jr. fsmash lasts longer it doesn't move from it's position once initiated, a backwards dodge roll will easily put the opponent out of jr.'s range while it won't put them out of charizard's.
I'm going to stop it there though because I played both characters, I honestly believe the duration of jr.'s fsmash to be a detriment, what if you miss? Some other characters (marcina especially) have very low risk fsmashes, jr's though takes about as long as zard's upsmash which, while faster than zard's fsmash makes it punishable especially if your opponent gets above or behind you (I learned this the hard way several times)


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2015
I'm going to stop it there though because I played both characters, I honestly believe the duration of jr.'s fsmash to be a detriment, what if you miss? Some other characters (marcina especially) have very low risk fsmashes,
Jr's Fsmash ends only four frames later, though, while having 18 frames of endlag, as opposed to Marcina's 39.

Also, your example assumes that both players input on the same frame. If the player inputs the spotdodge on a different frame, though, Jr's Fsmash is much more lenient for catching them.
Also, Charizard's Fsmash has 46 frames of endlag on a move doing 17% on three active frames that starts on frame 22.
I don't see how missing Jr's Fsmash, which has 18 frames of endlag and a FAF of 56, is worse than missing Charizard's. Or Marcina's. Or a lot of Fsmashes, really...
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Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
What on earth is Greninja's Fsmash doing in C? Not enough people critiquing Greninja's moves it seems, a bunch of his moves have been over/underrated.

Greninja's Fsmash is a simple 14% disjointed slash with great range, good power and no sweetspots to worry about. It works very well as a hard punish from a powershield, as a landing punish and out of a run pivot. Frame data is pretty good with 12f startup and 50 total frames. It's one of the best sword-based Fsmashes.

Greninja's Fsmash is better than Mario's (which I'm pretty sure isn't worthy of A-tier, by the way) and as good as most of the current A-tier Fsmashes. It deserves to be B-tier at least and it's probably A-tier.

Going to also suggest Pika and Villager move up to S-tier since theirs are vastly better than the surrounding A-tiers.
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Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
But still, why should some characters have it different from others in a situation like this? It makes no sense.
I imagine some would be hard to animate properly, like Bowser's F-smash, or Villager's, or Ike's, or King Dedede's. Also, it'd be a noticeable buff for Olimar if he could angle his F-smash upwards, I think.
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Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
I imagine some would be hard to animate properly, like Bowser's F-smash, or Villager's, or Ike's, or King Dedede's. Also, it'd be a noticeable buff for Olimar if he could angle his up-smash upwards, I think.
Oh, what I meant was, why some characters have say, 3 frames to angle the Fsmash, but others have like +8 frames to angle it (Sonic has 11 frames...).


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
I imagine some would be hard to animate properly, like Bowser's F-smash, or Villager's, or Ike's, or King Dedede's. Also, it'd be a noticeable buff for Olimar if he could angle his up-smash upwards, I think.
Aren't Up-smashes supposed to go upwards?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2015
I think the only other Fsmash that could be S tier along with Little Mac is maybe olimar. The item priority really brings him down though.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2015
Las Vegas
I think f-smashes (and smash attacks, in general) really boil down to how skewed the risk-reward ratio is one way or the other to determine where they should be ranked in a tier list.
  • S -- relatively safe smash attacks that you can throw out in neutral; they can achieve their goal in multiple ways and usually pose very little risk of punishment to the one using it.
  • A -- though not as safe to throw out in neutral as S-tier smashes, these are still potent kill moves that can be tricky to punish and are able to achieve their goal in more than one way.
  • B -- this is your standard smash attack. Pretty straightforward in usage and the risk-reward ratio is pretty evenly balanced.
  • C -- these are smash attacks that you mostly only use when you're absolutely certain they'll hit. They can be hard to land otherwise, or they might be rather weak, and the risk for using them is usually greater than the reward.
  • D -- D-tier smash attacks straight up just struggle to perform the job they're meant to for multiple reasons. They're easily punishable, sometimes even if they hit, and the reward for using them usually does not balance the risk.
Personal f-smash tier list.png

Within each tier: ordered by franchise relevance.
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Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2015
...any particular reason why Corrin's Fsmash is in B tier but Cloud's is in A?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2015
Las Vegas
...any particular reason why Corrin's Fsmash is in B tier but Cloud's is in A?
Cloud has more consistent kill power, his hitboxes don't contain articles (articles can be clanked with by almost anything and don't inflict as much shield stun as regular hitboxes) and has longer effective duration (19-28) than Corrin's f-smash (17-22). I'd include the multi-hit nature of Cloud's f-smash, but it's whether it makes it trickier or not to punish due to that is fairly subjective.
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Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2015
I think f-smashes (and smash attacks, in general) really boil down to how skewed the risk-reward ratio is one way or the other to determine where they should be ranked in a tier list.
  • S -- relatively safe smash attacks that you can throw out in neutral; they can achieve their goal in multiple ways and usually pose very little risk of punishment to the one using it.
  • A -- though not as safe to throw out in neutral as S-tier smashes, these are still potent kill moves that can be tricky to punish and are able to achieve their goal in more than one way.
  • B -- this is your standard smash attack. Pretty straightforward in usage and the risk-reward ratio is pretty evenly balanced.
  • C -- these are smash attacks that you mostly only use when you're absolutely certain they'll hit. They can be hard to land otherwise, or they might be rather weak, and the risk for using them is usually greater than the reward.
  • D -- D-tier smash attacks straight up just struggle to perform the job they're meant to for multiple reasons. They're easily punishable, sometimes even if they hit, and the reward for using them usually does not balance the risk.
View attachment 119575
Within each tier: ordered by franchise relevance.
Cloud's fsmash might be absurdly strong, but it's also really slow and really laggy. Certainly not A tier. Maybe B tier just because of how insanely powerful it is, but not A tier.


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2015
Cloud has more consistent kill power, his hitboxes don't contain articles (articles can be clanked with by almost anything and don't inflict as much shield stun as regular hitboxes) and has longer effective duration (19-28) than Corrin's f-smash (17-22). I
Cloud's first two hits do 3 and 3/2/4, which will clank with a lot of stuff. The third hit, which does 13%, will clank with anything doing 5% or more.

Also, how is this move safe? It's F19, has 36 frames of endlag, and is rather disjointed, but is still punishable on shield at most ranges.
Meanwhile, Ryu's is F15 with 29 frames of endlag, Pikachu's is F15 with 27 frames of endlag, Fox's is F13 with 28 frames of endlag, Jr's is F18 with 19 frames of endlag, and Olimar's is F11 with 11 frames of endlag.
Cloud's Fsmash is strong, but it's kind of slow and easy to punish on shield.

Also, why is Pit's in A tier but Marcina's in B tier? Do the multihit and slightly longer range really make that big a difference?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2015
Las Vegas
Cloud's first two hits do 3 and 3/2/4, which will clank with a lot of stuff. The third hit, which does 13%, will clank with anything doing 5% or more.

Also, how is this move safe? It's F19, has 36 frames of endlag, and is rather disjointed, but is still punishable on shield at most ranges.
Meanwhile, Ryu's is F15 with 29 frames of endlag, Pikachu's is F15 with 27 frames of endlag, Fox's is F13 with 28 frames of endlag, Jr's is F18 with 19 frames of endlag, and Olimar's is F11 with 11 frames of endlag.
Cloud's Fsmash is strong, but it's kind of slow and easy to punish on shield.

Also, why is Pit's in A tier but Marcina's in B tier? Do the multihit and slightly longer range really make that big a difference?
I should've also mentioned that it's the lack of rebound on Corrin's f-smash that makes its article properties so unsafe. Cloud going into rebound means he doesn't have to worry about cooldown in a clanking scenario. But still, yeah. I'd move all three down to B-tier f-smashes. Pit and Dark Pit both also have pretty sizable cooldown on their f-smashes (38 frames) despite being frame 10 attacks. I'm probably overrating them due to match-up bias.
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