Smash Champion
I don't like facebook either I just have one so people don't pester me to get oneOMG. Myspace sucks. Facebook is so much better.
Maybe him seeming like a brawl n00b is just a mind game to make you think he doesn't have mindgames...
online social networks are not fun
tyrant is a brawl noob he started with brawl no matter how good he gets i will always refer to him as a brawl noob
even though he would probably beat me
the exception to this rule are people like psychomidget, who started with brawl and realized melee was more fun and switched to melee and is actually pretty good at it
actually i take that back, i think he lost to fabian
actually i think fabian is better than everyone now, people just can't accept the truth
i mean if fabian > cameron and cameron > phood and phood > larry then i dont even know what to think
edit - except that phood is matchup dependant
edit 2 - made 2 posts and still edited the first one before anyone saw ****