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QLD Brisbane southside Brawl meetups (expression of interest)


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
remind me to never pick you up again cal, how dare you insult my car. I bought my car when I was working casually so what's your next excuse? haha


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
Read: I'd rather mooch than get my own car

I got mine working as a trainee as well I'm pretty sure you're getting a little bit more the $6 an hour like I was
You're forgetting that I don't live with my parents unlike you (Not sure about Oldman) so I gotta use more of my pay to live.

Public transport is cheaper anyway, nuff said and now that I live closer to everyone, I hardly have to ask to be picked up from somewhere unlike before when I was coming up from Nambour.

Oldman: As if you don't insult your own car :p haha.


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
Hey all!

Man what a turn out! i didn't think this post would get so many views and responses :D

Anyways sorry for the 2 day drift off, been busy with both work and uni and ive barely been at home. I like all the support for the idea and ive gone and talked to Griffith Uni campus today in regards about it. Axidos and I would gladly be willing to organise said meetups in the near future.

It appears that Griffith university is very kind and the consensus is that creating clubs, booking rooms and organising events, costs nil to nothing. The only costs ive been able to find is the $15 per year membership charges, and possibly parking costs. Also, non-griffith students are eligible to be apart of a griffith registered club (however they said they do prefer griffith students).

Melee is very welcome at the meetups, i merely put Brawl in the first post because neither Ax or myself own a gamecube. I like the bi-weekly structure that Axidos suggested, and on the main weeks, we could organise events such as mini-tournaments or challenges. As Ax said as well, equipment is welcome to all of our meetings, the more TV's, Wii's and Gamecubes the better!

For now i just have to email the club co-ordinator at Griffith, and file in an application to start up a club before August 13th =D

Once again thanks for all the support, i had no idea that it would be as big as this


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
This club has to be created by the end of the second week of August if it's going to be at Griffith. In the next two weeks, Rebun and I will get the details sorted out.

All those who have posted in this thread can expect to receive a couple of PMs until the club's fully organised.

Right now, for all those interested:
- If you could pick any day and time to meet, what time would you pick? We don't yet know how long we're allowed to use a room for, but you can safely assume about 4 hours.
- Are any of you able to bring a TV, console and game on a regular basis? e.g. The majority of main meets


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
room bookings may be an issue once the clubs been formed, the goal atm is to organise our first meetup in about a month, through this time the venue will be organised etc etc we will also decide the time for the meetups based upon the best available time we can organise for all members

so far everythings going to plan :D


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
you guys do realise that you can play melee on a wii.. along with any other gc game.

I'm fine with any weekday excluding friday, as long as it's at night or at least late afternoon. If so, I'm prepared to bring a wii and tv with brawl and melee.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2006
i think you know
i didn't think you could have planned smash meets in brisbane, i thought it was just bob txts 5 people and they turn up at his place in a few hours, still good luck with it all


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
i didn't think you could have planned smash meets in brisbane, i thought it was just bob txts 5 people and they turn up at his place in a few hours, still good luck with it all
that died when bob moved house. Now I text bob randomly and he shows up, then he texts 5 people and one of them might show up. Hence the necessity for this to work.


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
haha, thats how its worked for us for a while, its worth a shot

awesome at being able to play melee on a wii - that makes things abit easier


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2006
i think you know
that died when bob moved house. Now I text bob randomly and he shows up, then he texts 5 people and one of them might show up. Hence the necessity for this to work.
what are you talking about, the 3 weeks i was in qld staying at bob's new place, we had like 10 meets, and the other nights he would go drinking with you dorfs :p


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
I haven't even seen his new place yet.. maybe he's excluding us from these meets because he's afraid it can't withstand Ganondorf's power


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
that died when bob moved house. Now I text bob randomly and he shows up, then he texts 5 people and one of them might show up. Hence the necessity for this to work.
i swear ben, arrow and myself were at his house like every night for a week or 2.

But yeah on topic i think it would be the best idea to just choose a date and then see what kind of attendance/interest is expressed then develop from there how frequently it is done and what events are done.


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
Just as a suggestion, try and schedule things on a weekend because nearly everyone has issues during the week such as week or uni, etc etc. However, I don't really know if Griffith lets people borrow their rooms on weekends so that is something you guys need to find out.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
golden rule of smash boards = life commitements > gaming.
That I can agree with so I suppose the weekend it is.

The combined exam periods of UQ, Griffith and QUT cover October 30th to November 20th. Having a main meet during or right before exam period would be terrible, and everyone would want an opportunity to relax afterwards, so here is what I'm thinking:

Main meets:
Aug 7th (Unlikely)
Sept 4th
Oct 2nd
Oct 23rd (End of last or second-last week of semester)
Nov 20th (Last day of exam period)
Dec 18th (If we can use Griffith during the summer)

Light meets:
Aug 21st
Sept 18th
Oct 16th
Nov 6th (Middle of exam period)
Dec 4th
Jan 1st :O


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
i seriously doubt there will be meets on both august 7th or august 21st unless we can organise it elsewhere - i have yet to hear back from the club coordinator at griffith, so we'll just apply in the coming 2 weeks. theres always the possibility they will refuse :( , meaning we'd have to look at other public areas.

otherwise i like the general plan you wrote down, good thing taking into consideration the exam schedules - we should still make any meets around those times light meets, for anyone with special circumstances etc


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Keep us updated Rebun, Axidos. It's good to see you guys going through with setting up a club!

It's really hard to set up a club at QUT, :( Always wanted to, but from my experience with talking to others who run clubs, it's hard to get a hold of anything room wise.


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
setting up a club at a university may be a rigorous task, very very time intensive (griffith requires whole bunch of documents to be filled in, 15 set up signatures, and participation on sign-on days), if it proves to be too difficult we'll keep looking around till we find an affordable venue


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Rebun, with those signatures, would you perhaps like one of us to help you with that? If you emailed me the document that needs to be signed, I can pass it around at meets and such.

Keep us posted.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
The current situation is thus:
We've sent an email to the Griffith Clubs coordinator but the track record thus far suggests they'll take several days to reply. We're concerned about room time/day/hours-at-a-time restrictions and whether the 15 signatures must be Griffith students exclusively. If we can accept non-Griffith students' signatures your help would be welcome, Vyse!

If Griffith is too restrictive we'll book a public venue but we're having some trouble finding a good one. Vyse (or anyone else) - do you have any ideas or smarts in that department?
Our only decent options found so far are: A community hall in Mt Gravatt (a 10 minute walk from Garden City) and one in West End.
I recently spotted a PS3 lounge which I'll have to hunt down again and scope out. I think it's in the city; it'd free us from having to lug around TVs, but from what I recall they offer exactly 5, possibly 7 TVs.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
public venues are expensive imo. it might be more like 10$ a meet just towards venue.

maybe if we make a fb group... XP
or merge with an already existing club...


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
The current situation is thus:
We've sent an email to the Griffith Clubs coordinator but the track record thus far suggests they'll take several days to reply. We're concerned about room time/day/hours-at-a-time restrictions and whether the 15 signatures must be Griffith students exclusively. If we can accept non-Griffith students' signatures your help would be welcome, Vyse!

If Griffith is too restrictive we'll book a public venue but we're having some trouble finding a good one. Vyse (or anyone else) - do you have any ideas or smarts in that department?
Our only decent options found so far are: A community hall in Mt Gravatt (a 10 minute walk from Garden City) and one in West End.
I recently spotted a PS3 lounge which I'll have to hunt down again and scope out. I think it's in the city; it'd free us from having to lug around TVs, but from what I recall they offer exactly 5, possibly 7 TVs.
We know about both of these options from previous investigation.

Mt Gravatt Community hall is something you want to talk to J-Birds about as I believe he's been in contact with them before, and the biggest problem has been availability (I think). Otherwise, like Jagera Art Centre Community hall in Southbank, it's probably fairly cheap.

The PS3 lounge you're thinking of is BattleZone, and Syke's talked to them about doing group deals and thinks he might be able to do something with them, as a casual meet area for general gaming, etc, I'm not 100% sure what the rates might be like.

I wouldn't want to use their screens for Brawl though, it's probably laggy. We used to do something similar with Dexterity games, but their screens were ultra laggy.


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
Thanks for the tips Vyse, im gonna call the Mt Gravatt community hall tomorrow and ask them about times and availability. it might be hard getting it on a weekend due to bookouts and the whatnot, if we use them we'd probs have to do it within the week =\ and not too sure when they are open too as well. ill look into battlezone as well and there screens =P


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
The PS3 lounge you're thinking of is BattleZone, and Syke's talked to them about doing group deals and thinks he might be able to do something with them, as a casual meet area for general gaming, etc, I'm not 100% sure what the rates might be like.
Oh sweet. Well, I've left my contact details with them anyway. Who is this Sykes and how might I contact him about this srs bzns?

EDIT: Nevermind actually. We will almost certainly not use BattleZone. Their screens are no larger than 32" (if even that) and there would only be enough space for two people per TV (and even then it may be cramped). It would be an abysmal location for us.

I wouldn't want to use their screens for Brawl though, it's probably laggy. We used to do something similar with Dexterity games, but their screens were ultra laggy.
By ultra-laginess are you by chance referring to a split-second gap between, say, when you press jump and when you actually see your character jump? If that's what you're describing, that's caused by some picture-smoothing pre-processing some TVs do, and you can turn that off on many of those TVs. It might have some obscure name in the settings though - it's some three-letter acronym on Bravias.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Gold Coast, Australia
By ultra-laginess are you by chance referring to a split-second gap between, say, when you press jump and when you actually see your character jump? If that's what you're describing, that's caused by some picture-smoothing pre-processing some TVs do, and you can turn that off on many of those TVs. It might have some obscure name in the settings though - it's some three-letter acronym on Bravias.
Game mode (universal term) can[/] help but doesn't make much of a difference on most TVs. Although newer lcds with 100hz or better technology don't have the lag problem at all (sadly mana bar isn't using these)


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
community halls still appear to be our best option for the matter - they are open everyday between the hours of 8am-9pm, and having 4 hour meets booked in advance we'd hopefully be able to get the rooms. fridays and saturdays arent available, there scheduled party days - sundays would be a good day but the halls might be used for some religious meetings/demonic cults and the whatnot

However using community halls will probably mean that attending meetings will probably cost around $5 per person. there is the opportunity that some weeks we might get so many people which more than covers our costs. if that happens we'd use any left over money to cover the next meetings costs, or extend the time of said meetings (by another few hours etc). other than that free coffee and snacks will be provided at the meetups. If you only attend the main meets, it rounds around about $50 a year, for attending all meets, probably around $100, and no-one has to attend a meet if they dont feel like it, and anyone is welcome just to come for one week. $5 every fortnight doesnt sound too bad when you get free coffee and snacks =) any feedback on the cost is very welcome too, i want to see what you guys think of this.

in terms of location, we were thinking of the mt gravatt hall, but apparently thats closing down in the coming october for refurbishment - so now we are thinking sunnybank, further south of mt gravatt. Jagera would seem to be a better alternative, but they've put clearly on their info that they dont want noise, and being in its location, probably hard to acquire a decent booking time, plus parking and carrying tvs around might be an issue. nothings been booked yet, probably very soon but we'll keep you all updated


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
sounds good man, you've prettymuch resorted to doing what we normally do for tournaments by hiring out a public venue.. but without the tournament and consequent fee. I hope it works out, count me in.
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