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PYP Mafia - Game Ova


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Such a bad choice though ...

I feel like you're overreacting. You said yourself that it is not very useful. What happened from that post (#50) to this point?

Heaven: Zen
Pearly Gates: soup, Ranmaru, Laundry
Limbo: Ryker, Ryu, Orboknown, Maven
Purgatory: Gheb

Top - Down, Left - Right = Town to Less Town

Maven89 Maven89 please give us some thoughts on things. Have you garnered any reads from Day 0?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I feel like you're overreacting. You said yourself that it is not very useful. What happened from that post (#50) to this point?

Heaven: Zen
Pearly Gates: soup, Ranmaru, Laundry
Limbo: Ryker, Ryu, Orboknown, Maven
Purgatory: Gheb

Top - Down, Left - Right = Town to Less Town

Maven89 Maven89 please give us some thoughts on things. Have you garnered any reads from Day 0?
What about gheb specifically? Just the whole ST shenanigans?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Soup who do you feel is scum based on d0?

Ran why do you favor situations that scum is more likely to win in? Why are you so against night play but then push for decoy?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I like to scumhunt, and my favorite role is VT. Decoy = vanilla since all it does is essentially make a PR vanilla.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I dislike Maven. He seems disinterested with actually progressing the phase, and has been active lurking. He's let Gheb and others push things (as you can see him liking) and hasn't really specified what his roles were. He came back to spread suspicion on a 'non-specific' group of people pushing to 'nuturing' PR's but never cared to vote his role or state what his new role preferences were. It comes across as him wanting to sling mud more than showing why he believes a particular role should be voted. (In his #135)

He specified in his #113 that he'd back the BP plan and was going back to the drawing board on what role to pick, yet this falls short as he never picks one. So in conclusion, I find his lack of interest, his mudslinging (to a general group, and not any one specific), and lack of role choice suspicious.

Vote: Maven


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I like Ryu. I liked his intro post, which I disagreed due to going into Wifom. I just really liked his entrance, and I also liked his questioning towards me. He is involved and generally the kind of Ryu I like to see. Progressing the game forward, and active enough.

Not feeling Soup. I generally had no problem as he's been more involved and we agree on vanilla game, but I don't like his name drop of myself without really talking about Tailor any further. I asked him to discuss things with me and he also did not reply, which is concerning to me.

I'm null leaning town on Ryker. He asks Laundry for reads but never really seems to do anything with it (publicly) to me. I find him questioning Laundry for reads and being eager a townie vibe. I'm interested in his reads today.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science

are we reading the same slot or

All of his posts have been completely reasonable to me thus far. Your main qualm with him seems to be his lack of desire to discuss strategy, but I see nothing wrong with that. Soup has never been one for such talk -- he always left mechanical aspects of the game to me as hydra -- and he admitted that. Despite this, he still made an effort, clearly stated his preferences, and continued to push the game forward in his own way. This doesn't come off to me as fence sitting as you implied earlier, because he actually was contributing despite stating it wasn't his "cup of tea", rather than using it as an excuse to do nothing.

Does this add anything to your perspective?

Please don't be awful this time.

I'll try not to. Is there anything you disagree with other than your position? Also what changed from your #50 to the end of the day?

What about gheb specifically? Just the whole ST shenanigans?
I'll hold off on answering this for now. But to be clear, Purgatory on that list is more a leads than scum section.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Alright. Sweet.

Zen, regardless of what I read from you, I am going to avoid pushing at any point until at least Day 3. Right now we're cool anyway though.

I like Alex. The only problem I've had with him is his mind boggling stance on Poisoner while saying we shouldn't be trying to game what scum picked and he did come around in the end.

I like Ryu. As long as he continues to contribute, he'll **** up eventually if he is scum. He's good to go at the moment.

Gheb ignoring half of Zen's last post is disgusting. His stance on Tailor is reasonable to me, but his approach to discussing t is rancid.

People talk about Maven lurking, but I'm more concerned with Orbo poking from the side because no one has mentioned him.

Ran I have at null. His interactions in Day 0 mean little to me. I assume I'll have a better read by the end of D1.

I had problems with Soup until Zen's post. If I excuse his refusal to take a stance on the BP plan, the slot is ok.

I'm missing a slot and cant tell you who it is. That doesn't bode well for my read.

On phone at the moment, but should be around most of the day. I'm Ryker and I'm town, AMA.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Oh, Maven. Similar to Orbo, worse in behavior. More in the spotlight. I like him.

Maven, Orbo, and Gheb are my ****list.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Vote Count: 1.1
Maven [1*]: Ranmaru
Not voting [8]: Maven, Orbo, Gheb, Laundry, Soup, Ryu, Ryker, Xivii

With 9 players, it takes 5 votes to lynch.
With the current vote spread, Maven will be lynched at the deadline (Thursday, 11:59PM EST).

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
All of his posts have been completely reasonable to me thus far. Your main qualm with him seems to be his lack of desire to discuss strategy, but I see nothing wrong with that. Soup has never been one for such talk -- he always left mechanical aspects of the game to me as hydra -- and he admitted that. Despite this, he still made an effort, clearly stated his preferences, and continued to push the game forward in his own way. This doesn't come off to me as fence sitting as you implied earlier, because he actually was contributing despite stating it wasn't his "cup of tea", rather than using it as an excuse to do nothing.

Does this add anything to your perspective?
Both of my top scumpicks leading into D1 did something at the end of it that made me back off their approach. I reread Soup's posts and it somewhat improved my opinion of him but even then, I'm still skeptical. You say he doesn't like to talk about the mechanical aspect of the game but outside of responding to me (and only after I prodded him in the first place), all of his talk is purely about the set-up but nothing about the people specifically saying these things. There's a lot of posts like this:

I don't agree with Super Tailor. Decoy/Detective are where my votes are gonna be if I have to put it somewhere. Leaning preference on Decoy only being that scum doesn't know if the person they roleblocked is a PR or not, unlike Detective which can weed him out.
and this:

I cannot stress how tired I am of hearing 'they wouldn't give us an investigative' because my answer to is..says who? Investigative isn't all the powerful as people are making it out to be with the tools being given to the mafia, which is kinda the whole point. I hate talking about this but it is a central point of discussion so I might as well. Ranmaru for example saying ST will give us no harm is just absolutely ridiculous. All roles give us freaking harm.
while this:

I understand some people though and why this matters. While I don't like laundry's angle I understand it, it's just everything else. His Ryker read for example is really weird, despite their experience with each other. It reads as cautious and not even really a full opinion, just basically something that results to null saying it's a gutread on town but there's no basis. What? I can't really follow a gutread if you say that's it's not based on anything or not concrete. I'd expect something more solid from anyone if they're going to throw a read out there. I'm further confused by what he meany by this line:

It's confusing to me. If it wasn't important why bring it up? What reasoning? Help me understand.
is his only extensive post on anyone in specific. Even then, he just sorta talks about me and doesn't really do anything with it. I don't get the impression he's here to help and is far more mechanical in his approach than I would care for. You're right, it's different than I previously thought, but I still look at his content and remain unimpressed.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
My problem with this game is that I think I'm townreading too many people too easily.

Here's my readslist:

Town: Ryker, Ruy, Ran Laundry
Town-Lean: Orbo, Maven
Null: Zen
Scum: Soup
The **** is that Outburst: Gheb

I like Ryker's entire treatment of me this game. He walked into the thread seeing me doing something he probably considered dumb (and scummy) and proceeded to grill me. However, after he got the responses that he wanted, he pretty much backed off. If that were scum!Ryker, I don't think he'd do that--scum!Ryker is confident he can lynch me and if he sees weakness he will try to take me down. Not only that, I think Ryker's one of the few people in this game that actively scumhunted in D0 even if that wasn't the primary goal of D0--his entire treatment of me is just him gaining a read on me.

I could give the usual ****ty reasons for Ruy being town but I'll just link the specific post that convinced me:

Vanilla games have scum win more than 70% of the time.

even with 2 mafia and 11 town, recorded on other sites 66% win rate for town.

PRs are necessary to balance the game out, why are you in favor of this?
I don't see why scum!Ruy makes that post. His point about Vanilla games is right and against the grain of the thread--most people were opting for the vanilla game at that time; however, I think the most significant point is that he turned that point and used it to question Ran. It convinced me he was actively scumhunting from a townie perspective rather than focusing on opportunistic pushes like scum!Ruy tends to default to.

Ran's the only other person who even appeared to scumhunt on D0 so he's mostly on here for that reason. He looks like typical Ran. I'm not as convinced of him as I am of Ruy and Drew but the fact that he's one of the few that took initiative in D0 to find scum is enough for now. We'll see how he continues.

My town-leans are less certain because it's for weaker reasons. For Maven, it's because of his argument for the Tailor:

We should try to make this a counter pick.

I doubt they would give comparison cop, seer, or double doctor. Bus driver is possible but there's the chance he'd get the mafia to kill themselves. Armored bodyguard seems the most likely to give town, it's what I'd vote for if I was mafia. I really doubt they'd give us an investigation role. Because of that, the tailor might actually be the best pick for us, as it'd be useless for them unless they gave us an investigation role.
That's how all of these scum PR's work except for witch (which we should never give), if our PR dies then their PR has no purpose.

Can anyone see any reason why they would give us an investigation role? I can't, and can't really imagine they would ever do so. Everyone in this game has played multiple games before, so the mafia isn't making noob mistakes. An all vanilla game would be purer, but that works towards us as much as it works towards them.
They'd give us the role because they knew we'd pick a role based on the idea that they didn't give us that one? I find that unlikely, especially since there's zero guarantee that their counter PR would pick their target correctly while our PR could crush the game, giving us a powerful PR because they expect it to manipulate us to give them a counter PR would be poor play, it's only a counter if they both pick the same target, otherwise we just have a powerful PR. It's throwing the ball into our court and relying on 1. us giving them the perfect PR is return and 2. their counter PR being perfect in his actions. Any slip and they would have messed up horribly. It's more likely they gave us the weakest PR they could
Yeh, it's weak, but I think that's an argument of a townie. It's weird and wild and makes little sense but it comes off in the perspective of a crackpot theorist who's hyped up on his idea and thinks it'll win town the game (I know this, I've done it a lot). The rest of Maven's play is lackluster to say the least but maybe improved activity will help on that front.

Meanwhile for Orbo, I just don't see why scum!Orbo posts these:
QUOTE="Orboknown, post: 21336198, member: 193546"]I still want to hear a little bit more from maven/ryker but thats about it[/QUOTE]
I just felt like your back and forth with laundry hadnt ended and wanted to see that play out. And kavens kinda been here kinda not so i wanted to see him come in with a bit more concrete stuff
Ryker, Zen, and I were pretty much ready to move onto D1, he could've said nothing and let the day progress if he were mafia and no one would've likely batted an eye. Instead, he posts these to ensure we have all the information we'll need (which I don't begrudge him for, I would've liked more out of Maven myself, hence why I prodded him to hammer). That earned him some town points from me. Yeh, it's weak, so I'm not willing to call him full town, but at the moment I'm leaning towards that.

I have nothing specific about Zen, I just don't think any of his arguments are ones he wouldn't make as scum, so he's residing in null until I see anything worth trusting or nailing.

I just talked about Soup so I'll skip rehashing that.

I can't get a bead on Gheb's outburst. The rest of his play is lackluster and I still think I would lynch him given that over half the slots in the game are town-leans at least, but that outburst is enough to give me pause. It doesn't make sense given every scenario I could imagine. vt!Gheb wouldn't give so much of a damn to make that type of outburst, he's been worked around by townies and not raised nearly as much of a fuss. pr!Gheb wouldn't risk exposing himself in such a manner for little benefit. scum!Gheb wouldn't stick his neck out so far for something that could backfire on him. Nothing makes sense.

For the rest of Gheb's play, his entire argument for the Tailor wagon is lackluster and the fact that he turned to desperation is what's interesting to me. I'm pondering on that one the most, so let me think about it a bit more.

vote: Soup


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Okay, but you didn't answer what I asked about Ryker and instead just deflected the pressure onto me. I don't understand how this is a hard concept for you.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You're not someone to miss details usually, I really don't understand your angle. You say I wasn't talking about anything but mechanics but I only contributed at the angle of which was being talked about, which was pretty much mechanics. There was nothing else that couldn't just wait until D1, but for some reason you're being arrogant or impatient or maybe both. It's not a good look for you to instantly assume you know my prerogative and then tell me that I wasn't doing anything.

Can you answer me about your read on Ryker from D0 yet?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
And dear god, you are so wishy-washy this game that you might as well go back to WashedLaundry.

In #87 here's your stance on Maven:

In terms of who I think is scum, I'd probably start by looking at the people pushing Tailor, particularly Gheb/Maven. Maven's argument has me straddling the dumb/scum line hella hard and I'm skeptical as to why Gheb bought it and is pushing for the Tailor so hard.
I comply and share my sentiment saying that I agree with you. This is somehow not enough in your eyes, but it's against the point. What's bothering me is your stance now in lieu of this stance prior, which is an actual reversal.

Town-Lean: Orbo, Maven
And here's your reasoning:

it's because of his argument for the Tailor
Not saying you can't change your mind but...where did the original point go and what did you expect to do with it? Maven didn't even do anything different and I see nothing in your post that states how/why you changed your mind, it just sort of did. This is but one reason in my laundry (heh)-list of things that I have issue with you. You seem really nervous. You seem like you need to go out of your way to look presentable and create these overbearing arguments such as the ones you presented with BP (and what did you gain from that?) but everyone else is just so incredibly shallow. I really can't believe the people town-reading you right now. There's a reason I asked you about your ryker read because it made 0 sense, and it still does to me. A lot of the reads you've been pulling have either made 0 sense or they're based on loose meta such as Ryu being town because he's Ryu. I don't have any strong read on Ryu right now at all because I've seen him be both meticulous as scum and uncaring as town; I disagree.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
I've been real busy the last few days, I started several posts but wound up not finishing them. You guys did convince me I was being ignorant about possible roles they'd give us, which was proven true by no one claiming AG. With that being claimed out, I actually would have preferred poisoner, but I'm fine with detective. I can't imagine they gave us double doc.

Gheb's play raises small flag, we had the same outcome with wanting ST but different reasons for it. I understand where he's coming from but don't see why he's so strongly for it. With AG out, the only other non-investigative role we could be given was double doc, which is (probably) unlikely. His arguments seemed to be voting for no PR for the town. I don't actually feel this is inherently scummy .

#HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry you said you'd prefer poisoner if there's no AG claim, yet after everyone claimed you never brought it up, but still mentioned your plan as being completed. Why? We have several days left for the deadline

I like Ryu and Ryker, Orbo has been nothing to worry about.

My main suspicion is on people who pushed for Decoy, as that's by far the strongest PR they could realistically get. And overall, it's on people who argued that having "No town PR" is a good thing.

I like to scumhunt, and my favorite role is VT. Decoy = vanilla since all it does is essentially make a PR vanilla.
This doesn't make any sense to me. How does your favorite role being VT have anything to do with this? Why is that a good reason to not have town PRs? Please answer this

I really want more interaction with people and to be more active before I start formulating anything else. So I guess

Don't seem like scum: Orbo, Ryker, Laundry, Ryu

Possible scum picks: Gheb, Soup, Ranmaru

Completely neutral: Xivii, because even though I just read though the game again I can't remember anything he pushed.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If I were like Laundry, Ran/Ryu would both be town but I don't think it's that simple. Ran is a gut feeling of town over Ryu because he's more plain about his approach while Ryu isn't as dense as people make him out to be. There's nothing from Ran that bothers me but also just not enough to really solidify him as town. I didn't like D0 at all and I was looking to get past by it and hopefully push people to just move on, which is why I really had no issue just dropping poisoner talk.

Zen I have somewhat mutual trust in, a lot more than Laundry at least. He's made good points and being straight-faced the whole time, but I strongly disagree with his read on laundry if it's not clear by now.

It's strange where I'm at right now because I liked Laundry because of his stance on Maven and now he's gone and flipped and did nothing with it. I don't know how to really read that if I think laundry as scum but I doubt any scum member would be that transparent about their partner and try to force a town-read unto them, so if Laundry is scum then I don't maven is, even I don't like both.

Everyone else I'm okay with or I don't have enough of a strong opinion to want to speak about it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Someone tell me what Ryu has done to warrant a town-read outside of meta.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Maven that argument is really weak about decoy in my eyes. I'm not basing anyone's opinion on what role town should get because then we'd be right back at D0.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
So I'm in the process of moving and will be without home Internet indefinitely. I'll be able to make computer posts during slow periods at work, but will be using my phone for the majority.

Everything except Orbo basically.

What are your reads on Ryker, Ryu, and Maven?
You spent the whole of pregame disagreeing with me and im the thing you dont disagree with now?
How are those two things related in any sense?

Maven89 Maven89 if you find those who were for decoy suspicious, why do you have a town read on Orbo?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
So I'm in the process of moving and will be without home Internet indefinitely. I'll be able to make computer posts during slow periods at work, but will be using my phone for the majority.

What are your reads on Ryker, Ryu, and Maven?
How are those two things related in any sense?

Maven89 Maven89 if you find those who were for decoy suspicious, why do you have a town read on Orbo?
If he was against me all pregame how am i the only thing he isnt againdt now when essentially nothing has changed


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ohh I see what you mean. I was asking him what he disagreed with about the list not what he disagrees with in general. He was saying that he disagrees with everything on the list other than you being in null, not that he disagrees with everything in thread except for you.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
I didn't remember Orbo being in favor of it. I'm thinking I'm focusing too much on what ideas people had anyways, I remember in the last pyop the mafia dominated the discussion but I'm having trouble making reads based off what I've seen posted. Either way, I'm keeping what I said for lack of anything else. I want to watch Soup v Laundry play out


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
1. I've been real busy the last few days, I started several posts but wound up not finishing them. You guys did convince me I was being ignorant about possible roles they'd give us, which was proven true by no one claiming AG. With that being claimed out, I actually would have preferred poisoner, but I'm fine with detective. I can't imagine they gave us double doc.

2. Gheb's play raises small flag, we had the same outcome with wanting ST but different reasons for it. I understand where he's coming from but don't see why he's so strongly for it. With AG out, the only other non-investigative role we could be given was double doc, which is (probably) unlikely. His arguments seemed to be voting for no PR for the town. I don't actually feel this is inherently scummy .

3. My main suspicion is on people who pushed for Decoy, as that's by far the strongest PR they could realistically get. And overall, it's on people who argued that having "No town PR" is a good thing.

4. This doesn't make any sense to me. How does your favorite role being VT have anything to do with this? Why is that a good reason to not have town PRs? Please answer this
1. I would have liked that answer in D0. When did you come to the decision of preferring poisoner by the way?
2. What *is* the small flag you say Gheb raised?
3. You preferred poisoner, a role that is *stronger* then Decoy.
4. I would prefer a neutral game instead of a negative game. Poisoner would be one example of pushing us to the negative. Stating my role preference is VT shows that I'd prefer it this way. Yet, you are overlooking my own actions, as I did compromise to a role that can help make the game vanilla while doing nothing negative to the pr.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
In general I do not favor vanilla games especially when it will turn town into a vanilla party. Yes I have a meta and am well known to love OS games because not only do I find it to be a lot more fun, but town loses vanilla games in statistics I have read and seen on other sites. When it hits a 70%ish rating that tneds to get my attention a lot more and make me question why people are pushing it even after I question them on it.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
In general I do not favor vanilla games especially when it will turn town into a vanilla party. Yes I have a meta and am well known to love OS games because not only do I find it to be a lot more fun, but town loses vanilla games in statistics I have read and seen on other sites. When it hits a 70%ish rating that tneds to get my attention a lot more and make me question why people are pushing it even after I question them on it.
I don't see why you try to bring up statistics to me when I tell you that I prefer vanilla simply because I'd prefer people looking more at their actions during the day, since that's the information we can see with our own eyes, instead of guessing (possibly with wifom thrown in) with night actions and looking at night kills. I think this should be good reasoning enough. I mean we just came from a Maven game that had Vult*scum cleared by Nabe. That wouldn't happen in a Vanilla game.

Now what are your reads Ryu? How are you reading me?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I agree with Soup's #223 and #228.

I don't see it as any different than anyone else who was arguing on roles. I would agree if he were more present in D0 and actually discussing why the role he'd want would be best. Yet, he wasn't, and I think it's because he did not care to progress the game state. (In the last PYP) He pushes me and soup (not sure who else preferred decoy) simply for wanting Decoy, which shows he's not looking at the whole play, but just one facet of our play. His reasoning to push is indeed, weak as you say.

I'm starting to better about Soup. He's making sense to me.
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