I've noticed since mango quit using jigglypuff and switched to Fox/falco he hasn't been performing as well, even though his spacies are among,if not, the greatest; And he still get's third or better, in large tournaments, everytime... ( one can argue Dr. PP's falco is better but, that's besides the point )
ANYWAYS, My question is what do you think would happen if Mango started using The character that made him famous. Jigglypuff. Would he do better than he already does?? Would he go back to 3-0ing Armada like in the first genesis?
ANYWAYS, My question is what do you think would happen if Mango started using The character that made him famous. Jigglypuff. Would he do better than he already does?? Would he go back to 3-0ing Armada like in the first genesis?