Awesome! They look better, but the Lw4 has to get slower after he hits, you can notice that in melee.@AceSe3don
Take the Current Version of the Down-Smash: I hope You like them...
Please give me a hand with This Down-Smash
You can see the error on Brawl Box
Serious update:
I found out that the two models in the .pac aside from the Shadow Ball model are.. Guess what?
The models for his Flash when he has a charged Shadow Ball.
It counts as a graphic effect and it's number is: File: 22 GFX: 8, it's infinite.
And another one would be File 22 Graphic 7, this one is interesting, it's fully charged Aura Sphere, and again, it's infinite.
Something I really like would be that File 22 Graphic 1 is that Aura that he has in his hands, maybe we can search through the .pac for that and change/disable it.
These are some interesting Graphics, maybe they would be useful someday, especially that charged flash, it could help by replacing it with something Shadow-ish for Mewtwo, I'm thinking a fire GFX with Purple textures.
Download this to see them in game:
This is the Aura version, to test how well I could make this with aura.
BAir: Aura in his hands.
Dair: The charge flash, non infinite.
UAir: Another charge flash, it's rotated differently though I didn't touch it.
(In the pac there are two different ones and they look like those two.)
Side B Ground: Big Shadow Ball.
Side B Air: Infinite Flash.
Grab and Dash Grab, didn't test yet, w/e.
Closer Looks
Different Angles
My screen is full of GFX!
Engarde! Touche! WHATEVA!