just hearing that just make u want to get a whole roll on toilet paper and just cry lol
I Will do My Best.
You better... I only got back to brawl hacking because of Mewtwo and expect me to quit soon, so let's get this Mewtwo stuff done..
First to note, my tilts are glitching for some reason... Especially the Side tilt.
When I use the side tilt, it doesn't do the whole animation for some reason...
And that SERIOUSLY annoys me.
Second off, we have to think of new moves for Side B and Down B.
If we do these to things, we are done with the melee Mewtwo.
I'll upload the hack that I currently have -if it is Allah's willing-.
You guys test it, and fix it in any way you can, while I make the 4th Gen Mewtwo hack.
And if you need to fix Shadow Ball, you might find some cool stuff here:
I just have two bugs that need to be fixed right now, the Shadow Ball and the A Combo, no big deal cause it's a tweak which made that.
And that thing I said about Shadow Ball going wiggly isn't working, I'll also try to tweak that, if it is Allah's willing.
EDIT: Found a way to make Mewtwo's Shadow Ball have 25 Damage when he has 0%, but it will get higher to at least 40% if he has 186% damage... Well who cares? Mewtwo is gonna get killed anyways, looking at the weight we'll be putting him in..
But as for Shadow Ball going wiggly and stuff, that's gonna be skipped for good.
Why? Cause it's really tedious making it go wiggly, and it's just better when it goes straight.
EDITEDIT: I've found a new event that exists in the article module...
I found it in SpecialNShoot, and it has a parameter of 2.
You know what this means?
Since Lucario's Aura Sphere goes to action 2 for it's shoot subaction, I may have aswell found a new useful event.
I might contact Dantarion later.
Oh and this might help for the FThrow.
AwesomeEDIT: IT WORKS!!!!
Mewtwo throws a Shadow Ball if he uses his Fthrow now!!!
Event: 10010200 is go to article action, I must tell Dantarion about this NOW!
First parameter is Undefined, second is the action you wanna go to.