But I will improve my argument: if possible, reverse-up-bs should be exactly as in melee, because otherwise it's dumb. Especially for Wolf, I hate when that **** happens.
You don't seem to understand that mario's cape pushes characters pretty far, even when there is no momentum to reverse. This was the compromise made long ago.
"Should" is a strong word, as it implies that it's better than doing it the other way. Please provide real examples, because I'm sure many characters and strategies would be opposed to your line of thinking. I am neither a character nor a strategy, but I am still opposed.
For example:
*I play Sonic. Currently, if I want to up B, walljump, Fair, and airdodge to the ledge, I can do that. I could not if your idea was implemented. In fact, all of the "act after up B" characters lose some edgeguarding flashiness and effectiveness with reverse ledge grabbing being gone.
*In teams, the way it is now, I can edgeguard someone and if their teammate comes from behind me to take advantage of my situation, I have one extra option to weigh and they have one extra route to cover. This is depth.
*I've seen many foxes and falcos get hit under battlefield but make miraculous and memorable recoveries because of the ability to grab the ledge when facing the wrong way. The same could be said for sheik. Or lucas. Or any other character. You can argue that giving a universal benefit to recoveries and adding an extra option to characters across the board is a bad thing, however you should have those arguments well backed up.
Kaizo, I don't know about you, but literally every player I've shown PM to prefers the ledge grabbing in PM over its predecessors. Once I had a dissenter but he came around after playing a few rounds.