Really, no love for Morrowind or its predecessors? Unless you are only including 100% turn-based jrpg-ish games it seems kind of odd that they wouldn't be mentioned, especially considering how insanely massive their modding scenes were and are... I mean there are mods to change elderscrolls games from Halo, to Wow, to Middle earth and every concievable tweak to combat, magic, or any other form of mechanic out there! (And most are stupidly customizable) Not to mention vanilla Morrowind was probably the best game I have ever played, gave up on finding old Casius and just wandered Morrowind for 50 or so game hours then slowly beat the main quest naturally logging over 100 hours of play. Hell half of it is probably a generous portion to allocate to quests tbh, I spent most of my time just scraping together a living and seeking out new places, people, and stories. I remember running back and forth from Balmora to Caldera, loaded up like a packmule, scavaging anything I could and running away from just about every fight until I thought I was in a position to win it thus nudging my slow climb to success. Problem really is that the game was given too much tcl and care, with all the handplaced items and objects (pretty much the entire gameworld short of some creature spawns and their corresponding loot) once you play the game thats kind of it reguardless of completion % since everything is back where it started. Honestly even then it is amazing >_>
But to each their own I suppose.
I guess they are notorious for being somewhat weak in terms of actual gameplay/mechanics and can be quite offputting to some gamers, but I have always played them for the experience. I have plenty of other games for the gameplay, and besides I can mod in the gameplay later lol...