For lords sake, it seems every rant group around here thinks they have some psychic connection for Sakurai.
We don't know what the man intends each game to become in our hands, and we may never get a full grasp on the thoughts of his. And with that in mind, we are the only foundation our Smash styles thrive on, and splitting apart Smash as a whole just collapses it into a separate set of important resources scattered where the community as a whole can't utilize them.
With that in mind, I do find heavy irony in the Brawl thread's ranters fighting against a game detouring in a direction they don't prefer, On top off that, not all of us wanted to start our competitive gameplay through Melee. Project M's community is a mishmash of players of each game, backroomers, lurkers, and completely new faces as well. Taking the base of Melee's gameplay does not destine us to be tied to the Melee community by the hip, and exclude players of anything else.
Edit: With that in mind, this post was somewhat repetitive in the use of vocabulary....