Why so hostile in telling me why?
I think calling me out on hostility after dismissing my point and saying "LMFAO G&W MAIN XDD" it's pretty dumb.
I hope you are smarter than that.
I don't know anything about blazblue besides airdashes. Is the the only thing you know about it too? Because if the only thing that he has in common with blaz blue characters is the air dash, then doesn't he also have a trait in common with blaz blue bottom tiers?
I think you didn't read the specific part where I say he is a Blazblue top tier, not a Blazblue character. Also, what a weak argument LOL
I organize Airdashers tournaments here in my region and I have my fair share of knowledge in the desu fighters.
I'm not really deflecting discussion, I'm deflecting bitching.
True. You are also opting to be dumb.
You called the designer a ******, implied they should be a criminal (obv jokingly),
, and said something something bad design, as if you were in some sort of position to criticize design.
And what position am I in ? I should have no input in the matter ? Community should have any input in the matter ? Top players ? People that play other fighters ? People that design games ? What's the criteria to discuss something ?
Fact is, I am in the same position as you are in when it comes to that, if I'm not in a better position, since I don't have the bias.
Establish parameters to something before being condescending please.
It comes off as exclusively knee-jerk salt. Even lunchables says he likes 3.6 ROB now. That's really saying something. Sounds like you need to catch a case of the git guds.
It comes off as it. So what ? It's still valid criticism, lol. "This guy sounds salty, better ignore all his points"
I couldn't care less about Lunchables thinking ROB is fine tbh. Him being able to beat ROB without stressing himself doesn't make the design of the character less dumb.
Sounds like you should... learn how to understand actual fighting games