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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
I think calling me out on hostility after dismissing my point and saying "LMFAO G&W MAIN XDD" it's pretty dumb.
I hope you are smarter than that.

I think you didn't read the specific part where I say he is a Blazblue top tier, not a Blazblue character. Also, what a weak argument LOL

I organize Airdashers tournaments here in my region and I have my fair share of knowledge in the desu fighters.

True. You are also opting to be dumb.


And what position am I in ? I should have no input in the matter ? Community should have any input in the matter ? Top players ? People that play other fighters ? People that design games ? What's the criteria to discuss something ?

Fact is, I am in the same position as you are in when it comes to that, if I'm not in a better position, since I don't have the bias.

Establish parameters to something before being condescending please.

It comes off as it. So what ? It's still valid criticism, lol. "This guy sounds salty, better ignore all his points"

I couldn't care less about Lunchables thinking ROB is fine tbh. Him being able to beat ROB without stressing himself doesn't make the design of the character less dumb.

Sounds like you should... learn how to understand actual fighting games ;)
oh lawdy
it seems like you started responding before I made my edits
I initially asked if that was the only thing you knew about blaz blue, then considered that it might not be, so I extended that portion

I didn't dismiss your points in the first post. You didn't actually make any good ones. If you will address my below questions, we will have determined that you didn't make any. Please continue reading rather than instantly quoting here, so that you have some means to address those questions first.

I didn't actually ignore any of your points in the last post either. What are the other traits ROB has in common with a blaz blue top tier? You said he was a blazblue top tier. Is airdash the only reason? Are you not going to address that? What are the other things.

Additionally, my parameters for judging game design are being experienced in game design to have experience setting and meeting goals for game design, or being a top player who understands the same thing. Playing a bunch of games doesn't necessarily make you good at that. I don't really care how many airdashes you play. How is that a valid criticism of smash, when smash operates completely different to airdashes? You of all people should know there's more to an airdasher than airdashing. Yet that's the first point you bring up with regards to ROB in smash. And so far the only point.

also, gonna need some evidence for the dumb part ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I await your salt-induced wall of text.

>actual fighting games
>meme arrows
>why greentext when you can memetext
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MTL Kyle

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2014
Warning Received
I didn't dismiss your points in the first post. You didn't actually make any good ones.t
True. You still acted like a ******** about it though lol

I didn't dismiss your points in the first post. You didn't actually make any good ones. If you will address my below questions, we will have determined that you didn't make any. Please continue reading rather than instantly quoting here, so that you have some means to address those questions first.
Don't ****ing tell me how to discuss lol

I didn't actually ignore any of your points in the last post either. What are the other traits ROB has in common with a blaz blue top tier? You said he was a blazblue top tier. Is airdash the only reason? Are you not going to address that? What are the other things.
Aside being a button presser ****** with freedom of movement, non commital tools and really good copouts of his weaknesses ?

If you don't understand about the reality of BB/Airdashers, or other games in general, don't enter in this discussion.
All your experience in fighting games is a shaky version of a Smash game and you shouldn't be condescending about it srsly LOL

also, gonna need some evidence for the dumb part ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
OK then...

>actual fighting games
>meme arrows
>why greentext when you can memetext
See ? This is why you are dumb.

You require evidence for something and then you completely dismiss it.
If this is not dumb, it's at least not very smart.

How is that a valid criticism of smash, when smash operates completely different to airdashes?


How many fighters have you ACTUALLY played ? Or ACTUALLY tried to learn ? Or actually WATCHED any other fighter, since I'm pretty sure I know the answer for the first two questions.

Other fighting games changed their core mechanics and went through a bunch of patches too. Redesign of characters, values, blablabla. All that PM is going through right now, they went through at least 10 years ago.

Part of playing other fighting games and knowing what is good and bad design is noticing patters on what made certain things not very healthy in the environment of a game.
ST Akuma ? BBCP Kokonoe ? Vanilla Sagat ? ST Vega ? 3S Chun ? Rugal ? MK9 Kabal ? ZMC ? MVC2 Magneto ?

You, Mr. I learned one character in this iffy mod, values more "being a top player" [quote incoming so I can give the right emphasis to this discussion~~~]

Additionally, my parameters for judging game design are being experienced in game design to have experience setting and meeting goals for game design, or being a top player who understands the same thing.
Than actually knowing what happened in other games. In understanding properties of other fighting games. In having followed multiple series of different games with different mechanics and that operate differently.
You actually resume game designing in general into only fighters, which is also, not good. I could have experience in game designing Euro-like boardgames. This has nothing to do with the project and will barely add anything to the table aside from some condescending posts.

This is SO cancerous to game design in general. There are top players that don't understand frame data. That are top players that don't understand thoroughly certain mechanics in the game and how they interact in the final product and yet... you value them more than people that care about other games than this.
You value people saying "I think my character needs this feature XD" instead of "Hey, can we talk about X".

You shouldn't be talking about this with anyone.
Limit yourself to the thing you are "good" at, which is pressing buttons.

I will stop replying you because :
1 - I don't think you are worth it anymore
2 - It's late lol

Have a great one and please, let everybody know that ROB is ********. Thxxx

Man, I gotta stop having caffeine late at night lmaoooo

See ya guys

PS.: ROB is really dumb.
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Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Hoooly **** lmao, mtl kyle you are Fallacies: The Movie: The Game: The Visual Novel: The Poster.
You really don't know how to have a discussion and keep going back to random points that already been addressed, and it's like you read half a sentence and then respond to it without taking into account any modifiers put into place by the second half
You are basically the kind of discussion I used to have like ~3 years ago on smashmods, back when I knew **** all about smash.
I'm not sure it's even possible for you to have a sensible discussion. Even when I gave you very clear points to address, you just repeated yourself without elaborating. Accusing a character of being a "button presser" is no an actually criticism. Every character presses buttons. Quickly, usually. That's one example of your inability to discuss. Then I ask you how other airdashers relate to smash, and instead of answering that question, you just ask me how much I know about other fighters...? You clearly didn't come here to discuss (you keep saying this), you came here to *****, and when called out for it, basically sperged all over the thread, ad hominem here, strawman there, fallacy fallacy here, loaded question there. It's good you finished the discussion when you did; you might have been struck down by aristotle himself for your failure to logic

inb4, you actually respond, and then the first thing you address (and the main thing you address) is how I called you out for fallacies, rather than the examples I used (highlighted in red for your ADD convenience), which were the things that have yet to be properly addressed
remember when you make a claim, you own the burden of proof or else your claims are effectively invalid
all our discussion up to this point, except the parts you actually addressed, has been be trying to get you to accept the burden of your claim by explaining why ROB's things are a problem in the context you presented them- being a blazblue top tier, "pressing buttons", uninteractive, etc. Those things are claims and you have to support them. Until you support them, your claims are invalid; that is why I initially dismissed it as salty bitching. Until those claims are supported, that is what it is, and nothing more.
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MTL Kyle

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2014
Accusing a character of being a "button presser" is no an actually criticism. Every character presses buttons. Quickly, usually
If you don't know what a "button presser" character is, you should not participate in a discussion on fighting game designs.


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
fallacy fallacy is to state that you are wrong because you are making fallacies
I did not do that
it was a judgement of your reasoning ability, not of your correctness

If you don't know what a "button presser" character is, you should not participate in a discussion on fighting game designs.
and here you are failing to respond yet again; this is just another ad hominem
remember, this doesn't make you wrong, it just makes you as-of-yet incapable of logic
to imply that you are wrong for making bad arguments would be totally silly, yet it is almost like you are intentionally avoid actually addressing my criticisms of your actual arguments, possibly because how far down the hole you were before you realized you could not reach the top (keep digging and make this the crux of your next post)
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MTL Kyle

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2014
fallacy fallacy is to state that you are wrong because you are making fallacies
I did not do that
You are not very smart.

and here you are failing to respond yet again; this is just another ad hominem
Ad Hominem is when I attack your character, saying stuff like LOL YOU ARE DUMB.
I think appeal to authority is more suitable.

If you know game designing like you know fallacies, this game would be ****ed if it had your finger on it lolzzz


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
You are not very smart.

Ad Hominem is when I attack your character, saying stuff like LOL YOU ARE DUMB.
I think appeal to authority is more suitable.

If you know game designing like you know fallacies, this game would be ****ed if it had your finger on it lolzzz
You called me dumb multiple times lol.
Ad hominem is anything where you attack the integrity of the other person in order to make their claims seem less valid.
saying "I don't know what a button presser is so I shouldn't be talking about it" is exactly that

all that said, i'm just putting you on ignore because I know you're inevitably going to respond, and calling out your bull**** is not worth the effort anymore.

Guess I'll have to take the likes of bleck and nausicaa off because they are way less awful lmao


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2014
"i'm going to go, i'm jacked up on caffeine and the only thing good i can do with my time is call the developer of rob a ****** and have a quarrel with the best rob player who's obviously dumber than i am"

"i'm back, you're still stupid"

this is how you know it's truly five in the morning where you live

PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
this ****ing thread

my sides

also i can't wait till i get an adapter and learn ICs PM infinites so I can minimize how much I have to play ROB


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
I actually have a good question... how hard would it be to make Final Destination version of stages for every stage like Smash 4 did?

Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
I actually have a good question... how hard would it be to make Final Destination version of stages for every stage like Smash 4 did?
It would take a good bit of time, depending on how you do it. If you normalize their sizes, it would probably take a while, because you need to actually model extra things if you want it to actually look nice/stay true to scale properly. If you just remove all the platforms, it probably wouldn't take long.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
It would take a good bit of time, depending on how you do it. If you normalize their sizes, it would probably take a while, because you need to actually model extra things if you want it to actually look nice/stay true to scale properly. If you just remove all the platforms, it probably wouldn't take long.
I'm assuming it would take a lot of space though


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
Eh. You can have alt stages for every stage in the game with ASL I'm pretty sure. There's more than enough spare memory on a 2 GB memory card for that many.
Well Project M itself does take up about 1GB...
but I use my 3DS SD Card to install it on so that means i have about 1GB of Data to install stuff on


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2015
It turns ***** into stone.

Edit: So apparently the d word for wiener is censored.
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