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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
@ Lizalfos Lizalfos you've already got your answer from @ Binary Clone Binary Clone but I'll elaborate.

Well, questions first: how much do you know about REST? It's not too difficult to understand the concepts behind it, but you'll want to read up on it just for the sake of knowing what it is, it's becoming fairly popular these days. Also make sure you understand the basics of HTTP requests(GET, POST, etc) before you do...literally anything.
In Java, you can use the native library as shown in their example to do those requests. If you're doing mobile Android, Google recommends you to use Volley instead, which is a bit different.
Not 100% sure on iOS, but I think Apple just recommends you use their native APIs in iOS/OSX to do it, but I'm not well-versed in iOS dev(although I am looking forward to getting my hands on swift 2.0).

But yes, like was stated before by BC, you should be able to send a request, get a JSON or XML object back, then parse it for info and use that info in whatever way you need. I prefer JSON as it's lighter and easier to parse, but it's really your preference.

HTTP Requests: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods
Wikipedia article for REST: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
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Frost | Odds

Puddings: 1 /// Odds: 0
Nov 12, 2013
Calgary, Alberta
you should stack things on him
Stack it up

For real, as much as @DrinkingFood 's char is bs and his smashboards posts frequently drive me to drink, that was a super impressive performance, and the Drink That Food chant was basically my favorite thing ever. I lost my voice cheering you on bruh
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Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
@ Lizalfos Lizalfos

But yes, like was stated before by BC, you should be able to send a request, get a JSON or XML object back, then parse it for info and use that info in whatever way you need. I prefer JSON as it's lighter and easier to parse, but it's really your preference.

HTTP Requests: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods
Wikipedia article for REST: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
I haven't used JSON before, but I'd say I prefer it too.

I don't like XML. Nobody follows their own schema rules and then I have to go in and learn a standard where all the documentation is already bad but on top of that is inconsistent and it's bull****.

I may have had this experience in the last 3 weeks when I started my internship. I'm definitely still salty.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I haven't used JSON before, but I'd say I prefer it too.

I don't like XML. Nobody follows their own schema rules and then I have to go in and learn a standard where all the documentation is already bad but on top of that is inconsistent and it's bull****.

I may have had this experience in the last 3 weeks when I started my internship. I'm definitely still salty.
Day 1 of my last internship before graduating undergrad(Mobile Dev), and my manager tells me that they use JSON primarily. I was a happy camper. What's your job as an intern/what do you work on?

PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
Stack it up

For real, as much as @DrinkingFood 's char is bs and his smashboards posts frequently drive me to drink, that was a super impressive performance, and the Drink That Food chant was basically my favorite thing ever. I lost my voice cheering you on bruh
how do you keep your legs so pale and creamy

you're basically a sex symbol now

Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
Day 1 of my last internship before graduating undergrad(Mobile Dev), and my manager tells me that they use JSON primarily. I was a happy camper. What's your job as an intern/what do you work on?
I'm working at Argonne National Laboratory for a few months. It's over an hour's drive from my apartment, but it's paid, so I'm not losing money, just time, and working there will look pretty nice on my resume.

It's a project for an integrated sensor network, called Waggle. It's an open source project focused on environmental data collection, but made to be easily repurposed for other means.

There's a website here if you're interested.


Netplay 4 Days
Jul 31, 2013
Dallas/College Station, TX
Stack it up

For real, as much as @DrinkingFood 's char is bs and his smashboards posts frequently drive me to drink, that was a super impressive performance, and the Drink That Food chant was basically my favorite thing ever. I lost my voice cheering you on bruh
ROB is cancer, and f*** ROB, but yeah, good stuff @DrinkingFood. You definitely showed out and entertained everyone with your performance.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I'm working at Argonne National Laboratory for a few months. It's over an hour's drive from my apartment, but it's paid, so I'm not losing money, just time, and working there will look pretty nice on my resume.

It's a project for an integrated sensor network, called Waggle. It's an open source project focused on environmental data collection, but made to be easily repurposed for other means.

There's a website here if you're interested.
Ah, I knew someone who worked on something similar, although I don't know if it was quite this. I never did work in any sort of laboratory, both of my internships were entirely industry, and my undergrad research was with the university. That does sound rather prestigious, so congrats. Do they use xml because it's just how the system is built, or do they require support for varied data types?
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Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
Ah, I knew someone who worked on something similar, although I don't know if it was quite this. I never did work in any sort of laboratory, both of my internships were entirely industry, and my undergrad research was with the university. That does sound rather prestigious, so congrats. Do they use xml because it's just how the system is built, or do they require support for varied data types?
It sounds prestigious, which matters more than it actually being prestigious as far as undergrad internships go, haha.

It's mostly a varied data types thing. Flexibility is what they're aiming for, I think. It was more of a, "they told me to do this thing, so I did it," though.

I'd been there a couple days, mostly doing boring orientation stuff, and one of the interns came up to me and said, "Do you know XML?"

And I said, "Uh, I kinda know what it is."

And she says, "Cool, well this is kinda like XML and the documentation is bad and the people who made the standard don't really follow it and the examples and documentation they do give are incomplete, but we'd like you to use this to document our node systems and the dozens of sensors we're using."

It was, uh, an experience.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
It sounds prestigious, which matters more than it actually being prestigious as far as undergrad internships go, haha.

It's mostly a varied data types thing. Flexibility is what they're aiming for, I think. It was more of a, "they told me to do this thing, so I did it," though.

I'd been there a couple days, mostly doing boring orientation stuff, and one of the interns came up to me and said, "Do you know XML?"

And I said, "Uh, I kinda know what it is."

And she says, "Cool, well this is kinda like XML and the documentation is bad and the people who made the standard don't really follow it and the examples and documentation they do give are incomplete, but we'd like you to use this to document our node systems and the dozens of sensors we're using."

It was, uh, an experience.
Yeah, I wasn't sure if it was actually prestigious or not. And really, prestige is mostly decided by hearsay anyway.
Also, I want to find whoever designed this system and strangle them if it's as bad as you're saying. If you're going to use XML, then you better document your schemas properly. Moreover, if you want to make your system flexible, you follow your system design consistently. No wonder they passed the work onto you - they probably got too frustrated with it. It does sound like less of a Waggle system issue and more of the person who set it up for them initially just not doing their job properly?
Businesses and schools both need to push documentation more, I think. I required my students to write javadoc markup comments in their code for every single method they use expressly to teach them good documentation habits now before they head out. I've had complaints, but the rest of the department wants to adopt my policy, so I get the feeling the students aren't going to have much a choice in the near future anyway.

If you're a coder who doesn't document his code properly and expect others to work with his system and possibly maintain it...I loathe you with a burning passion. You. YOU are why I drink, above all else.
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Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
Yeah, I wasn't sure if it was actually prestigious or not. And really, prestige is mostly decided by hearsay anyway.
Also, I want to find whoever designed this system and strangle them if it's as bad as you're saying. If you're going to use XML, then you better document your schemas properly. Moreover, if you want to make your system flexible, you follow your system design consistently. No wonder they passed the work onto you - they probably got too frustrated with it. It does sound like less of a Waggle system issue and more of the person who set it up for them initially just not doing their job properly?
Businesses and schools both need to push documentation more, I think. I required my students to write javadoc markup comments in their code for every single method they use expressly to teach them good documentation habits now before they head out. I've had complaints, but the rest of the department wants to adopt my policy, so I get the feeling the students aren't going to have much a choice in the near future anyway.

If you're a coder who doesn't document his code properly and expect others to work with his system and possibly maintain it...I loathe you with a burning passion. You. YOU are why I drink, above all else.
I'm going to make a thing and it will probably be inefficient and will have really useless docs like "gets the data".

Then I'm going to sit on it until I can make it good and sell it to patent attorneys for lots of money.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I'm going to make a thing and it will probably be inefficient and will have really useless docs like "gets the data".

Then I'm going to sit on it until I can make it good and sell it to patent attorneys for lots of money.
Well, I hope it is actually good in the end whenever you decide to make money off of it, because at some point an unlucky intern like @ Binary Clone Binary Clone is gonna need to work with it and figure it out, die trying, and then haunt you for the rest of your life as you suffer the wrath of all the poor developers who need to deal with poorly documented and unmantainable systems on a daily basis.

Just like..write down what inputs your method takes in, what it spits out, and it's purpose, and you should be good.
If you need to use a string literal more than once, just make it a constant and reference that variable so in the future, you don't need to change all instances, just the one variable.
Limit the use of magic numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#Unnamed_numerical_constants
This one isn't quite so emphasized, but trying to limit the use of raw numbers in your source code is generally a good idea, once again, for maintainability.
Those three are the practices I see most programmers fail to follow to at a low level. Pick it up early on, and you save yourself a lot of critical code reviews as you go forward.

Yes, I know you were just joking, but I've had a "good programming practices" rant building up for a while now.:drsad:
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
hey yeah speaking of young kids playing super well I got knocked into loser's in yesterday's tourney by a young kid

no disrespect though, like I was honestly amazed by the skill


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
if i wanted to get into 3s what are some differences i should know between ultra and 3s?
You mean between Smash 4 and Melee? Ultra sucks, and most who think they know 3s suck: it's Melee-like skill gaps of knowledge and execution. I only beat people who don't know what they're doing, like everyone here including @ Grey Belnades Grey Belnades : you need to seek advice from DangerOntheRanger (who owns me with Alex and Yang) in the PM Chat and he'll make you aware of how Alex is all about the 50/50s on Wake-up (which you did none of). http://widget00.mibbit.com/?server=irc.gamesurge.net&channel=#projectm&nick=pmchat_???&customloading=waiting for the IRC-server ...&customprompt=Welcome to Project M IRC Chat&noServerNotices=1
You should also block Chun's super, then parry the last hit to get a better punish. And parry'ing my HPs in neutral. And when I'm Yun, a lot of the stuff I did is all punishable on block like the lunges: good players don't let me spam my Yun ignorance and get away with it.

Getting good at a character like Yun means knowing your Wall strings which I'm never gonna learn due to hand strain and just keep Chunning it out with my $15 PDP Fightpad.

Watching top level 3s is like Melee, you can see MOV man-handle every situation

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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold comes out tomorrow.

That'll probably be the only thing I play tomorrow (well along with Project M since tomorrow is our biweekly but even then I'll still probably play EO2U more while I'm there xD).

Hope Gamestop lives to it pre-order bonus promise though, I've been gimped by them before on pre-order bonuses, and I want that 3DS wallpaper they claim is included with the pre-order bonus.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2011
New Jersey
You mean between Smash 4 and Melee? Ultra sucks, and most who think they know 3s suck: it's Melee-like skill gaps of knowledge and execution. I only beat people who don't know what they're doing, like everyone here including @ Grey Belnades Grey Belnades : you need to seek advice from DangerOntheRanger (who owns me with Alex and Yang) in the PM Chat and he'll make you aware of how Alex is all about the 50/50s on Wake-up (which you did none of). http://widget00.mibbit.com/?server=irc.gamesurge.net&channel=#projectm&nick=pmchat_???&customloading=waiting for the IRC-server ...&customprompt=Welcome to Project M IRC Chat&noServerNotices=1
You should also block Chun's super, then parry the last hit to get a better punish. And parry'ing my HPs in neutral. And when I'm Yun, a lot of the stuff I did is all punishable on block like the lunges: good players don't let me spam my Yun ignorance and get away with it.

Getting good at a character like Yun means knowing your Wall strings which I'm never gonna learn due to hand strain and just keep Chunning it out with my $15 PDP Fightpad.

Watching top level 3s is like Melee, you can see MOV man-handle every situation

Play me naaoooo. My internet still sucks, though it's better than last time.


Feb 18, 2009
I just finished Your Grammar Sucks.
I like to think of myself as someone who appreciates classy humor.
My sides don't agree. Perhaps that's why they left me.
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Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2015
ok guys clutch time
i have tons of math and language arts homework
took in a potato and some tea this should keep me up long enough


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
Play me naaoooo. My internet still sucks, though it's better than last time.
There's nothing close to playing going on at all unless you truly fixed it
You mean how I stuck with Alex vs. Chun yet I beaten your Chun with Ryu which you switched to Yun after? Brilliant showing.
If you get on right now we can do some Bo3 Chun vs Ryu where I'll promise to not drop a game.
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