PMS | Tink-er
fie on thee
Don't do it. You'll get permabanned for a time directly correlating to how much the mods like you.That's like so ****ing border line.
But hey, I've seen someone post a link to an action figure/toy combination thing that showed bare **** and didn't have anything happen to it at all, in a thread that had quite a few mods visit it to. So anything can happen.
Hook me up bro.I don't have anything to contribute so here's something from my yuri reaction folder.
Lain is gahliek. Most of the motifs and the like are actually how information is conveyed, like a good film. Most anime is total **** at this kinda stuff. Every time you rewatch Latin (ofc you will) you'll pick up on more clues about her character. Also don't forget to check out the short prequel manga Nightmare of Fabrication after you finish the show.yo @Saxophoneoftime and @
PMS | Tink-er I'm one episode into Lain and what's the deal with this bear motif
her hat has a bear, the girl who killed herself had a little bear pendant on her bag, and lain has a ****in bear onesie
also who are the guys that her dad is teleconferencing with who don't have heads
or is that "important plot details"
also wtf this is the most vaporwave thing that occurred before vaporwave was a thing
Kirby is so ****ing gay, but at least you have to be good with him now. His dash attack and movement during suck were so busted in 3.02.Guys I have a question
Who is more hated, Diddy Kong or a lame kirby? Because I think I'm ready to my scum-bag game to the next level.
On a serious note, I'm really frustrated with how polarizing Diddy's MUs are. It feels like either I completely control the MU and theres little to no real counterplay on their parts, or the other character doesn't care about diddy's neutral and I have minimal interactions. Theres a handful of exceptions to this (FE, Tink, Shiek, Mario, a few others) but all his other MUs feel horrible to play on both sides. I think I'm going to switch focus towards kirby who I think has a more rounded out MU of stupid anti-approach stuff. Probaby Dual main? My initial plan was to go kirby vs a few characters I hated playing Diddy as, but If i'm going to get into a blind pick CP war game 1 with people (really common here honestly) Kirby is a far safer choice. Idk, I love diddy's character and playing him is a blast, but I really hate how polarizing his MUs are. I might play Diddy vs Fire emblem, Falcon, ZSS, and the free MUs like fatties and Pit, and kirby the rest? I dont want to feel like i'm backing out of hard MUs though. I have no issue playing losing MUs (I play more GnW than Fox in melee now ffs) but theres bad MUs and then theres MUs where I don't feel like I get to play anymore and those suck.
also kirby is sooo bull****t good lolll
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