I'm going home tonight for family stuff so I wouldn't be able to play anyways, I'm just on swf because I still want to just talk smash
like I got pivot jump nairs down 100% and boom my falcon got so much better
Cross up nair> dash away, pivot nair fading towards them
so godlike. It also is really fun to do pivot fcnairs with peach
I also spent time last night learning IC desynchs, idk why people say it's hard, you just need timing. You can desynchs off almost any attack and any movement option, it's so simple. Turn around ftilt>anything is a really stupid easy desynch.
I have no idea how to actually play ICS at all, but my desynch game is on point
I also don't want to fall behind on this thread because I won't catch back up.
I just want a change log.