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Project M Online Matchmaking Thread (Wii)


Smash Cadet
Jul 1, 2014
GGs @ Thamauturge Thamauturge finally starting to get some sort of grip on WiFi play (always fun relearning the timing of EVERYTHING) sucks that most of our close matches ended with me doing something stupid and killing myself xD Marth/Roy really trump Luigi, no idea how to get in on them :/


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2011
Stokesdale, North Carolina
ggs, Thamauturge. My hand is starting to hurt so I want to stop playing for now. I like your Falcon! :D
Thanks for the matches Kman! I've got a really long way to go before I'm half as good as you seemed in those matches. I had no idea what to do offstage against you. My recovery must be really predictable.

What did you think that my biggest issues were?


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2011
Antioch, Tennessee
Thanks for the matches Kman! I've got a really long way to go before I'm half as good as you seemed in those matches. I had no idea what to do offstage against you. My recovery must be really predictable.

What did you think that my biggest issues were?
I think your most significant issue was your habits off of the ledge. You always did either a ledge hop up-air or ledge hop Knee or a ledge jump into double jump stomp. Both of those options lose to dash dance back into grab and as you saw on that one Marth vs Falcon match on FD, that's all I did. I kept doing that to send a signal to you that what you were doing was not working at all and to maybe try something else. You should learn how to utilizing Hax dashing aka wavelanding from the ledge to further mix up how you get back from the ledge.

With that said, my strategy vs you was to pressure you or trick you to the ledge and hit/throw you off for the edgeguard because I saw how weak you were off the stage. Mix-ups on recovery are super important in Smash because the point of the game is to get your opponent offstage and if your recovery is predictable, then you'll always lose stocks.

Also, when you're offstage always save your double jump unless you're trying to do a hard mix up. Characters without their double jump offstage, especially the characters you were using, are as good as dead without their double jump. When I throw/hit anyone offstage, I'm always looking for the double jump so that I can hit you out of it and leave you helpless. A good example of that was when I was Diddy. I would just back throw you off and dair your double jump. A simple strategy like that = stocks.

Also, there was some predictability in you tech chase patterns. Usually, you would tech roll and once you got grabbed again, you teched in place. So every time I got a grab, I always stuck to that pattern of punishment because you weren't mixing it up well. One good mix-up is to miss the tech on purpose. It throws a lot of people off, especially if you haven't done it the whole match.

Also, you had a habit of get up attacking when you were knocked down and I was near you. So at times, I would stand riiiiiight out side of your get up attack range to trick you into thinking you can hit me and when you miss, I get a free grab.

Also, I think my combo game was better overall and that translated into a higher damage output and as a result, more stocks. Always work on your combo game, but I think getting rid of your habits is the major thing you need to work on.

I hope that helped, Thamauturge! :3
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JDavisR (NIX)

Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2014
Powdersville, South Carolina
I think your most significant issue was your habits off of the ledge. You always did either a ledge hop up-air or ledge hop Knee or a ledge jump into double jump stomp. Both of those options lose to dash dance back into grab and as you saw on that one Marth vs Falcon match on FD, that's all I did. I kept doing that to send a signal to you that what you were doing was not working at all and to maybe try something else. You should learn how to utilizing Hax dashing aka wavelanding from the ledge to further mix up how you get back from the ledge.

With that said, my strategy vs you was to pressure you or trick you to the ledge and hit/throw you off for the edgeguard because I saw how weak you were off the stage. Mix-ups on recovery are super important in Smash because the point of the game is to get your opponent offstage and if your recovery is predictable, then you'll always lose stocks.

Also, when you're offstage always save your double jump unless you're trying to do a hard mix up. Characters without their double jump offstage, especially the characters you were using, are as good as dead without their double jump. When I throw/hit anyone offstage, I'm always looking for the double jump so that I can hit you out of it and leave you helpless. A good example of that was when I was Diddy. I would just back throw you off and dair your double jump. A simple strategy like that = stocks.

Also, there was some predictability in you tech chase patterns. Usually, you would tech roll and once you got grabbed again, you teched in place. So every time I got a grab, I always stuck to that pattern of punishment because you weren't mixing it up well. One good mix-up is to miss the tech on purpose. It throws a lot of people off, especially if you haven't done it the whole match.

Also, you had a habit of get up attacking when you were knocked down and I was near you. So at times, I would stand riiiiiight out side of your get up attack range to trick you into thinking you can hit me and when you miss, I get a free grab.

Also, I think my combo game was better overall and that translated into a higher damage output and as a result, more stocks. Always work on your combo game, but I think getting rid of your habits is the major thing you need to work on.

I hope that helped, Thamauturge! :3
I've heard you're good. I like that. I want to play you when I get back home on Sunday if that's ok. I could use a challenge =)


::The Pathological Trailmix::
Sep 24, 2013
Boston, MA.
Anyone feel like playing a few?
GGs Astra! It feels like a very long time since I've gone all out with Link like that. Fun matches, thank you for playing with me. :)
ggs @ P PATH O__o
there's only a certain amount of link i can take before my heart's not really in it
You've gotten way way way better tho, it's scary haha
Oh, I could have switched characters. I'll remember if we play again to mix it up more. I just haven't felt like playing Link lately, and for some reason I just felt it today haha.

Anyone else here feel like playing? :upsidedown:
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Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2014
Baldwin, Wisconsin
GGs Astra! It feels like a very long while since I've gone all out with Link like that. Fun matches, thank you for playing with me. :)

Oh, I could have switched characters. I'll remember if we play again to mix it up more. I just haven't felt like playing Link lately, and for some reason I just felt it today haha.
nah it's all good
i need to learn the matchup but right now it's just frustrating as all hell
i have to space my aeriels perfectly on or behind shield or i'll just get grabbed from 4 character lengths away into down throw into like 4 up tilts, but if i try to approach i get a boomerang or his disjointed fair that has kill power and no endlag, or his nair out of shield if i'm too close
not to mention if done correctly once i get him offstage link's nearly impossible to edgeguard and will make it back from almost anything (until i figure out something that works)
so yeah you good as hell and i have no answers to link atm, bad combination haha
if you wanna go a few more i'm actually up for it i think, got a little bit salty there lol


::The Pathological Trailmix::
Sep 24, 2013
Boston, MA.
nah it's all good
i need to learn the matchup but right now it's just frustrating as all hell
i have to space my aeriels perfectly on or behind shield or i'll just get grabbed from 4 character lengths away into down throw into like 4 up tilts, but if i try to approach i get a boomerang or his disjointed fair that has kill power and no endlag, or his nair out of shield if i'm too close
not to mention if done correctly once i get him offstage link's nearly impossible to edgeguard and will make it back from almost anything (until i figure out something that works)
so yeah you good as hell and i have no answers to link atm, bad combination haha
if you wanna go a few more i'm actually up for it i think, got a little bit salty there lol
Yeah, I'm up for more if you are!


Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2014
Mount Olympus
Yo, anyone down for an Iron Man crew battle? Basically, what this entails is a crew battle with only 2 people. Players choose a lineup of characters and pits them against each other in crew battle format. Tell me if you want to play and how many characters you want to send in. (Personally, I'm fine with a 40 character crew battle and just using every character.) However, this is still a crew battle, so skype or fsmash would be advised to make things easier for us.
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