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Project M Online Matchmaking Thread (Wii)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2015
I was trying to stay a step ahead until you got me, I wanted to SDI the jab before the grab but oh well. GGs, that Link and ZSS are getting better an better. Are you still using Dedede?
i'm still using DeDeDe but i find that nowaday's i have such little time to play people i have to prioritize which character i want to play over another.
i want to work on my DDD, ZSS,Link,Sheik first
then i want to work on my ganon,falco, and mario
i want to completely kill my rolling habit as well.

i can also say, without doubt, that you have the best connection i've experienced playing PM online.
i do not get salty at all when i get mauled.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2015
Monterrey, Mexico
@ infestx infestx GGs, you are really good, I need to practice my Roy.
Someone free for 1v1? FC 1337-4407-9851 I host

Edit: Btw, what a good connection we got, at least for me it was pretty good.
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Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2014
sure, I was talking to gmjn a bit ago on twitch and i told him i'd play, but if he tries to join we can either do rotations or something
Sorry I just noticed the post, you can play with them first if you'd like.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2014
First and foremost, GGs @ JeffsMov JeffsMov .

Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to give you some advice :)
<big/**** post>
I'll be dicing these tips into categories by characters and such. Hopefully you'll see this through.

GENERAL: Pretty big here. Everything in here is really important if you want to improve.

Learn to wavedash and dash-dance. These two are huge in the neutral. Depending on the character, you might have to depend no your godlike wavedash and/or dash-dance to approach and stuff. Excessive movement can psyche out an opponent into mindlessly attacking, and you can use that to your advantage and punish them severely if you can. Your lack of wavedash/dash-dance is the main reason I was able to approach you so many times in the neutral.

Shielding. You really should shield more. Against characters that have annoyingly good projectiles that help them tremendously in the neutral game, shielding and power-shielding are needed to help prevent getting bodied every time a Falco approaches you with lasers. In many instances where I was able to kill you with a forward smash or something alike, you had the opportunity to shield and block the hit. If you feel you are in danger of being hit, you should always shield or move/wavedash out of the way (if your fast enough to not get hit).

Edgeguarding. Really really should learn this if you want to easily get a stock. If you're not into edgehogging, then that's fine by me, but there are so many cases where I could've died if you edgehogged me. Face away the ledge and wavedash backwards to easily grab the ledge and edgehog. Use character specific moves to help edgeguard like Mario's Cape or Marth's d-tilt/air. When most characters are off stage, they are at high risk of losing a stock due to edgeguarding, so you should definitely learn it.

Keep playing against others. Sadly, I have a laptop that can't handle Melee being on the stage Fountain of Dreams, so I can't use Melee netplay to play against others, and I also don't have anyone at school that is into competitive smash as much as me. PM WiFi is what I do now top play against other people now, and it's helped me improve tremendously. Playing against people will help you with things that CPUs just can't. Matchup knowledge and neutral game are two of the largest things I've learned and improved by playing against others, and if you feel like you're terrible now, if you keep playing and actually trying to improve, you'll be amazing in no time.

Okay, now on to characters. For all of these chars, try to combo on CPUs and then work on neutral against other players.

Mario: Fireball is in the top 5 list of best projectiles, use it appropriately when trying to get back no stage or in the neutral and trying to approach. Up-tilt and down/up throw are your best combo starters/extenders. You can string Up-airs one after the other if you still have a jump, and if the character is the right wait, you can F-air afterwards. F-air is your killer in the air, and F-smash is the one for the ground. Approaching with F-air constantly is a bad idea because good people will catch on and punish you because of the landing lag it has. Against heavy characters, up-tilt and up-airs are easy combos at low percent, and you can possible chaingrab with down/up throw on fast-fallers.

Roy: Our boy. D-tilt is godlike for setting up combos, and up-air is one of the best combo extending tools Roy has. Some of Roy's best matchups are against fast fallers, as they are just combo food for him. Against fast fallers, try using d-tilt to up-air to up-tilt to (ect.). D-tilt to n-air can be used against mid-weight/lightweight characters, or people who know to DI out when they get hit by Roy. Up-air to F-smash is one Roy's easiest kill combos, use it if you find and opportunity. Against mid-weight/lightweight characters, use d-tilt to neutral-b at the right percentages for an easy kill if they aren't expecting it. Roy doesn't benefit from throws that much except on spacies which he can midly chain-grab, but f-throw to dash attack is good against people who don't DI it well. Roy has an amazing dash-dance and good wavedash too, use that in the neutral.

Link: Nothing much to say because I don't really know Link too well and I think you did pretty well with him. If anything, my crappy self thinks that you should Up-b OoS more often and n-air approach more.

T-Link: Now I now this guy. Learn some tech for him, bomb jumping and up-b on edge (I don't even know what the actual name for this is, it's where you run towards any edge and up-b the same frame <? don't quote me on this> you fall off, and the hitbox for when you are in the air <the strong hitbox> comes out but without any upward momentum) are two techs that will tremendously help you. Bomb jumping will save your life, and up-b on edge will get you some easy kills and edgeguards. N-air approaches are also a huge deal with him, and his two-hit nair I feel is a lot better than Link's nair at times.

Marth: Learn to f/b-throw chaingrabs. In PM, Marth has this crazy dumb chain-grab on like half the cast with his f-throw. It works on mid/light-weight chars, and it is DI-able. If you f-throw, it sends them at an angle to where you can dash and re-grab them as long as they don't DI. At low percentages, even if they DI, you can get a free tipper f-smash on them because they get sent only so far out. At around 20(? don't quote me on this)%, they are able to DI out and down to get out of the chain grab. This also works well, because if they DI that way, you can read them and b-throw, which will send them at an angle where they are close to you, and you can still dash re-grab. This makes Marth have basically no bad matchups, and a really easy character, which is why I don't really like playing him that often anymore. F-throw to F-smash will get a tipper at mid/high percentages if they try to read the b-throw and DI that, so f/b-throws are a good DI trap.

I can't remember anymore of your chars. Tell me if I missed any, I might be able to give you advice on those chars too.

I hope this helped. PS Happy International Women's Day
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2014
@ infestx infestx you seem to be very informative and your varied roster seems interesting. Do you want to battle?
Eh, sure, I'll play a couple matches to wait for him to reply so I can continue my ****post. I don't know how stable my internet is, however, and I'll see if it's playable when we fight. Is that all right with you?


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2015
Doki Doki Literature Club
Switch FC
Eh, sure, I'll play a couple matches to wait for him to reply so I can continue my ****post. I don't know how stable my internet is, however, and I'll see if it's playable when we fight. Is that all right with you?
did you add me though? 4988-1630-0134
I added you :3


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2015
Doki Doki Literature Club
Switch FC
Eh, sure, I'll play a couple matches to wait for him to reply so I can continue my ****post. I don't know how stable my internet is, however, and I'll see if it's playable when we fight. Is that all right with you?
ggs man. you're really pro with ice climbers. I almost beat you the first match with kirby, but you were too good. If you can tell me what mistakes I made :3 gg
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