Smash Rookie
Thanks man. I didn't know never versions of Dolphin support UPnP. Traversal works like a charm. Portforwarding isn't even necessary anymore.I've been extremely busy the past couple days. The guide is updated for full non beta 3.6 now. Sorry about that.
If you use the direct method (in the screenshot you're using the wrong version of Dolphin) then you enter the port you have forwarded.
Unfortunately, I have another issue to consult.
Minor older revisions of Dolphin such as 7161 and below don't seem to render Brawl and PM at a complete fullscreen on my PC resulting in black borders on the left and right of the screen. I think it's 16:10 instead of 16:9, which is the aspect ratio of my system and TV.
Here's an example:

Newer versions of Dolphin like 5.0 render the game perfectly fine. Does someone know what I could do about this?