Something fishy is going on with the newer leaks...?
I could see a few possible conclusions:
1. Nintendo had a massive break-in of their data and some Brazilian managed to obtain this content (for as absurd as that sounds, I'll say this one is impossible).
2. The leak is fake (actually, please let this happen), and it was all a huge forgery or manipulation of an existing Smash title. This would require the ability of a novice-to-moderately-adept videogame programmer (or even a team of these minds).
3. The ESRB for Nintendo has ties in Brazil that, apparently, no one knows about (very convenient...).
However, there isn't anything telling whether or not Ninka/Vaanrose (we can talk about these now because their leaks are now public) have any involvement in this--the new set of leaks agree heavily with their "playtester" leaks. What if Ninka/Vaanrose has been forging this for the last ~month? After all, their leaks first appeared about a month ago. It could explain the time-frame needed to forge all of this.
I honestly have no idea what's going on, though. I won't say anything for sure either way until we know it from the horse's mouth (or when the game releases in Japan).
Also, the leaks are in English, yet the Japanese version is coming out first...? Hmm...