A few things to point at here.
Plus, if you're offstage you SHOULD be at a great disadvantage IMO. When you get hit offstage, it shouldn't be a basic occurrence, it should be a life or death matter like what is seen with Roy, Fox, Wolf, Bowser, DK and most definitely Falco.
>top characters in Melee
>mediocre recoveries
these are the characters you see most being played, so when people say Melee is more exciting to watch than PM, i believe this is why.
you get to watch these characters with great onstage presence combo each other and when sent off stage, they have to truly fight their way back on (with mediocre recoveries that are very susceptible to being edgeguarded) So there never really is any downtime when it comes to action.
Where as being offstage in PM almost feels like taking a breather. The sense of risk and urgency is not always there, which shouldn't be the case when offstage in a platform fighter.
I think this is part of what makes melee so exciting as well. The edge game was not just exciting, but brutal.
You can see this kind of play when looking at some of the match ups mentioned in the first post. Like Roy V Wolf.
Overall though, I don't think there is much wrong with PM recoveries. A very few are a bit too good, but they certainly aren't unmanageable. I think it may be that some characters are balanced around edgeguarding that they cannot do in this matchup, and thus the match up is much more difficult, but this isn't exactly a "problem".
Now onto slightly unrelated things.
What amuses me about some comments we get, and I mean no offense by that, is that people often assume that we don't want their feedback. We release demoes for the key purpose of getting key feedback. There're no need for anyone to feelreticent or even intimidated. We want you to come up to us and tell us if something bothers you. We welcome it.
The second problematic thing that sometimes occur is that with the release of demos, there are sometimes design issues or balance issues that the community will find. We know what the community believes should be fixed, but while we see the game evolve in real time, most poeple only see a static build that doesn't change at all for them until the next release.
Since you know that we're reading the comments, there's a pretty high chance that we know the community's oppinion, but either haven't gotten around tweaking it, or we already have but haven't released a build with the tweak yet.
Nevertheless, the key element to keep in mind is that our demoes exist to get feedback. It's partially why we make them in the first place. Don't be afraid to be brutally honest with us when you meet us.
Not to be harsh or anything, but as a fellow game developer, I have bad news for you.
The second one is completely 100% your fault.
Not yours specifically Vig, but the PMBR's fault.
But certainly not any fault of anyone else but the Devs. (When I say "you", it is in the general terms of "You devs")
You do not communicate with your audience well enough and this is a
bad thing.
You say that people continually complain about the static release, but that the evolved version of the game is fine.
You say that you read comments, so people must know that things are being worked on.
If you think people assume you don't want want their feedback, maybe it's because you make them feel like that because you don't acknowledge anything they say.
PMBR can make us feel like we are screaming at a brick wall. And you know what the worst part is? When one person is done screaming at the brick wall, another person comes along and screams the same thing.
Even if, behind that brick wall, there are people listening to the screams, and taking notes, you still have people screaming for no good reason.
If you want people to stop complaining, there is a very simple solution.
Acknowledge your mistakes. Again, this isn't a negative light, but you need to be open with your players if you want them to see what good you are doing currently, and not just when the new release comes out.
Take responsibility for things and let players know clearly what is going on, and I think you will find people are more responsive.
For instance.
Seems like common knowledge that Mario Fireballs are going to get nerfed next patch.
So, people have spoken, said mario's fireballs are a problem.
Step 1 complete. You have listened to your audience. Swag. This step is important, but it seems like you guys are good for this.
Next, you need to make sure that mario's fireball gets balanced properly on your test build
Step 2... probably complete. You mentioned before, you get lots of small fixes into your build in between major releases.
So, here is your problem. At this point, you still have people yelling about fireballs, and making "OMG MARIO FIREBALL SPAMZ OP" threads
even though you have listened and it may already be fixed.
Seems like the current way of dealing with this is either a Mod closes the thread because it's not productive, or a PMBR member comes in and lets them know it's being look at.
Great! Thats one thread closed. Too bad there are three others that just popped up.
Whats worse, is that there are people who won't post threads, or who are hardly on smash boards, that are equally frustrated with fireballs. They don't feel any better about this at all.
Thats because you don't complete the cycle of communication.
You tell us you are listening, but you don't tell us you've heard us.
Because Step 3 is coming out and telling your players/customers
"We hear you, we understand you think this move is a problem. This is why it's a problem and here is what we are working towards to fix this problem."
I promise you, if you posted a list, even a fairly small one, of things you are looking at tweaking and why, you would get alot less **** flung your way.
You says your demo's are for getting feedback, but you can't expect the communication to only go one way.
Hell, even if you reposted all of the random information that the PMBR has scattered throughout the boards about things that are being looked at, I'm sure you would get less people randomly posting about things you have already said.
Because this game's development is ongoing
and you have asked for community feedback, once you let us know what you've heard, the thousands of players that are trying to give you positive feedback for the future are going to feel more secure that they game they love is in hands that are going to push it in a good direction. Until you do that get used to hearing "FIX DIDDY BARREL FIRING ON RECOVERY." and "MARIO FIREBALL SPAM SO DUMB" from the community.