I'd like to clarify some things about the conspiracy theories I'm seeing thrown about.
Many of you seem convinced the mods are lying to you, or are involved in faking this leak. To this I ask, why? Why would the people whose very job involves keeping the chaos these kind of forums breed at bay go so far out of their way to create chaos? Stop and think about that. This leak has done nothing but make their jobs harder.
Some of them have been contacted by people. People who claim to be a part of this leak, people who claim to know information that proves or disproves the leak, people who claim to know information not covered in this leak. I have been, too. It comes with the territory of being a public figure. Part of the reason none of us immediately come to share our information is because we don't know how true any of it is. We're just in the dark about the final game as you are. Some people sound legitimate. Some people don't. Some sound legitimate but have nothing to back up their claims. Many of you will remember I was one of these people. I still don't have anything to prove what I said was true other than this leak, which itself can still be false.
We don't want to share information prematurely. Some of the mods have already had to go back on things they've said because new information came to light that proved what they initially said was incorrect.
The other reason is due to the legal gray areas this leak and others like it occupy. If someone sends us information, and we share it with you, then we're culpable for leaking the information ourselves, especially when it comes to images. Nintendo can sue anyone who shares leaked images for copyright infringement. We don't even need to have signed an Non-Disclosure Agreement.
But make no mistake, those NDAa are brutal. If we share with you information we've been told in confidence, it could easily be tracked back to the person who told us it, especially if the theory that different people see different builds with different characters is true. Don't misunderstand, breaking an NDA is a profoundly stupid thing to do, but I don't think the punishment fits the crime.
Someone who breaks their NDA will not only be fired, they will be blacklisted from the entire industry. Their livelihood will be gone. They would be sued for breaking the NDA, and suffer all the financial punishments it entails. If images or videos are involved, they will be sued for distributing copyrighted material, and each image can get them a maximum of 5 years in jail and a $5000 fine.
You can understand why we'd hesitate to share information that might implicate someone, especially prematurely, especially when is might make us culpable as well.
Please have patience. We're trying our best to get to the bottom of this.