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Post your Funny/Random Times with your Crew:


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Interesting process today as I was strolling through any hypothesis of the diverse set of randomosity my mind emboggles itself with time and time again, and I come across, one of the good ole times, I had with the SV Crew player "Axe" or Jeff for those of you who know him by name, and our AZ crew.

Don't exactly know why I'm thinking what I'm thinking at this point in time or even why i'm thinking it, but that's something we'll never understand anyway isn't it. So much for the human mind and the relevance of understanding it :psycho: but it must be for a purpose.. :p

Anyway for those of you bold enough to post something humiliating/funny/embarassing than you should post it, complete random, but it's times like these which brings friendships, even closer, make them better. It's times like these that make us realize and appreciate the smaller, simpler things about life that many tend to forget, that only make us cherish moments such as these more. In turn, all of this makes memories, friendships all worthwhile, all revolving around a smash community..

I'm not gonna lie, I never thought growing up, that playing video games would have this kind of an impact.. Gotta love it eh?

Anyway I don't expect this thread to be too successful, I guess it's just something i want to attempt to try and see if it works out, but those of you not to shameful to show your "human" character. I guess you'd be showing your "funny/stupid" side.. Post your videos here, and SHARE THE LOVE with your crew, or just some friends in peticular in our smash community.

Anyway, showing some AZ love (and embarassment) to my Dubs partner Axe:

Axe+Vman (Car Ride+BAD singing/dancing) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BubutLUqY5c#t=1m57s
SideFX (Fastest Flying Bird Argument) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=recbYOPipFI

I'll keep this thread updated as hopefully more smashers contribute/post. I'm not expecting much, but maybe just LOL moments we could all use for the tough times in life to cheer us all up! <33

Bob Money

Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2004
Sidefx (Boback) is kind of stubbern when it comes to losing arguments, this one was about the fastest flying bird.


There's more. I love the people I play with dearly.

Also after OC2 It was all of DBR with some cool east coasters one of them being Korean DJ. We went to a Red Robins and occupied a huge section of the place. It was a packed Saturday night. We were all having a good time etc. And we order food and stuff. Then a while later a waitress and other staff come up to our table and place a birthday cake in front of me. (It was not my birthday, or even close to it) Everyone from table 1 to table 200000 start to sing HB to me and in meanwhile I was shocked and confused and embarassed. I was also in the middle of drinking a milkshake...then it happened. I saw KDJ with his hilarious facial expressions singing happy birthday with flared nostrils. I then couldn't contain my laughter and burst into tears as regurgitated Vanilla Milkshake upchucked through my nose and out my mouth adorning my chocolate cake and surrounding smashers. I basicaly cou;dn;t stop laughing and looked like idiot as I flailed my appendages possessed with delerium in front a packed resturant of smashers and curious unlookers.

oohhhh good times

I have a bunch of stories but I'll hold them for later, like the time I got slapped in the face by stripper.

Yeah moral of story is DBR is funnest coolest most awesomest crew ever.

Or the time DSF almost punched Manacloud in the face.


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
There was a time when MacD, Axe, GamerGuitarist7 and I were walking to MacD's apartment from UCI's parking lot and GamerGuitarist goes "I really need some weed guys..." A random dude just pops up from out of the bushes and is like "you need some weed dude?! I'll go get some." GamerGuitarist got his weed and everyone else got a good laugh from it

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
There was a time when MacD, Axe, GamerGuitarist7 and I were walking to MacD's apartment from UCI's parking lot and GamerGuitarist goes "I really need some weed guys..." A random dude just pops up from out of the bushes and is like "you need some weed dude?! I'll go get some." GamerGuitarist got his weed and everyone else got a good laugh from it
I will never forget this night lmao! And I know GG7 won't either :p


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2010
Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
I was playing with my crew last week at Anji's house...

Then he took a shower, and when he finished someone said: "Ladies and gentleman, I introduce you... The party boy"...

and my friend Anji started to dance in front of the TV, wearing only his underwear...

hahaha... Random and fun... no video though :(

I remembered these videos of the Top Tier Tournament in Mexico haha...



Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
There was a time when MacD, Axe, GamerGuitarist7 and I were walking to MacD's apartment from UCI's parking lot and GamerGuitarist goes "I really need some weed guys..." A random dude just pops up from out of the bushes and is like "you need some weed dude?! I'll go get some." GamerGuitarist got his weed and everyone else got a good laugh from it
Greatest night ever.


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub

*Sigh I miss the good ol days, back when I'd play smash 24/7 and didn't
care about winning since these guys were so awesome, sadly I moved :(


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
There was a time when MacD, Axe, GamerGuitarist7 and I were walking to MacD's apartment from UCI's parking lot and GamerGuitarist goes "I really need some weed guys..." A random dude just pops up from out of the bushes and is like "you need some weed dude?! I'll go get some." GamerGuitarist got his weed and everyone else got a good laugh from it
LOL. I'd laugh so hard if I were there


Smash Apprentice
Nov 18, 2009
Norman Oklahoma
I remember playing with my friends right after we all learned ATs
Good times, especially cause I was ahead by like 2 months.
"How'd you do that?"
"I wavedashed."

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
This was after Day 1 of ROM 2

We were at a diner, it was myself, CABC, Baum, Taki, D20, Mogwai, Pakman, Scar, and a few others I can't remember right now. The rest of us were talking Smash while Scar was on the phone. When the waitress came, she handed all of the menus to Scar, and then left.

Big mistake.

Upon completing his phone call, Scar said something along the lines of "Did she seriously just do that? A dozen people here, and she hands ME the menus! As if I haven't been busy enough running this tournament, I have to be in charge of the distribution of the menus!"

The rest of us gathered that since Scar was wearing a suit, he was presumed to be our leader. Bad logic.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA

it wasn'te ven that i was the boss, it was that i was SO CLEARLY in charge that even though i was THE ONLY ONE ON THE PHONE she still gave me another job



Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
One time at JDM's Smashfest...

Stabbedbyanipple asked me, GSUB and JDM: "What's a G spot?" At first, I didn't say anything because I was trying to hold my laugh inside. Then GSUB went O___o...He asked Stab "Do you know what's a G spot?" Stab said "Sure, it means Game Spot" Then me, GSUB and JDM were looooooooooooooooooool.

Another funny thing about Stab was that he asked if JDM has a trash can at his house. Like really Stab? You're at a house..Of course there's a trash can. Godammit kid.

Another time at JDM's smashfest, MacD was yelling and said "That's my Scream DI" Then JDM reply back and said "No..It's called Shut the f**k up"

One time at the Great Dunskie Halloween Party, There was me, MacD, Connor, Kira, Lovage, HugS, Romeo, Mango, Dunk, S2J, Adam aka Neighborhood P, Julian Kao and a few other people. While everyone was getting drunk/high (except me *DD* Connor and Julian) Dunk's roommate went to his room to do "it" with his girlfriend. As he was in the room doing "it" HugS and Romeo bust down the door and turn on the light (The light was off) then HugS, Romeo, me, Dunk, Kira and MacD were laughing so hard when we saw what HugS and Romeo did.

While on the way back home..My car (which had Connor, Kira, MacD and Julian) were stuck in a 2 or 3 hours traffic and this was like around 2-3AM when it happened....None of us got home til 5-6AM. In order for me to stay awake, I had to listen to the Pokemon Movie soundtrack (which it was Julian) and listen to MacD, Connor and Julian singing.

Anime Expo 2010 Feat. Teczero:

At Anime Expo...Zhu got in for free by photoshopping his pass...while I had to pay like 40 bucks....Get ***** me.

Ok there was a brawl tournament at Anime Expo, Larry aka DEHF, Tyrant, Mew2King and Bardull were banned because alot of scrubs doesn't want them to win and it's "unfair" So Mew2king had to change his look so he had spikey hair, no glasses and some gangsta looking clothes but if you seen him the first time, you wouldn't know that's M2K sadly Bardull ruined his cover (LOL) Tyrant had to dress up with a cape, a hat and a mask of V for Vendetta. He tried to scared me but I know it was him because of his voice. Larry on the other hand, had to borrow Joey aka Lucky's AX pass to get in but he got banned too so he wore a hoodie and a mask of a hollow from Bleach. I don't know who won but I think it was Larry.

Teczero bought a huge beer cup. ****.

There's more but I'll post about it later.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
After Pat's House (WC regional), we went to a restaurant, and the waitress asked us how many people we had in our party.

We told her about 40 or 50.

She was not amused.


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
There was a time during Pat's house (WC Regional) where Forward and Tai called shotgun for my car. Both of them wanted the seat but Forward said "The better player gets shotgun" which made Tai lose his spot on it. Since then The Forward Rule still apply in my car to this day.

Plus Forward was dating Tai's sister.

Get ***** Tai.
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