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Possible cure for aids?


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
Lade.... did you even read the article?

it talks nothing about greed or selling of the "cure" and you're reading too much into that

if anything, people don't know about it because:

My guess is that most scientific researchers are somewhat stunned that a clinician — not a research scientist — has been able to come up with the cure. Most of the big research money and big name American institutions are somewhat embarrassed to acknowledge that the very first case of HIV cure is not coming from their institutions.”
if this is a cure, that's great

but the thing is that it is based on (so far anyways) the donation of bone marrow from those with a genetic mutation of "ccr-5 delta-32" (mainly found in white northern europeans); we don't have the ability yet to somehow mass produce that **** (to my knowledge)

there's only one confirmed case of this happening (edit: and you should know they're gonna need to do more testing edit: A LOT more)

there's only one other possible case but it happened in '89 (guy died from cancer 6 years later but had no HIV) edit:and they don't know if the donor had ccr-5 delta-32

edit: and don't be dumb about economics

capitalism has its problems (esp. the bull**** fluxx'd --lol <3 tally-- type of capitalism we use cause of ******* politicians) but name another system that would work better


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
My guess is that most scientific researchers are somewhat stunned that a clinician — not a research scientist — has been able to come up with the cure. Most of the big research money and big name American institutions are somewhat embarrassed to acknowledge that the very first case of HIV cure is not coming from their institutions.”
I read this part.

If a "big name research company" had discovered this, it would be widespread and everyone would know about it. But if they're NOT able to make money off it, that explains why it's not getting exposure...


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Cool article, good read.

“I have no doubts that present day high tech stem cell transplantation from CCR-5 Delta-32 donors can cure HIV,” Gupta said, noting, at the same time, that the procedure is expensive at present and has significant risks of complications and a high mortality related to the procedure itself.
Almost sounds like you're at a greater risk of dying from the complications of the procedure than you are from HIV/AIDS. Look at Magic Johnson, hes had HIV for like 20 years now and it doesn't appear as though his health is any worse than it was 20 years ago. We can prolong the lifespan of HIV/AIDs individual so long now that they can almost live out most of their lives in a healthy fashion. Well I could be talking out of my hat but thats just my view, it would be interesting to see the average lifespan of a HIV/AIDS patient who can afford proper treatment these days.

But the potential cure definitely sounds interesting and it really should have garnered a lot more attention by now


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
If a "big name research company" had discovered this, it would be widespread and everyone would know about it. But if they're NOT able to make money off it, that explains why it's not getting exposure...
the dude that discovered this should be the one getting it out to the media and making the calls (not other dudes with more money who did not discover it)

it's not like this is patented or even proven through mult. tests yet (to my knowledge), pretty sure any group who wanted to do the same with the knowledge of ccr-5 delta-32

and the procedure is "expensive" so it's more than likely profitable

hell, i'm sure they could charge ridiculous amounts of money to cure AIDs... like are you kidding me?


good perspective, sheer


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Okay fine Touche, I didnt read the article, I just read the comments and JUMPED ON THA BANDWAGON.

Yeah after reading what Sheer said though, yeah this definetly needs a little more work....


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
lol Lade............

show up to a tourney for once so we can chill at KFC


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Raven your sig is too epic.

Though you'd jump on every bandwagon possible if you couldnt live lol.

And yes, there will be KFC...eventually.
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