i do think that a lot of people who will be salty that its not third party. Like, since Joker is in smash, everyones saying the craziest predictions; Masterchief, Monter hunter character, and a Dark Souls rep. It annoys me because it seems like people have forgotten that this is a Nintendo game, and when a first party rep gets in everyone is going to be mad because its not banjo. Like the game already has enough third party representation in it with Snake, Sonic, Cloud, Bayo, Pac-Man, Mega Man, and Joker. It just annoys me that some people can't rap their head around the fact that the dlc probably wont be all third party because they just jumped on the Smash wagon. Then when there is a first party rep like Porky everyones just going to go nuts like BRO WHAT I WANTED MINECRAFT STEVE AND GENO OMG PORKYS GARBAGE. I wish those people would be a little more open minded with the fact that we may get a first party rep