1. Abortion - pro-choice
2. Gun Control - only a little bit, as in make it hard to purchase a gun, but allow concealed weapons in public places.
3. Gay Marraige - for
4. Religion - I'm Jewish, also believe in science and evolution.
5. Energy - use a little less fossil fuels, but produce a little more nuclear plants (extremely cheap and not as hazardous as people say). also solar I guess.
6. Environment - protect, to an extent. I wouldn't protest an oil field just because it's killing a few desert scorpions.
7. Global Warming - It's there, but over exaggerated. economical issues come first.
8. Line-Item Veto - undecided, leaning towards no.
9. Term Limits - yes
10. Drug Legalization - no
11. Health Care - private, but the federal government needs to take over MediCaid and extend how poor you have to be to get it.
12. Education -
I'm against it. those blasted youngsters shouldn't go to school, they should help out grandpa on the farm. besides, school sucks. I'm for it (duh). but I'm not like the hypocritical liberals in congress who hate private schools (I say hypocritical because their children are in it).
13. Tax System - Flat tax but a little less for poor. also TAX THE CHURCHES!
14. Subsidies - Education and infrastructure perhaps. should pertain to the economical needs of the people, not the moral stupidity of congress.
15. Bureaucracies - of course they are needed, but many can be more efficient and smaller.
16. Iraq War - Now that we're in, put more people in so that we can finish faster.
17. Death Penalty - only for repeated felonies.
18. Illegal Immigration - someone's gotta pick those crops.
fiscal republican, social democrat