Marth05 said:
Thankyou gnosis, at least someone understands what I've been trying to say, and whats wrong with calling short hopping "tap jump" I just like to make up nick names not that big of a deal you know lol, and what's wrong with fighting the germ I feel very confident that I might be able to beat him nothing better than going past your limits, besides there are probably many other advanced players out there in the world that could play better they are probably unheard of because they dont have a computer or video camera, just remember when you think your one of the best just keep in mind that there is someone out there training to be better than you.
Let me just post on topic because I am tired of spamming, I don't think I will never retire from smash for as long I live don't know what I'd do without it.
I, for one, will never quit SSBM. Don't know about the next version; we'll just have to see how good it is at keeping my short attention span from wandering. And since I just got into the tourney scene (a minor one, but a tourney nonetheless), I'll be smashing for quite awhile to come.
Marth05, you stike me as the typical n00b, who thinks that he is better than the pros. Don't worry, most people go through this stage, usually sooner than later. You may feel confident, but you can't prove that until you actually
play him, so don't go around claiming things like this when you are unproven, and others have tournament records to back their skills up.
True, there are always people training to beat the best of the best. However, sometimes you are unable to overcome others, no matter how much effort you put into it. Unfortunately, their technical skill at the game just happens to be better than yours, and there's nothing you can really do about it.
The members of DBR live in California. Come to a NorCal biweekly, and you're bound to meet some of them, and get your *** kicked in the process.