No they're all EV'd, 5 perfect IV bred. I just don't remember all their EV spreads off the top of my head, Zapdos, Metagross, Ttar all have obscure spreads, and Noivern, Chomp, and Azuma have straight forward 252, 252, 4 spreads.
I'm not too worried about Skarm, Forretress, or Ferrothorn (this guy quite a lot, almost every team), I've run into them and had to just stare at them but eventually they break. None of them can touch Zapdos and I can pressure them away if need be lol, but Zapdos and Noivern usually handle them and I can brute them with Chomp, TTar, or Azuma if need be, I could take Crunch off Chomp and put Fire Blast on but idk.