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Pokemon Warriors REBOOT - Sacred Swords

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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
So I geuss Dynamaxing wont be included, in all honesty that is fare it was too overpowed in my opnion in its home game.

Anyway vote for an Elite Normal Type

Hisuin Zoroak

Vote for your top 2, you may vote for your own in 2nd place.

Anyway Slaking won the Normal Type Job, a very good choice with a lot of good moveset potential, story-wise I could see him as a trickster mentor of sorts using his laziness to stealth teach his pupils about concentration and patience. I also like how Slaking fits what I want more of, a slow tanky Pokemon. Due to him being a Normal Type I can see him use his usual aresenal of Brick Break, Slack Off, Sucker Punch and Magnitude, among other moves Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer due to the uniqueness of his move set could you design what you picture his moveset would be due to his gimmick potentially being difficult to work around for others.

Valleytown is also the capital of the Kel Dynasty, another good choice.

Now onto greener pastures, figuratively and literally.

Job 15
Submit a Bug-Type Pokemon
Like Normal Types, Bug Types tend to be overlooked, but here we have the opportunity to select one for our next playable character. Last time the Ultra Beast Buzzwhole was the Bug Type rep, so to be more different, Ultra Beasts are banned for this job alongside the normal Legendaries and Mythicals, regional forms are okay however. Submit a Bug-Type and tell us how it may play and why it could be included, maybe incldue a potential personality as well.

Job 16
Submit the capital of the Colonies of Viriz
The Colonies of Viriz is a pacifist nation, being neutral in all conflicts, but their distinct culture gives them a divisive reputation that makes them very difficult to deal with. Beliving that their nation consists of all natural sites they are very protective of nature and will severely beat anyone who dares harm the forests of their territory. That would seep into their capital, at first looking tranquil but hiding a dark underbelly. Submit what you would think would be the capital city of the Colonies of Viriz, describe any crucial landmarks and businesses this town may have.
Job #15:
Pokemon Name: Vikavolt
Pokedex Number: #738
Generation: VII
Typing: Bug/Electric


I came close to submitting Scizor... but I think having too many rushdown characters would devalue the archetype a little, so I instead submitted a glass ****ing railgun. Essentially, I picture Vikavolt's gameplay differing significantly from other Pokemon in the game, mostly due to the fact that their most powerful attacks by far are... directly in front of them. Whether that be the use of X-Scissor with its powerful mandibles directly in front of it, or in the form of Zap Cannon decimating crowds when fired from its railgun-like moth, Vikavolt is a frighteningly powerful, but precise, character to play. You need to be perfectly positioned in order to be most effective, but you're rewarded with some frighteningly powerful options.

This extends to their movement too. Vikavolt is able to fly at incredible speeds and relies primarily on agility to position itself well enough to function in incredibly dense environments, but due to being a... bug, it's pretty light too.

I also think a very unique ability for Vikavolt could be using its pre-evolution in a unique way. Canonically, Vikavolt is able to clasp Charjabug with its legs and use the Pokemon as a battery of sorts. Whilst Vikavolt is able to create electricity with a gland inside its body, Charjabug would make its electric-typed attacks significantly more powerful... at the cost of speed and agility. After all, Vikavolt is now carrying around a whole other Pokemon, so this sacrifice in speed for power, as well as having to monitor the "charge" of Charjabug would make them a very unique character to play as.

Job #16:
Thinking along the lines of a dichotomy between Bug-types and Flying-types, I was somewhat inspired by of all places - Midgar. Essentially, there's a dense and incredibly well-packed forest, but the whole thing happens to be on top of a plateau. Said plateau is essentially a giant rock, under which a lot of the Bug-types live - whereas the Flying-types generally live atop the trees in the forest. This often leaves Grass-types close to the ground, but due to the sheer age of the rock, there's quite a lot of holes in it that can make traversal on the ground very precarious.

Whilst the underground is surpisingly built-up in a shantytown sort of way, looking almost like a slum, the tops of the trees are built with incredibly ornate but simplistic structures not unlike that of the Rito Village in Breath of the Wild. The ground level, however, has little more than a few huts to call home.

Interestingly, this creates a dichotomy between the different groups of Pokemon present. The true "pacifists" are actually the Grass-types on the ground level, because the Bug-types are willing to defend their home tooth and nail, but are unwilling to leave their home due to the threats outside, and the Flying-types act as an almost police state, violently attacking usurpers and Pokemon who seek to "disturb the peace." Essentially, each "level" observes the concept of "pacifism" in a different way.

In terms of the name, I think it'd be colloquially called "Horizon" by the Pokemon above the rock, but the slums below are generally referred to as just "The Rock."
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Slaking Moveset:

Pokemon Name: Slaking
Pokedex Number: #289
Pokemon Type: Normal
Pokemon Description: The Lazy Pokemon.

Minas Pokedex Entry: The world's laziest Pokémon. Behind his slob nature hides a horrifying power that can even surpass some Fighting type pokémon.

Regular Attacks
Dash Attack: Slaking rolls forwards.

Combo Strings:
Like fellow heavyweight Golurk Slaking only has a 6 combo chain instead of the regular 8.
Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y: Slaking starts with some heavy slaps ending with a Hammer Arm.
Y-X: Slaking does a strong groan that damage the near opponents.
Y-Y-X: Slaking uses Mega Punch, the move can launch small enemies to the air.
Y-Y-Y-X: Slaking smash the ground with his hands causing the ground rumble.
Y-Y-Y-Y-X: Here Slaking grabs a rock from the ground and launch it forwards.
Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-X: In this move Slaking does his maximum effort and use Focus Punch, note that this attack would depelte his Focus Meter instantly.

Special Attacks
Weak Point Smash: Slaking use Sucker Punch doing a cheap move to take down the enemies.
Ground Meter Attack (X on ground): Seismic Toss, Slaking grabs the opponent and does a suplex, it burns a lot of Focus Meter.
Air Meter Attack (X in air): Body Slam, Slaking falls to the ground smashing anything under him.
Unique Action (ZR): Focus, Slaking has a Focus meter divided by 8 segments, when you attack the meter it's drained, depending of the strenght of the attack the more you burn being the most expensive move Focus Punch. When the meter is completely drained Slaking enters into a Rest state, in rest Slaking would be unable to move since he would be sleeping, he has a defensive bonus in this state to mitigate the disadvantage. The more you are attacked in the Rest state the quickler Slaking would recharge the meter but there are other ways to recharge it like stop attacking for a while or with this Unique Action where Slaking would try concentrate more in the fight, but if Slaking is damaged during the charge he would lose half the meter he had no matter how much he charged the move.

Other Info
General Playstyle/Archetype: Slaking is a tank that requires a correct manage of his resource to deal the max amount of damage possibly.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job #15:
Pokemon Name: Vikavolt
Pokedex Number: #738
Generation: VII
Typing: Bug/Electric

View attachment 354839

I came close to submitting Scizor... but I think having too many rushdown characters would devalue the archetype a little, so I instead submitted a glass ****ing railgun. Essentially, I picture Vikavolt's gameplay differing significantly from other Pokemon in the game, mostly due to the fact that their most powerful attacks by far are... directly in front of them. Whether that be the use of X-Scissor with its powerful mandibles directly in front of it, or in the form of Zap Cannon decimating crowds when fired from its railgun-like moth, Vikavolt is a frighteningly powerful, but precise, character to play. You need to be perfectly positioned in order to be most effective, but you're rewarded with some frighteningly powerful options.

This extends to their movement too. Vikavolt is able to fly at incredible speeds and relies primarily on agility to position itself well enough to function in incredibly dense environments, but due to being a... bug, it's pretty light too.

I also think a very unique ability for Vikavolt could be using its pre-evolution in a unique way. Canonically, Vikavolt is able to clasp Charjabug with its legs and use the Pokemon as a battery of sorts. Whilst Vikavolt is able to create electricity with a gland inside its body, Charjabug would make its electric-typed attacks significantly more powerful... at the cost of speed and agility. After all, Vikavolt is now carrying around a whole other Pokemon, so this sacrifice in speed for power, as well as having to monitor the "charge" of Charjabug would make them a very unique character to play as.

Job #16:
Thinking along the lines of a dichotomy between Bug-types and Flying-types, I was somewhat inspired by of all places - Midgar. Essentially, there's a dense and incredibly well-packed forest, but the whole thing happens to be on top of a plateau. Said plateau is essentially a giant rock, under which a lot of the Bug-types live - whereas the Flying-types generally live atop the trees in the forest. This often leaves Grass-types close to the ground, but due to the sheer age of the rock, there's quite a lot of holes in it that can make traversal on the ground very precarious.

Whilst the underground is surpisingly built-up in a shantytown sort of way, looking almost like a slum, the tops of the trees are built with incredibly ornate but simplistic structures not unlike that of the Rito Village in Breath of the Wild. The ground level, however, has little more than a few huts to call home.

Interestingly, this creates a dichotomy between the different groups of Pokemon present. The true "pacifists" are actually the Grass-types on the ground level, because the Bug-types are willing to defend their home tooth and nail, but are unwilling to leave their home due to the threats outside, and the Flying-types act as an almost police state, violently attacking usurpers and Pokemon who seek to "disturb the peace." Essentially, each "level" observes the concept of "pacifism" in a different way. In terms of the name, I think it'd be colloquially called "Horizon" by the Pokemon above the rock, but the slums below are generally referred to as just "The Rock."
Could you add a name to the town, it is a good town though


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
So here is my character roadmap

We will start with playable Pokemon reps based on types, currently we have a Bug-Type job and previosly we had a Normal-Type job. Next we go down the types from weak or lesser known (Poison or Rock might be next) to the more powerful types (Psychic, Dragon, Ice, and Fairy would be late in this thread definatly) following that we will submit an Elite Pokemon based on type, we are doing a vote on Normal-Type Elites and soon there will be a job on Bug-Type Elites. So after the playable Pokemon job there will be a job on Elite Pokemon following that.

After that we will submit Pokemon based off Generations, we will go from the newest gen (Gen 8 or 9 depending on when this scenario happens) and go down all the way to Gen 1. Then we will do Elite Pokemon jobs based off gens as well. In between we can other jobs such as submitting regional forms, legendary Pokemon, or submit Pokemon who have a specifc number of stats (I e submit a Pokemon that has more that 100 base stats in Defense and/or Sp Defense).

Is that a good idea, any feedback on thos roadmap?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I think it's fine, altought I still find the stats quite overcomplicated since even if isn't super hard find those numbers searching them could be quite boring.
What about playable characters based off evolution stages, like a job where you submit a Pokemon that doesn't evolve or a Pokemon that is the first stage in an evolution line.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Job #1

Being a typical early game Pokemon, Butterfree is a good start. Butterfree as a Pokemon would focus more on using Status to disrupt vast quantities of enemy troops whilst also using its powerful ranged moves to dish out strong damage. Whilst it's speedy, has good disruption, and has decent strength, it can't take too many hits, so one has to be smart using it.
Job 15: Resubmitting Butterfree for this job

Dan Quixote

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2020
Ayyyy Bug-type time! That's my favorite type and it was pretty hard to narrow it down to just one pick here, but it's a classic I've always loved.

Job #15: Vespiquen


Might as well do that infocard formatting everyone's doing...

Vespiquen, the Beehive Pokémon | Bug/Flying | #416

Vespiquen, who I choose to pronounce as "Vespiqueen" to this day, is my pick due to its sheer moveset AND plot potential. Obviously, she's a female Pokémon who commands an entire beehive of Combee that she keeps in her gown. As a one-woman army, sorta, I imagine she could act as a mercenary/rogue who moves between all four nations without needing to rely on anyone but her Combee, or some leader's general who is a perfect tactician because she can essentially control every soldier under her directly. As for the moveset, that's where things can get fun. When she fights, she does so from very long range. She can send out swarms of Combee with different orders to different areas, I imagine two or three at a time. Those swarms can individually be ordered to attack a target, defend an ally, or slow someone down. Basically, she can be in multiple places at once. Vespiquen herself, being a Bug-type, is not very hardy. So unless she orders a swarm to defend her, she can be taken down in fewer hits than most of the rest of the cast. To compensate, her claws and stingers are quite powerful and can inflict poison, making her a glass cannon archetype when she's alone.

Job #16: The Plains

If the Colonies of Viriz care about nature so much, I'm taking it to its logical extreme by making them extreme tree-huggers. They're not the type who'd build shelters by cutting down forests, right? I instead imagine them as a very spread-out peoples who'll hole up in caves that already exist or under particularly thick foliage or things like that, meaning instead of a proper city, they're spread out across a wide area. The capital would just be a slightly more dense part of the colonies that would colloquially be called something obvious like "the Plains."


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Ayyyy Bug-type time! That's my favorite type and it was pretty hard to narrow it down to just one pick here, but it's a classic I've always loved.

Job #15: Vespiquen

View attachment 354850

Might as well do that infocard formatting everyone's doing...

Vespiquen, the Beehive Pokémon | Bug/Flying | #416

Vespiquen, who I choose to pronounce as "Vespiqueen" to this day, is my pick due to its sheer moveset AND plot potential. Obviously, she's a female Pokémon who commands an entire beehive of Combee that she keeps in her gown. As a one-woman army, sorta, I imagine she could act as a mercenary/rogue who moves between all four nations without needing to rely on anyone but her Combee, or some leader's general who is a perfect tactician because she can essentially control every soldier under her directly. As for the moveset, that's where things can get fun. When she fights, she does so from very long range. She can send out swarms of Combee with different orders to different areas, I imagine two or three at a time. Those swarms can individually be ordered to attack a target, defend an ally, or slow someone down. Basically, she can be in multiple places at once. Vespiquen herself, being a Bug-type, is not very hardy. So unless she orders a swarm to defend her, she can be taken down in fewer hits than most of the rest of the cast. To compensate, her claws and stingers are quite powerful and can inflict poison, making her a glass cannon archetype when she's alone.

Job #16: The Plains

If the Colonies of Viriz care about nature so much, I'm taking it to its logical extreme by making them extreme tree-huggers. They're not the type who'd build shelters by cutting down forests, right? I instead imagine them as a very spread-out peoples who'll hole up in caves that already exist or under particularly thick foliage or things like that, meaning instead of a proper city, they're spread out across a wide area. The capital would just be a slightly more dense part of the colonies that would colloquially be called something obvious like "the Plains."
Ooh maybe her unqiue action could have her cycle through her three signature moves, Attack Order to give more range to her attacks, Heal Order to give passive health regeneration, and Defense Order to back up her paper thin defenses.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job #15:
Pokemon Name: Vikavolt
Pokedex Number: #738
Generation: VII
Typing: Bug/Electric

View attachment 354839

I came close to submitting Scizor... but I think having too many rushdown characters would devalue the archetype a little, so I instead submitted a glass ****ing railgun. Essentially, I picture Vikavolt's gameplay differing significantly from other Pokemon in the game, mostly due to the fact that their most powerful attacks by far are... directly in front of them. Whether that be the use of X-Scissor with its powerful mandibles directly in front of it, or in the form of Zap Cannon decimating crowds when fired from its railgun-like moth, Vikavolt is a frighteningly powerful, but precise, character to play. You need to be perfectly positioned in order to be most effective, but you're rewarded with some frighteningly powerful options.

This extends to their movement too. Vikavolt is able to fly at incredible speeds and relies primarily on agility to position itself well enough to function in incredibly dense environments, but due to being a... bug, it's pretty light too.

I also think a very unique ability for Vikavolt could be using its pre-evolution in a unique way. Canonically, Vikavolt is able to clasp Charjabug with its legs and use the Pokemon as a battery of sorts. Whilst Vikavolt is able to create electricity with a gland inside its body, Charjabug would make its electric-typed attacks significantly more powerful... at the cost of speed and agility. After all, Vikavolt is now carrying around a whole other Pokemon, so this sacrifice in speed for power, as well as having to monitor the "charge" of Charjabug would make them a very unique character to play as.

Job #16:
Thinking along the lines of a dichotomy between Bug-types and Flying-types, I was somewhat inspired by of all places - Midgar. Essentially, there's a dense and incredibly well-packed forest, but the whole thing happens to be on top of a plateau. Said plateau is essentially a giant rock, under which a lot of the Bug-types live - whereas the Flying-types generally live atop the trees in the forest. This often leaves Grass-types close to the ground, but due to the sheer age of the rock, there's quite a lot of holes in it that can make traversal on the ground very precarious.

Whilst the underground is surpisingly built-up in a shantytown sort of way, looking almost like a slum, the tops of the trees are built with incredibly ornate but simplistic structures not unlike that of the Rito Village in Breath of the Wild. The ground level, however, has little more than a few huts to call home.

Interestingly, this creates a dichotomy between the different groups of Pokemon present. The true "pacifists" are actually the Grass-types on the ground level, because the Bug-types are willing to defend their home tooth and nail, but are unwilling to leave their home due to the threats outside, and the Flying-types act as an almost police state, violently attacking usurpers and Pokemon who seek to "disturb the peace." Essentially, each "level" observes the concept of "pacifism" in a different way.

In terms of the name, I think it'd be colloquially called "Horizon" by the Pokemon above the rock, but the slums below are generally referred to as just "The Rock."
Ayyyy Bug-type time! That's my favorite type and it was pretty hard to narrow it down to just one pick here, but it's a classic I've always loved.

Job #15: Vespiquen

View attachment 354850

Might as well do that infocard formatting everyone's doing...

Vespiquen, the Beehive Pokémon | Bug/Flying | #416

Vespiquen, who I choose to pronounce as "Vespiqueen" to this day, is my pick due to its sheer moveset AND plot potential. Obviously, she's a female Pokémon who commands an entire beehive of Combee that she keeps in her gown. As a one-woman army, sorta, I imagine she could act as a mercenary/rogue who moves between all four nations without needing to rely on anyone but her Combee, or some leader's general who is a perfect tactician because she can essentially control every soldier under her directly. As for the moveset, that's where things can get fun. When she fights, she does so from very long range. She can send out swarms of Combee with different orders to different areas, I imagine two or three at a time. Those swarms can individually be ordered to attack a target, defend an ally, or slow someone down. Basically, she can be in multiple places at once. Vespiquen herself, being a Bug-type, is not very hardy. So unless she orders a swarm to defend her, she can be taken down in fewer hits than most of the rest of the cast. To compensate, her claws and stingers are quite powerful and can inflict poison, making her a glass cannon archetype when she's alone.

Job #16: The Plains

If the Colonies of Viriz care about nature so much, I'm taking it to its logical extreme by making them extreme tree-huggers. They're not the type who'd build shelters by cutting down forests, right? I instead imagine them as a very spread-out peoples who'll hole up in caves that already exist or under particularly thick foliage or things like that, meaning instead of a proper city, they're spread out across a wide area. The capital would just be a slightly more dense part of the colonies that would colloquially be called something obvious like "the Plains."
Taurus won the Elite Pokemon job

onto voting:

Glubbfubb Glubbfubb Skybirch Village
KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 The Rock and Horizon
Dan Quixote Dan Quixote The Plains

Vote for your top 2, you may vote for your own in 2nd place


Vote for your top 3, you may vote for your own in 2nd or 3rd place.

Now onto the next set of jobs

Job 17
Submit a Rock-Type Pokemon as a playable character
Same rules apply, submit a Rock-Type Pokemon to be a playable character. Now, legendaries are not allowed as usual, though Ultra Beasts and Regional Variants/Evolutions are allowed. Submit the Pokemon and describe what potential moveset they may have and why they should be included. Maybe include some lore behind this character as well.

Job 18
Submit alternate costumes for the following Pokemon:
Hisuian Lilligant

I think we should make this job simpler. Just submit an idea you have for a costume for one or all of the following characters and describe what the costume may look like.

Discussion 2
How is this thread going for you? Are you enjoying it? Is the roster good so far? Is there anything we should focus on in the future? Any other feedback would be nice too.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
1. Skybirch Village. I just like treetop locations. I think we had a similar discussion in the previous thread but there's so much gameplay potential with a battlefield high atop the trees. Also, I just... like the idea.
2. The Plains. Sure it might be simple - but also, it works really well, and I think that it'd be an interesting way to present a civilisation in the world of Pokemon.

1. Vespiquen. The idea of "queen bee using smaller bees to attack" is such an amazing fit for the Warriors series. I think the idea of satellite characters has been brought up in the past with Magnezone but Vespiquen is just... a really obvious and cool pick for the role.
2. Golisopod. Golisopod is very cool. I nearly considered submitting them myself. Whilst Vespiquen is, in my mind, more mechanically interesting, Golisopod is just very cool.
3. Shuckle. I just like him :)

Job #17:
Pokemon Name: Probopass
Pokedex Number: #476
Generation Origin: Generation IV
Pokemon Typing: Rock/Steel

I came so, so close to submitting Omanyte purely for the "LORD HELIX" memes but I ended up having to restrain myself at least somewhat. Couldn't help myself but meme just a little, though. One of the few magnetically-based Pokemon in the entire roster, Probopass's design is mostly based around a combination of a moai, a compass, and of course a face with a very large nose. This might seem utterly ridiculous, but I think this could work quite well.

In keeping with his nature as an almost statue-like being, Probopass excels when stationary. Having him utterly surrounded by enemies with him at the centre is perfect, given his ability to use the mini-noses as close-range weapons, the iron sand that looks like nose hair for some mixups, and plenty of AoE attacks using his magnetic abilities. However, unlike Golurk's focused and surprisingly mobile take on the tank formula, Probopass is more like a combination between a traditional tank and a bomb - moving is slow, despite him hovering slightly above the ground (which doesn't count as flying before you ask), and repositioning is also difficult. This also means he's not particularly adept at handling bosses, being best suited to crowd control - which, in fairness, he does exceedingly well.

In terms of storyline, I think it could be quite funny if his nature as a compass comes in handy. The Minas region is a vast and difficult-to-traverse place. Not all of it is mapped, and unlike traditional Pokemon games filled with bustling towns and plenty of paved pathways in the form of routes, I feel like the Minas region being less built-up overall would make it quite fun to work with. The team could potentially rescue Probopass from a cave or some other precarious situation (but only precarious for him), but his unique skills give the team a lot more headway in terms of where they're going. You never know, maybe he might even have his movements interfered with by powerful external forces...

Job #18:
For this, I'm going to once again submit one of Unite's costumes in the form of Decidueye's Ninja Style. The other looks did feel quite interesting, but I really wanted to pick one that looked... fitting for Decidueye's presumably nomadic nature. Whilst I originally had a hooded look in mind loosely based on, of all things, Robin Hood, I ended up picking this one for the sake of making "development" easier on the devs. However, well, why not - I'm also submitting Charizard's Armor Style from the same game. I'd like to think with this one that, as opposed to being actual samurai armor, it's actually Charizard dressing up as one because he thinks it looks cool - as opposed to Ninja Style's more innately practical nature.

Discussion #02:
I actually think this thread is going fairly well. We've got a nice combination of obvious, obscure, and downright weird Pokemon and, as of yet, I wouldn't say any of them feel like filler. It's a great start!


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Taurus won the Elite Pokemon job

onto voting:

Glubbfubb Glubbfubb Skybirch Village
KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 The Rock and Horizon
Dan Quixote Dan Quixote The Plains

Vote for your top 2, you may vote for your own in 2nd place


Vote for your top 3, you may vote for your own in 2nd or 3rd place.

Now onto the next set of jobs

Job 17
Submit a Rock-Type Pokemon as a playable character
Same rules apply, submit a Rock-Type Pokemon to be a playable character. Now, legendaries are not allowed as usual, though Ultra Beasts and Regional Variants/Evolutions are allowed. Submit the Pokemon and describe what potential moveset they may have and why they should be included. Maybe include some lore behind this character as well.

Job 18
Submit alternate costumes for the following Pokemon:
Hisuian Lilligant

I think we should make this job simpler. Just submit an idea you have for a costume for one or all of the following characters and describe what the costume may look like.

Discussion 2
How is this thread going for you? Are you enjoying it? Is the roster good so far? Is there anything we should focus on in the future? Any other feedback would be nice too.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

All of our submissions thus far has been fully evolved Pokemon, so I think having a non-evolved Pokemon would add some variety. Lavitar is the first of the Tyranitar line, Gen 2's pseudo-legendary. It is said to be able to eat enough dirt to fill a mountain, so it is very experienced in the power of earth. Larvitar would be a burrower, digging deep underground and using rocks and stones for some powerful AOE attacks. Being a younger Pokemon he could also have a rebellious personality who may have some big shoes to fill. Maybe he is the son of the lord of the Terrak Empire and wants to prove himself and be distinct from his father. Overall, a lot to work with.

Also I think Hisuian Lilligant should have an autumn costume where her leaf arms become pointed and she gains an orange-red color scheme.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
  1. Vikavolt (I love Vikavolt and I considered him but I ended using Golisopod)
  2. Vespiquen (the stance Concept is very cool, I like it!)
  3. Golisopod (Inconmensurable bias)
Rock Type Pokémon: Lycanroc (Midnight)
I was considering submitting Tyranitar but it would be weird submit him at the same time of Larvitar, I would liked to do a more proper submission but the place where I am dont allow me to extend too much.

Discussion: For someone who long ago stopped to consider it himself a Pokémon fan I'm really enjoying this thread, the inclusions are all very neat andlike Knee said no one feels like a "wasted spot" or something like that.

Dan Quixote

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2020
Votes first!

1. The Rock and Horizon (Oh my God I need to see this realized in some actual game, it's such a cool idea. I know a city built into a tall stone isn't new but this specific setup with all the different definitions of pacifism feels sweet.)
2. Skybirch Village (Can't go wrong with a treehouse city. It looks awesome and Pokémon itself even tried it once in a main game.)

1. Shuckle (Always a hilarious Pokémon and the gameplay implications could be very fun. Could you imagine if Shuckle of all things was OP?)
2. Vikavolt (Love the possible Charjabug mechanics and the idea of playing as a railgun in a video game like this is too fun to pass up.)
3. Vespiquen (Who wants to join her simp air force?)

And now my submissions.

Job #17: Archeops


Archeops, the First Bird Pokémon | Rock/Flying | #567

A Rock-type job means the perfect opportunity to introduce one of Pokémon's more unique aspects, the fossils! In this Pokémon-only world, perhaps things progressed differently in nature and allowed species like Archeops to not go extinct. Perhaps Dracovish isn't an affront to God! In any case, Archeops is described as an intelligent and adept hunter, but one that needs to build up speed for extremely long distances to take off, like an airplane. From that, I extrapolate a character that, bear with me, works like Mario in his SMB3 raccoon suit. Archeops would speed along the ground, attacking enemies with his sharp claws or fangs, and if the player has him run forwards long enough, a meter activates that allows him to enter flighted mode, where he can do some more cool maneuvers and rack up more damage that way, or the player can ground him by executing one powerful divebomb into the enemy.

Job #18

I don't really have any costume ideas sadly (and I'm running out of time with how long I have to write this post cuz I gotta dip lol) but Hisuian Decidueye makes sense right? I know that's technically a different type but idk if it would mean anything for our gameplay.

Discussion #2

I mean the thread just started so I'd say it's fine so far. If there's one suggestion I should make, we could have more defined end-goals. Like how many Pokémon of the different roles in the game we're going to end up having jobs for or how long the story will be.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Votes first!

1. The Rock and Horizon (Oh my God I need to see this realized in some actual game, it's such a cool idea. I know a city built into a tall stone isn't new but this specific setup with all the different definitions of pacifism feels sweet.)
2. Skybirch Village (Can't go wrong with a treehouse city. It looks awesome and Pokémon itself even tried it once in a main game.)

1. Shuckle (Always a hilarious Pokémon and the gameplay implications could be very fun. Could you imagine if Shuckle of all things was OP?)
2. Vikavolt (Love the possible Charjabug mechanics and the idea of playing as a railgun in a video game like this is too fun to pass up.)
3. Vespiquen (Who wants to join her simp air force?)

And now my submissions.

Job #17: Archeops

View attachment 354887

Archeops, the First Bird Pokémon | Rock/Flying | #567

A Rock-type job means the perfect opportunity to introduce one of Pokémon's more unique aspects, the fossils! In this Pokémon-only world, perhaps things progressed differently in nature and allowed species like Archeops to not go extinct. Perhaps Dracovish isn't an affront to God! In any case, Archeops is described as an intelligent and adept hunter, but one that needs to build up speed for extremely long distances to take off, like an airplane. From that, I extrapolate a character that, bear with me, works like Mario in his SMB3 raccoon suit. Archeops would speed along the ground, attacking enemies with his sharp claws or fangs, and if the player has him run forwards long enough, a meter activates that allows him to enter flighted mode, where he can do some more cool maneuvers and rack up more damage that way, or the player can ground him by executing one powerful divebomb into the enemy.

Job #18

I don't really have any costume ideas sadly (and I'm running out of time with how long I have to write this post cuz I gotta dip lol) but Hisuian Decidueye makes sense right? I know that's technically a different type but idk if it would mean anything for our gameplay.

Discussion #2

I mean the thread just started so I'd say it's fine so far. If there's one suggestion I should make, we could have more defined end-goals. Like how many Pokémon of the different roles in the game we're going to end up having jobs for or how long the story will be.
There will be both in the roster a rep for each type and a rep for each generation, as well as some other reps like playable legendaries and mythicals.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Job 17:

I submit Onix. Being an NFE and first stage, I feel that would provide some uniqueness, but besides that, Onix would be unique in his size. Outside of the probably massive Legendaries we'll introduce later, Onix would be one of the biggest characters in the game. Using his size to his advantage, Onix's attacks would involve striking over long distances and being able to cover a lot of range. It would be decently strong, nothing crazy but very respectable in terms of damage output. However, Onix's flaws are that it does not have the greatest speed in the world to compensate for the range it has, and it is vulnerable to ranged attacks due to its large size. Despite its flaws, its good range and power make up for it a bit, but one has to be wary of Onix's flaws.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Vespiquen won the Bug-Type Job

Skybirch City won the settlement job

All costume submissions will be included


Vote for your top 3, you may vote for you own in 2nd or 3rd place

Job 18
Submit a Rock Type Elite Pokemon
Due to Parasect already being a Bug-Type I decided to skip Bug and go to Rock, enter a Rock-Type Elite Pokemon to act as a potential boss and describe their attack patterns, abilities, and any resistances and weaknesses. Since the other 2 Elite were Gen 1 Pokemon, Gen 1 Pokemon are also not allowed.

Job 19
First story prompt for Pikachu's campaign
I think its time to start the story mode, there will be five campaigns with a protagonist at the center. We have two protagonists so far:

The Electric Warrior, Pikachu

Maiden of the Ridge, Lilligant

A prompt needs to be made as a way to start Pikachu's story, from there we can then do our first battlefield job. Describe an event that will kickstart the plot, Pikachu lives in Valleytown the capital of the Kel Dynasty, and at some point in the campaign, meets up with Decidueye (It doesn't have to be right now). Describe the event that kickstarts the plot and if any of our current Pokemon roster would be involved in said event.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job 18

Armoldo is a fossil Pokemon from Gen III. It would be pretty intimidating to fight due to its size. It can use X-Scissor to slash at foes from up close, Rock Throw to bean people from a distance, and Bug Bite to grab opponents. It can also use Rock Polish to speed itself up and remove status effects. It is best to attack from afar using projectiles and attacks that cause confusion, among other strategies.

Job 19
So, I think Pikachu has a job as a delivery boy. Being experienced with delivering packages he is quite well known around town. His boss would be a grizzled old Delibird who collects packages from all around the region and orders his workers to transport them. Pikachu is one such worker, he was ordered by Delibird to deliver a strange package to the lord of the Kel Dynasty with his partner Stantler. However they both dropped the package and Pikachu accidentally opened it, this package then exploded which damaged a part of Valleytown, Stantler then blamed Pikachu for it and he has a due of Taurus try to arrest him. After defeating them Pikachu flees from Valleytown and is now in the wilderness as a fugitive.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I need more entries to continue the thread, it would be encoraged to have two more entires of each category at least.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Vespiquen won the Bug-Type Job

Skybirch City won the settlement job

All costume submissions will be included


Vote for your top 3, you may vote for you own in 2nd or 3rd place

Job 18
Submit a Rock Type Elite Pokemon
Due to Parasect already being a Bug-Type I decided to skip Bug and go to Rock, enter a Rock-Type Elite Pokemon to act as a potential boss and describe their attack patterns, abilities, and any resistances and weaknesses. Since the other 2 Elite were Gen 1 Pokemon, Gen 1 Pokemon are also not allowed.

Job 19
First story prompt for Pikachu's campaign
I think its time to start the story mode, there will be five campaigns with a protagonist at the center. We have two protagonists so far:

The Electric Warrior, Pikachu

Maiden of the Ridge, Lilligant

A prompt needs to be made as a way to start Pikachu's story, from there we can then do our first battlefield job. Describe an event that will kickstart the plot, Pikachu lives in Valleytown the capital of the Kel Dynasty, and at some point in the campaign, meets up with Decidueye (It doesn't have to be right now). Describe the event that kickstarts the plot and if any of our current Pokemon roster would be involved in said event.
Job 18: Rhyperior

Rhyperior as an Elite would be one heck of a hard hitter. Using Earthquake, it would stomp its foot and damage within a decently large vicinity of itself caused by the shockwave. It would use Rock Wrecker to hit from afar (It doesn't carry as far as other projectiles, but goes decently far), and Megahorn to ram into opponents. It would use an attack similar to Hammer Arm up close to damage targets right next to it, having some wind up prior to it. Rhyperior resists most head on attacks and punishes attempts, requiring striking from afar, which Rhyperior is heavily susceptible to. It has extremely good resistance to Electric based attacks, but has extreme vulnerability to Water and Grass based attacks.
Job 19: Pikachu's Start
Living in the Kelden Dynasty in a more remote border village, Pikachu is a young upbeat boy not worried about what life has to offer yet. One day, whilst wandering in the woods, he spots some soldiers from the Cobal Republic heading towards his village. Rushing back, he tells the town elder and his father, Raichu, of the soldiers. Raichu tells Pikachu to get aid from a nearby outpost, and gives Pikachu his Light Ball. Pikachu goes to get help, and at the outpost finds it mostly deserted, as most all had left to deal with issues elsewhere. The lone soldier there, Charizard, a laidback and lazy yet powerful soldier, does not wish to help, and tells Pikachu to head back home as it's nothing. Pikachu rushes back home to report the news, but finds his village destroyed and the soldiers gone. Raichu, lying nearby, tells Pikachu of what happened, but the soldiers arrive before he can finish and Pikachu is forced to flee. He flees to the outpost as the soldiers advance on him, forcing Charizard to help him.



Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job 18: Rhyperior
View attachment 354957

Rhyperior as an Elite would be one heck of a hard hitter. Using Earthquake, it would stomp its foot and damage within a decently large vicinity of itself caused by the shockwave. It would use Rock Wrecker to hit from afar (It doesn't carry as far as other projectiles, but goes decently far), and Megahorn to ram into opponents. It would use an attack similar to Hammer Arm up close to damage targets right next to it, having some wind up prior to it. Rhyperior resists most head on attacks and punishes attempts, requiring striking from afar, which Rhyperior is heavily susceptible to. It has extremely good resistance to Electric based attacks, but has extreme vulnerability to Water and Grass based attacks.
Job 19: Pikachu's Start
Living in the Kelden Dynasty in a more remote border village, Pikachu is a young upbeat boy not worried about what life has to offer yet. One day, whilst wandering in the woods, he spots some soldiers from the Cobal Republic heading towards his village. Rushing back, he tells the town elder and his father, Raichu, of the soldiers. Raichu tells Pikachu to get aid from a nearby outpost, and gives Pikachu his Light Ball. Pikachu goes to get help, and at the outpost finds it mostly deserted, as most all had left to deal with issues elsewhere. The lone soldier there, Charizard, a laidback and lazy yet powerful soldier, does not wish to help, and tells Pikachu to head back home as it's nothing. Pikachu rushes back home to report the news, but finds his village destroyed and the soldiers gone. Raichu, lying nearby, tells Pikachu of what happened, but the soldiers arrive before he can finish and Pikachu is forced to flee. He flees to the outpost as the soldiers advance on him, forcing Charizard to help him.

We just need one more entry at least then voting will happen.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Vespiquen won the Bug-Type Job

Skybirch City won the settlement job

All costume submissions will be included


Vote for your top 3, you may vote for you own in 2nd or 3rd place

Job 18
Submit a Rock Type Elite Pokemon
Due to Parasect already being a Bug-Type I decided to skip Bug and go to Rock, enter a Rock-Type Elite Pokemon to act as a potential boss and describe their attack patterns, abilities, and any resistances and weaknesses. Since the other 2 Elite were Gen 1 Pokemon, Gen 1 Pokemon are also not allowed.

Job 19
First story prompt for Pikachu's campaign
I think its time to start the story mode, there will be five campaigns with a protagonist at the center. We have two protagonists so far:

The Electric Warrior, Pikachu

Maiden of the Ridge, Lilligant

A prompt needs to be made as a way to start Pikachu's story, from there we can then do our first battlefield job. Describe an event that will kickstart the plot, Pikachu lives in Valleytown the capital of the Kel Dynasty, and at some point in the campaign, meets up with Decidueye (It doesn't have to be right now). Describe the event that kickstarts the plot and if any of our current Pokemon roster would be involved in said event.
1. Archeops. I think Fossil Pokemon would be a fascinating inclusion into something like this, and I really like the idea of his moveset overall. That's all.
2. Larvitar. Very... unexpected, I'll say, but I really like the personality you suggested! That alone really brought this tiny terror up my list.
3. Onix. I think the idea of "massive rock serpent" would just be incredibly fun.

Job #18:
Pokemon Name: Bastiodon
Pokedex Number:
Generation: IV
Typing: Rock/Steel

I think Bastiodon would fit well as, well, the Elite Pokemon. The design just... fits by nature. Essentially, Bastiodon has incredibly high defense, but only from the front. Attacking its front would do next to nothing - but you're rewarded for evading it's attacks and counterattacking on its sides and back, which are much less defended overall. In terms of actual attacks, we'd keep it relatively simple - charging attacks like Heavy Slam, perhaps, and maybe Ancient Power befitting its nature as a Fossil Pokemon - providing it at least a little control from a distance. However, the main focus of this Elite Pokemon lies in defending.

Job #19:

Pikachu, I imagine, is kind of just swept into a larger conflict. Originally living in a smaller village on the outskirts of the Kel Dynasty, Pikachu is heading toward Valleytown after his father instructed him to take a mysterious package to Valleytown's mayor. However, he's attacked on the way there by a troupe of mysterious Pokemon, though he's rescued just in time by a wandering traveller - specifically, Decidueye. Whilst they split up afterward, it turns out Decidueye also has business in Valleytown and they meet up there as well.

When the mayor of Valleytown sees the package, he seems visibly concerned, but chooses not to reveal to the relatively young Pikachu exactly what it is. He simply takes it away, and it's briefly suggested that things might be going back to normal. However, as the sun begins to set, he's suddenly approached by a mysterious, and slightly unsettling, acrobatic dancer and her troupe...


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
1. Archeops. I think Fossil Pokemon would be a fascinating inclusion into something like this, and I really like the idea of his moveset overall. That's all.
2. Larvitar. Very... unexpected, I'll say, but I really like the personality you suggested! That alone really brought this tiny terror up my list.
3. Onix. I think the idea of "massive rock serpent" would just be incredibly fun.

Job #18:
Pokemon Name: Bastiodon
Pokedex Number:
Generation: IV
Typing: Rock/Steel

I think Bastiodon would fit well as, well, the Elite Pokemon. The design just... fits by nature. Essentially, Bastiodon has incredibly high defense, but only from the front. Attacking its front would do next to nothing - but you're rewarded for evading it's attacks and counterattacking on its sides and back, which are much less defended overall. In terms of actual attacks, we'd keep it relatively simple - charging attacks like Heavy Slam, perhaps, and maybe Ancient Power befitting its nature as a Fossil Pokemon - providing it at least a little control from a distance. However, the main focus of this Elite Pokemon lies in defending.

Job #19:

Pikachu, I imagine, is kind of just swept into a larger conflict. Originally living in a smaller village on the outskirts of the Kel Dynasty, Pikachu is heading toward Valleytown after his father instructed him to take a mysterious package to Valleytown's mayor. However, he's attacked on the way there by a troupe of mysterious Pokemon, though he's rescued just in time by a wandering traveller - specifically, Decidueye. Whilst they split up afterward, it turns out Decidueye also has business in Valleytown and they meet up there as well.

When the mayor of Valleytown sees the package, he seems visibly concerned, but chooses not to reveal to the relatively young Pikachu exactly what it is. He simply takes it away, and it's briefly suggested that things might be going back to normal. However, as the sun begins to set, he's suddenly approached by a mysterious, and slightly unsettling, acrobatic dancer and her troupe...
Adding some intertwining into the campaigns, nice.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Vespiquen won the Bug-Type Job

Skybirch City won the settlement job

All costume submissions will be included


Vote for your top 3, you may vote for you own in 2nd or 3rd place

Job 18
Submit a Rock Type Elite Pokemon
Due to Parasect already being a Bug-Type I decided to skip Bug and go to Rock, enter a Rock-Type Elite Pokemon to act as a potential boss and describe their attack patterns, abilities, and any resistances and weaknesses. Since the other 2 Elite were Gen 1 Pokemon, Gen 1 Pokemon are also not allowed.

Job 19
First story prompt for Pikachu's campaign
I think its time to start the story mode, there will be five campaigns with a protagonist at the center. We have two protagonists so far:

The Electric Warrior, Pikachu

Maiden of the Ridge, Lilligant

A prompt needs to be made as a way to start Pikachu's story, from there we can then do our first battlefield job. Describe an event that will kickstart the plot, Pikachu lives in Valleytown the capital of the Kel Dynasty, and at some point in the campaign, meets up with Decidueye (It doesn't have to be right now). Describe the event that kickstarts the plot and if any of our current Pokemon roster would be involved in said event.
  1. Archeops: Unova good
  2. Propobass: Funny nose but its also interesing
  3. Onix moment.

Rock-Type Elite mon:
Pokemon Name: Kleavor
Pokedex Number:
Generation: VIII
Typing: Bug/Rock

He was a boss in his own game after all, I think he can work very well in this job. It could boost his offensive with Sword Dance and use his exclusive attack Stone Axe that will not only provoke a lot of damage but it would also inflict a DPS effect that would damage the Pokémon while moving. Another moves are Air Slash and X-Scissors. While his damage output is amazing he lacks defense (weird for a Rock-Type but still), his speed is also average, isn't the slowest Pokémon but the movement isn't the best.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
  1. Archeops: Unova good
  2. Propobass: Funny nose but its also interesing
  3. Onix moment.

Rock-Type Elite mon:
Pokemon Name: Kleavor
Pokedex Number:
Generation: VIII
Typing: Bug/Rock

He was a boss in his own game after all, I think he can work very well in this job. It could boost his offensive with Sword Dance and use his exclusive attack Stone Axe that will not only provoke a lot of damage but it would also inflict a DPS effect that would damage the Pokémon while moving. Another moves are Air Slash and X-Scissors.
Voting will start in an hour or roughly more


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Voting is over

Archeops has won the Rock-Type playable character job and I just want to say that this is possibly the best idea for a personality I've had. Archeops' signature in-game ability is Defeatist meaning that its attack gets ahlved under half hp. This can be showcased in Archeops personality himself, being blustery at first but later showing to be an extreme coward under pressure. Due to this, he can have an arc where he starts out as a so called fake hero and later becomes a real hero after gaining some confidence and a backbone. This could even make good protagonist material so would people like Archeops to have his own campaign.

Tell me your opinion on this idea.

Vote for your top 3, you may vote for your own in 2nd or 2rd place.

Job 18
View attachment 354908
Armoldo is a fossil Pokemon from Gen III. It would be pretty intimidating to fight due to its size. It can use X-Scissor to slash at foes from up close, Rock Throw to bean people from a distance, and Bug Bite to grab opponents. It can also use Rock Polish to speed itself up and remove status effects. It is best to attack from afar using projectiles and attacks that cause confusion, among other strategies.

Job 19
So, I think Pikachu has a job as a delivery boy. Being experienced with delivering packages he is quite well known around town. His boss would be a grizzled old Delibird who collects packages from all around the region and orders his workers to transport them. Pikachu is one such worker, he was ordered by Delibird to deliver a strange package to the lord of the Kel Dynasty with his partner Stantler. However they both dropped the package and Pikachu accidentally opened it, this package then exploded which damaged a part of Valleytown, Stantler then blamed Pikachu for it and he has a due of Taurus try to arrest him. After defeating them Pikachu flees from Valleytown and is now in the wilderness as a fugitive.
1. Archeops. I think Fossil Pokemon would be a fascinating inclusion into something like this, and I really like the idea of his moveset overall. That's all.
2. Larvitar. Very... unexpected, I'll say, but I really like the personality you suggested! That alone really brought this tiny terror up my list.
3. Onix. I think the idea of "massive rock serpent" would just be incredibly fun.

Job #18:
Pokemon Name: Bastiodon
Pokedex Number:
Generation: IV
Typing: Rock/Steel

I think Bastiodon would fit well as, well, the Elite Pokemon. The design just... fits by nature. Essentially, Bastiodon has incredibly high defense, but only from the front. Attacking its front would do next to nothing - but you're rewarded for evading it's attacks and counterattacking on its sides and back, which are much less defended overall. In terms of actual attacks, we'd keep it relatively simple - charging attacks like Heavy Slam, perhaps, and maybe Ancient Power befitting its nature as a Fossil Pokemon - providing it at least a little control from a distance. However, the main focus of this Elite Pokemon lies in defending.

Job #19:

Pikachu, I imagine, is kind of just swept into a larger conflict. Originally living in a smaller village on the outskirts of the Kel Dynasty, Pikachu is heading toward Valleytown after his father instructed him to take a mysterious package to Valleytown's mayor. However, he's attacked on the way there by a troupe of mysterious Pokemon, though he's rescued just in time by a wandering traveller - specifically, Decidueye. Whilst they split up afterward, it turns out Decidueye also has business in Valleytown and they meet up there as well.

When the mayor of Valleytown sees the package, he seems visibly concerned, but chooses not to reveal to the relatively young Pikachu exactly what it is. He simply takes it away, and it's briefly suggested that things might be going back to normal. However, as the sun begins to set, he's suddenly approached by a mysterious, and slightly unsettling, acrobatic dancer and her troupe...
Job 18: Rhyperior
View attachment 354957

Rhyperior as an Elite would be one heck of a hard hitter. Using Earthquake, it would stomp its foot and damage within a decently large vicinity of itself caused by the shockwave. It would use Rock Wrecker to hit from afar (It doesn't carry as far as other projectiles, but goes decently far), and Megahorn to ram into opponents. It would use an attack similar to Hammer Arm up close to damage targets right next to it, having some wind up prior to it. Rhyperior resists most head on attacks and punishes attempts, requiring striking from afar, which Rhyperior is heavily susceptible to. It has extremely good resistance to Electric based attacks, but has extreme vulnerability to Water and Grass based attacks.
Job 19: Pikachu's Start
Living in the Kelden Dynasty in a more remote border village, Pikachu is a young upbeat boy not worried about what life has to offer yet. One day, whilst wandering in the woods, he spots some soldiers from the Cobal Republic heading towards his village. Rushing back, he tells the town elder and his father, Raichu, of the soldiers. Raichu tells Pikachu to get aid from a nearby outpost, and gives Pikachu his Light Ball. Pikachu goes to get help, and at the outpost finds it mostly deserted, as most all had left to deal with issues elsewhere. The lone soldier there, Charizard, a laidback and lazy yet powerful soldier, does not wish to help, and tells Pikachu to head back home as it's nothing. Pikachu rushes back home to report the news, but finds his village destroyed and the soldiers gone. Raichu, lying nearby, tells Pikachu of what happened, but the soldiers arrive before he can finish and Pikachu is forced to flee. He flees to the outpost as the soldiers advance on him, forcing Charizard to help him.

Prompt voting

Glubbfubb Glubbfubb
KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99
Pokelego999 Pokelego999
Vote for your top 2 favorite prompts, you may vote for your own in 2nd place.

Job 20
Submit the Capital for the Terak Empire
Despite its name, the Terak Empire is actually a more democratically goverened nation. They have elections, a banking system, and senates. They live around a desolate wasteland but though advancmeents in technology they manage to create a very fertile agriculte industry. Despite this the place isnt a utopia as the Terak Empire is prone to bouts of corruption in the senates and bank fraud, the latter is escepcially more heavy in foreign nations leaving them very unpopular in the economic side of things. These factors should be reflected into their captial city, submit a captial for the Terak Empire and desribe its appearance, culture, known landmarks, and other businesses.

Job 21
Submit a Poison-Type Playable Pokemon
Submit a Poison-Type Pokemon that will act as a playable character, submit their potential lore and personality, gameplay concepts, and other information. As an added note due to Poison being a common status ailment this Pokemon should give a good spin on the poisoning mechanic in their gameplay, so as a result I encourage more unique submissions, no pressure though, just a suggestion. Also no Ultra Beasts and Legendaries as usual.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job 20
Kion is a large duplex of political discourse and discussion. Due to being situated the closest to the border of the Terak Empire Kion is also a hub for trade and internation communication. The senate hall is the main duplex of the Terrak Empire where its the only place where all of the regions diplomats can speak with each other safely, not that that is saying much. The city around Kion is built to accommodate many different Pokemon types despite the harsh weather, from a large canal for swimming Pokemon, an open sky area for flying Pokemon, and many grab areas for climbing Pokemon. Due to being situated so close the border Kion unfortunately has the reputation of being a den for smugglers and fugitives, perfect for a certain Electric Rodent to hide out.

Job 21


This was a difficult choice between her and Galarian Slowking. Both choices have their merits to me with Slowking having arcane powers, but from a gamplay and lore standpoint Salazzle has some advantages.

Salazzle is known for three things, leading a gang of Salandits like a criminal organization, having pheromones' that can hyponotise anyone into her servitude, and her signature Corrosion ability which can poison the unpoisonable Steel-Types. From there Salazzle can have some unquie roles in the story. I could her as THE crime lord of the Minas region, using her Salandits to shake down anyone in her grasp and hiring assasins (Including potentialy two grass-type assasins we may know) to slay those she don't like. However due to the politcal red tape some people willingly work for Salazzle running various operations such as smuggling and extortion. In exchange Salazzle can offer her personal protections and give vital information and those that have close ties to Salazzle say she has a motherly demeanor to her opperations, she is ruthless yes but she isn't a monster and has some personal attachments as well that she likes to protect. In gameplay Salazzle would use her corrosion and charming abilities, her corrosion has the unique ability to melt armored areas and reveal weakpoints, futher more due to being a Fire type Salazzle could also create smoke that act as good AOE damage. She can also charm opponents to fight by her side as soldiers, or absorb their fighting spirit to heal herself. So we have loads of potential for the character both in gameplay and lore.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
  1. Rhyperior (An elite must be menacing imo and I think this Pokémon is really menacing)
  2. Kleavor (When the bias)
  3. Bastiodon (Same reasons has Rhyperior but I consider it less menacing than the former)
Poison-Type Mon:

Pokemon Name: Toxtricity
Pokedex Number:
Generation: VIII
Typing: Electric/Poison

One of the fan favorites new Pokémon from Galar, Toxtricity would be a very cool Pokémon due the curious combination of types, the fact that his moves should represent their rock/punk appearence and the posibility to use the Amped and Low Key forms has a stance (true that we already have a stance character in the form of Vespiqueen but I don't see have some more a problem), what that would give it's what I don't end to considerate tbh, maybe in Amped he is faster and more damage-dealer but with thin-paper defense meanwhile the Low Key is the opposite?
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Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Voting is over

Archeops has won the Rock-Type playable character job and I just want to say that this is possibly the best idea for a personality I've had. Archeops' signature in-game ability is Defeatist meaning that its attack gets ahlved under half hp. This can be showcased in Archeops personality himself, being blustery at first but later showing to be an extreme coward under pressure. Due to this, he can have an arc where he starts out as a so called fake hero and later becomes a real hero after gaining some confidence and a backbone. This could even make good protagonist material so would people like Archeops to have his own campaign.

Tell me your opinion on this idea.

Vote for your top 3, you may vote for your own in 2nd or 2rd place.

Prompt voting

Glubbfubb Glubbfubb
KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99
Pokelego999 Pokelego999
Vote for your top 2 favorite prompts, you may vote for your own in 2nd place.

Job 20
Submit the Capital for the Terak Empire
Despite its name, the Terak Empire is actually a more democratically goverened nation. They have elections, a banking system, and senates. They live around a desolate wasteland but though advancmeents in technology they manage to create a very fertile agriculte industry. Despite this the place isnt a utopia as the Terak Empire is prone to bouts of corruption in the senates and bank fraud, the latter is escepcially more heavy in foreign nations leaving them very unpopular in the economic side of things. These factors should be reflected into their captial city, submit a captial for the Terak Empire and desribe its appearance, culture, known landmarks, and other businesses.

Job 21
Submit a Poison-Type Playable Pokemon
Submit a Poison-Type Pokemon that will act as a playable character, submit their potential lore and personality, gameplay concepts, and other information. As an added note due to Poison being a common status ailment this Pokemon should give a good spin on the poisoning mechanic in their gameplay, so as a result I encourage more unique submissions, no pressure though, just a suggestion. Also no Ultra Beasts and Legendaries as usual.



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