Smash Champion
Job #15:So I geuss Dynamaxing wont be included, in all honesty that is fare it was too overpowed in my opnion in its home game.
Anyway vote for an Elite Normal Type
Hisuin Zoroak
Vote for your top 2, you may vote for your own in 2nd place.
Anyway Slaking won the Normal Type Job, a very good choice with a lot of good moveset potential, story-wise I could see him as a trickster mentor of sorts using his laziness to stealth teach his pupils about concentration and patience. I also like how Slaking fits what I want more of, a slow tanky Pokemon. Due to him being a Normal Type I can see him use his usual aresenal of Brick Break, Slack Off, Sucker Punch and Magnitude, among other movesInfinity Sorcerer due to the uniqueness of his move set could you design what you picture his moveset would be due to his gimmick potentially being difficult to work around for others.
Valleytown is also the capital of the Kel Dynasty, another good choice.
Now onto greener pastures, figuratively and literally.
Job 15
Submit a Bug-Type Pokemon
Like Normal Types, Bug Types tend to be overlooked, but here we have the opportunity to select one for our next playable character. Last time the Ultra Beast Buzzwhole was the Bug Type rep, so to be more different, Ultra Beasts are banned for this job alongside the normal Legendaries and Mythicals, regional forms are okay however. Submit a Bug-Type and tell us how it may play and why it could be included, maybe incldue a potential personality as well.
Job 16
Submit the capital of the Colonies of Viriz
The Colonies of Viriz is a pacifist nation, being neutral in all conflicts, but their distinct culture gives them a divisive reputation that makes them very difficult to deal with. Beliving that their nation consists of all natural sites they are very protective of nature and will severely beat anyone who dares harm the forests of their territory. That would seep into their capital, at first looking tranquil but hiding a dark underbelly. Submit what you would think would be the capital city of the Colonies of Viriz, describe any crucial landmarks and businesses this town may have.
Pokemon Name: Vikavolt
Pokedex Number: #738
Generation: VII
Typing: Bug/Electric
I came close to submitting Scizor... but I think having too many rushdown characters would devalue the archetype a little, so I instead submitted a glass ****ing railgun. Essentially, I picture Vikavolt's gameplay differing significantly from other Pokemon in the game, mostly due to the fact that their most powerful attacks by far are... directly in front of them. Whether that be the use of X-Scissor with its powerful mandibles directly in front of it, or in the form of Zap Cannon decimating crowds when fired from its railgun-like moth, Vikavolt is a frighteningly powerful, but precise, character to play. You need to be perfectly positioned in order to be most effective, but you're rewarded with some frighteningly powerful options.
This extends to their movement too. Vikavolt is able to fly at incredible speeds and relies primarily on agility to position itself well enough to function in incredibly dense environments, but due to being a... bug, it's pretty light too.
I also think a very unique ability for Vikavolt could be using its pre-evolution in a unique way. Canonically, Vikavolt is able to clasp Charjabug with its legs and use the Pokemon as a battery of sorts. Whilst Vikavolt is able to create electricity with a gland inside its body, Charjabug would make its electric-typed attacks significantly more powerful... at the cost of speed and agility. After all, Vikavolt is now carrying around a whole other Pokemon, so this sacrifice in speed for power, as well as having to monitor the "charge" of Charjabug would make them a very unique character to play as.
Job #16:
Thinking along the lines of a dichotomy between Bug-types and Flying-types, I was somewhat inspired by of all places - Midgar. Essentially, there's a dense and incredibly well-packed forest, but the whole thing happens to be on top of a plateau. Said plateau is essentially a giant rock, under which a lot of the Bug-types live - whereas the Flying-types generally live atop the trees in the forest. This often leaves Grass-types close to the ground, but due to the sheer age of the rock, there's quite a lot of holes in it that can make traversal on the ground very precarious.
Whilst the underground is surpisingly built-up in a shantytown sort of way, looking almost like a slum, the tops of the trees are built with incredibly ornate but simplistic structures not unlike that of the Rito Village in Breath of the Wild. The ground level, however, has little more than a few huts to call home.
Interestingly, this creates a dichotomy between the different groups of Pokemon present. The true "pacifists" are actually the Grass-types on the ground level, because the Bug-types are willing to defend their home tooth and nail, but are unwilling to leave their home due to the threats outside, and the Flying-types act as an almost police state, violently attacking usurpers and Pokemon who seek to "disturb the peace." Essentially, each "level" observes the concept of "pacifism" in a different way.
In terms of the name, I think it'd be colloquially called "Horizon" by the Pokemon above the rock, but the slums below are generally referred to as just "The Rock."
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