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Pokemon characters for SSB4

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Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2013
It would but the movie is coming out in July for Japan. So unless the reveal trailer comes out with them in it soon...(which I personally don't think mewtwo or genesect would be in the first trailer) its not going to be a great advertisement for the movie.
You're right, actually. Though I guesswhat I emant was they would generally promote each other; people would recognise Geesect from Smash and want to see the movie, or know from the movie and want it in Smash.
But I don't think the fact that the movie's only coming in July is a problem at all, Lucario's movie came out in 2005. It's more of a case of will ayone get a movie between this one and smash that's as applicable to Smash?
Not that I even support Gensect :D Just think he's quite likely.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013

  1. His level of popularity is reaching that of Lucario. This applies for game, merchandise, Anime, and the newest movie.
  2. Due to the previous reason, there is no way Pokemon company wouldn't have told Sakurai to add Genesect. It's obvious they plan for him to have the same popularity and he's already gotten quite a bit.
It's the most logical choice
along with Mewtwo.


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
What's to assume there is going to be 5 Pokemon reps this time around? :ohwell: Wouldn't it be too much, especially in case of other series needing to be introduced and/or other series needed better representation (cough, METROID, cough)? I mean, I LOVE Pokemon, but I don't know about THAT many reps Pokemon needs. But, let's say there ARE 5 reps...

If anything, I predict:
1. Pikachu (obviously)
2. Jigglypuff (ugh :urg: but what choice do I have...)
3. Pokemon Trainer
4. Mewtwo (or Newtwo)
5. I'm still deciding on Zoroark/Genesect

Honestly, I'd rather have Jiggles canned for another Pokemon, but that's just me.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
What's to assume there is going to be 5 Pokemon reps this time around? :ohwell: Wouldn't it be too much, especially in case of other series needing to be introduced and/or other series needed better representation (cough, METROID, cough)? I mean, I LOVE Pokemon, but I don't know about THAT many reps Pokemon needs. But, let's say there ARE 5 reps...

If anything, I predict:
1. Pikachu (obviously)
2. Jigglypuff (ugh :urg: but what choice do I have...)
3. Pokemon Trainer
4. Mewtwo (or Newtwo)
5. I'm still deciding on Zoroark/Genesect

Honestly, I'd rather have Jiggles canned for another Pokemon, but that's just me.
Jigglypuff... You either love him or hate him :p


Banned via Administration
Jul 26, 2013
God's Green Earth
Eh, it might come across as a little... gay... for Jigglypuff to be a male. I mean, it's possible, but just a little bit weird and strange... it's like a female Mr. Mime. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
Eh, it might come across as a little... gay... for Jigglypuff to be a male. I mean, it's possible, but just a little bit weird and strange... it's like a female Mr. Mime. :ohwell:
DO NOT COMPARE JIGGLYPUFF TO THAT FREAKY ABOMINAT- But frankly, if we can agree that Kirby is a guy to me there isn't that much that says that Jigglypuff can't be one. He'd be a prissy guy but still... A guy. Not every man has to be a burly bag of muscles chomping on children's tears :p


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
What's to assume there is going to be 5 Pokemon reps this time around? :ohwell: Wouldn't it be too much, especially in case of other series needing to be introduced and/or other series needed better representation (cough, METROID, cough)? I mean, I LOVE Pokemon, but I don't know about THAT many reps Pokemon needs. But, let's say there ARE 5 reps...

If anything, I predict:
1. Pikachu (obviously)
2. Jigglypuff (ugh :urg: but what choice do I have...)
3. Pokemon Trainer
4. Mewtwo (or Newtwo)
5. I'm still deciding on Zoroark/Genesect

Honestly, I'd rather have Jiggles canned for another Pokemon, but that's just me.
  • There's over 600 Pokemon, 5 is not too much at all and was the original plan for Brawl
  • Put in Genesect, Zoroaork is old news and Pokemon company is really pushing Genesect through game, anime, merchandise, and the new movie. Zoroark would just be another Lucario, just not as wanted or popular. If you ask me Genesect is the most likely Pokemon rep to appear besides Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2013
There's over 600 Pokemon, 5 is not too much at all and was the original plan for Brawl
Unfortunately that's the way it is. The roster is very limited because there are many characters to choose from, Sakurai also resorted to cutting characters off the roster to include other characters


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Unfortunately that's the way it is. The roster is very limited because there are many characters to choose from, Sakurai also resorted to cutting characters off the roster to include other characters
We have 6 Pokemon that are almost essential to representation and 5 was the plan for Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Cloud Cuckoo Land
I think that Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokemon Trainer (the way he is), Lucario, and Mewtwo are just fine. We have the Poke Balls for repping Pokemon. There are waaaaaay too many Pokemon to just throw them around willy nilly as playable characters.


Smash Cadet
May 19, 2013
I'd agree that Genesect is more likely than Zoroark. Zoroark is no longer the flavor of the month anymore. That's really all he had going for him, but Genesect took his place.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2013
We have 6 Pokemon that are almost essential to representation and 5 was the plan for Brawl.
As I said, character slots are very limited in the Smash series. Five Pokemons representatives are enough in my opinion. Can you mention are the "almost" essential 6 Pokemons representatives?


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
As I said, character slots are very limited in the Smash series. Five Pokemons representatives are enough in my opinion. Can you mention are the "almost" essential 6 Pokemons representatives?
new Mewtwo
PT kanto
PT Johto
and I gues Lucario cause hes popular


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
As I said, character slots are very limited in the Smash series. Five Pokemons representatives are enough in my opinion. Can you mention are the "almost" essential 6 Pokemons representatives?
  1. Pikachu
  2. Pokemon Trainer
  3. Mewtwo
  4. Genesect
  5. Lucario
  6. JigglyPuff

Swift Fox

Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2010
Pokémon Center
1. Pikachu - Veteran of all Smash, most iconic of Pokemon series
- - - -
2. Purin - Veteran of all Smash
3. P.T. - Hard to program all three starters to include in Smash, it will very likely not to get cut because of one most popular pokemon as the starter.
4. Lucario - He fits nicely into Smash as the other human/humanoid Smash fighters like Mario, Captain Falcon, Samus, and Fox, especially because of his fighting/steel type. He's still popular today and he got Brawl status.
5. Mewtwo - Melee veteran, missed Brawl status. He has good chance of returning due to popular demand and movie promote.
- - - -
6. Zoroark - While he could be in Smash, but he don't fit in the best as Smash fighter, plus he is not as popular as Lucario.
7. Genesect - It's like Deoxys to me. I wondered did Smash team ever considered Deoxys in previous Smash games? If not, it will likely goes the same to Genesect; not going to be in SSB4.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
My predictions:

Pikachu, as he was already revealed.

Pokemon Trainer: (as he is) He is not going ANYWHERE. Nor being replaced. Nor his pokemon changed. This isn't the "flavor of the week" character, this is the most important trainer in the franchise we're talking about here. The most recurring trainer, the one that has been in most game versions, the one flipping Ash Ketchum was based off, the one who kicked off the entire series, etc.
Also, with the " No cuts attempt rule", why on earth would Sakurai piss off fans of 4 characters at once by removing him?

Mewtwo: Without a shadow of a doubt, Mewtwo is returning. Possibly with his new form (and most likely "6th gen rep" while in new form).

Jigglypuff: For the sake of not cutting anyone. Even as a low priority character, she still managed to puff herself into Brawl.

Lucario: Priority will be most likely diminished, in danger of leaving for the new popular pokemon.

Genesect...? 50/50 from me.
I just don't see Genesect, Mewtwo with Awakened form AND Lucario in the same roster.
This is still Smash Bros, where there are still a LOT more franchises yet to be represented. Something that makes Sakurai stressed to the point it started affecting his own life...

And people still think Sakurai will care about the Generation of Pokemon that are represented as playable?

I think the guy has way more priorities than that, as far as character goes. He's most likely going to try and port over the Brawl Pokemon characters and MAYBE add one. N/Mewtwo or Genesect, make your pic, but I highly doubt both are getting in.

Anyway, my two cents. :3


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I don't think Sakurai cares about the generation of Pokemon, but I think that will matter in relation to the Pokemon that the Pokemon company recommends to Sakurai.

I think the Pokemon Trainer represent more than just Red; he represents an important concept in Pokemon: how humans interact with Pokemon. So while I don't think they will necessarily replace his pokemon with new pokemon, I could still see it happen.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Thinking it'll go something like this:

Pikachu > Pokemon Trainer > Mewtwo > Genesect = Jigglypuff > Lucario > Zoroark > Pichu > The rest

Genesect vs Jigglypuff depends on the remaining time. Genesect could potentially be rather unique by making use of the different drives, with a shiny genesect being the final smash.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Well, we all know Pikachu was already confirmed to be in.

I think possibly Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, a new Pokemon Trainer and perhaps a 6th gen Pokemon will be in SSB4.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2011
Staten Island
1. Pikachu ( The Most Popular Pokemon )
2. Jigglypuff ( Is still voted as one of the most popular pokemon, Also she helps Rep the new Fairy type being introduced in X & Y )
3. Charizard ( Literally the most popular Pokemon. He will Rep the Starters of the series. Hes easily the most popular one )
4. Mewtwo ( STILL voted as one of the most popular pokemon, He was number 2 be hide charizard for most popular pokemon. He will rep the Legandary Pokemon of the series, along with his new form (His final smash?) he also helps rep X & Y )
5. I simply think the last rep should be a popular pokemon, but a type that hasn't been playable yet. ( Grass, water, Rock, etc.)
My personal choice would be Gengar. People voted him the 17th most popular pokemon. He was the only Non Legandary in the top 20 besides Pikachu charizard Gyarados and Arcanine.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
I see a lot of people advocating Pokemon Trainer getting new Pokemon at his disposal to replace the three he already has. I can't be arsed to type it out again, so I'll just quote what I said in another thread:

I can't see them replacing Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon. Red was not put into the game to promote newer Pokemon games (FireRed and LeafGreen were already pretty old at the time), he was put in because Charizard and Red both frequently topped popularity polls, Red has appeared in every single generation of Pokemon so far, and despite how far Pokemon has come, those three starter chains are still some of the most iconic Pokemon to exist. Replacing him with some newer Pokemon Trainer and some newer Pokemon would be a cool idea for all of about a year after SSB4's release, but they wouldn't be enduring icons like Pokemon Trainer and his critters are.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Sakurai already chose Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard for Brawl. If he wanted to have a "multi-gen" pokemon trainer, wouldn't he have done that from the start? And not go with a SPECIFIC trainer with his SPECIFIC starters?

Just saiyan.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
Sakurai already chose Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard for Brawl. If he wanted to have a "multi-gen" pokemon trainer, wouldn't he have done that from the start? And not go with a SPECIFIC trainer with his SPECIFIC starters?

Just saiyan.
Plus, although I don't like the idea of changing the Pokemon Trainer at all, having him as a multi-gen rep is even worse than just updating him to, say, a 2nd gen or 5th gen trainer. Starter Pokemon come in sets, and have always been advertised and shown off in sets - you either show off one of each evolution chain (as they did with the first gen evolution chains and Pokemon Trainer) or you don't show off any. Putting, for example, Blaziken, Piplup and Bayleef would be dumb because it would be prioritizing one starter from each generation and rubbing the others in the mud. All three should come from the same generation - and that generation should be the first, for the reasons I've already stated.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
New York, New York
Speaking of a new Pokémon Trainer, am I the only one who thinks a Hoenn Trainer with Mudkip, Grovyle, and Blaziken would be GENIUS?!


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
Speaking of a new Pokémon Trainer, am I the only one who thinks a Hoenn Trainer with Mudkip, Grovyle, and Blaziken would be GENIUS?!
Yes, yes you are. There isn't room on the roster for two Pokemon Trainers and the idea of PT getting replaced with any other gen is ludicrous.

Not that you can't have your opinions though... I'd personally like a 2nd gen Pokemon Trainer but I've grown to accept that it would be a development nightmare and wouldn't be a good idea from either a business, representational or design perspective. :p


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
New York, New York
Yes, yes you are. There isn't room on the roster for two Pokemon Trainers and the idea of PT getting replaced with any other gen is ludicrous.

Not that you can't have your opinions though... I'd personally like a 2nd gen Pokemon Trainer but I've grown to accept that it would be a development nightmare and wouldn't be a good idea from either a business, representational or design perspective. :p
I only want them cuz Hoenn had my favorite starters but then again, Game Freak makes the calls on Pokémon reps so who knows what'll happen


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
I only want them cuz Hoenn had my favorite starters but then again, Game Freak makes the calls on Pokémon reps so who knows what'll happen
Game Freak doesn't necessarily make the call on Pokemon reps - Sakurai goes to them (well, the Pokemon Company actually, not Game Freak) for advice on what's the next 'hot' Pokemon. That's what he's said, at least. He's made no indication that they'd actively get him to remove veteran characters, just that he goes to them to hear about what's what with the newest Pokemon merchandise.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Not that you can't have your opinions though... I'd personally like a 2nd gen Pokemon Trainer but I've grown to accept that it would be a development nightmare and wouldn't be a good idea from either a business, representational or design perspective. :p
I'd like 2nd gen trainer also but there is a very small chance they will replace Kanto with Johto but its not likely

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Speaking of a new Pokémon Trainer, am I the only one who thinks a Hoenn Trainer with Mudkip, Grovyle, and Blaziken would be GENIUS?!

That would be terrible. What would Mudkip do? The N/S specials I can think of but what would he do for standard attacks? how would he play given he's light and slow? What would his recovery be?

Grovyle would work, kinda sheik like with bullet seed for Needle Storm, a more dash like Leaf Blade and Acrobatics (perhaps with a short glide) for recovery cover all his major moves, so it'd be cool to see.

As for Blaziken it'd be yet another fast fighter, giving him no defensive pokemon; he'd kinda work as a character with Sky Uppercut for recovery, Blaze kick as a side B (aimable up to 45 degrees below each side maybe?) and obvious normal moves, but that leaves the neutral special blank...

Overall I think if a Hoenn trainer happened Torchic/Marshtomp/Sceptile would make more sense in terms of moveset:

Torchic could play floaty (it's a bird) with multiple jumps (again, bird, flappy little wing puffs) and pecks and scratches for standard moves. The throws would be difficult, but the claws can hold things, with Pecking them to bits as the jab. The neutral special is obvious: Ember (little flames that continue to burn after use). Fire spin could be up B, as a slight recovery shooting him upwards? or bounce with less fire and a ground pound on fall?. The Side B is the hard one, with lots of options, sand attack (mashable longer range jab like?), mirror move (reflector), quick attack (space animals stylee); they all fit the move set, and could work in the game; it's hard, but I'd probs pick sand attack.

Marshtomp would be the heavy fighter, throwing out powerful attacks, even his projectiles. Powerful punches and kicks for standards, arms to grab, and some cool moves for specials: N: Water Gun; it's kinda a given for a water type, though I think in return Squirtle should get bubble to trip people. S: Mud Shot; a projectile that slows the hit target down and covers them in mud, helping you close distance and get powerful hits in. The recoveries the hard one; whirlpool perhaps, spinning upwards with it? I honestly don't know... The Up-B makes it hard, but it works a lot easier than mudkip.

Sceptile would be Grovyle above, but Sceptile instead.

It's still a push, but they at least all play differently, also different types at different stages makes it more interesting too, to stand alongside Kanto.

I'm gonna add my thoughts on other Gens too, just in cut down forms.
Johto: Chikorita/Quilava/Feraligatr

Sinnoh: Piplup/Grotle/Infernape
As for Unova Emboar makes the most sense for stage 3 (heavy), but I kinda like the idea of Serperior wrapping people up with his grabs, being fast and grab happy. Samurott wouldn't really work I don't think; nothing for grabs..

If Emboar were stage 3 it'd follow that:

If Serperior were stage 3:

Unova Trainer doesn't lend itself very well to smash bros.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
New York, New York
That would be terrible. What would Mudkip do? The N/S specials I can think of but what would he do for standard attacks? how would he play given he's light and slow? What would his recovery be?

Grovyle would work, kinda sheik like with bullet seed for Needle Storm, a more dash like Leaf Blade and Acrobatics (perhaps with a short glide) for recovery cover all his major moves, so it'd be cool to see.

As for Blaziken it'd be yet another fast fighter, giving him no defensive pokemon; he'd kinda work as a character with Sky Uppercut for recovery, Blaze kick as a side B (aimable up to 45 degrees below each side maybe?) and obvious normal moves, but that leaves the neutral special blank...

Overall I think if a Hoenn trainer happened Torchic/Marshtomp/Sceptile would make more sense in terms of moveset:

Torchic could play floaty (it's a bird) with multiple jumps (again, bird, flappy little wing puffs) and pecks and scratches for standard moves. The throws would be difficult, but the claws can hold things, with Pecking them to bits as the jab. The neutral special is obvious: Ember (little flames that continue to burn after use). Fire spin could be up B, as a slight recovery shooting him upwards? or bounce with less fire and a ground pound on fall?. The Side B is the hard one, with lots of options, sand attack (mashable longer range jab like?), mirror move (reflector), quick attack (space animals stylee); they all fit the move set, and could work in the game; it's hard, but I'd probs pick sand attack.

Marshtomp would be the heavy fighter, throwing out powerful attacks, even his projectiles. Powerful punches and kicks for standards, arms to grab, and some cool moves for specials: N: Water Gun; it's kinda a given for a water type, though I think in return Squirtle should get bubble to trip people. S: Mud Shot; a projectile that slows the hit target down and covers them in mud, helping you close distance and get powerful hits in. The recoveries the hard one; whirlpool perhaps, spinning upwards with it? I honestly don't know... The Up-B makes it hard, but it works a lot easier than mudkip.

Sceptile would be Grovyle above, but Sceptile instead.

It's still a push, but they at least all play differently, also different types at different stages makes it more interesting too, to stand alongside Kanto.
But, but.... IT'S MUDKIP!!! Besides those arguments against him are kinda disproven by Squirtle's moveset. Also he could use Muddy Water as a Recovery or Surf instead. Also he could use those fin...thingies on his head and tail to attack. As well as using full body attacks! Sorry I geeked out but Mudkip is my favorite starter! Your Torchic, Marshtomp, and Sceptile idea seems cool though! The reason I chose Mudkip, Grovyle, and Blaziken is that Mudkip is popular among many, Grovyle gained an important role in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and is also popular, and Blaziken is considered by many to be their favorite Fire/Fighting type!

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Squirtle's anime appearance set him up to be the character he is, all the spinny hydro pumping helped him become a fast character in brawl, although waterfall did kinda come from nowhere.. also the lack of skull bash :S (it was that line's exclusive back in the day). Squirtle at least has arms, his old signature headbutt, and has rapid spinning and his tail to work with.. Actually that's a fair bit when you think of it. Mudkip could be done, but it'd be a bigger stretch, and I don't see how he'd be useful (and I liek the guy too).

And yeah, I know the meme, and I'm aware of the popularity of Grovyle and Blaziken, but in a fighting game you have to look at move set viability, and I think a small change to other likable pokemon would add a lot more to smash. Though it's personal opinion; and either way I don't think it's very likely to have 2 pokémon trainers, Kanto is a lot more popular, and if another was added it'd only be Hoenn if a R/S remake was on the tables for fairly shortly after smash, and given X and Y coming just before it, I doubt that's happening.
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