Banned via Warnings
Well if you see here in Bulbapedia (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Magmar_(Pokemon), it clearly states that it seems to be a combination of a booby or duck and a mythical salamander... seeing as ducks spend most of their time on land (I don't think I've ever actually seen one fly, except on TV and movies) they could be grounded, as for aquatic considering its a fire type.... yeah I don't know where we're heading with that.How is Magmar/Magmotar a Grounded/Aquatic Bird?
Also, just noticed, but doesn't anybody think that Magmar also looks like a bit like a Flamenco dancer? I mean look at the spikes on its arms, it looks like one of them ruffled sleeve shirts that they put on... maybe it could have some sort of connection with the humonoid group of Pokemon maybe?
Also, Ditto is genderless... maybe he doesn't necessarily turn into the Pokemon itself, but more like a machine that enables the Pokemon to put the eggs, even if it IS not able to breed with others of its kind (I used the machine example because I couldn't think of anything better to use an analogy for)