This game is offcially CANCELED. I'm seriously disappointed by how little some of you people cared about this game after hyping it and signing up so quickly. Some of you made honest attempts to keep this game active but in the end over half of the game's roster was either inactive or couldn't be active enough [for whatever reason] to make things go smoothly. I could not replace all these people and if I only replaced the main offenders the game would've still run terribly slow and eventually I would've needed some more replacement anyway. So I'm drawing the line here and end this now.
Mission #1: Dreadful revival
This mission was about finding the rocket hideout and destroying it [Julius and Ryqyce] and catching the kidnapped Pokemon [Katalin]. Julius was Ryker and Ryqyce was Ronike. I'd like the thank both of you a lot for keeping an active game all the way through and I have full trust that you would've continued to be this commited. Apologies for canceling it now but if I ever host an adventure game again you will surely be two of the people that I will look out for first. In regards to the gameplay you were doing a good job and managed to keep a consistent pace ... had Katalin [Joey] been more active you may have been even more efficient but at that point you were strong contenders for finishing your mission quickly and get a good rating.
Joey, where have you gone? You started active but then disappeared and didn't even respond to the prod. Yet I've seen you post on the boards here and there so it can't be lack of access. What's the deal, man?
Mission #2: Killer in Red
Find & Catch the red gyarados ... would've been an interesting story. Glyph [Prof. Bookenlearn] did a good job at keeping his game active and Orboknown [John Storm] managed to keep it up as well. Honestly, I did not expect that considering either player's activity in mafia games but both surprised me in a very positive way. Not quite as active as Ryker & Ronike but still good enough to finish the mission in a reasonable amount of time and to get a good rating.
Redcell did not only contribute little to the actual gameplay but disappeared after only a handful of posts. And all that despite me reserving him a spot in the roster upon EE's vouching for him to care about Pokemon and Agames. In this case he completely failed to back these claims up.
Mission #3: Reach for the starts
John2K4 [Roger] and Gorf [Scotty] going on a journey to improve as trainers with Xonar [Gale] as tutor. The whole group was floating around in limbo between active and inactive. There were times when I had to push people in this group around to make posts and times when they started to do it on their own but overall this wasn't exactly the cream of the crop. I had to remind Xonar to post at least twice [once via Skype and once via PM prod] and in the end he was still the most active player in the group somehow. Add in Gorf consistently having his times of V/LA and John2k4 not being the greatest contributor in general and it all adds up to a groupd you'd need to push around consistently to get things going.
Mission #4: The source of all power
Infiltrate the power plant and do your dirty business there. Believe it or not but JTB [Sho] was the most active player of the bunch and considering he's not that active in games in general that should tell you a lot about this group's activity. I can't really blame JTB for not being super-active - he did make honest efforts to keep his game alive but it was in vain because August [Raziek] and Isaac [Kantrip] did nothing - and I mean nothing - to give him any kind of support. Raziek probably made only 3 posts at best before asking for a replacement and Kantrip didn't do a lot more. For comparison: By the time I canceled this game dreadful revival had 83 posts, killer in red had 75, reach for the starts had 53 and source of all power had a mere 30 - and this includes ~10ish posts by the mod and about the same amount - maybe a bit more - by JTB. That means the other two players share a grand total of ten posts at best. Why should I deal with this?
In the end Ryker, Ronike, Glyph and Orbo were the only people that really managed to contribute consistently and reliably, with JTB making honest attempts to keep his part of the story alive. Joey, Redcell, Kantrip and Raziek were almost completely inactive and Gorf, john2k and Xonar were semi-[in]active. That's 7 / 12 people that showed no attempt to keep this game's activity up to a decent standard. 7 / 12 is also way too much to make up for with a handful of replacements.